翻訳/3701-3800 page/3732

Last-modified: 2009-02-22 (日) 00:42:54

KEY: After talking things through with <%person#1-his> family over supper last night, <%person#1> has decided <%person#1-he> is to retire from football and spend more time on DIY projects and making up text for football games.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; non-player retiring>
STR-289252: 昨晩の夕飯時に家族と相談した結果 <%person#1> がサッカー界を引退し 日曜大工およびサッカー界のライターとしての活動に 専念すると決断したようです<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; non-player retiring>

KEY: <%person#1> has decided <%person#1-he> is to retire from football.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; non-player retiring>
STR-289253: <%person#1> がサッカー界からの引退を表明しました<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; non-player retiring>

KEY: <%club#1> manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from football after a long and glorious career which saw <%person#1-him> take charge of several different clubs.\n\nAfter announcing <%person#1-he> is to quit the sport <%person#1-surname> will justly claim to be one of the most successful managers of recent times, having led <%person#1-his> teams to a number of major trophies and won <%person#1-himself> many fans and admirers in the process.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>
STR-289254: <%club#1> manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from football after a long and glorious career which saw <%person#1-him> take charge of several different clubs.\n\nAfter announcing <%person#1-he> is to quit the sport <%person#1-surname> will justly claim to be one of the most successful managers of recent times, having led <%person#1-his> teams to a number of major trophies and won <%person#1-himself> many fans and admirers in the process.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>

KEY: <%club#1> manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from football after a long career which saw <%person#1-him> take charge of several different clubs.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>
STR-289255: <%club#1> manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from football after a long career which saw <%person#1-him> take charge of several different clubs.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>

KEY: <%club#1> manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from football after a long and glorious career.\n\n<%person#1-surname> won a number of top competitions during <%person#1-his> career and will retire in the knowledge that <%person#1-his> will be a lasting legacy to the fans of the clubs <%person#1-he> managed.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>
STR-289256: <%club#1> 監督の <%person#1> が長年に渡る輝かしい履歴に終止符を打ち サッカー界から引退すると表明しました\n\n複数のトップクラスの大会で優勝している <%person#1-surname> は監督を務めたクラブのサポーターたちの心に 大きな足跡を残すことでしょう<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>

KEY: <%club#1>{s} legendary manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from <%person#1-his> post having won virtually every competition available to <%person#1-him>.\n\n<%person#1>, who stands to receive an award for services to football at a dinner in <%person#1-his> honour, retires in the knowledge that <%person#1-his> will be a lasting legacy.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>
STR-289257: <%club#1>{s} legendary manager <%person#1> has decided to retire from <%person#1-his> post having won virtually every competition available to <%person#1-him>.\n\n<%person#1>, who stands to receive an award for services to football at a dinner in <%person#1-his> honour, retires in the knowledge that <%person#1-his> will be a lasting legacy.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>

KEY: <%club#1> manager <%person#1>, widely regarded as one of football's greatest figureheads, has decided to leave <%person#1-his> post at <%stadium#1> and retire from football.\n\n<%person#1-surname> leaves on a high, having dedicated a long and glorious career to the sport.<COMMENT - regeneration_news_items; manager retiring>
STR-289258: サッカー界の すばらしい指導者の1人として 広く知られている <%club#1> の <%person#1> 監督は <%stadium#1> の今の地位から引退することを決めました\n\n<%person#1-surname> は 長年にわたり サッカー界で 偉業を成し遂げ 全盛期のうちに 引退することになります