翻訳/3601-3700 page/3697

Last-modified: 2009-01-13 (火) 23:30:08

KEY: <%male#2> had a good solid game and <%person#1-I> expect to see more of the same[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288833: <%male#2> は充実した良い内容の働きができましたし、これぐらいのプレーをもっと見せてほしいと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> feel fairly satisfied with what <%person#1-I> saw today[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288834: 私が今日見たかぎりでは、かなり満足できると思います

KEY: <%male#2>{s} performance today was a joy to behold[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288835: <%male#2> の今日の出来は、見ていて楽しいものでした

KEY: <%person#1-I> thought <%male#2-surname> was impeccable today[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288836: 今日の <%male#2-surname> には非の打ち所がなかったと思います

KEY: <%person#1-I> was extremely impressed with <%male#2-his> performance[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288837: 彼のパフォーマンスには非常に感銘を受けています

KEY: <%person#1-I> hate penalty shootouts and was incredibly nervous[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288838: PK戦は嫌いなので、信じられないほど緊張しましたよ

KEY: <%person#1-I> will be honest and say <%person#1-I> was fairly nervous[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288839: 正直に言わせてもらえば、かなり緊張しましたね

KEY: <%person#1-I> can't say there was a particular feeling beforehand[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288840: 特別な感情があったとは言えないですね

KEY: <%person#1-I> always felt confident going into this situation[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288841: こうした状況にはいつも自信を持って臨めています

KEY: <%person#1-I> was pretty calm and confident going into the shootout to be honest[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288842: 正直なところPK戦にはかなり自信があって、落ち着いていられますね

KEY: <%person#1-I> won't hide the fact it makes things harder[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288843: 難しくなるという事実は隠しようがありませんね