Past Release Note 過去のリリースノート

Last-modified: 2017-12-24 (日) 01:47:24

v0.3.7.5 (b30 hotfix 2) 2016/1/22


This is a small 5MB patch with no version number change.


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed a bug where Primal Strike would cost extra mana when using ranged weapons.

遠隔武器を使用した際に、プライマル ストライクが余分なエナジー消費を行っていたバグを修正。

Fixed a bug where Devestation would use extra mana with high cooldown reduction modifiers.


[Game] ゲーミング

To-hit forumula adjusted again. This time we're trying a hyrbid formula which draws part of its value from a tweaked original formula that is more linear, with a bit of more comparative equation for a slight diminishing return. The starting crit threshold has been redued. This should boost crit chance for everyone relative to the previous formula but relative to the older formula, it should be easier for builds with lower OA (unless its really bad) to hit and crit, while stacking OA will not get you to quite as high of a hit chance as it would previously. At this, this is the idea. I'm unleashing it in this hotfix because the past attempt fell flat and this can only be an improvement... but I'll also need feedback from a bigger pool of players to see if we're on the right track.

命中率を再調整。 今回は、イコール比較時を少々減少し、さらに線状になるよう調節。
これは全員にとって前より発生しやすくなるでしょうし、攻撃能力の低い (低すぎるのは流石にダメ) ビルドに優位に働き、以前より命中率が伸びやすいでしょう。

Difficulty has been adjusted to compensate for past changes to combat formula and attribute damage bonuses that inadvertently boosted enemy damage too high.


Loxmere Nightmage got nerfed a bit. Originally his energy burn was too punishing for casters but when we nerfed it, it took down his damage dealing too much. I then tried boost regular damage across his skills but I apparently got overzealous and didn't adequately test it. Disclaimer: I still haven't had a chance to test this hero personally, so hopefully this is better, if not, I'll do a more thorough balancing pass when I can.

ロクシミア ナイトメイジが少々Nerfされました。
しかしながら: 彼を変更する機会はあると思いますし、より良く (もしくはそうでないのかもしれないが)、できる限り調整を行っていきたいと思います。

Arcanist アルカニスト

Reduced %OA scaling on Inner Focus. We've made several other skill balancing changes but we're still selectively syncing because too much WIP content is checked into the build for a full sync. This was the only skill that seemed so bad it warranted a special sync for this hotfix, mainly because it's a one of the biggest, most accessible sources of OA, favored by crit-focused builds and I want to get more accurate feedback on the latest PTH formula changes.

イナー フォーカスの攻撃能力上昇スケールを減少。

v0.3.7.5 (b30 hotfix 1) 2016/1/16


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed an issue causing a crash when refreshing the internet server browser list.


Fixed a bug where the player could occasionally become stuck when picking up items.


Fixed a bug where the default camera zoom key would set the wrong zoom level.


[Game] ゲーミング

Run Speed cap bumped up to 135%


Reduced Offensive and Defensive ability scaling on Heroes and Bosses at higher levels


Probability To Hit formula adjusted. Equal OA / DA on an Attacker / Defender will result in a 90% chance to hit, up from 85%. The rate at which chance to miss or hit / crit increases as the difference in attack OA and defender DA grows has been reduced. Crit multiplier thresholds have been reduced so that they're about the same or not much harder to hit than before. The primary purpose of the change is to reduce the overall percentage of attacks that will crit, while still allowing for big crits, just less frequently. Another reason overall crit chance needed to come down is that +%crit dmg bonus from items has made it much more powerful to land any tier crit. For us to continue to allow big crit multipliers, the frequency of crits needed to be scaled back. This will also help lower OA builds more easily maintain a reasonable chance to hit since equal OA/DA chance is now 5% higher and chance to miss increases less quickly if you fall below that. Another positive side effect will be less crits / less severe crits from enemies in ultimate.

攻撃能力 vs 防御能力がイコールの時の命中率を85%から90%へ上昇。 攻撃・防御能力の差が開いた時の数値の伸びを軽減。
この調整の目的はクリティカル攻撃において、倍率をより平たくするため。 別の理由として、装備に付く+x% クリティカルの価値をより高めるため。
大ダメージを与えることの調整として、頻度を下げる必要がありました。 これは恐らく、攻撃能力の低いビルドにおいてより5%上昇の恩恵を受けることができるでしょう。

With the probability to hit formula adjustment, we will do a future pass to adjust OA / DA bonuses in devotions and possibly gear so that builds without skill based bonuses will have a little better access to OA and DA.

更に命中調整において、これから先星座や装備から得られる (スキル抜きの) 攻撃・防御能力ボーナスの待遇をもう少し良くするでしょう。

Cunning and Spirit damage bonus scaling has been increased by about 10% to give these stats a little more value in higher difficulties relative to physique.


Fixed an issue with the Avatar of Mogdrogen not spawning


Fixed certain cases that could cause the Bane of Cairn, Blood Harvest, Securing Burrwitch and The Warden quests to disappear from the player's quest log. Affected players should get their quest back if they visit the town hub that starts the quest.


Fixed an issue with the Bloody Pox skill not spreading

(オカルティスト)ブラディ ポックスが拡散しない問題を修正。

Fixed an issue with the Bounty for Bane'Gargoth not completing. This will cause your bounty for the Black Legion to reset if you are currently on it.

ベイン'ガルゴスのバウンティが完了できない問題を修正。これにより、現在受けているブラック リージョンのバウンティはリセットされます。

The Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil Nemesis bosses once again have a 100% chance to spawn but instead have chests with a reduced item drop rate compared to other Nemesis bosses


[Itemization] アイテム

Dismantling now has a small chance (higher with item quality) to generate Rate Crafting Materials (ex. Blood of Ch'thon) and a very low chance of generating a Skeleton Key.

解体でレア素材 (クトーンの血など) を低確率で手に入れることができるようになりました。更に超低確率で、スケルトン キーも出ます。

補足:解体はデビルズ クロッシングのダーレット (発明家) のところでできます

Added some spirit to the Beastcaller's Shroud and Shoulderpads to compensate for the removal of spirit from the Cowl


Bonescavenger's Deathgrips: increased damage and speed of the Bound Spirits. Bound Spirits are also now nearly impervious to damage, but generate minimal threat.

ボーンスカベンジャーズ デスグリップ : 束縛された魂のダメージと速度を上昇。束縛された魂は同時にダメージに鈍感になり、挑発します。

[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

Devotion 祈祷

Fixed Wendigo Totem not activating Guardian's Gaze and Falcon Swoop

ウェンディゴ トーテムが、守護者の凝視とハヤブサの強襲にアサインできなかった問題を修正。

Arcanist アルカニスト

Fixed the lack of scaling at ultimate ranks for Sphere of Protection

メイヴェンのスフィア オブ プロテクション: 最高ランクが欠損していた問題を修正。

b30 2016/1/14


v0.3.7.4 (b30)

***Please Note: due to changes in the Arcanist Mastery, the Reckless Power Transmuter (Unlimited Power) will be removed with Build 31. If you have any points in this skill, remove them prior to the February release, or else they will become lost to the Chthonic Void.***
***Due to changes to Devotion, you may need to reassign skills to certain Celestial Powers***

注意:アルカニストのレックレスパワーの変化スキル (アンリミテッド パワー) はb31で取り除かれます。

[Major New Features] 新機能

A tuning pass has been done on all Masteries to improve underperforming skills and general performance.


Added Devotion Shrine World Map icons. If you discover a shrine, but do not restore it, its location will be marked on the world map. When you restore the shrine, it will be checked off.


[Animation] アニメーション

Added a new animation for Flame Breath skill from the Mask of Infernal Truth item

マスク オブ インファーナル トゥルースのスキル、炎の息吹に新たなアニメーションを追加しました。

Added a new animation for Shadowflame skill from the Shadowflame Mantle item

シャドウフレイム マントのスキル、シャドウフレイムに新たなアニメーションを追加しました。

[Art] 美術

Updated the artwork for Cairn's world map.


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed a crash when opening the options menu on a system with no detectable network adapters.


Fixed full component stacks creating duplicate full stacks when auto completing components.


Fixed certain blueprints that would not work properly with different level Monster Infrequent items.


Fixed shrine offerings that would use multiples of the same item.


Completed Component icons are now more distinct compared to Partial Components.


Skill modifiers that require specific weapon types will no longer be applied ife the appropriate weapons are not equipped, which could cause a loss of damag (ex. Tremor Transmuter).

特定武器を要求される強化スキルでそれを装備していない場合、スキルは適用されなくなります。 (例: トレマー)


Fixed conversion on buffs not being included in DPS comparison calculations.


Fixed secondary pet skills overwriting Celestial powers attached to base pet skills.


Holding CTRL while comparing weapon DPS will now also hide augments.


Fixed buffs/debuffs created from Celestial Powers not using their appropriate level.


[Game] ゲーミング

The Final Boss encounter has received a tuning pass. On Normal/Veteran difficulty, the boss now summons chthonians with reduced frequency and the summons have less health. The Tentacle summons have had their health reduced and no longer cast additional Void Zones. The Void Zones last for a shorter duration. The amount of Chaos and Vitality damage dealt by the boss has been reduced. On Elite/Ultimate difficulty, the boss has received a slight damage bonus on several of its abilities and some of its spawns are now more dangerous. On all difficulties: diversified the damage dealt by the boss's summons so that a more general spread of resistances will be required rather than stacking Chaos and Vitality resistance. The boss's Chaos Barrage now deals a combination of Fire and Chaos damage, instead of Vitality and Chaos damage. The area in front of the boss has been slightly enlarged and more pets can now target it at the same time.

触手召喚は触手のヘルスが減り、追加のVoid Zone (地面設置攻撃) を生成しなくなります。
Void Zoneはその効果時間が短くなります。
ボスのカオス バラージ (弾幕) は生命力・カオスに代えて、火炎・カオスダメージになります。

Added an additional chest to the Final Boss as reward for overcoming the challenge


Ultimate difficulty enemy OA / DA scaling reduced. Enemy life and damage bonuses reduced. Slight adjustments to Ultimate as well.


Destroying the 3 Blood Wagons now opens the Final Crypt permanently. It is now possible to destroy the Blood Wagons across multiple sessions for the quest without having to destroy all 3 again.


It is no longer possible to open riftgates within the chamber of the final boss, but a shortcut now opens to the area upon defeating Bloodlord Thalonis which takes you to and from the tomb entrance.

最終ボス部屋でのリフトは開けなくなりますが、ブラッドロード タロニスの撃破時にショートカットが出現するようになります。

Legendary item drop rates have been adjusted based on difficulty. They are now significantly reduced on Normal/Veteran difficulty, remain the same as before on Elite difficulty, and have been increased by about 40% on Ultimate difficulty.


Special chests in Roguelike dungeons (ex. the big chest after the final boss) now have an increased chance of dropping Legendary items to equalize them with the effort required


Due to their comparably limited spawn locations (in relation to other Nemesis bosses), the Nemesis spawns for the Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil no longer have a 100% chance to appear


Epic item drop rates are now slightly increased on Elite difficulty, and then increased again on Ultimate difficulty.


Fixed an issue with the Bane of Cairn quest not rewarding a Legendary item if the player was too low level to receive one. The list of Legendary items you can receive from this quest has been reduced.


Slightly increased drop rate of Manticore Eye from Boss and Hero Manticores. Doubled the drop rate from Champion Manticores.


The Avatar of Mogdrogen is now easier on Normal difficulty, but instead drops an Epic version of his unique shoulders. He will continue to drop the Legendary shoulders on Elite and Ultimate difficulty.


To help emphasize the function and relative power of each, "%Total Damage" and "Damage Modified by %" have been changed to "%All Damage" and "Total Damage Modified by %" respectively.

「+x% 総ダメージ」「x% ダメージ変化」がそれぞれ「+x% 全ダメージ」「x% 全ダメージ変化」になります。

Fixed an issue with shortcut rifts (ex. Obsidian Throne, Final Boss) disappearing if the area is unloaded


Increased spawns from Corrupted Devotion Shrines on Elite and Ultimate difficulty, with the exception of the Steps of Torment shrine, which had its armada of Bone Golems toned down


Increased the level gap between the player level and monster level before which rare crafting materials stop dropping by 10, making it feasible to farm up crafting materials on Elite before needing to move on to Ultimate.


Diversified damage dealt by Chthonian enemies so that they are not almost exclusively Chaos and Vitality damage


Reduced stun, freeze and other CC resists on heroes and bosses. Those without 100% resist will stay stunned, etc, a little longer, some of those that are immune have been brought lower, so that with resist debuffs, they can become stunnable, etc.


Player default Attack and Cast speed slightly increased


Loxmere Nightmade Energy Burn reduced and spawn set so that he will only appear at level 60+

ロクシミア ナイトメイジのエナジー燃焼攻撃は緩和され、さらに Lv60 以上の時のみ出現するようになります。

Fixed a potential cause of the Obsidian Gate past the Fields of Despair getting stuck in a visually locked position. If this issue persists, please report it as a new bug.


Fixed an issue with Nemesis Troves remaining locked if the associated Nemesis is killed while pulled far enough away from the chest for it to become unloaded


[Itemization] アイテム

Performed a sweep on Magical affix loot tables, pruning generally undesirable combinations by level 20-30. For example, Level 25+ Magic weapons will always roll something that increases damage. Magic Medals and Belts can now also roll % Damage bonuses.

マジックアイテムテーブルを一新し、望ましくないAffixの組み合わせを Lv20-30 において排除しました。
例えば、Lv25 以上のマジック武器は常に何らかのダメージ上昇ボーナスがロールされます。
マジックメダル及びベルトは、+x% ダメージボーナスがロールされるようになります。

Rare-quality item drop rates increased by 30% at level 55+ from all sources

Lv55 以上のレアアイテムのドロップ率を30%上昇しました。

Faction armor Augments can now also be applied to belts


Slightly increased shield Physique Requirements in the mid-levels


Shield Recovery Time on shield items increased by around 20%


Increased flat and % damage bonus values on all two-handed guns by 15%

両手武器および銃器のダメージ・+x% ダメージボーナスの値を15%上昇しました。

Increased the chance of rolling Rare affixes from crafting by 30% and the chance of crafting a double Rare by 25%


Rare - Squire's Handguards: replaced % Block Recovery with % Shield Damage Blocked

スクワイアズ ハンドガード : +x% ブロック回復 → +x% シールドダメージブロックに変更

Faction - Survivor's Resilience: replaced % Block Recovery with % Health

生存者の忍耐 : +x% ブロック回復 → +x% ヘルスに変更

Crafting - simplified the Blueprints for low level Epic items


Crafting - minor update for Shard of Beronath and Prismatic Diamond to replace duplicate material requirements in the Blueprints

ベロナスのかけら, プリズム状ダイヤ : クラフトレシピを変更

Component - Mark of Dreeg: reduced duration of Poison damage on granted skill, slightly reduced damage

ドリーグの標章 : 付与されるスキルの毒ダメージを減少し、総ダメージを僅かに減少

Component - Shard of Beronath: reduced % All Damage on skill, but added % Elemental Damage, removed Offensive Ability bonus

ベロナスの欠片 : +x% 総ダメージボーナスを減少し、+x% エレメンタルダメージを追加。攻撃能力ボーナスは削除。

Components: increased Projectile Speed on: Ice Spike, Greater Ice Spike, Fireblast, Greater Fireblast, Poison Bomb and Noxious Poison Bomb

アイス スパイク, ファイアブラスト, ポイズン ボム (及び各種上位) : 発射速度を向上

Relic - Avenger: replaced % Block Chance bonus with 5% Defensive Ability, increased % Elemental Damage to 50%. Ability now triggers on Hit rather than on Block

復讐者 : +x% ブロックチャンスを5% 防御能力に変更、+x% エレメンタルダメージを50%に上昇。アビリティトリガーをブロックからヒットに変更。

Relic - Aegis: ability now triggers on Attack rather than on Block, cooldown slightly increased

アイギス : アビリティトリガーをブロックから攻撃に変更し、クールダウンを僅かに上昇。

Relic - Bysmiel's Domination: increased duration and reduced cooldown on skill. Skill now also grants 30% resistance to Physical and Elemental damage for the player

ビスミールの支配 : スキルの持続時間を増加し、クールダウンを減少。スキルは更に30%物理・エレメンタル耐性をプレイヤーにもたらすようになります。

Relic - Oleron's Wrath: reduced Offensive Ability to 50

オレロンの憤怒 : 攻撃能力ボーナスを50に減少

Relic - Menhir's Bastion: replaced % Defensive Ability with 4% Block Chance, reduced % Shield Damage Blocked to 30%

メンヒルの砦 : +x% 防御能力を4% ブロックチャンスに変更、+x% シールドダメージブロックを30%に減少。

Relic - Primal Instinct: sped up the spawn-in of the Swarmlings and increased their toughness against all damage

原始的本能 : Swarmlingsのスポーン速度上昇、およびタフネス向上

Relic - Troll Rage: slightly increased Physical Damage bonus and reduced Offensive Ability penalty on skill, but removed % Attack Speed bonus

トロール レイジ : スキルによる物理ダメージボーナスを上昇、攻撃能力ペナルティを減少。攻撃速度ボーナスは削除。

[Legendary Items] レジェンダリーアイテム

Legendary items have received a tuning pass. Most received various buffs or improvements to their stat distribution or skill allocation. This does not mean that Legendary items will never be adjusted again. We will continue to monitor feedback and make changes based on any issues that arise.


Fixed a variety of issues relating to Legendary item skills (ex. broken durations, missing summons, unusually low damage, missing/incorrect text, etc.)


Adjusted the item table for Legendaries so that level 50 Legendary items can still drop at max level

Lv50 レジェンダリーを、最大レベルでもドロップするよう変更。

Added a new level 75 Legendary Sword (Reaver's Claw) for Physical/Pierce builds

Lv75 レジェンダリー、リーヴァーの鉤爪を追加。物理/刺突向け。

Added a new level 75 Legendary 4-piece Set (Trozan's Ascension) for Cold/Lightning build favoring Arcanist and Shaman. The art for this set will be finalized in Build 31.

Lv75 レジェンダリーセット、トロザンの上昇を氷/雷アルカニスト・シャーマン向けに追加。b31で外観の最終調整予定。

Added a new level 75 Legendary 4-piece Set (Valdun's Treachery) for Pierce/Physical 2h-Ranged builds favoring Soldier and Demolitionist. The art for this set will be finalized in Build 31.

Lv75 レジェンダリーセット、ヴァルダンの裏切りを刺突/物理2H遠隔のソルジャー・デモリッショニスト向けに追加。b31で外観の最終調整予定。

[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

Taunt mechanics have been updated to be more effective. Warcry now taunts affected enemies while other skills generate additional threat (ex. Clean Sweep, Hellhound's Fire Claw, Briarthorn's Slam)

ウォー クライは他の同様効果を持つスキルに対し、追加で挑発効果を持つようになります。

[Devotion] 祈祷

'Note: Due to changes to Devotion, you may need to reassign skills to certain Celestial Powers'


Aeon's Hourglass: added % Aether Resist

イオンの砂時計 : +x% イーサー耐性を追加

Blind Sage: added % Cold, Fire and Lightning Resists

盲目の賢人 : +% 火炎・冷気・雷耐性を追加

Chariot of the Dead: reduced Offensive Ability bonuses

死者のチャリオット : 攻撃能力ボーナスを減少

Dying God: added % Chaos Resist

瀕死の神 : +x% カオス耐性を追加

Leviathan: added % Cold Resist and % Health

リヴァイアサン : +x% 冷気耐性および+x% ヘルスを追加

Menhir's Obelisk: reduced % Shield Damage Blocked to 30%, increased Defensive Ability, Stun Resist and Freeze Resist

メンヒルのオベリスク ; +x% シールドダメージブロックを30%に減少し、防御能力、スタン・凍結耐性を上昇

Mogdrogen: reduced % Offensive Ability for pets to 5%, added % Vitality and % Elemental Resist for the player

モグドロゲン ザ ウルフ : ペットへの攻撃能力ボーナスを5%に減少、+x% 活力および+x% エレメンタル耐性を追加

Oklaine's Lantern: reduced Offensive Ability bonuses

オクレインのランタン : 攻撃能力ボーナスを減少

Oleron: added % Pierce Resist

オレロン : +x% 刺突耐性を追加

Raven: reduced % Offensive Ability for pets to 5%

レイヴン : ペットへの攻撃能力ボーナスを5%に減少

Shieldmaiden: reduced % Armor Absorption, % Block chance and % Shield Damage Blocked

盾の乙女 : 盾吸収、ブロックチャンス、シールドダメージブロックをそれぞれ減少

Spear of the Heavens (Constellation): added % Aether and % Lightning Resist

天の槍 : +x% イーサー・雷耐性を追加

Targo, the Builder: reduced % Shield Damage Blocked to 20% and reduced Defensive Ability

建築神 ターゴ : +x% シールドダメージブロックを20%に減少、防御能力ボーナスを減少

Tree of Life: added additional Health Regen

生命の樹 : ヘルス回復ボーナスを追加

Ulzuin's Torch: added % Chaos and Fire Resist

ウルズインの松明 : +x% カオス・火炎耐性を追加

Unknown Soldier: added % Health and Health Regeneration

無名戦士 : +x% ヘルスおよびヘルス回復ボーナスを追加

Blizzard: slightly reduced damage

ブリザード : 僅かにダメージを減少

Elemental Storm: proc rate increased to 25%, now also reduced Elemental Resistance on affected enemies

エレメンタル ストーム : proc率を25%に上昇し、エレメンタル耐性減少効果を追加

Healing Rain: now activates on Any Hit rather than on Block

ヒーリング レイン : トリガーをブロックからヒットに変更

Living Shadow: increased damage

リビング シャドウ : ダメージを上昇

Meteor Shower: now drops several waves over a duration rather than a single wave. Damage adjusted accordingly

メテオ シャワー : 単一ではなく、いくらかの波に分散される。ダメージ量はそれに応じて調整

Spear of the Heavens (skill): increased proc rate to 50%, added 1s Stun

天の槍 (スキル) : proc率を50%に上昇し、1秒間気絶効果を追加

Trample: increased cooldown to 1s, slightly reduced % Weapon Damage

トランプル : クールダウンを1秒に上昇、% 武器ダメージを僅かに減少

Time Stop: increased proc rate to 30%, from 25%

タイム ストップ : proc率を25%から30%に上昇

Tsunami: % Weapon damage now scales slightly with rank, but starts lower

津波 : % 武器ダメージをランク上昇制にし、初期値を減少

Whirlpool: increased damage

渦巻き : ダメージを上昇

Fixed an issue with Wendigo Totem not triggering the Bat Fangs Celestial Power

ウェンディゴ トーテムを、ツイン ファングにアサインできなかった問題を修正。

[Soldier] ソルジャー

Soldier mastery life bonus reduced from 30 per point to 28 while energy has increased from 8 to 10


Menhir's Will: cooldown now decreases with rank to 16s at rank 16, 12s at max ultimate rank. To balance this, duration has been cut from 10s to 8s.

メンヒルの意志 : ランク16でのクールダウンを16秒に減少、最大で12秒に。 その分、持続時間を10秒から8秒に変更。

Markovian's Advantage: Defensive Ability reduction amount increased in the first two ranks (which also bumped up later ranks) and physical damage scaling increased and animation speed increased.

マーコヴィアンのアドバンテッジ : 最初の2ランクのうちの防御能力減少効果を上昇。物理ダメージスケール・アニメーション速度を上昇。

Blade Arc: animation speed increased slightly

ブレイド アーク : アニメーション速度を僅かに上昇。

Discord: bonuses updated. Now converts up to 50% of Physical damage to Elemental.

ディスコード : 属性変換の物理→エレメンタルを50%に上昇。

Veterency: Health Regeneration increased at higher ranks, significantly at ultimate ranks

ベテランシー : ヘルス回復を高位ランクで上昇、最高ランクでかなり上昇。

Forcewave: Physical Damage scaling with rank increased

フォースウェイブ : 物理ダメージスケールを上昇。

Tremor: reduced % Weapon damage penalty on from -75% to -70% and damage modifier from -30% to -20%

トレマー : % 武器ダメージペナルティを-75%→-70%に、ダメージ変化を-30%→-20%に減少。

Military Conditioning: % Health bonus decreased, % Physique increased moderately

ミリタリー コンディショニング : +x% ヘルスボーナスを減少、+x% 体格を適度に上昇。

Oleron's Rage: % Attack Speed moved back to Squad Tactics and % Offensive Ability slightly reduced

オレロンの激怒 : +x% 攻撃速度をスクワッドタクティクスに返上、+x% 攻撃能力を僅かに減少。

Squad Tactics: % Attack Speed returned, % Movement Speed shifted to Oleron's Rage

スクワッド タクティクス : +x% 攻撃速度が復活、+x% 移動速度をオレロンの激怒へ。

Overguard: Block Recovery now starts lower but scales more quickly in early ranks. Starting Health Regen also reduced to promote early investment.

オーバーガード : ブロックリカバリスケールを早熟にし、初期値を減少。ヘルス回復も同様。

Shield Training: Block Chance and Block Recovery moderately reduced and Physical Damage bonus slightly reduced

シールド トレーニング : ブロックチャンスおよびブロックリカバリを適度に減少し、物理ダメージボーナスを僅かに減少。

Blindside: Enemy Damage Reduction removed as it was redundant with Warcry and the skill is powerful enough without it

ブラインドサイド : ダメージ減少効果を削除。ウォークライいらずになってしまうため。

Warcry: Enemy Damage Reduction scaled down

ウォー クライ : ダメージ減少スケールを減少。

[Demolitionist] デモリッショニスト

Blackwater Cocktail: damage increased slightly and max radius scaled up from 5m to 5.8m

ブラックウォーター カクテル : ダメージを僅かに上昇、最大半径を5mから5.8mへ拡大。

Fire Strike: damage scaling with rank increased

ファイア ストライク : ダメージスケールを上昇。

Explosive Strike: % Weapon Damage scaling with rank increased. % Chance of Physical Damage now scales with rank, instead of being a flat 33%.

エクスプローシブ ストライク : % 武器ダメージスケールを上昇。代わりに、物理ダメージチャンスをスケールから33%固定に変更。

High Impact: resistance reduction removed. This modifier seems compelling enough without resistance reduction and it reduced the value of the debuff on other skills.

ハイ インパクト : 耐性減少効果を削除。他のデバフスキルに対し強力すぎるため。

Lightning Arc: Lightning and % Fire Damage significantly increased

ライトニング アーク : 雷・火炎ダメージを大幅に上昇。

Brimstone: Fire and Chaos Damage significantly increased. Fragment number scales higher.

ブリムストン : 火炎・カオスダメージを大幅に上昇。欠片の数を上昇。

Demon Fire: % Burn Damage and Armor Reduction scaling with rank increased

デーモン ファイア : % 燃焼ダメージおよびアーマー減少スケールを上昇。

Stun Jacks: Physical and Lightning Damage increased

スタン ジャックス : 物理・雷ダメージを上昇。

Quick Jacks: Damage Modifier adjusted relative to base skill damage changes. Energy reduction increased.

クイック ジャックス : ベースダメージに合わせてダメージ変化を調整。エナジー燃焼効果を上昇。

Full Spread: Electrocute Damage increased. Internal Trauma damage added. Max projectile count decreased by 1.

フル スプレッド : 感電ダメージを上昇。体内損傷ダメージを追加。最大発射数を1に減少。

Canister Bomb: Damage slightly reduced, Cooldown adjusted from 7.5s to 8s and Fragments now have a min number 2 less than the max.

キャニスター ボム : ダメージを僅かに上昇し、クールダウンを7.5秒から8秒へ、欠片の数を2に変更。

Concussive Bomb: Transmuter Stun duration adjusted down, Reduced Damage Modification increased by 5% higher at max rank.

コンカッシヴ ボム : 気絶時間を減少、ダメージ減少効果を最高ランクで5%上昇。

Grenado: Radius slightly increased, Physical and Pierce Damage increased. Physical damage range tightened up for greater consistency.

グレネイド : 範囲を僅かに上昇し、物理・刺突ダメージを上昇。物理ダメージレンジの密度を濃く。

High Impact: Fire Damage now starts lower but scales to a higher max and the Chance of % Physical starts higher and now scales to 75%, up from 50%

ハイ インパクト : 火炎ダメージの初期値を減少し、最高値を上昇。物理ダメージチャンスを50%から75%に変更。

Thermite Mine: Damage and Radius increased. Added chance to cause Fear.

テルミット マイン : ダメージおよび範囲を上昇。恐怖効果を追加。

Mortar Trap: Attack Rate increased

モーター トラップ : 攻撃レートを上昇。

Ulzuin's Chosen: % Damage Bonuses increased

ウルズインの選民 : +x% ダメージボーナスを上昇。

Vindictive Flame: Radius slightly increased

ヴィンディクティヴ フレイム : 範囲を僅かに上昇。

Blast Shield: converted to a skill that activates on 75% health, providing a significant defensive boost for a short duration.

ブラスト シールド : 発動条件をヘルス75%に変更し、短い間防御を大幅に上昇。

[Occultist] オカルティスト

Summon Familiar - Mend: flat heal scaling boosted at mid and higher ranks

サモン ファミリア / メンド : 中高ランクの回復値を固定スケールに変更。

Blood of Dreeg: cooldown reduced from 24s to 12s, allowing it to be continuously active. %Heal now scales from 15% to 25% by rank 16 and 30% at max ultimate rank and regen scaling reduced slightly.

ドリーグの血 : クールダウンを12秒に減少、継続的な使用が可能に。% 回復スケールをランク16で15%→25%に、最高で30%に上昇。回復ボーナス効果を僅かに上昇。

Armor of the Guardian: Poison Resistance now scales to 100% by rank 12 and 150% by max ultimate rank

アーマー オブ ザ ガーディアン : 毒耐性はランク12の100%から最高150%までスケールされるようになる。

Solael's Witchfire: Chaos Conversion swapped with Consecrated Blade's % Offensive Ability bonus, % Poison Damage increased. It seemed better to make the conversion optional.

ソレイルのウィッチファイア : カオス変換をコンセクレイテッドブレイドの攻撃能力と交換。+x% 毒ダメージを上昇。変換はオプションの方が良いかもしれない。

Consecrated Blade: % Offensive Ability swapped for Chaos Conversion, added % Fire Damage bonus

コンセクレイテッド ブレイド : 攻撃能力をカオス変換と交換、+x% 炎ダメージボーナスを追加。

Bloody Pox: Bleed and % Current Life damage scaling increased while cooldown and contagion interval has been reduced.

ブラディ ポックス : クールダウン・インターバル中の出血・排出ダメージスケールを減少。

Wasting: Vitality Damage slightly increased

ウェイスティング : 生命力ダメージを僅かに上昇。

Possession: has been converted into a toggled exclusive buff skill

ポゼッション : トグル式の排他的スキルに効果を変更。

Sigil of Consumption: radius now scales up with level.

シジル オブ コンサンプション : 範囲をランクスケールに追加。

[Nightblade] ナイトブレイド

Shadow Dance: dodge and deflect values increased slightly

シャドウ ダンス : 回避・逸らす率を僅かに上昇。

Elemental Awakening: Cold Resist changed to Elemental Resist.

エレメンタル アウェイクニング : 冷気耐性をエレメンタル耐性に変更。

Phantasmal Blades and its transmuter have been reverted to their original form, where the transmuter, renamed "Frenetic Throw" removes cooldown. The skill and transmuter have received corresponding damage and penalty adjustments. It was always preferred that the skill should work that way but prior to our addition of Total Damage Modification, it was not possible to adequately balance the transmuter.

ファンタズマル ブレイズとその強化スキルは元の形に戻り、"フレネティック スロウ"はクールダウンを要しない。

Lethal Gambit: Pierce and Cold damage increased and range on the Cold Damage removed for greater consistency. Cooldown reduced from 2.5s to 2s

リーサル ギャンビット : 刺突・冷気ダメージを上昇、冷気ダメージレンジを削除。クールダウンを2.5秒から2秒の変更。

Blade Spirit: Attack Aura damage and Blade Shower damage increased significantly

ブレイド スピリット : オーラダメージおよび刃のシャワーダメージを大幅に上昇。

Veil of Shadows: Radius scaling increased from 5m to 6m at max rank

ベール オブ シャドウ : 範囲を5~6mにスケールするよう変更。

Ring of Steel: Range increased slightly

リング オブ スチール : 範囲を僅かに上昇。

Phantasmal Armor: Energy Leech retaliation increased, Pierce Resist increased and Freeze Resist added

ファンタズマル アーマー : エナジー吸収報復を上昇、刺突耐性を上昇し冷気耐性を追加

A minor to moderate damage trim has been undertaken to Dual Blades, Belgothian's Shears, Amarasta's Quick Cut, Whirling Death and Execution to bring down Nightblade clear speed a little.

デュアル ブレイズ、ベルゴシアンの大ばさみ、アマラスタのクイック カット、ホワーリング デス、エクセキューションのダメージを小程度低下。

[Arcanist] アルカニスト

Reckless Power and its modifier, Ascendance have been redesigned as Exclusive skills intended for Aether/Fire and Cold/Lightning builds, respectively. Both Exclusive skills are in Tier 9
The Reckless Power transmuter, Unlimited Power, no longer affects any skill and will be removed with Build 31. UNLEARN THOSE POINTS OR THEY WILL BE LOST TO THE CHTHONIC VOID.

レックレス パワーと強化スキルは排他スキルにリデザインされ、イーサー炎、もしくは氷雷向けのものとなる。排他的スキルは共にTier9のものになる。
アンリミテッド パワーはb31で削除される。それまでにポイントを取り除いておかないと、''スキルポイントはクトーンの虚空に滅することになる''。

Proliferation has had its damage significantly increased. These additional fragments now deal Aether damage and are visually distinct from the regular fragments. Moved to Tier 8

プロリフィレイション : ダメージを大幅に上昇。追加で通常とは異なる見た目のイーサー片が出現する。Tier8に移動。

Conversion: bonus values adjusted so the skill does not give such a large return at a single point. Bonuses scale up to their original values by rank 12 and remain unchanged at ultimate ranks.

コンバージョン : ボーナス値の1ポイントあたりの上昇値が大きすぎるので調整。元のランク12の値から、最高ランクまでを固定。

Maiven's Sphere: Projectile Avoidance removed. %Cast Speed penalty and -%All Damage replaced with scaling Total Damage Modified by -%. Damage absorption now scales less quickly to 25% at rank 12. Previously, this skill only really penalized casters and was too attractive for melee.

メイヴェンのスフィア オブ プロテクション : 投射物回避率を削除。-% 詠唱速度ペナルティと-% 総ダメージを-% 全ダメージ変化に変更。ダメージ吸収効果を下方修正し、ランク12で25%に。

Olexra's Flash Freeze: freeze duration increased, radius expanded from 10 to 16 meters at max rank, damage increased and cooldown reduced

オレクスラのフラッシュ フリーズ : 凍結時間を上昇、範囲を最高ランクで10m→16mに上昇、ダメージを上昇しクールダウンを減少。

Devastation is now truly devastating and launches multiple waves of projectiles at intervals over a duration as you fight.

デヴァステイション : 真にdevastate(破壊)するようになり、効果時間後のインターバルに複数の波状攻撃を仕掛ける。

[Shaman] シャーマン

Wendigo Totem: % Heal increased

ウェンディゴ トーテム : % 回復効果を上昇。

Mogdrogen's Pact: Health Regeneration increased slightly

モグドロゲンズ パクト : ヘルス回復効果を僅かに上昇。

Heart of the Wild: % Health scaling with rank increased

ハート オブ ザ ワイルド : +x% ヘルススケールを上昇。

Oak Skin: Pierce Resist and Armor scaling with rank increased. Added % Health Regeneration bonus.

オーク スキン : 刺突耐性、装甲強化スケールを上昇。+x% ヘルス回復ボーナスを追加。

Devouring Swarm: Bleed Damage and Damage Converted to Health increased

デヴァウリング スウォーム : 出血ダメージおよびダメージのヘルス変換効果を上昇。

Primal Strike: the Area of Effect aspect of this skill now functions with Two Handed Ranged Weapons and damage has been increased.

プライマル ストライク : 2H遠距離武器所持時にAoE効果が追従するようになり、ダメージを上昇。

Torrent: now strikes from the initial target hit by Primal Strike rather than from the caster

トーレント : 発動元を詠唱者ではなく、プライマルストライクがヒットした対象に変更。

Thunderous Strike: can now be used with Two Handed Ranged Weapons and the % Weapon Damage and % Total Damage Modifier penalties have been reduced.

サンダラス ストライク : 2H遠距離武器で使用可能になり、% 武器ダメージおよび% 総ダメージ変更ペナルティを減少。

Emboldening Presence: % All Damage and Offensive Ability increased, Physical and Vitality Resist added. Duration and Cooldown reduced.

エンボルデニング プレゼンス : % 総ダメージおよび攻撃能力を上昇、物理・生命力耐性を追加。効果時間とクールダウンを減少。