翻訳/3601-3700 page/3694

Last-modified: 2009-01-12 (月) 21:13:16

KEY: <%person#1-I>'m not willing to discuss tactics[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288797: 戦術を議論するつもりはありません

KEY: <%person#1-I> think it would be careless discussing tactics[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288798: それは戦術を喋ってしまうことになりますね

KEY: <%person#1-I> don't want to give any indication as to our tactical approach[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288799: 我々の戦術的アプローチについては何もヒントを与えたくないんです

KEY: We will look to attack with some considered style[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288800: 方法をよく考えたうえで攻撃的にいきたいと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> will be looking for sensible attacking play[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288801: かなり攻撃的にいこうと思っています

KEY: <%person#1-I> will favour an attack-minded approach[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288802: 攻撃に重点を置いたアプローチを心掛けていくつもりです

KEY: We will be trying our hardest to dominate as much as possible[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288803: できるだけゲームを支配することに全力を尽くすつもりです

KEY: <%person#1-I> will tell the lads not to hold back at all[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288804: 絶対に下がるなと連中に言っておくつもりです

KEY: <%person#1-I> am a pupil of the 'score one more than you' school[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288805: 「撃ち合い」は私の信念です

KEY: To be honest I don't rate <%male#2-surname> at all[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288806: 正直なところ、<%male#2-surname> は全く評価できません

KEY: <%person#1-I>'m not a fan of <%male#2>[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288807: 私は <%male#2> のファンではありませんよ

KEY: <%male#2-He> wouldn't feature too high on <%person#1-my> list of favourite players[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288808: 彼の選手としての評価は、私の中では決して高いものではありません