翻訳/3601-3700 page/3691

Last-modified: 2009-01-15 (木) 23:38:03

KEY: <%person#1-I> have to say that we simply don't get on[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288761: まったく気が合わないと言わざるを得ないでしょうね

KEY: We try to stay out of each other's way[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288762: お互いに関わらないようにしているんです

KEY: <%person#1-I> feel we have a good understanding[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288763: 良く理解しあっていると思います

KEY: We have a strong understanding and a great mutual respect for each other[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288764: 強い理解と、お互いに対する大きな敬意があります

KEY: It's not a dream but it's hardly a pain either[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288765: 夢ではありませんが、苦痛でしかないというわけでもないですよ

KEY: <%person#1-I> wouldn't go as far as saying it's a dream job[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288766: 夢の仕事とまでは言えませんね

KEY: <%person#1-I> don't think it's appropriate to discuss whether this job is a dream or not[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288767: この仕事が夢かどうかを議論するのは、ここでは相応しくないと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> am pleased to have the chance to work here[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288768: ここで働く機会を得たことを嬉しく思っています

KEY: <%person#1-I> am absolutely delighted to be hired, it really is a dream come true[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288769: 雇っていただいたことに本当に大喜びしていますし、まさに夢が実現したと言えます

KEY: <%person#1-I> am a bit of a wheeler-dealer, <%person#1-I> look for bargains and free players[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288770: 私はどちらかというとしたたかな商売人で、安売りの選手やフリーの選手を探しますよ

KEY: <%person#1-I> will try to make sure any signings are considered and well thought out[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288771: どんな契約でも熟慮し、考え抜いていきたいと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> wouldn't say there's any one particular tendency <%person#1-I> have[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288772: 特別にどうしたいということは言わないでおきます