
Last-modified: 2017-07-14 (金) 21:06:40

V1.0.0.3 2016/4/28


With our latest game update, you can now delve into Grim Dawn's development tools and create your own content! The potential here is tremendous and we here at Crate are excited to see what the community comes up with.

今回のアップデートによって、よりGrim Dawnの奥深くへ、さらに、貴方の手を入れることができるようになりました!
その可能性は無限大です。 我々はここで、コミュニティが何をしでかしてくれるのかを楽しみに待っています。

The Modding Tools Guide is included in your installation folder, but can also be downloaded here. We highly recommend that you check it out if you are interested in modding Grim Dawn as it contains some important information on getting started.


Good luck and enjoy!


This update also includes some changes to the game. For the full list, see below:



[Major New Features] 新要素

Modding Tools are now available. You can find them in your Grim Dawn installation folder. These are the same tools that were used by the dev team in the creation of Grim Dawn. You can use them to create new items, new masteries and even entire new worlds. Their vast potential is now in your hands!

MODツールが使えるようになりました。 これは、Grim Dawnのインストールフォルダに入っています。
開発チームがGrim Dawnそのものの製作に用いたものと同じ物になっています。
これによって新しいアイテム、新しいマスタリ、新しい…世界を作ることができます。 可能性は貴方の手中にあります!

Celestial Powers now have their chance to activate scale based on the assigned skill, with longer cooldown abilities having up to a 100% chance to trigger.


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed WeaponPool attacks not working with Chance on Enemy Death autocasts.


Fixed lag hovering over certain weapons.


Added cooldown reduction to displayed cooldown values on skills.


Basic weapon attacks are no longer added in between casts for zero cooldown skills after a disruption attack.


Fixed Detail Map centering bugs.


Added error messages to the Riftgate map.


Fixed being able to sell stacks while not at a merchant.


Fixed transfer stash tabs being unlocked for hardcore characters when buying them on normal characters.


Fixed certain debuff type skills on items not working with Celestial powers.


Fixed certain skills being able to trigger multiple Celestial autocasts in multiplayer.


Fixed inconsistent achievement synchronization for GOG players not using Galaxy.

GOG Galaxyを使用していない際に、GOG版で実績が正しく同期できていなかった問題を修正。

[Game] ゲーミング

Fixed an issue with the Servant of Empyrion and Follower of Uroboruuk Achievements not unlocking. This fix is retroactive for characters that meet the requirements.

カイモンと修道会の崇拝実績が正しく解除できなかった問題を修正。 この修正は遡及されます。

Fixed an issue with the Nemesis Monster Infrequent Shoulders only dropping as one of the two possible versions, at level 80+.


The Ocean of Blood achievement now requires 500000 monster kills

敵撃破の実績要求が、1,000,000 → 500,000 になりました。

[Itemization] アイテム

Fixed an issue with several mid-level Shoulder items that had unusually low, or unusually high, Physique Requirements


Fixed an issue with some of the Nemesis boss Monster Infrequents having inappropriate Physique Requirements


[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

Devotion 祈祷

Celestial Power chance to activate now scales with the assigned skill's cooldown and duration (skills with longer cooldowns have a higher activation rate)

セレスティアルパワー発動率はアサインしたスキルのクールダウン、および効果時間に比例します。 (クールダウン時間が長いほど上がります)

Mark of the Wendigo: reverted proc rate back to 15%, this was missed when the cooldown was reverted.

ウェンディゴのマーク: 基本発動率を15%に差し戻し、これはクールダウンを戻した際にこちらも戻すべきでした