翻訳/3701-3800 page/3718

Last-modified: 2009-04-09 (木) 04:37:08

KEY: At this time the board are only able to offer limited options for your wage and transfer budgets.[COMMENT: START_OF_SEASON_EXPECTATION_NEWS - board are limiting budget increases at the start of the season]
STR-289067: At this time the board are only able to offer limited options for your wage and transfer budgets.[COMMENT: START_OF_SEASON_EXPECTATION_NEWS - board are limiting budget increases at the start of the season]

KEY: <%club#2> are rumoured to be interested in the player.[COMMENT: transfer_bio; news_item]
STR-289068: <%club#2> がその選手に関心を持っていると噂されています[COMMENT: transfer_bio; news_item]

KEY: No offers for <%male#1-surname><COMMENT: NO_INTEREST_IN_PROPOSAL_NEWS; headline>
STR-289069: <%male#1-surname> へのオファーなし<COMMENT: NO_INTEREST_IN_PROPOSAL_NEWS; headline>

KEY: Question <%number#1> of <%number#2>[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_HISTORY; question select label]
STR-289070: 質問 <%number#1> / <%number#2>[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_HISTORY; question select label]

KEY: Question:[COMMENT: press_conferences; tag to indicate the current question of a total, example Question: 3 of 10]
STR-289071: 質問:[COMMENT: press_conferences; tag to indicate the current question of a total, example Question: 3 of 10]

KEY: {upper}<%person#1-surname> was apparently incensed by the question and ended the press conference early.[COMMENT: press conference; manager stormed out]
STR-289072: {upper}<%person#1-surname> はどうやら質問によって激怒して、早く記者会見を終わらせました[COMMENT: press conference; manager stormed out]

KEY: Answer:[COMMENT:press conference history; heading]
STR-289073: 回答:[COMMENT:press conference history; heading]

KEY: <%person#1-surname> added, "<%string#1>"[COMMENT: human can write own text, it is displayed here]
STR-289074: <%person#1-surname> は "<%string#1>" と付け加えました[COMMENT: human can write own text, it is displayed here]

KEY: A Journalist[PRESS_CONFERENCE; journalist title for when we can't use real names]
STR-289075: 記者[PRESS_CONFERENCE; journalist title for when we can't use real names]

KEY: None of the below[COMMENT: press conference answer popup button]
STR-289076: 下記にはない[COMMENT: press conference answer popup button]

KEY: Select Answer...[COMMENT: press conference answer popup button]
STR-289077: 回答を選択...[COMMENT: press conference answer popup button]

KEY: Pre-match: <%team#1-short> vs. <%team#2-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]
STR-289078: 次の試合 : <%team#1-short> 対 <%team#2-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]

KEY: Post-match: <%team#1-short> <%scoreline#1-current_opposition_normal> <%team#2-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]
STR-289079: 前の試合 : <%team#1-short> <%scoreline#1-current_opposition_normal> <%team#2-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]

KEY: New Signing: <%male#1>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]
STR-289080: 新たな契約 : <%male#1>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]

KEY: New Job: <%team#1-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]
STR-289081: 新たな仕事 : <%team#1-short>[COMMENT:Description of a press conference]

KEY: On <%date#1-long>, you responded to <%media_source#1> by saying, "<%string#1>." You also commented, "<%string#2>."
STR-289082: <%date#1-long> に <%media_source#1> の取材に対し "<%string#1>" と話しました。 さらに "<%string#2>" と付け加えました。