翻訳/3601-3700 page/3698

Last-modified: 2009-01-13 (火) 23:50:48

KEY: It's not the easiest thing in the world to have hanging over <%person#1-you>[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288844: あなたたちにプレッシャーをかけられるというのは、まったく簡単なことではないですね

KEY: <%person#1-I> try not to think about things like that and focus on the job at hand[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288845: そういったことは考えないようにして、今ここにある仕事に集中していくつもりです

KEY: <%person#1-I> understand the pressure in this job and hope to thrive under it[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288846: この仕事の重圧は理解していますし、その中で成長していきたいと考えています

KEY: <%person#1-I> can't say pressure ever gets to me at all[COMMENT: press_conference; very positive answer to question]
STR-288847: 私はプレッシャーなんて全く感じないんですよ

KEY: <%person#1-I> don't agree with that view at all[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288848: その見方には全く同意できません

KEY: That's not an opinion that <%person#1-I> agree with[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288849: 賛成できる意見ではありませんね

KEY: <%person#1-I> reject that view completely[COMMENT: press_conference; very negative answer to question]
STR-288850: その見方には完全に反対です

KEY: <%person#1-I> don't think that I agree with that[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288851: 同意しかねますね

KEY: <%person#1-I>'m not too sure about that opinion[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288852: その意見はどうでしょう

KEY: It's not a view that <%person#1-I> would share[COMMENT: press_conference; negative answer to question]
STR-288853: 私も同じ見方だとは言えないですね

KEY: <%person#1-I> think that is a fair view[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288854: それはもっともな見方だと思いますよ

KEY: That is a fair opinion[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288855: それはもっともな意見です

KEY: <%person#1-I> can understand that view[COMMENT: press_conference; positive answer to question]
STR-288856: そうした見方は理解できます