
Last-modified: 2021-11-11 (木) 00:50:25

[ Hotfix] Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 2021/11/09


We are, as always, committed to making sure you have a smooth experience in Grim Dawn. Thank you to those that diligently reported bugs!

我々は Grim Dawn が円滑にお楽しみいただけるよう、常に全力を尽くしています。熱心にバグ報告してくださった方々、ありがとうございました!

A small hotfix is now headed your way to address a few issues:


V1.1.9.3 Hotfix

Fixed an issue with Deathly Waystones not allowing quick access to Shards 190+


Fixed an issue where transmuted Guardians of Empyrion would not activate their Celestial Presence

ドリーグの接ぎ穂を取得した場合、ガーディアン オブ エンピリオンがセレスチャル プレゼンスを発動出来なくなる問題を修正

Fixed an issue where the Chamber of the High Council would remain locked after accepting the quest leading inside it


Fixed an issue where Mortar Trap's Heavy Ordnance damage was not properly converted by skill modifiers

モーター トラップのヘビー オードナンスのダメージが、スキル変化によるダメージ変換によって適切に変換されなかった問題を修正

Ultos' Tempest Set: reduced Targets modifier for Savagery to +2

【ウルトスのテンペスト セット】《サヴィジリィ》:[2 最大標的数]に減少

[] Grim Dawn Version 2021/10/29


Courtesy of our first ever public playtest, we give you Grim Dawn's largest changelog…ever!


We hope you enjoy this massive list of improvements to the game's balance that will hopefully give you many more opportunities to create your unstoppable monster slayers.


For the full list of changes, see below:



[Crucible] 坩堝

Increased reward quality scaling on Gladiator difficulty, with a more substantial increase at higher waves.


Reduced Max Number of Grava'Thul's Void Pools that can exist at any one time in the Crucible


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed an issue where certain item skill modifiers for pets would not correctly update the tooltip if multiple copies of the same modifier were equipped. This was a display issue only.


Fixed an issue where casting skills with keyboard would behave inconsistently with casting the same skills via the mouse. This has resulted in an approximately 5% correction to Attacks per Second and DPS calculations in the character sheet. This correction was done to more accurately reflect actual gameplay performance and impacts the tooltips only.


[Animation] アニメーション

Updated Jump Attack animation speed for 1h-melee and 2h-melee to match the speed used when dual wielding. This animation is used in many WPS skills and granted weapon attacks from items and components, as well as Soldier's Markovian's Advantage, and should result in a roughly 34% improvement.


[Game] ゲーミング

Reduced Crowd Control Resist granted by the Unstoppable Mutator.


Nemesis Bosses now have slightly reduced Crowd Control resists, also affects a select few bosses that had similar resists (Ex. The Sentinel). This change will mostly impact builds reliant on Crowd Control to maximize damage.

ネメシスおよび同等の値を持つ一部のボスたち(例.ザ センチネル)のCC耐性を僅かに減少。

Increased drop rate of Ugdenbloom from Rotting Stumps and Ugdenbog Golems, for real this time. Previously change only affected Ashes of Malmouth and not Forgotten Gods.

腐った切り株とウグデンボーグ ゴーレムからのウグデンブルームのドロップ率を今度はマジで増加。

Various human enemies and bosses no longer have scaling Elemental Resistance. This previously only applied to the Crucible game mode but is now game-wide.


Damage converted to Physical is now properly reduced by Armor. This fix also applies to Retaliation damage converted to Physical.


Reduced Armor on high armor enemies (ex. Bosses/Nemesis) at levels 90+. This reduction starts out small and scales up to roughly 10% for the highest level enemies encountered.''


Fixed an issue where rarely some enemy-only items would unintentionally drop as white quality equipment


Fixed an issue that may be causing the Chthonian nemesis, Benn'Jahr, to very rarely not spawn


Fixed an issue where Benn'Jahr, Fabius, Moosilauke and Zantarin had lower than intended resists against certain damage types. This also results in them having lower resistances to other damage types they were not intended to have elevated values against.


Fixed an issue where Valdaran had higher than intended Lightning resist


Fixed an issue where hotkeys could become stuck when pausing the game


[Itemization] アイテム

Many Monster Infrequents that previously only modified one skill now have modifiers for both of their supported skills. For more details on which Monster Infrequents are affected, see the Monster Infrequents section.


[Rare Affix] レア接辞

Rare Prefix - Aetherfire (off-hands): reduced % Cast Speed to 5%

【イーサーファイア(オフハンド)】[5% 詠唱速度]に減少

Rare Prefix - Caustic (shields): increased Acid damage


Rare Prefix - Cutthroat: removed % Attack Speed, reduced % Cunning to 5% on level 82+ versions of the affix

【カットスローツ】[% 攻撃速度]を削除 ~ [5% 狡猾性]に減少(lv82以降において)

Rare Prefix - Demonic (off-hands): reduced % Cast Speed to 5%

【デモニック(オフハンド】[5% 詠唱速度]に減少

Rare Prefix - Destroyer: reduced % Physical Resist to 4% and % Cast Speed to 4%

【デストロイヤーズ】[4% 物理耐性]に減少 ~ [4% 詠唱速度]に減少

Rare Prefix - Eldritch (shields): increased Vitality damage


Rare Prefix - Flamewall: increased Burn damage


Rare Prefix - Glacial (off-hands): reduced % Physical Resist to 4%

【グレイシャル(オフハンド】[4% 物理耐性]に減少

Rare Prefix - Glacial (shields): increased Cold damage


Rare Prefix - Hoarfrost: increased Cold damage


Rare Prefix - Infernal (shields): increased Burn damage


Rare Prefix - Renegade: reduced % Cunning to 5% on level 82+ versions of the affix

【レネゲイズ】[5% 狡猾性]に減少(lv82以降において)

Rare Prefix - Sandstorm (off-hands): reduced % Physical Resist to 3%

【サンドストーム(オフハンド)】[3% 物理耐性]に減少

Rare Prefix - Sinister: replaced % Damage to Humans with Health

【シニスター】[% 人間へのダメージが増加]を[ヘルス]に置換

Rare Prefix - Stormcharged (shields): increased Lightning damage


Rare Prefix - Tempest: increased % Offensive Ability to 4% on level 82+ versions of the affix

【テンペスト】[4% 攻撃能力]に増加(lv82以降において)

Rare Prefix - Thunderstruck (armor/accessories): increased Offensive Ability


Rare Prefix - Thunderstruck (off-hands): reduced % Physical Resist to 4% and % Cast Speed to 4%

【サンダーストラック(オフハンド)】[4% 物理耐性]に減少 ~ [4% 詠唱速度]に減少

Rare Prefix - Thunderstruck (shields): increased Lightning damage


Rare Suffix - Amarasta's Flurry: removed Cunning, this affects level 82+ versions of the affix only

【オブ アマラスタズ フラーリ】[狡猾性]を削除(lv82以降において)

Rare Suffix - Annihilation (shields): increased Vitality damage

【オブ アナイアレイション(盾)】[生命力ダメージ]を増加

Rare Suffix - Blades: removed % All Retaliation

【オブ ブレイズ】[% 全報復ダメージ]を削除

Rare Suffix - Blight (shields): increased Poison damage

【オブ ブレイズ(盾)】[毒ダメージ]を増加

Rare Suffix - Butchery: replaced % Cunning with Defensive Ability, this affects level 82+ versions of the affix only

【オブ ブッチャリー】[% 狡猾性]を[防御能力]に置換(lv82以降において)

Rare Suffix - Dranghoul: reduced % Health Regen to 20%

【オブ ザ ドレングール】[ヘルス再生量増加 20%]に減少

Rare Suffix - Ferocity: increased % Attack Speed

【オブ フェロシティ】[% 攻撃速度]に増加

Rare Suffix - Glacier (shields): increased Cold damage

【オブ ザ グレイシャー(盾)】[冷気ダメージ]に増加

Rare Suffix - Ruthlessness: reduced % Attack Speed

【オブ ルスレスネス】[% 攻撃速度]に減少

Rare Suffix - Scorched Runes (armor/accessories): added +2 to Word of Pain

【オブ スコーチト ルーンズ】[+2 ワード オブ ペイン]を追加

Rare Suffix - Shattering (shields): increased Cold damage

【オブ シャタリング(盾)】[冷気ダメージ]を増加

Rare Suffix - Torrents (shields): increased Lightning damage

【オブ トーレンツ(盾)】[雷ダメージ]を増加

Rare Suffix - Vengeance: increased Physical damage

【オブ ベンジェンス】[物理ダメージ]を増加

Rare Suffix - Wildfire (shields): increased Fire damage

【オブ ワイルドファイア(盾)】[火炎ダメージ]を増加

[Component] コンポーネント

Component - Seal of Destruction: removed % Crit damage on the granted skill

【破壊の印章】《付与スキル》:[% クリティカルダメージ]を削除

Component - Seal of Night: removed % Crit damage on the granted skill

【夜の印章】《付与スキル》:[% クリティカルダメージ]を削除

Component - Seal of Shadows: removed % Crit damage on the granted skill

【影の印章】《付与スキル》:[% クリティカルダメージ]を削除

Component - Seal of Skies: removed % Crit damage on the granted skill

【空の印章】《付与スキル》:[% クリティカルダメージ]を削除

[Crafted] クラフト

Crafted - Stormsurge Pistol: replaced Duration modifier for Wind Devil with +2 Summon Burst modifier for it

【ストームサージ ピストル】《ウィンド デビル》:[存続時間]を[+2 召喚]に置換

[Faction Equipment] 派閥品

Aetherbolt Pendant: added 48 Defensive Ability. Increased % Aether Resist Reduction modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth to -12% and reduced its % Lightning Resist Reduction modifier to -8%.

【イーサーボルト ペンダント】[48 防御能力]を追加
《エルゴロスのストーム ボックス》:[-12% イーサー耐性]に増加 ~ [-8% 雷耐性]に減少

Blazerush: increased % Weapon damage modifiers for Upheaval and Vire's Might to 100% and 160%, respectively

【ブレーズラッシュ】《アプヒーヴァル》:[100% 武器ダメージ]に増加 《ヴィールズ マイト》:[160% 武器ダメージ]に増加

Bloodborer: increased Bleed damage to 28 / 3s and reduced Cooldown modifier for Vire's Might to 0.5s

【ブラッドボーラー】[84 出血ダメージ/3s]に増加
《ヴィールズ マイト》:[0.5秒 スキルリチャージ]に減少△

Bloodrender: added +3 to Whirling Death and added modifiers for it

【ブラッドレンダー】[+3 ホワーリング デス]を追加 《ホワーリング デス》:スキル変化を追加

Bloodsurge: increased Physical damage to 28

【血潮流】[28 物理ダメージ]に増加

Bysmiel Defender: increased bonus Physical damage to 42-64

【ビスミール ディフェンダー】[42-62 物理ダメージ]に増加

Bysmiel's Grasp: added 16% Cast Speed

【ビスミールの掌中】[16% 詠唱速度]を追加

Claw of Hagaraz: increased % Crit damage for pets to 20% and replaced bonus to Summon Hellhound with 10% Physical Resist for pets

【ハガラズの鉤爪】《ペット》:[20% クリティカルダメージ]に増加 ~ [+1 サモン ヘルハウンド]を[10% 物理耐性]に置換

Corruptian: increased Physical damage modifier for Ravenous Earth to 122 and Poison damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 166 / 5s

【コラプティアン】《ラヴェナス アース》:[122 物理ダメージ]に増加 《ドリーグの邪眼》:[830 毒ダメージ/5s]に増加

Coven Protector: increased bonus Aether damage to 39

【カヴン プロテクター】[39 イーサーダメージ]に増加

Coven Sky Seal: added +2 to Intensify

【カヴン スカイ シール】[+2 インテンシファイ]を追加

Dreeg Protector: increased bonus Vitality damage to 39

【ドリーグ プロテクター】[39 生命力ダメージ]に増加

Heart of Malmouth: added 22 Aether damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile

【マルマスの心臓】《パネッティの複製ミサイル》:[22 イーサーダメージ]を追加

Hexflame: replaced +1 to Albrecht's Aether Ray with +1 to Oathkeeper Skills. Increased Fire damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 70 and reduced Burn damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 80 / 5s.

【ヘクスフレイム】[+1 アルブレヒトのイーサー レイ]を[+1 オースキーパー全スキル]に置換
《アルブレヒトのイーサー レイ》:[70 火炎ダメージ]に増加 《モーター トラップ》:[400 燃焼ダメージ/5s]に減少

Howl of the Wendigo: increased % Attack Speed to 18% and increased Vitality damage modifier for Blade Arc to 133

【ウェンディゴの遠吠え】[18% 攻撃速度]に増加 《ブレイド アーク》:[133 生命力ダメージ]に増加

Mark of Burning Shadows: increased Fire damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 220 and updated its Conversion to 100% of Vitality and Cold dealt as Fire

【燃え盛る影の標章】《ボーン ハーベスト》:[220 火炎ダメージ]に増加 ~ [100% 生命力→火炎][100% 冷気→火炎]にそれぞれ更新

Mark of Lethal Intents: increased Acid damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 80

【殺意の標章】《ドリーグの邪眼》:[80 酸ダメージ]に増加

Mark of the Shadow Queen: increased Aether damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 80

【影女王の標章】《パネッティの複製ミサイル》:[80 イーサーダメージ]に増加

Occulant: increased bonus Acid damage to 84

【オーキュラント】[84 酸ダメージ]に増加

Reaver's Hunger: increased Vitality damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 160

【リーヴァーの飢え】《ボーン ハーベスト》:[160 生命力ダメージ]に増加

Redeemer of Malmouth: increased bonus Physical damage to 22-36

【マルマスの救世主】[22-36 物理ダメージ]に増加

Solael's Devourer: added 6 Energy Regen and removed Chaos damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar

【ソレイルの貪食】[6 エナジー再生]を追加 《イグナファーの炎》:[カオスダメージ]を削除

Stormbringer of Malmouth: increased % Lightning damage for pets to 260% and added +2 to Raise Skeletons

【マルマスのストームブリンガー】[+2 レイズ スケルトンズ]を追加 《ペット》:[260% 雷ダメージ]に増加

The Overseer: increased % Crit damage modifiers for Summon Hellhound and Summon Briarthorn to 33%

【ザ オーバーシーア】《サモン ヘルハウンド》:[33% クリティカルダメージ]に増加
《サモン ブライアソーン》:[33% クリティカルダメージ]に増加

Word of Solael: increased Vitality Decay damage modifier for Grenado to 500 / 5s and added 100% of Fire dealt as Vitality modifier for it

【ソレイルの玉音】《グレネイド》:[2500 生命力減衰ダメージ/5s]に増加 ~ [100% 火炎→生命力]を追加

Wendigo Cleaver: increased bonus Physical damage to 22-33

【ウェンディゴ クリーバー】[22-33 物理ダメージ]に増加

Wendigo Spiritguard: increased bonus Vitality damage to 39

【ウェンディゴ スピリットガード】[39 生命力ダメージ]に増加

Witch Moon: increased Cold damage modifier for Rune of Hagarrad to 80

【ウィッチ ムーン】《ハガラッドのルーン》:[80 冷気ダメージ]に増加

Wrathguard: increased % Attack Speed to 16%, removed Pierce damage. Increased % Pierce damage on the granted skill to 80%.

【ラースガード】[16 攻撃速度]に増加 ~ [刺突ダメージ]を削除 《付与スキル》:[80% 刺突ダメージ]に増加

[Augment] 増強剤

Augment - Kymon's Will: increased % Chance of % Reduced Damage to 33%


Augment - Spellward Powder: replaced % Lightning Resist with 9% Vitality Resist

【呪文除けパウダー】[% 雷耐性]を[9% 生命力耐性]に置換

[Relic] レリック

Replaced % Life Leech Resist crafting bonus for certain Relics with % Petrify Resistance

特定のレリックのクラフトボーナスの [% ライフ吸収耐性]を[% 石化時間短縮]に置換

Avenger: replaced % Elemental damage with 110% Lightning damage and increased Lightning Retaliation to 250-700. Increased % Retaliation added to Attack damage on the skill proc.

【復讐者】[% エレメンタルダメージ]を[110% 雷ダメージ]に置換 ~ [250-700 雷報復]に増加

Blademaster's Talisman: further increased % Activation Chance on the granted skill


Bysmiel's Domination: added 5% Physical Resist and 40 Defensive Ability, removed % All damage and % Chaos damage and removed Chaos damage for the player from the skill proc

【ビスミールの支配】[5% 物理耐性]を追加 ~ [40 防御能力]を追加 ~ [% 全ダメージ]を削除 ~ [% カオスダメージ]を削除

Doom: increased Physical damage to 16-24

【ドゥーム】[16-24 物理ダメージ]に増加

Eldritch Pact: increased Chaos damage to 8-24 and % Chaos damage to 124%

【エルドリッチの契約】[8-24 カオスダメージ]に増加 ~ [124% カオスダメージ]に増加

Eye of the Storm: increased Lightning Retaliation to 455-1074 and increased Lightning damage on the granted skill to 24-65

【嵐の目】[455-1074 雷報復]に増加 《付与スキル》:[24-65 雷ダメージ]に増加

Juggernaut: removed % Health Regen on the skill proc


Malediction: replaced % Poison Resist with 40% Vitality Resist

【呪詛】[% 毒酸耐性]を[40% 生命力耐性]に置換

Menhir's Bastion: increased % Heal to 18%

【メンヒルの砦】[18% ヘルス回復]に増加

Necrosis: increased Health to 600

【壊死】[600 ヘルス]に増加

Nemesis: removed % Damage to Humans

【ネメシス】[% 人間へのダメージが増加]を削除

Oblivion: increased % Chaos damage to 90%

【オブリビオン】[90% カオスダメージ]に増加

Oleron's Wrath: increased % Bleed damage to 110%, Physical damage to 15-22, and increased Bleed damage and % Weapon damage on the skill proc

【オレロンの憤怒】[110% 出血ダメージ]に増加 ~ [15-22 物理ダメージ]に増加
《付与スキル》:[出血ダメージ]を増加 ~ [% 武器ダメージ]を増加

Plunderer's Talisman: increased Elemental damage to 16-20 and further increased % Activation Chance on the granted skill

【強奪者のタリスマン】[16-20 エレメンタルダメージ]に増加 《付与スキル》:[発動確率]を更に増加

Reckoning: increased % Physical damage to 85%, Physical damage to 16-24 and % Shield Damage Blocked to 25%

【レコニング】[85% 物理ダメージ]に増加 ~ [16-24 物理ダメージ]に増加 ~ [25% シールドダメージブロック]に増加

Salvation: increased Duration on the skill proc to 10s and reduced % Health Regen to 40%

【救済】《付与スキル》:[10秒 持続時間]に増加 ~ [ヘルス再生量増加 40%]に減少

Scourge: increased Cold and Vitality damage to 16 and % Spirit and % Physique to 5%. Increased Frostburn and Vitality Decay damage on the granted skill.

【スカージ】[16 冷気ダメージ]に増加 ~ [16 生命力ダメージ]に増加 [5% 精神]に増加 ~ [5% 体格]に増加
《付与スキル》:[凍傷ダメージ]を増加 ~ [生命力減衰ダメージ]を増加

Solael's Decimation: increased Offensive Ability to 90

【ソレイルの大殺戮】[90 攻撃能力]に増加

Uroboruuk's Reaping: replaced % Aether damage with 50% All damage and reduced % Vitality damage to 80%. Increased Vitality damage and reduced Targets and % Weapon damage on the granted skill. Removed Aether damage on the granted skill.

【ウロボルークの刈取り】[% イーサーダメージ]を[50% 全ダメージ]に置換 ~ [80% 生命力ダメージ]に減少
《付与スキル》:[生命力ダメージ]を増加 ~ [最大標的数]を減少 ~ [% 武器ダメージ]を減少 ~ [イーサーダメージ]を削除
[80% 生命力減衰ダメージ]に減少 《付与スキル》:[210度 攻撃角度]に減少

Vengeance: increased % Defensive Ability to 5% and increased % Chance on Hit for the skill proc to 30% and increased its Cold damage

【ヴェンジェンス】[5% 防御能力]に増加 《付与スキル》:[発動確率 30%]に増加 ~ [冷気ダメージ]を増加

[Monster Infrequents] MI

Aetherscorched Cleaver: replaced bonus to Blitz with +2 to Oleron's Rage

【イーサースコーチト クリーバー】

Aetherwarped Cleaver: increased bonus Physical damage to 22-36 and increased % Physical damage modifier for Cadence to 150%

【イーサーワープト クリーバー】

Ascendant Conduit: added -1s Cooldown modifier for Olexra's Flash Freeze

【アセンダント カンデュイト】

Ascendant Cowl: increased bonus to Summon Briarthorn to +3

【アセンダント カウル】

Ascendant Hood: increased bonuses to Devastation and Inquisitor Seal to +3

【アセンダント フード】

Ascendant Source: added modifiers for Drain Essence

【アセンダント ソース】

Ascended Casque: reduced % Attack Speed modifier for Maiven's Sphere of Protection to 10%

【アセンデッド カスク】

Ascended Diadem: increased bonuses to Reckless Power and Stormcaller's Pact to +4. Increased % Offensive and % Defensive Ability modifiers for Stormcaller's Pact to 6%.

【アセンデッド ダイアデム】

Balegor's Crusher: reduced % Health Regen to 60% and added modifiers for Blood of Dreeg

【ベイルゴアズ クラッシャー】

Bane'Gargoth's Shard: replaced % Pierce dealt as Fire modifier for Forcewave with 100% of Physical dealt as Fire

【ベイン'ガルゴスズ シャード】

Bargoll's Core: added modifiers for Summon Familiar

【バルゴールズ コア】

Bargoll's Heart: replaced bonus to Amarasta's Blade Burst with +3 to Elemental Awakening and added modifiers for Pneumatic Burst

【バルゴールズ ハート】

Barrog's Bloody Arm: replaced bonus to Bloody Pox with +2 to Tenacity of the Boar

【バーログズ ブラディ アーム】

Barthollem's Warmaul: added modifiers for Aura of Censure

【バートホーレムズ ウォーモール】

Basilisk Crest: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Ravenous Earth to -0.4s

【バシリスク クレスト】

Blaze Herald: increased Aether damage modifier for Word of Pain to 66 and removed its % Aether Resist Reduction modifier

【ブレーズ ヘラルド】

Bloodbriar's Thorn: replaced Physical damage modifier for Blitz with -1s Cooldown modifier and increased its % Crit damage modifier to 35%. Replaced Pierce damage modifier for Ring of Steel with -1s Cooldown modifier and increased its % Crit damage modifier to 35%.

【ブラッドブライアズ ソーン】

Bloodsworn Codex: replaced Physical damage for pets with % Health for pets. Reduced % Damage Modified modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 30%.

【ブラッドスウォーン コデックス】

Bonebleach Halberd: added modifiers for Aura of Conviction

【ボーンブリーチ ハルバード】

Boneslicer: added 90 Bleed damage / 2s modifier for Wendigo Totem


Bound Wraith: added -1s Cooldown modifier for Raise Skeletons

【バウンド レイス】

Chosen Gaze: reclassified as Light Armor, armor and attribute requirements adjusted accordingly and base Energy Regeneration removed. Increased bonus to Forcewave to +3. Increased % Crit damage modifier for Forcewave to 25% and its Physical damage modifer to 110.

【チョーズン ゲイズ】

Chosen Mask: increased bonus to Thermite Mine to +3

【チョーズン マスク】

Chosen Visage: increased bonus to Summon Hellhound to +3. Increased Fire damage modifiers for Flame Touched and Summon Hellhound to 33 and 50, respectively.

【チョーズン ヴィジッジ】

Coerced Wraith: added modifiers for Grenado

【コアースト レイス】

Crimson's Vile Scepter: added modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and increased Acid damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 75

【クリムゾンズ ヴァイル セプター】

Death-Watcher Pendant: updated modifiers for Mogdrogen's Pact

【デス-ウォッチャー ペンダント】

Dreeg-Sect Legguards: reduced % Health Regen to 25%

【ドリーグ-セクト レッグガード】

Fleshwarped Archive: replaced bonus to Summon Blight Fiend with +2 to Ember Claw

【フレッシュワープト アーカイブ】

Fleshwarped Bulwark: reduced % Health Regen to 50% and replaced % Health Regen modifier for Blood of Dreeg with Health Regeneration modifier for it

【フレッシュワープト ブルワーク】

Fleshwarped Casque: increased bonuses to Overload and War Cry to +3

【フレッシュワープト カスク】

Fleshwarped Codex: increased Aether damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 60 and added 100% of Fire dealt as Aether modifier for it

【フレッシュワープト コデックス】

Fleshwarped Core: increased % Crit damage modifier for Menhir's Bulwark to 20%, added 10% Physical Resist modifier for Menhir's Will and replaced % Crit damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest with 140 Aether damage modifier for it

【フレッシュワープト コア】

Fleshwarped Defender: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Judgment to -0.5s

【フレッシュワープト ディフェンダー】

Fleshwarped Incinerator: added modifiers for Rune of Kalastor

【フレッシュワープト インシネレイター	】

Fleshwarped Tome: added 80 Aether damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption

【フレッシュワープト トウム】

Glaceslice's Mark: reduced Cold damage modifier for Flame Touched to 18

【ゲイルスライシズ マーク】

Gargoyle Gaze: increased Acid and Cold damage modifiers for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 90 and added 140 Frostburn / 3s modifier for Rune of Hagarrad

【ガーゴイル ゲイズ】

Gaze of Ungoliax: reduced Cold damage modifier for Ill Omen to 60

【ゲイズ オブ アンゴリアックス】

Gollus' Ring: reduced % Health Regen to 18%

【ゴラス リング】

Groble Sand Effigy: replaced bonus to Phantasmal Blades with +2 to Entangling Vines. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Grasping Vines to 110 and its Bleed damage modifier to 160 / 1s.

【グローブル サンド エフィジー】

Groble Stone Effigy: increased % Crit damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 36%

【グローブル ストーン エフィジー】

Groble Toxic Effigy: added % Vitality damage and reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 33%

【グローブル トクシク エフィジー】

Groble Vile Effigy: replaced bonus to Curse of Frailty with +2 to Wasting

【グローブル ヴァイル エフィジー】

Gutworm's Mark: increased Bleed damage modifier for Cadence to 166 / 2s

【ガットワームズ マーク】

Heart of Theodin Marcell: reduced % Weapon damage and Aether damage on the granted skill

【ハート オブ セオディン マルセル】

Incendiary Casque: increased bonuses to Fire Strike and Flames of Ignaffar to +3. Added 26 Fire damage modifier for Fire Strike and reduced its % Crit damage modifier to 18%. Added 60 Fire damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar and reduced its % Crit damage modifier to 18%.

【インセンディアリ カスク】

Kalis'Ka's Harvest: added 10% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Blade Arc and increased its Physical damage modifier to 100 and its Bleed damage modifier to 110 / 3s

【カリス カーズ ハーベスト】

Kilrian's Skullbreaker: replaced bonus to Rune of Kalastor with +3 to Steel Resolve and added modifiers for Word of Renewal

【キルリアンズ スカルブレイカー】

Korvaak's Burning Blade: removed % Attack Speed for pets. Increased % Attack Speed modifier for Flame Touched to 12% and its Vitality dealt as Fire modifier to 100%. Added 36 Burn damage / 3s modifier for Flame Touched.

【コルヴァークズ バーニング-ブレイド】

Korvaak's Storm-Blade: replaced bonus to Raging Tempest with +2 to Full Spread and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Stun Jacks to 6%

【コルヴァークズ ストーム-ブレイド】

Korvan Burning Halberd: added modifiers for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange

【コルヴァン バーニング ハルバード】

Korvan Casque: replaced bonus to Laceration with +3 to Blade Arc. Increased Internal Trauma and Vitality Decay damage modifiers for Blade Arc to 140 / 3s.

【コルヴァン カスク】

Korvan Celestial Halberd: added 40 Physical damage modifier for Blade Arc and modifiers for Spectral Binding

【コルヴァン セレスチャル ハルバード】

Korvan Reaping Halberd: added modifiers for Devouring Swarm and increased % Weapon damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 110%

【コルヴァン リーピング ハルバード】

Korvan Storm Halberd: added modifiers for Vindictive Flame

【コルヴァン ストーム ハルバード】

Kymon's Badge: increased % Crit damage modifier for Grenado to 30% and removed its % Pierce dealt as Lightning modifier. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 55-112 and its % Fire dealt as Lightning modifier to 100%.

【カイモンズ バッジ】

Kymon's Sanctified Blade: increased bonus to Soulfire to +3. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 12%. Added modifiers for Mirror of Ereoctes.

【カイモンズ サンクティファイド ブレイド】

Kyzogg's Skull: increased % Crit damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 50% and added 100% of Lightning dealt as Fire modifier for it

【キゾッグス スカル】

Lagoth'Ak's Voidbinding: replaced bonus to Aegis of Menhir with +3 to Avenging Shield

【ラゴス'アクズ ヴォイドバインディング	】

Leafmane Horn: added modifiers for Dreeg's Evil Eye

【リーフメイン ホーン】

Leafmane Trophy: added modifiers for Drain Essence

【リーフメイン トロフィー】

Loxmere's Frostblade: removed % Crit damage modifier for Shadow Strike

【ロクシミアズ フロストブレイド】

Lucius' Blade-Arm: added Aether damage modifier for Word of Renewal and removed Aether damage modifier for Reckless Power

【ルーシャス ブレイドアーム】

Malkadarr's Dreadblade: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Execution to 70%

【マルカダールズ ドレッドブレイド】

Mark of Harvoul: removed Pierce dealt as Physical modifier for Vire's Might

【マーク オブ ハーヴォウル】

Mark of Nacrathan: increased Cold damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 55

【マーク オブ ネクラーサン】

Mark of Plagius: removed Pierce dealt as Vitality modifier for Vire's Might

【マーク オブ プラギウス】

Messenger's Repeater: added modifiers for Veil of Shadow and reduced % Pierce Resist Reduction modifier for Word of Pain to -10%

【メッセンジャーズ リピーター】

Milton's Casque: increased bonuses to Blitz and Overguard to +3

【ミルトンズ カスク】

Mogara's Fangs: increased Physical damage to 21

【モガラズ ファングス】

Murderer's Cowl: increased bonuses to Blade Trap and Ring of Steel to +3

【マーダラーズ カウル】

Obsidian Bulwark: reduced Projectiles modifier Rune of Kalastor to +1

【オブシディアン ブルワーク】

Overseer Eye: increased Electrocute damage modifier for Stun Jacks to 122 / 3s

【オーバーシーア アイ】

Packla's Skins: reduced % Health Regen to 18%. Added % Vitality damage and replaced bonus to Tenacity of the Boar with +3 to Savagery. Added 100% of Lightning dealt as Vitality modifier for Savagery and increased its Vitality damage modifier to 40.

【パックラズ スキン】

Packla's Visage: reduced % Health Regen to 18%. Added % Bleed damage and replaced bonus to Heart Seeker with +3 to Phantasmal Blades. Added +3s Duration modifier for Siphon Souls and increased Bleed damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 140 / 3s.

【パックラズ ヴィジッジ】

Pit Master's Axe: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Blade Arc to 50%

【ピット マスターズ アックス】

Pusquill's Tail: increased bonuses to Nidalla's Hidden Hand and Vulnerability to +3. Increased % Acid Resist Reduction modifier for Curse of Frailty to -10% and Poison damage modifier for Belgothian's Shears to 144 / 5s

【プスクィルズ テール】

Putrid Necklace: added 8% Crit damage modifier for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange and increase % Crit damage modifier for Blood of Dreeg to 15%

【ピュートリッド ネックレス】

Ragrathar's Horn: fixed missing % Energy Regeneration

【ラグラサールズ ホーン】

Rift Scourge Slicer: added 45% of Cold dealt as Acid and increased Acid damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 220

【リフト スカージ スライサー】

Riftclaw Slicer: replaced bonus to Bone Harvest with +2 to Soul Harvest. Increased Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 66 and added modifiers for Spectral Binding.

【リフトクロウ スライサー】

Rolderathis' Tome: replaced bonus to Rune of Hagarrad with +2 to Aura of Censure. Reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to -0.4s.

【ロルダーアティス トウム】

Ronaprax's Sting: increased % Weapon damage modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Dreeg's Evil Eye to 90% and 28%, respectively, and their % Retaliation added to Attack modifiers to 10%

【ロナプラックス スティング】

Rylok Crest: replaced Physical damage modifier for Savagery with 10% Weapon damage modifier for it

【ライロック クレスト】

Rylok Mark: added 8% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Primal Strike

【ライロック マーク】

Salazar's Sovereign Blade: reduced effectiveness of granted pet's Resist Reduction debuff and its Nova ability

【サラザールズ ソブリン ブレイド】

Sandclaw Slicer: increased bonus Physical damage to 36 and increased bonuses to Laceration and Rebuke to +3. Increased Physical damage modifier for Blade Arc to 132 and added 6% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for it. Added modifiers for Presence of Virtue.

【サンドクロウ スライサー】

Scarab Shell: fixed an issue where the Blade Spirit modifiers were not applying to all of the Blade Spirit's damage sources

【スカラベ シェル】

Scorpius Bludgeon: replaced bonus to Blood Boil with +2 to Laceration and increased Bleed damage modifier for Blade Arc to 140 / 3s

【スコーピアス ブラジョン】

Segarius' Sacred Blade: replaced bonus to Mortar Trap with +2 to Maelstrom

【セガリウス セイクリッド ブレイド】

Servitor's Corruptor: increased Chaos damage modifier for Cadence to 130 and added modifiers for Field Command

【サービターズ コラプター】

Servitor's Slicer: replaced bonus to Savagery with +2 to Circle of Slaughter

【サービターズ スライサー】

Shambler's Heart: added 16 Physical damage modifier for Flame Touched

【シャンブラーズ ハート】

Slathsarr's Crest: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 20%

【スラッサーズ クレスト】

Spectral Arbalest: added modifiers for Spectral Binding

【スペクトラル アーバレスト】

Spectral Crown: increased bonus to Raise Skeletons to +3

【スペクトラル クラウン】

Spectral Longsword: replaced % Pierce damage with 50% of Pierce dealt as Cold. Updated modifiers for Shadow Strike. Added 180 Frostburn / 3s modifier for Rune of Hagarrad.

【スペクトラル ロングソード】

Spectral War Shield: increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Drain Essence to 7%

【スペクトラル ウォー シールド】

Steward's Halberd: increased bonus Physical damage to 75 and replaced bonus to Cadence with +4 to Tectonic Shift

【ストゥーワーツ ハルバード】

Terrnox's Aether Tome: added modifiers for Reap Spirit

【ターノックスズ イーサー トウム】

Troll Bonecrusher: increased Bleed damage modifier for Savagery to 144 / 3s, its % Crit damage modifier to 24% and added 100% of Lightning dealt as Physical modifier for it

【トロール ボーンクラッシャー】

Ugdenbog Arcaneweaver: removed Elemental damage modifier for Fire Strike

【ウグデンボーグ アルケインウィーバー】

Ugdenbog Bilelauncher: added modifiers for Blood of Dreeg

【ウグデンボーグ バイルランチャー】

Ugdenbog Boltthrower: replaced % Physical damage with % Bleed damage. Added modifiers for Storm Spread. Added 80 Bleed damage / 2s modifier for Cadence.

【ウグデンボーグ ボルトスロワー】

Ugdenbog Chillstrife: removed Cold damage modifier for Veil of Shadow. Added modifiers for Trozan's Sky Shard.

【ウグデンボーグ チルストライフ】

Ugdenbog Flamestrife: added 26 Fire damage modifier for Blackwater Cocktail and reduced Fire damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 60

【ウグデンボーグ フレイムストライフ】

Ugdenbog Flamethrower: added 100% of Physical dealt as Fire modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion and replaced its % Physical Resist Reduction modifier with 50 Fire damage modifier for it. Increased Fire damage modifier for Grenado to 440.

【ウグデンボーグ フレイムスロワー】

Ugdenbog Howler: added 60 Vitality damage modifier for Siphon Souls

【ウグデンボーグ ハウラー】

Ugdenbog Sparkthrower: added modifiers for Storm Box of Elgoloth

【ウグデンボーグ スパークスロワー】

Ugdenbog Stormstrife: added 38 Lightning damage modifier for Stun Jacks

【ウグデンボーグ ストームストライフ】

Vilgazor's Heart: replaced % Pierce dealt as Fire Conversion with 10% of Physical dealt as Fire and increased % Pierce dealt as Fire modifier for Pneumatic Burst to 100%. Removed % Pierce dealt as Fire modifier for Grenado.

【ヴィルガゾールズ ハート】

Viper Hemorrhager: increased Bleed damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 144 / 3s and added 70 Bleed damage / 1s modifier for Devouring Swarm

【ヴァイパー ヘモーラーガー】

Voldrak's Crusher: increased bonus Physical damage to 75 and reduced % Health Regen to 60%

【ヴォルドラクズ クラッシャー】

Warden's Judgment: increased Aether damage modifier for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange to 28 and added 8% Attack Speed modifier for it

【ウォードンズ ジャッジメント】

Wendigo Barb: replaced Health and bonus to Nidalla's Hidden Hand with % Acid damage and +3 to Spectral Binding. Added modifiers for Spectral Binding. Replaced Conversion modifier for Blood of Dreeg with 45% of Vitality dealt as Acid.

【ウェンディゴ バーブ】

Wendigo Claw: increased bonus to Markovian's Advantage to +3 and added Bleed damage modifier for it

【ウェンディゴ クロウ】

Wendigo Eye: increased Elemental damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 80

【ウェンディゴ アイ】

Wendigo Glare: reduced Physical damage modifier for Shattering Smash to 140

【ウェンディゴ グレアー】

Yeti Horn: added 15% Crit damage modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth

【イェティ ホーン】

Zaria's Pendant: removed % Attack Speed for pets. Reduced % Damage Modified modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 25%.

【ザリアズ ペンダント】

Zarthuzellan's Archive: reduced Burn damage modifier for Vire's Might to 150 / 2s

【ザースゼーランズ アーカイブ】

[Epic Items] エピック

Amnesty Set: increased % All Retaliation damage bonus to 260% and added 30% of Fire dealt as Acid bonus

【大赦 セット】

Mythical Chestguard of Perdition: added 25% of Fire dealt as Acid

【神話級 破滅のチェストガード】

Mythical Faceguard of Perdition: added 25% of Fire dealt as Acid

【神話級 破滅のフェイスガード】

Mythical Handguards of Perdition: added % Acid damage

【神話級 破滅のハンドガード】

Mythical Shield of Perdition: increased Acid damage to 77 and % Acid damage to 112%

【神話級 破滅の盾】

Amulet of the Eye: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【アミュレット オブ ザ アイ】

Baldir's Regalia Set: increased Bleed damage on the skill proc

【バルディアの盛装 セット】

Mythical Baldir's Armor: increased Offensive Ability to 55 and Health to 700

【神話級 バルディアの鎧】

Mythical Baldir's Mantle: increased Bleed damage to 14 / 3s and Offensive Ability to 55

【神話級 バルディアのマント】

Mythical Baldir's Mask: increased Bleed damage to 14 / 3s

【神話級 バルディアの仮面】

Blazeseer Set: added 24 Fire damage bonus and reduced damage on the skill proc

【炎の予言者 セット】

Blazeseer Girdle: replaced Chaos damage with Fire damage

【ブレーズシーア ガードル】

Blazeseer Signet: added 4% Attack Speed

【ブレーズシーア シグネット】

Callidor's Defense Set: increased Damage and reduced Cooldown on the granted skill

【キャリドアの防御 セット】

Mythical Callidor's Shard: added 18% Bleed Resist

【神話級 キャリドアの破片】

Corruptor of Souls Set: increased Vitality damage for pets on the skill proc

【魂を汚す者 セット】

Mythical Corruptor's Mantle: added 25% stun resist for pets

【神話級 汚染者のマント】

Mythical Corruptor's Mask: added 18% Chaos Resist and increased Vitality damage for pets to 12

【神話級 汚染者のマスク】

Mythical Corruptor's Robe: added 480 Health

【神話級 汚染者のローブ】

Daega's Oath Set: fixed missing % Poison damage on the set's pieces. Increased % damage on the skill proc and added % Acid Retaliation damage to it.

【デイガの誓い セット】

Daega's Hood: increased Defensive Ability to 40


Daega's Mantle: increased Health to 500


Daega's Raiment: increased Health to 660


Dawnshield Set: increased Lightning Retaliation to 1000-2150. Increased % Weapon damage and % Retaliation added to Attack on the skill proc.

【ドーンシールド セット】

Mythical Champion of the Light: increased Lightning Retaliation to 1800-3500

【神話級 光のチャンピオン】

Mythical Dawnguard Epaulets: increased Lightning Retaliation to 220-500

【神話級 ドーンガード エポレット】

Mythical Dawnguard Gauntlets: increased Lightning Retaliation to 220-500

【神話級 ドーンガード ガントレット】

Mythical Dawnguard Helm: increased Lightning Retaliation to 220-500

【神話級 ドーンガード ヘルム】

Mythical Dawnguard Plate: increased Lightning Retaliation to 220-500

【神話級 ドーンガード プレート】

Desecrator Covenant Set: added 8% Attack Speed for pets bonus and increased % Physical dealt as Chaos for pets to 100% on the granted skill

【冒涜者の誓約 セット】

Mythical Unholy Mantle of the Covenant: added 18% Elemental Resist and increased Defensive Ability to 55

【神話級 誓約のアンホリー マント】

Mythical Unholy Sigil of the Covenant: added 18% Pierce Resist and 280 Health

【神話級 誓約のアンホリー シジル】

Mythical Unholy Visage of the Covenant: added 5% Defensive Ability for pets

【神話級 誓約のアンホリー ヴィジッジ】

Mythical Bloodied Dagger of the Covenant: increased Chaos damage for pets to 12

【神話級 誓約の血染めダガー】

Dreadchill Grasp: reduced % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 8%

【ドレッドチル グラスプ】

Dreadwalker Set: increased % Health to 12%

【ドレッドウォーカー セット】

Dreadwalker Cowl: increased Offensive Ability to 36 and Defensive Ability to 30

【ドレッドウォーカー カウル】

Dreadwalker Raiment: increased Offensive Ability to 36 and % Bleed Resist to 34%

【ドレッドウォーカー レイメント】

Dreadwalker Tome: replaced % Crit damage with % Cast Speed

【ドレッドウォーカー トウム】

Empowered Amulet of the Eye: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【強化版 アミュレット オブ ザ アイ】

Empowered Essence of Beronath: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【強化版 ベロナスのエッセンス】

Empowered Quickdraw Gloves: reduced Pierce damage to 4-6

【強化版 早撃ちグローブ】

Empowered Gems of Arcane Chill: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【強化版 ジェム オブ アルケイン チル】

Empowered Vilescorn Bracers: reduced % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 8%

【強化版 ヴァイルスコーン ブレイサー】

Essence of Beronath: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental


Festerblaze Set: increased damage on the skill proc

【膿爛火炎 セット】

Festerblaze Mantle: increased Defensive Ability to 50


Festerblaze Tome: increased Offensive Ability to 98 and Health to 450


Festerblaze Vestments: increased Health to 500 and Offensive Ability to 40


Gems of Arcane Chill: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【ジェム オブ アルケイン チル】

Keeper of the Blaze Set: increased Damage and % Activation Chance on the granted skill

【炎熱の番人 セット】

Luminari Regalia Set: increased % Attack Speed bonus to 10%

【ルミナリの礼装 セット】

Luminari Commendation: removed % Pierce dealt as Elemental


Luminari Hat: increased % Pierce dealt as Elemental to 25%

【ルミナリ ハット】

Luminari Jacket: added 25% Pierce dealt as Elemental

【ルミナリ ジャケット】

Mogdrogen's Peace Set: replaced Bleed damage for pets with Physical damage for pets

【モグドロゲンの平静 セット】

Mythical Blessed Cleaver of Mogdrogen: increased Physical damage for pets to 24

【神話級 モグドロゲンの神聖クリーバー】

Myrmidon Bastion Set: increased damage and reduced cooldown on the granted skill

【ミュルミドン バスティオン セット】

Mythical Myrmidon Chestguard: added 50 Offensive Ability

【神話級 ミュルミドン チェストガード】

Mythical Myrmidon's Guard: increased Internal Trauma damage to 67 / 5s

【神話級 ミュルミドンのガード】

Mythical Amulet of the Eye: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【神話級 アミュレット オブ ザ アイ】

Mythical Beast Slayer's Mark: increased Physical damage to 16-22

【神話級 獣殺しの標章】

Mythical Blazeguard Arbiter: increased bonus Fire damage to 49

【神話級 ブレーズガード アービター】

Mythical Bonesnap Gavel: increased bonus Physical damage to 28-56

【神話級 ボーンスナップ ガベル】

Mythical Bounty Hunter's Shoulderguards: increased bonus to Ranged Expertise to +3

【神話級 バウンティ ハンターのショルダーガード	】

Mythical Burrwitch Peacekeeper: increased bonus Physical damage to 30-50

【神話級 バーウィッチ ピースキーパー】

Mythical Cruel Edge: increased bonus Physical damage to 30-42

【神話級 クルエル エッジ】

Mythical Devil's Grin: increased bonus Chaos damage to 28-70

【神話級 デビルズ グリン】

Mythical Dreadchill Grasp: reduced % Attack Speed to 12% and Cold damage to 11

【神話級 ドレッドチル グラスプ】

Mythical Elementium: increased bonus Elemental damage to 63

【神話級 エレメンティアム】

Mythical Essence of Beronath: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【神話級 ベロナスのエッセンス】

Mythical Flamebreaker: increased bonus Fire damage to 33-67

【神話級 フレイムブレイカー】

Mythical Gems of Arcane Chill: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【神話級 ジェム オブ アルケイン チル】

Mythical Legionnaire's Rebuke: increased bonus Physical damage to 42-63

【神話級 レジョネアの非難】

Mythical Oathbreaker's Guard: increased bonus Fire damage to 49

【神話級 誓い破りのガード】

Mythical Outlaw's Retribution: increased bonus Physical damage to 33-46

【神話級 無法者の報復】

Mythical Quickdraw Gloves: reduced Pierce damage to 7-11 and increased bonus to Ranged Expertise to +3

【神話級 早撃ちグローブ】

Mythical Runed Topaz of Gillad: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【神話級 ギラードのルーンド トパーズ】

Mythical Seal of the Blazing Inferno: added 12 Fire damage

【神話級 燃焼地獄の印環】

Mythical Spinecarver: increased bonus Physical damage to 21-50

【神話級 スパインカーバー】

Mythical Spiriteater Bulwark: increased bonus Vitality damage to 49

【神話級 スピリットイーター ブルワーク】

Mythical Turin's Grips: increased Physical damage to 16

【神話級 テューリンのグリップ】

Mythical Vaultkeeper's Mark: increased Physical damage to 14-25

【神話級 ヴォルトキーパーの標章】

Mythical Vilescorn Bracers: reduced % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 12%

【神話級 ヴァイルスコーン ブレイサー】

Mythical Warchief's Glory: increased Physical damage to 19

【神話級 ウォーチーフズ グローリー】

Runed Topaz of Gillad: added 10% of Physical dealt as Elemental

【ギラードのルーンド トパーズ】

Sharpshooter's Duty Set: reduced Pierce damage bonus to 24 and % Crit damage bonus to 18%. Increased % Activation Chance on the granted skill. Corrected some inconsistencies in the order set bonuses are granted.

【鋭敏な射手の任務 セット】

Mythical Sharpshooter's Glass Eye: removed Pierce damage. Added 16% Chaos Resist to the granted skill and reduced its Pierce damage.

【神話級 シャープシューターズ グラス アイ】

Sharpshooter's Mark Set: reduced Pierce damage bonus to 18 and % Crit damage bonus to 15%. Corrected some inconsistencies in the order set bonuses are granted.

【鋭敏な射手の印 セット】

Sharpshooter's Glass Eye: reduced Pierce damage on the granted skill

【シャープシューターズ グラス アイ】

Stonefather Set: replaced % Attack Speed bonus with 6% Offensive Ability

【ストーンファーザー セット】

Stonefather Armor: added Physical damage and increased Offensive Ability to 60 and Health to 550


Stonefather Bulwark: added 55 Offensive Ability and increased bonus Physical damage to 56


Stonefather Helm: increased Physical damage to 16-21


Stonefather Mark: increased Offensive Ability to 60 and Physical damage to 19-25


The Arcane Tempest Set: increased damage on the granted skill

【ザ アルケイン テンペスト セット】

The Eastern Pledge Set: reduced % Offensive Ability bonus to 5%

【ザ イースタン プレッジ セット】

The Eastern Oath Set: reduced % Offensive Ability bonus to 6%

【ザ イースタン オース セット】

Mythical Eastern Gloves: added 280 Health

【神話級 イースタン グローブ】

Mythical Eastern Robes: added 16% Poison Resist

【神話級 イースタン ローブ】

The Magelord Set: added 20 Aether damage bonus

【ザ メイジロード セット】

Magelord Band: removed Aether damage

【メイジロード バンド】

Magelord Signet: removed Aether damage

【メイジロード シグネット】

The Stormserpent Set: increased % Pierce dealt as Lightning bonus to 30% and added 30% of Cold dealt as Lightning bonus

【嵐大蛇 セット】

Stormserpent Armor: replaced Offensive Ability with 3% Physical Resist


Stormserpent Mask: replaced Offensive Ability with 3% Physical Resist


The Unseeing Eye Set: removed % Crit damage bonus and reduced % Offensive Ability bonus to 5%. Reduced % Resist Reduction on the skill proc.

【虚ろな目 セット】

The Unseeing Gaze Set: removed % Crit damage bonus and reduced % Offensive Ability bonus to 6%. Reduced % Resist Reduction on the skill proc.

【虚ろな凝視 セット】

Mythical Unseeing Eye of the Blind Assassin: added 18% Aether Resist

【神話級 ブラインド アサシンの虚ろな目】

Vilescorn Bracers: reduced % Attack and % Cast Speeds to 6%

【ヴァイルスコーン ブレイサー】

[Legendary Non-Set Items] レジェンダリー 非セット装備

Arcanor, Blade of the Luminari: removed % Crit damage

【ルミナリの刃 アルカノア】

Belgothian's Sigil: removed Pierce damage


Beronath, Reforged: reduced % Retaliation damage modifier to -16%


Bladetwister Signet: added 18% Vitality Resist and reduced % Pierce Resist to 22%

【ブレイドツイスター シグネット】

Chillheart: reduced Cast Speed to 10%


Chilling Grip of Hagarrad: reduced % Attack Speed to 10%

【ハガラッドのチリング グリップ】

Cindercore: increased Burn damage modifier for Grenado to 260 / 5s


Cindertouch: replaced % Crit damage with 15% Attack Speed and 15% Cast Speed and reduced Offensive Ability to 76. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 22-40.


Codex of Eternal Storms: replaced % Lightning Resist with 50% Electrocute Duration


All Conduits: increased Health to 840

【全ての導管】[840 ヘルス]に増加

Conduit of Arcane Whispers: increased Acid damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 220, its Poison damage modifier to 240 / 5s and its Fire damage modifier to 110. Increased Acid and Cold damage modifiers for Devastation to 150. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 166. Increased Cold damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 132. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 140.


Conduit of Destructive Whispers: increased Aether and Chaos damage modifiers for Stun Jacks to 66. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Canister Bomb to 180. Reduced % Health Regen modifier for Vindictive Flame to 60%. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 60. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Fire Strike to 80. Updated % Pierce dealt as Vitality modifier for Grenado to 100% of Physical dealt as Vitality and increased its Vitality damage modifier to 420 and its Resist Reduction modifier to 25 / 5s. Updated % Pierce dealt as Cold modifier for Grenado to 100% of Fire dealt as Cold.


Conduit of Divine Whispers: increased Aether and Chaos damage modifiers for Eye of Reckoning to 132, added 100% of Physical dealt as Aether/Chaos modifiers for them and updated the conversion on these necklace variants to 25% of Fire dealt as Aether/Chaos. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 280, its Vitality Decay damage modifier to 280 / 3s and its Elemental damage modifier to 280. Increased Cold damage modifier for Judgment to 330 and added 16% Damage Reduction / 5s modifier for it. Redesigned Ascension variant to instead support Lightning Vire's Might. Increased Cold damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 80 and updated conversion on this necklace variant to 25% of Fire dealt as Cold.


Conduit of Eldritch Whispers: added 25% Crit damage modifier for Summon Familiar. Added 100% of Fire dealt as Chaos modifier for Summon Hellhound and increased its Chaos damage modifier to 110. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 144. Increased Aether damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 180. Increased Burn damage modifier for Doom Bolt to 500 / 5s.


Conduit of Night Whispers: increased Fire damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 210. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 150-250 and added 100% of Acid dealt as Lightning modifier for it. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 180-500 and its Aether damage modifier to 340. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 55.


Conduit of Runic Whispers: added 110 Physical damage modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth. Increased Aether damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 154, its % Damage Modified modifier to 15% and added 100% of Lightning dealt as Aether modifier for it. Added +1 Projectile modifiers for Rune of Hagarrad and Rune of Kalastor.


Conduit of Undying Whispers: added 100% of Physical dealt as Fire modifier for Raise Skeletons and increased its Fire damage modifier to 44. Added 120 Vitality Decay damage / 5s modifier for Summon Blight Fiend. Increased Acid damage modifier for Drain Essence to 144 and added 100% of Vitality dealt as Acid modifier for it. Increased Aether and Chaos damage modifiers for Bone Harvest to 300.


Conduit of Warring Whispers: increased Cold damage modifier for Forcewave to 200 and its Lightning damage modifier to 100-450 and replaced its 100% of Pierce dealt as Lightning modifier with 100% of Physical dealt as Lightning. Removed 100% of Pierce dealt as Cold modifier for Forcewave. Increased Aether and Acid modifiers for Cadence to 210. Increased Elemental damage modifier for Blitz to 320. Increased Cold and Fire damage modifiers for Blade Arc to 220. Increased Aether damage modifier for Counter Strike to 240 and added +2 Radius modifier for it.


Conduit of Wild Whispers: increased Aether damage modifier for Primal Strike to 360 and its Cold damage modifier to 360. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 122. Increased Aether damage modifier for Savagery to 80 and added 100% of Physical dealt as Aether for it, updated the conversion on this necklace variant to 25% of Lightning dealt as Aether.


Crystallum: replaced % Stun Resist and % Lightning Resist with 50% Petrify Resist and 10% damage to Aetherials


Death's Reach: adjusted values on the skill proc and replaced its Activation type from Chance on Crit to Chance on Attack


Decree of Malmouth (mythical): added 40 Vitality damage modifier for Storm Totem. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 10% and added Conversion modifiers for it.


Doombringer: updated % Damage bonuses on the granted skill to % All damage


Eldritch Gaze (mythical): increased Chaos damage modifier for Blade Arc to 100

【エルドリッチ ゲイズ(IL94)】

Empyrion's Mercy: increased bonus to Soulfire to +3 and replaced Fire damage on the granted skill with Lightning damage


Exterminus: reduced % Fire and % Chaos Resist Reduction on the skill proc


Farath's Cube: increased % Offensive Ability to 5% and % Health to 8%. Increased Cold damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 100 and added 100% of Lightning dealt as Cold modifier for Flames of Ignaffar.


Gate to Many Worlds: increased damage on the granted skill. Increased Elemental damage modifier for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange to 30.


Gaze of Empyrion: increased Defensive Ability to 82


Gildor's Guard: increased % Physical damage to 86%, Health to 870, % Health to 6% and % All Retaliation damage to 80%. Added % Physical and % Pierce damage to the skill proc.


Gildor's Pulverizer: added +2 to Blade Spirit and added modifiers for Blade Spirit


Glyph of the Storm Witch: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%


Guardian of Death's Gates: base damage is now Vitality, values adjusted accordingly. Added 45% of Physical dealt as Vitality.


Gutsmasher: increased % Weapon damage modifiers for Blade Arc and Eye of Reckoning to 30% and 15%, respectively


Hagarradian Enforcer: increased bonus to Chilling Rounds to +3 and replaced bonus to Amarasta's Blade Burst with +1 to Nightblade Skills. Increased damage and distance on the skill proc.


Hellscourge: increased damage on the skill proc and increased Fire damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 55


Horns of Korvaak (mythical): added 28 Elemental damage


Hyrian's Bulwark: increased Elemental damage to 86


Iceskorn Talons: removed % Crit damage

【アイススコーン タロンズ】

Inashkor's Corrupted Head: corrected bonus to Hellfire Mines to be +3 to Spectral Wrath


Korvan Wyrm: replaced % Lightning damage with % Bleed damage

【コルヴァン ウィルム】

Lifegiver Signet: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%

【ライフギバー シグネット】

Light's Oath: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%


Mad Queen's Claw (mythical): added +3 to Whirling Death

【マッド クイーンの鉤爪(IL94)】

Malakor's Infusion: increased % Physical dealt as Elemental to 45%


Mark of Ulzuin: increased bonuses to Albrecht's Aether Ray and Heart of Wrath to +3. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Grenado to 180-320 and added 100% of Fire dealt as Chaos modifier for it. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Judgment to 140-305, reduced its Cooldown Reduction modifier to -0.6s and removed its Conversion modifier.


Menhirian: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%


Misery: reduced Acid damage to 14 and increased Acid damage modifier for Blood of Dreeg to 18. Increased Acid damage modifier for Grasping Vines to 110 and its Poison damage modifier to 180 / 2s.


Mythical Aethereach: added 18 Aether damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray

【神話級 イーサーリーチ】

Mythical Agony: increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 7%

【神話級 アゴニー】

Mythical Aldanar's Vanity: added modifiers for Ascension

【神話級 アルダナーのうぬぼれ】

Mythical Alladrah's Spellblade: increased Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning and Fire Strike to 55 and 36, respectively

【神話級 アラドラーの魔法剣】

Mythical Anderos' Amplifier: added 100% of Physical dealt as Fire modifier for Mortar Trap

【神話級 アンデロスの増幅器】

Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings: added 15% Trap Resist and 15% Petrify Resist

【神話級 アルケイン ハーモニー レギンス】

Mythical Arcanor, Blade of the Luminari: removed % Crit damage. Added 15% Crit damage modifier for Forcewave and removed its % Pierce dealt as Elemental modifier. Added 15% Crit damage modifier for Spectral Binding.

【神話級 ルミナリの刃 アルカノア】

Mythical Arcanum Electrollis: increased % Resist Reduction on the skill proc to -15%

【神話級 アルケイナム エレクトロリス】

Mythical Arcanum Frigus: increased Radius modifier for Canister Bomb to 0.8

【神話級 アルケイナム フリグス】

Mythical Arcanum Sigillis: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 26%

【神話級 アルケイナム シジリス】

Mythical Avatar of Order: increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Drain Essence to 12% and 10%, respectively


Mythical Beacon of the Winter's Veil: increased Cold damage modifier for Veil of Shadow to 110

【神話級 冬の帳の篝火】

Mythical Belgothian's Sigil: reduced Pierce damage to 8

【神話級 ベルゴシアンの印】

Mythical Beronath, Reforged: reduced % Retaliation damage modifier to -16%

【神話級 鍛え直したベロナス】

Mythical Black Scourge: increased Offensive Ability to 70 and increased % Attack Speed for pets to 15%

【神話級 ブラック スカージ】

Mythical Blazeborn Mantle: increased % All Retaliation damage to 95%

【神話級 ブレーズボーン マント】

Mythical Blood Orb of Cht'thon: added +3 to Demon Fire and increased % damage on the granted skill

【神話級 ブラッド オーブ オブ クトーン】

Mythical Blood Sigil of Ch'Thon: removed Pierce dealt as Chaos modifier for Vire's Might

【神話級 クトーンの血の印】

Mythical Bloodsong: increased Bleed damage modifiers for Blade Arc, Belgothian's Shears and Whirling Death to 133 / 3s, 120 / 3s and 120 / 3s, respectively

【神話級 ブラッドソング】

Mythical Boots of Primordial Rage: added 4% Physical Resist

【神話級 原始の激怒のブーツ】

Mythical Bramblevine: increased Acid damage modifier for Grasping Vines to 180 and its % Retaliation added to Attack modifier to 8%

【神話級 荊棘蔓盾】

Mythical Brutallax: increased Bleed damage modifier for Presence of Virtue to 50 / 3s

【神話級 ブルータラックス】

Mythical Butcher of Burrwitch: increased Bleed damage modifier for Vire's Might to 180 / 3s

【神話級 バーウィッチの屠殺人】

Mythical Celestial Stone of Halakor: added 20% Trap Resist and 20% Freeze Resist. Reduced % Crit damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 24%.

【神話級 ハラコーのセレスチャル ストーン】

Mythical Chilling Grip of Hagarrad: reduced % Attack Speed to 12%

【神話級 ハガラッドのチリング グリップ】

Mythical Cinderscorn: reduced Burn damage modifier for Judgment to 90 / 2s

【神話級 シンダースコーン】

Mythical Codex of Eternal Storms: replaced % Lightning Resist with 100% Electrocute Duration. Replaced % Energy Cost Reduction modifier for Wind Devil with -100% Cooldown modifier for it. Duration modifier now makes Wind Devils permanent. Increased Electrocute damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 144 / 3s.

【神話級 永久嵐の古写本】

Mythical Codex of Violent Rifts: increased % Crit damage to 15% and % Cast Speed to 12%. Added 45% of Fire dealt as Chaos. Increased Cooldown Reduction modifier for Judgment to -1s and its Chaos damage modifier to 150-350 and updated its Conversion modifier to 100% of Physical dealt as Chaos.


Mythical Combustion Band: increased % Attack Speed to 8%, Fire damage to 14 and added % Physical damage

【神話級 発火の指輪】

Mythical Consumption of Agrivix: increased Fire damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 70. Increased fire damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 76, its Burn damage modifier to 180 / 4s and its % Retaliation added to Attack modifier to 8%.

【神話級 アグリヴィックスの消耗】

Mythical Crescent Moon: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Grenado to 60% and Cold damage modifier for Rune of Hagarrad to 55

【神話級 三日月】

Mythical Crest of Winter Fortitude: added 4% Attack Speed and increased Health to 850. Increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Blitz to 35% and added 100% of Physical dealt as Cold modifier for it.

【神話級 冬の忍耐の紋章】

Mythical Crimson Spike: increased % Attack Speed to 20% and added 45% of Chaos dealt as Vitality

【神話級 深紅の棘】

Mythical Crystallum: increased Lightning damage to 16-40. Replaced % Stun Resist and % Lightning Resist with 50% Petrify Resist and 10% damage to Aetherials. Replaced bonus to Clarity of Purpose with +3 to Ascension. Added modifiers for Savagery and Ascension.

【神話級 クリスタラム】

Mythical Dawnshard Gaze: increased Health to 722

【神話級 ドーンシャード ゲイズ】

Mythical Dawnshard Grip: increased Elemental damage to 22 and added 18% Poison Resist. Reduced Elemental damage modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion to 55.

【神話級 ドーンシャード グリップ】

Mythical Dawnshard Hauberk: increased Lightning damage to 11-25 and Health to 1280 and added 74 Defensive Ability

【神話級 ドーンシャード ホーバーク】

Mythical Dawnshard Pauldron: increased Health to 722

【神話級 ドーンシャード ポールドロン】

Mythical Death Omen: increased Vitality damage to 28 and increased Vitality damage modifier for Execution to 200

【神話級 デス オーメン】

Mythical Death's Reach: adjusted values on the skill proc and replaced its Activation type from Chance on Crit to Chance on Attack. Added 100% of Physical dealt as Vitality modifier for Eye of Reckoning.

【神話級 死の到達】

Mythical Deathdealer's Sidearm: increased Physical damage modifiers for Reaping Strike and Smite to 180

【神話級 デスディーラーズ サイドアーム】

Mythical Decree of the Circle of Five: added 130% Physical damage modifier for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange and increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill

【神話級 五輪の布告】

Mythical Devil's Cage Hauberk: increased Physical damage to 19-28

【神話級 デビルズ ケージ ホーバーク】

Mythical Divinesteel Shoulderguard: increased Defensive Ability to 80 and addded 700 Health

【神話級 ディヴァインスチール ショルダーガード】

Mythical Doombringer: added % Lightning damage and updated % Damage bonuses on the granted skill to % All damage. Increased % Weapon damage modifiers for Feral Hunger and Smite to 50% and 70%, respectively.

【神話級 ドゥームブリンガー】

Mythical Dracarris: added 4% Physical Resist modifier for Flame Touched and increased its Fire damage modifier to 33

【神話級 ドラキャリス】

Mythical Dread Armor of Azragor: increased Offensive Ability to 74. Removed % All Retaliation damage and corrected Vitality Retaliation to Physical Retaliation. This was already the case in Ashes of Malmouth, but was not reflected in Forgotten Gods.

【神話級 ドレッド アーマー オブ アズラゴー】

Mythical Dread-Mask of Gurgoth: increased Defensive Ability to 74 and bonus to Mortar Trap to +4 and added 560 health. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 124.

【神話級 ドレッド-マスク オブ グルゴス】

Mythical Dreadchill Mark: increased Frostburn damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 210 / 3s and reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Necrotic Edge to 40%

【神話級 ドレッドチル マーク】

Mythical Dreadscorcher: increased Aether damage modifier for Flame Touched to 44 and added 6% Physical Resist modifier for it

【神話級 ドレッドスコーチャー】

Mythical Dreegal'anore: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Judgment to -1.8s

【神話級 ドリーガル'アノレ】

Mythical Earthsplitter: increased bonus Physical damage to 33-46

【神話級 アーススプリッター】

Mythical Edge of Death: added % Bleed damage. Added 110 bleed / 5s modifiers for Markovian's Advantage and Reaping Strike and added modifiers for Field Command.

【神話級 死の刃】

Mythical Empyrion's Mercy: increased Lightning damage to 28 and % Attack Speed to 18% and increased bonus to Soulfire to +3. Increased % Resist Reduction on the granted skill to -12% and replaced its Fire damage with Lightning damage. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 18-66 and added 100% Fire dealt as Lightning modifier for it.

【神話級 エンピリオンの慈悲】

Mythical Evoker of Elgoloth: increased Lightning damage to 39-98. Added 100% Projectile Piercing modifier for Storm Spread.

【神話級 エルゴロスの召喚者】

Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn: added +3 to Divine Mandate and modifiers for it

【神話級 グリム ドーンのエッセンス】

Mythical Executioner's Judgment: increased Cold damage modifier for Cadence to 110

【神話級 処刑人の裁き】

Mythical Exonerator: increased Lightning damage to 16-42. Replaced bonus to Fighting Form with +1 to Soldier Skills. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Cadence to 100-150.

【神話級 解放者】

Mythical Exterminus: reduced % Fire and % Chaos Resist Reduction on the skill proc

【神話級 絶滅者】

Mythical Fiendmaster Raiment: reduced Chaos damage for pets to 5-16

【神話級 フィーンドマスター レイメント】

Mythical Final Stop: increased Health to 880

【神話級 ザ ファイナル ストップ】

Mythical Flames of Wrath: removed Fire damage modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion. Reduced % Fire Resist Reduction modifiers for Aura of Censure and Summon Guardian of Empyrion to -6%.

【神話級 憤怒の炎】

Mythical Frostdread Cuirass: increased % Health to 8% and Defensive Ability to 62

【神話級 フロストドレッド キュイラス】

Mythical Gauntlets of Ignaffar: reduced Fire damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 60. Increased Burn damage modifier for Grenado to 260 / 5s and removed its % Pierce dealt as Fire modifier.

【神話級 イグナファーのガントレット】

Mythical Gavel of Ravenous Souls: increased bonus Physical damage to 30-47. Increased Physical damage modifier for Vire's Might to 130 and its Internal Trauma damage modifier to 130 / 2s. Increased Physical damage modifier for Soul Siphon 90.

【神話級 貪欲な魂の小槌】

Mythical Gildam Arcanum Commendation: added 40 Offensive Ability, 40 Defensive Ability and +3 to Intensify and increased % Cast Speed to 6%. Added 44 Elemental damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar.

【神話級 ギルダム アルケイナムの推賞】

Mythical Glyph of Kelphat'Zoth: increased Lightning damage to 8-25 and Defensive Ability to 60

【神話級 ケルファト'ゾースのグリフ】

Mythical Glyph of the Storm Witch: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10% and Offensive Ability to 68

【神話級 嵐の魔女のグリフ】

Mythical Grasp of the Dead: increased Cold damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 110

【神話級 死者の抱き付き】

Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might: increased Physical damage to 19-25. Increased % Pierce dealt as Physical modifier for Aura of Conviction to 100% and its Physical damage modifier to 28.

【神話級 グラスプ オブ アンチェインド マイト】

Mythical Gravetouch: added 45% of Lightning dealt as Cold

【神話級 グレイヴタッチ】

Mythical Guardian of Death's Gates: base damage is now Vitality, values adjusted accordingly. Added 45% of Physical dealt as Vitality and increased % Total Speed for pets to 24%. Added modifiers for Field Command.

【神話級 死門の守護者】

Mythical Gutripper: increased Bleed damage modifier for Vire's Might to 240 / 3s

【神話級 ガットリッパー】

Mythical Gutsmasher: added 100% of Fire dealt as Physical modifier for Eye of Reckoning

【神話級 ガッツマッシャー】

Mythical Hagarradian Enforcer: increased bonus to Chilling Rounds to +3 and replaced bonus to Amarasta's Blade Burst with +1 to Nightblade Skills. Increased damage and distance on the skill proc.

【神話級 ハガラッドの執行者】

Mythical Hallanx's Head: increased Health to 550. Added 110 Vitality damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye and increased its % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier to 12%.

【神話級 ハランクスの首】

Mythical Havoc: increased Physical damage to 28-46. Increased Physical damage modifier for Fighting Spirit to 28. Added 30% of Elemental dealt as Physical modifier for Word of Renewal.

【神話級 大破壊】

Mythical Heart of the Mountain: added 12 Cold damage for pets

【神話級 山の心臓】

Mythical Heart of the Sand King: added 10 Physical damage modifier for Mogdrogen's Pact and increased its Bleed damage modifier to 32 / 3s

【神話級 砂王の心臓】

Mythical Herald of Amatok: increased Cold damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 90 and its Frostburn damage modifier to 120 / 2s

【神話級 アマトクの布告者】

Mythical Herald of the Apocalypse: increased Fire damage modifier for Judgment to 110-184

【神話級 ヘラルド オブ ザ アポカリプス】

Mythical Iceskorn Talons: removed % Crit damage. Replaced % Crit damage modifier for Righteous Fervor with 34 Cold damage modifier for it.

【神話級 アイススコーン タロンズ】

Mythical Inashkor's Head: increased Physical damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 122

【神話級 イナシュコルの首】

Mythical Inashkor's Corrupted Head: corrected bonus to Hellfire Mines to be +3 to Spectral Wrath. Increased Physical damage modifier for Doom Bolt to 550.

【神話級 イナシュコルの腐敗した首】

Mythical Ixillor's Rageflame: replaced bonus to Inferno with +4 to Mirror of Ereoctes and reduced Cooldown on the skill proc. Increased % damage modifiers for Mirror of Ereoctes to 450%. Added modifiers for Flames of Ignaffar.

【神話級 イクシロアの怒りの炎】

Mythical Jaxxon's Lucky Bullet: reduced % Weapon damage on the granted skill

【神話級 ジャクソンのラッキー バレット】

Mythical Judgment of Empyrion: added -1.2s Cooldown modifier for Judgment

【神話級 エンピリオンの審判】

Mythical Korvaak's Brand: increased % Activation Chance on the granted skill to 20% and added modifiers for Savagery

【神話級 コルヴァークの標章】

Mythical Korvan Wyrm: replaced % Lightning damage with % Bleed damage and increased Offensive Ability to 122. Increased Physical damage modifier for Primal Strike to 380 and its Internal Trauma damage modifier to 270 / 3s. Added -18% Physical Resist Reduction modifier for Inquisitor Seal and increased its Physical damage modifier to 110.

【神話級 コルヴァン ウィルム】

Mythical Korvoran's Chestguard: increased Health to 680 and Defensive Ability to 60

【神話級 コロヴォランのチェストガード】

Mythical Leviathan: increased Physical damage modifier for Necrotic Edge to 330

【神話級 レヴィアタン】

Mythical Lifegiver Signet: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%

【神話級 ライフギバー シグネット】

Mythical Light's Oath: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%

【神話級 光の誓約】

Mythical Malakor's Infusion: increased % Physical dealt as Elemental to 45% and Elemental damage to 25

【神話級 コルヴァークの標章】

Mythical Mark of Anathema: added 100% of Lightning dealt as Aether modifier for Callidor's Tempest

【神話級 破門の標章】

Mythical Mark of Calamitous Desires: removed Conversion modifier for Mortar Trap

【神話級 災厄的欲望の標章】

Mythical Mark of Kalastor: added modifiers for Rune of Kalastor

【神話級 カラスターの標章】

Mythical Markovian's Stratagem: increased Physical damage to 16-25 and % Shield Damage Blocked to 50%. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Markovian's Advantage to 60%.

【神話級 マーコヴィアンの策略】

Mythical Mask of Infernal Truth: increased % Retaliation added to Attack on the granted skill and increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Canister Bomb to 12%

【神話級 マスク オブ インファーナル トゥルース】

Mythical Maw of Despair: added 2.5 Energy Regen and updated Conversion to 25% of Elemental dealt as Aether

【神話級 絶望の胃】

Mythical Maw of the Damned: added 70% Bleed damage with 50% Increased Bleed Duration and added Bleed damage to the granted skill

【神話級 呪われし者の胃】

Mythical Menhirian: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%

【神話級 メンヒリアン】

Mythical Necrolord's Shroud: increased % Physical Resist to 4%

【神話級 ネクロロードの覆い】

Mythical Night's Embrace: reduced Pierce damage to 7-12

【神話級 夜の抱擁】

Mythical Nightshade's Reach: fixed lower than intended Poison damage. Increased Acid damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 440 and added 100% of Pierce dealt as Acid modifier for it. Increased Acid damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 66.

【神話級 ナイトシェードのリーチ】

Mythical Oathbearer: added % Bleed damage and added modifiers for Aura of Conviction

【神話級 オースベアラー】

Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means: moved % Elemental dealt as Pierce to the granted skill and reduced its Pierce damage

【神話級 反逆的手法の包み】

Mythical Pyroclasm Mark: increased % Activation Chance and % Weapon damage on the granted skill

【神話級 火炎破壊の標章】

Mythical Ravager's Bite: added +1 to Shaman Skills and added modifiers for Bone Harvest

【神話級 破壊者の噛みつき】

Mythical Reaper of the Accursed: increased % All damage for pets to 110% and increased % Elemental dealt as Aether to 45%

【神話級 忌々しき死神】

Mythical Reaver's Claw: added % Bleed damage

【神話級 リーヴァーの鉤爪】

Mythical Reforged Chains of Oleron: increased Physical damage to 19-28

【神話級 オレロンの鍛え直した鎖】

Mythical Ring of the Black Matriarch: increased Acid Retaliation to 440

【神話級 ブラック メイトリアークの指輪】

Mythical Rune Armor of Ignaffar: increased Defensive Ability to 104 and bonuses to Blackwater Cocktail and Fire Strike to +3. Increased damage on the granted skill.

【神話級 イグナファーのルーン アーマー】

Mythical Rune of Elgoloth: replaced bonus to Heavy Ordnance with +3 to Mortar Trap and increased Lightning damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 80

【神話級 エルゴロスのルーン】

Mythical Sandreaver Bracers: increased % Attack Speed and % Cast Speed to 17% and added 25% of Lightning dealt as Physical. Replaced bonus to Wendigo Totem with +2 to Eye of Reckoning and added modifiers for it.

【神話級 サンドリーヴァー ブレイサー】

Mythical Scion of Burning Vengeance: increased Lightning Retaliation modifier for Mogdrogen's Pact to 422-1400. Increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Grenado to 14% and 21%, respectively. Updated % Pierce dealt as Lightning modifier for Grenado to 100% of Fire dealt as Lightning.

【神話級 燃え上がる復讐の末裔】

Mythical Scion of Noxious Wounds: replaced bonus to Necrotic Edge with +1 to Necromancer Skills. Increased Acid damage modifier for Necrotic Edge to 200 and its Poison damage modifier to 200 / 3s and added 100% of Vitality dealt as Acid modifier for it. Increased Acid damage modifier for Execution to 160 and its Poison damage modifier to 160 / 3s

【神話級 有害苦痛の末裔】

Mythical Serenir's Commendation: increased % Shield Damage Blocked to 20%

【神話級 セレニアの推賞】

Mythical Shadowflame Mantle: increased % Activation Chance on the granted skill to 20%

【神話級 シャドウフレイム マント】

Mythical Shard of Asterkarn: reduced % Crit damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 10%

【神話級 アスターカーンの破片】

Mythical Siegebreaker: increased Physical damage to 84

【神話級 シージブレイカー】

Mythical Sigil of the Bear King: increased % Internal Trauma damage modifier for Forcewave to 225%

【神話級 熊王の印】

Mythical Skybreach Bulwark: increased Lightning damage to 131-196. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 120-330 and its % Retaliation added to Attack modifier to 12%.

【神話級 スカイブリーチ ブルワーク】

Mythical Soulblade: added 100% of Lightning dealt as Fire modifier for Callidor's Tempest and increased its % Weapon damage modifier to 22%

【神話級 魂刃】

Mythical Sovereign Ruby of Domination: increased % Crit damage for pets to 18% and increased % Crit damage for pets on the granted skill

【神話級 支配のソブリン ルビー】

Mythical Spark of Ultos: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Stun Jacks to 9% and replaced Duration modifier for Wind Devil with +2 Summon Burst modifier for it.

【神話級 ウルトスの火花】

Mythical Speaker for the Dead: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 14%


Mythical Spelldrinker: added 45% of Pierce dealt as Elemental

【神話級 スペルドリンカー】

Mythical Spellgaze: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 20%

【神話級 スペルゲイズ】

Mythical Starfury Emerald: removed Cold damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard

【神話級 スターフューリー エメラルド】

Mythical Stonefist Rebuke: increased Physical damage bonus to 108 to 147. Removed % Pierce dealt as Physical modifier for Forcewave.

【神話級 鉄拳制裁】

Mythical Stonetreaders: increased % Armor to 10%

【神話級 石の旅路】

Mythical Stormcage Legguards: increased Offensive and Defensive Ability to 80

【神話級 ストームケージ レッグガード】

Mythical Stormreaver: increased Lightning damage modifiers for Cadence and Savagery to 210-380 and 88, respectively and increased Electrocute damage modifier for Savagery to 120 / 3s

【神話級 ストームリーヴァー】

Mythical Stormseer Sapphire: increased Lightning damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 80-150 and its % Fire dealt as Lightning modifier to 100%. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Storm Spread to 5% and added 100% of Pierce dealt as Lightning modifier for it.

【神話級 ストームシーア サファイア】

Mythical Storm Shepherd: adjusted Lightning damage to 9-22

【神話級 嵐の導き手】

Mythical Tainted Ruby of Gar'dal: fixed this Necklace providing the same modifiers for Judgment as Mythical Herald of the Apocalypse. It now correctly grants 50-250 Chaos damage and 25% Crit damage modifiers for Judgment. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health on the granted skill.

【神話級 ガル'ダルの穢れたルビー】

Mythical Thorn Girdle of the Misty Glade: increased % Health to 8%

【神話級 ソーン ガードル オブ ザ ミスティ グレイド】

Mythical Thread of Mortality: added 800 Health and 4% Physical Resist. Replaced bonuses to Vindictive Flame, Mogdrogen's Pact and Veterancy with +1 to Demolitionist skills and +1 to Shaman skills.

【神話級 スレッド オブ モータリティ】

Mythical Tome of Atonement: increased % Fire damage to 173%. Added 1s Duration modifier for Blackwater Cocktail. Increased Fire damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 166 and its Burn damage modifier to 300 / 5s.

【神話級 贖罪の大冊】

Mythical Tome of Names: replaced bonus to Death Sentence with +1 to Inquisitor Skills. Added 60 Elemental damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile and added modifiers for Flames of Ignaffar.

【神話級 名前のトウム】

Mythical Touch of Purity: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 20%

【神話級 清浄の接触】

Mythical Turrion's Reprisal: increased Elemental damage to 77 and % Health to 14%. Increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 10%.

【神話級 タリオンの復讐】

Mythical Venomancer's Guile: added 50% Weapon damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir


Mythical Venomspine Greaves: increased % Retaliation added to Attack on the skill proc

【神話級 毒針グリーヴ】

Mythical Vestments of Severed Faith: increased % Healing Effects Increased on the granted skill

【神話級 信仰断絶の法衣】

Mythical Viperfang Grips: increased Poison damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 190 / 5s

【神話級 ヴァイパーファング グリップ】

Mythical Voidwhisper Band: reduced Chaos damage for pets on the skill proc

【神話級 ヴォイドウィスパー バンド】

Mythical Vortex of Souls: reduced Aether damage to 37 and reduced base damage

【神話級 魂渦】

Mythical Warpfire: increased bonuses to Heart of Wrath and Divine Mandate to +3

【神話級 ワープファイア】

Mythical Watcher of Erulan: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Smite to 90%

【神話級 エルーランの監視者】

Mythical Will of Bysmiel: replaced bonus to Manipulation with +1 to Occultist Skills. Increased Cooldown Reduction modifier for Conjure Primal Spirit to -6s and Projectile modifier for Summon Familiar to +2.

【神話級 ビスミールの意志】

Mythical Will of the Blade: reduced Pierce damage to 11

【神話級 刃の意志】

Mythical Witching Hour: increased Chaos damage for pets on the granted skill

【神話級 魔の時】

Mythical Wrath of Tenebris: added 100% of Fire dealt as Chaos modifier for Eye of Reckoning

【神話級 テネブリスの憤怒】

Mythical Wretched Tome of Nar'adin: increased Acid damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 80 and added 100% of Vitality dealt as Acid modifier for it

【神話級 ナール'アディンの不快なトウム】

Mythical Zolhan's Revenge: increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Zolhan's Technique to 18%

【神話級 ゾルハンの報復】

Night's Embrace: reduced Pierce damage to 5-10


Nightclaw: replaced bonus to Circle of Slaughter with +3 to Cadence, +3 to Aura of Conviction and skill modifiers for Cadence and Aura of Conviction. Increased Pierce damage modifier for Blade Arc to 70.


Nightshard: increased Vitality Decay damage to 84 / 3s


Noctirn: removed bonus to Blade Spirit and % Crit damage modifier for Shadow Strike


Okaloth's Visage (mythical): added 18 Fire damage and increased Fire damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 70


Outcast's Secret: added % Elemental damage


Pack of Treacherous Means: reduced Pierce damage on the granted skill


Pandemic: increased vitality damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 85 and its Vitality Decay modifier to 220 / 5s. Added -8% Acid and Vitality Resist Reduction modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion.


Phasebreaker: increased Elemental damage to 25


Prime Ring of Morgoneth: increased % Healing Effects Increased to 10%


Reaper of the Accursed: increased % Elemental dealt as Aether to 45%


Ring of Khonsar (mythical): reduced Fire damage for pets to 8 and reduced Fire damage for pets on the skill proc


Ring of Sethris (mythical): increased Health to 480


Ring of Shuroth: reduced Acid damage and increased Poison damage on the skill proc


Ring of Shuroth (mythical): reduced Acid damage and increased Poison damage on the skill proc


Scion of Celestial Portents: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Stun Jacks to 10% and % Crit damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 22%


Scion of Noxious Wounds: replaced bonus to Necrotic Edge with +1 to Necromancer Skills


Shard of the Eternal Flame: removed % Pierce dealt as Fire modifier for Forcewave


Scion of the Screaming Veil: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 35%


Stormheart: replaced bonus to Stormcaller's Pact with +1 to Shaman Skills


Stormheart (mythical): replaced bonus to Stormcaller's Pact with +1 to Shaman Skills and +1 to Occultist Skills. Increased Lightning damage modifiers for Cadence and Fire Strike to 120-210 and 33, respectively and added +1 Target modifiers for them.


Stormrend: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Primal Strike to -0.4s


Storm Shepherd: adjusted Lightning damage to 5-15


The Grey Knight: increased Internal Trauma damage to 77 / 5s. Removed % Pierce dealt as Physical modifier for Forcewave and increased its % Damage Modified modifier to 120%.

【ザ グレイ ナイト】

The Pummeler: increased Internal Trauma damage to 36 / 5s, % Defensive Ability to 4% and % Shield Damage Blocked to 22%. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Forcewave to 200 / 3s and removed its % Pierce dealt as Physical modifier. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 220 / 3s.

【ザ パムラー】

Thread of Mortality: added 440 Health and updated values on the skill proc

【スレッド オブ モータリティ】

Totally Normal Shield: increased bonus Physical damage to 25-42


Voice of Dreeg: replaced bonus to Dreeg's Evil Eye with +1 to Occultist Skills. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 28%.

【ボイス オブ ドリーグ】

Vortex of Souls: reduced Aether damage to 27 and reduced base damage


Will of Bysmiel: replaced bonus to Manipulation with +1 to Occultist Skills


Will of the Blade: reduced Pierce damage to 6


[Legendary Set Items] レジェンダリー セット装備

Allagast's Masterpiece Set: increased Offensive and Defensive Ability bonuses to 133 and swapped them with their 3-piece set bonuses. Increased Lightning damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 60-210. Increased Aether damage modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth to 115. Added 120% Aether damage modifier for Deadly Aim.

【アラガストの傑作 セット】

Allagast's Mantle: added +2 to Trozan's Sky Shard


Allagast's Robe: increased Defensive Ability to 64


Allagast's Stormbinder: increased Defensive Ability to 76. Increased Aether damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 166. Increased % Aether Resist Reduction modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth to -12%.


Arcane Shard of Agrivix: removed Conversion

【アグリヴィックスのアルケイン シャード】

Ardor of Octavius Set: added 50 Offensive Ability bonus. Increased Physical damage modifier for Rune of Kalastor to 180 and increased % Internal Trauma damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 500%.

【オクタヴィアスの熱意 セット】

Bulwark of Octavius: increased Internal Trauma damage to 106 / 5s and added 45% of Elemental dealt as Physical. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Forcewave to 165 / 3s.


Pauldrons of Octavius: added 55 Offensive Ability


Platemail of Octavius: increased Offensive Ability to 60


Visor of Octavius: increased Internal Trauma damage to 22 / 5s. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Rune of Kalastor to 155 / 2s.


Armor of the Eternal Night Set: reduced Cold damage modifier for Ill Omen to 200

【果て無き夜の防具 セット】

Avenger's Crusher: increased Internal Trauma damage to 126 / 5s. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Smite to 80% and added +5 Targets modifier for it.

【アヴェンジャーズ クラッシャー】

Avenger's Pauldrons: increased Internal Trauma damage to 19 / 5s

【アヴェンジャーズ ポールドロン】

Barrelsmith's Destroyers Set: increased All Resist Reduction modifier for Canister Bomb to 24 / 3s

【銃身職工の破壊者 セット】

Mythical Barrelsmith's Crossfire: increased Lightning damage modifier for Grenado to 240

【神話級 銃身職工の集中砲火】

Mythical Barrelsmith's Salvo: increased Lightning damage modifier for Canister Bomb to 80 and its Electrocute damage modifier to 180 / 5s

【神話級 銃身職工の一斉射撃】

Belgothian's Slaughter Set: increased Pierce damage bonus to 24 and % Armor bonus to 12%

【ベルゴシアンの屠殺 セット】

Belgothian's Armor: increased Pierce damage to 14, % Health to 5% and % Physical Resist to 4% and replaced bonus to Blade Barrier with +2 to Execution


Belgothian's Mask: increased Physical damage to 16-28 and Health to 640. Increased Pierce damage modifier for Execution to 124.


Belgothian's Shoulderguard: increased % Physical Resist to 4% and % Armor to 6%


Belgothian's Slicer: increased % Armor to 6%. Increased Pierce damage modifier for Markovian's Advantage to 130 and % Weapon damage modifier for Belgothian's Shears to 33%.


Black Scorch Covenant Set: increased Health bonus to 1800

【黒焦の誓約 セット】

Mythical Visage of the Black Flame: increased bonus to Intensify to +3

【神話級 黒炎の面】

Blood Knight Set: added 30% of Aether dealt as Vitality and added 140 Bleed damage / 3s modifier for Counter Strike

【ザ ブラッド ナイト セット】

Blood Knight's Pendant: increased Vitality damage to 16-21

【ブラッド ナイトのペンダント】

Blood Knight's Visage: increased Vitality damage to 16 and increased Vitality damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 90

【ブラッド ナイトの面】

Bysmiel's Trinkets Set: increased Burn, Frostburn and Electrocute damage for pets to 13 / 2s

【ビスミールの策動 セット】

Bysmiel's Iris: reduced Cooldown and increased % Attack Speed on the granted skill


Chillwhisper Set: increased Cold damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 100 and its Frostburn damage modifier to 140 / 2s

【チルウィスパー セット】

Chillwhisper Mantle: increased Health to 550

【チルウィスパー マント】

Dagallon's Destruction Set: reduced Fire and Lightning damage modifiers for Fire Strike to 10

【ダガロンの破壊 セット】

Dagallon's Annihilator: reduced Lightning damage to 8-22


Dagallon's Armor: added 555 Health


Dagallon's Destroyer: reduced Fire damage to 14-16


Dagallon's Faceguard: increased Health to 555 and % Elemental Resist to 24%


Darkblaze Garb Set: reduced % Chaos Resist Reduction modifier for Curse of Frailty to -22% and its Chaos damage modifier to 100

【闇炎の服装 セット】

Darkblaze Headguard: increased % Elemental Resist to 28%


Darkblaze Incinerator: reduced % Weapon damage on the granted skill


Darkblaze Source: added 20% Stun Resist and added 6% Heal modifier for Blood of Dreeg


Dawnseeker's Light Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 16% and increased Lightning Retaliation modifier for Word of Renewal to 800

【曙光 セット】

Mythical Dawnbreaker's Duty: increased Lightning Retaliation to 900-2000 and Health to 1560

【神話級 ドーンブレイカーの任務】

Mythical Dawnbreaker's Shoulderguard: increased Health to 705 and Offensive Ability to 55

【神話級 ドーンブレイカーのショルダーガード】

Mythical Dawnbreaker's Sledge: increased % Retaliation added to Attack on the skill proc

【神話級 ドーンブレイカーのスレッジ】

Deathmark's Shadow Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 14%

【デスマークの影 セット】

Deception of Dreeg Set: reduced % Acid and % Vitality damage on the skill proc and removed its % Chaos damage. Reduced % Chance of Passthrough modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 40%.

【ドリーグの欺瞞 セット】

Diviner's Codex: increased Offensive Ability to 80 and added 14 Vitality damage for pets

【ディヴァイナズ コデックス】

Diviner's Raiment: replaced bonus to Spectral Binding with +3 to Spectral Wrath

【ディヴァイナズ レイメント】

Diviner's Mask: removed Offensive Ability and replaced bonus to Spectral Wrath with +2 to Spectral Binding

【ディヴァイナズ マスク】

Ember's Calling Set: increased % Offensive and % Defensive Ability bonuses to 7%. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Vindictive Flame to 20%. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 220 and its Burn damage modifier to 350 / 5s.

【エンバーズ コーリング セット】

Crest of Ember's Calling: increased Fire and Chaos damage modifiers for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 66. Added 12% Health modifier for Phantasmal Armor.

【クレスト オブ エンバーズ コーリング】

Mask of Ember's Calling: added modifiers for Blood of Dreeg

【マスク オブ エンバーズ コーリング】

Ghol's Malice Set: increased Health bonus to 1600 and Acid damage bonus for pets to 26

【グルの悪意 セット】

Ghol's Mark: increased Acid damage modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 30 and its Poison damage modifier to 60 / 5s


Ghol's Raiment: increased Acid damage for pets to 10


Goredrinker Set: increased % Health bonus to 24% and % Attack damage Converted to Health bonus to 14%. Added 32 Pierce damage bonus. Increased Bleed damage modifiers for Cadence and Word of Pain to 210 / 2s and 265 / 1s, respectively and reduced Pierce damage modifier for Cadence to 70.

【ゴアドリンカー セット】

Goredrinker's Armor: increased Health to 850

【ゴアドリンカーズ アーマー】

Goredrinker's Mantle: increased Health to 660 and Bleed damage to 19 / 3s

【ゴアドリンカーズ マント】

Goredrinker's Mask: increased Health to 660 and added 38 Defensive Ability. Increased Bleed damage modifier for Word of Pain to 156 / 1s

【ゴアドリンカーズ マスク】

Goredrinker's Ward: increased Health to 450 and Bleed damage to 21 / 3s. Increased Bleed damage modifier for Cadence to 130 / 2s

【ゴアドリンカーズ ウォード】

Harra's Artifice Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 10%. Increased Cold damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 110 and its Frostburn modifier to 220 / 4s.

【ハラの術策 セット】

Harra's Chestguard: increased Health to 550


Harra's Ward: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Stun Jacks to 5% and increased Cold damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 33


Invoker's Will Set: increased Offensive and Defensive Ability bonuses to 130. Increased Fire damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 55 and its Lightning damage modifier to 40.

【インヴォーカーの意志 セット】

Iskandra's Unification Set: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 40%

【イスカンドラの統一 セット】

Mythical Iskandra's Texts: increased % Elemental Resist Reduction on the skill proc to -18%. Reduced Burn damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 60 / 3s and added 60 Frostburn damage / 3s and 60 Electrocute damage / 3s modifiers for it.

【神話級 イスカンドラのテキスト】

Judicator's Seals Set: replaced % Health Regen bonus with 20 Resist Reduction / 2s bonus

【裁判官の封印 セット】

Mythical Closed Fist of Vengeance: increased % Attack Speed Reduction Retaliation to 18% / 2s and added 380 Health

【神話級 復讐の拳骨】

Mythical Open Hand of Mercy: replaced Resist Reduction with 10% Damage Reduction / 2s and added 380 Health

【神話級 慈悲の開手】

Judicator's Signets Set: replaced % Health Regen bonus with 15 Resist Reduction / 2s bonus

【裁判官の印環 セット】

Open Hand of Mercy: replaced Resist Reduction with 8% Damage Reduction / 2s


Justicar Guard Set: increased % Physical and % Fire damage bonuses to 200%. Increased Fire damage modifier for Blitz to 270 and its Burn damage modifier to 210 / 3s. Added 100 Fire damage modifier for Judgment.

【大司法官の防護 セット】

Mythical Handguards of Justice: reduced Fire damage modifier for Judgment to 90

【神話級 正義のハンドガード】

Korba's Fury Set: added 100% of Physical dealt as Cold modifier for Savagery

【コルバの激怒 セット】

Korba's Hood: increased % Physical Resist to 4%


Korba's Furs: increased % Physical Resist to 4%


Krieg's Armament Set: reduced Aether damage bonus to 25-32 and removed Aether damage modifier for Reckless Power. Added 33 Aether damage modifier for Field Command.

【クリーグの武装 セット】

Krieg's Chestguard: increased Health to 740


Krieg's Grip: removed Health. Added 180 Aether damage modifier for Blitz.


Krieg's Mask: fixed an issue with this item's Physique requirements being lower than intended. Increased Aether damage modifier for Blitz to 140.


Light's Guardian Set: increased % Health bonus to 18% and Offensive Ability bonus to 90. Added 1.0 Radius modifier for Stun Jacks.

【光のガーディアン セット】

Ludrigan's Pride Set: added 100% of Pierce dealt as Lightning modifier for Chilling Rounds

【ルドリガンの誇り セット】

Ludrigan's Hat: increased Electrocute damage modifier for Storm Totem to 100 / 3s


Ludrigan's Jacket: increased Health to 600


Ludrigan's Sidearm: increased Lightning damage to 7-30 and increased Electrocute damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 110 / 2s


Markovian's Bastion Set: reduced Physical damage bonus to 24-40

【マーコヴィアンの要塞 セット】

Mythical Markovian's Bulwark: increased bonus Physical damage to 63

【神話級 マーコヴィアンのブルワーク】

Mythical Markovian's Distinction: increased Physical damage to 16-28

【神話級 マーコヴィアンの特質】

Mythical Markovian's Platemail: increased Physical damage to 16-28

【神話級 マーコヴィアンのプレートメイル】

Mythical Markovian's Vanguard: increased Physical damage to 14-22

【神話級 マーコヴィアンのヴァンガード】

Mythical Markovian's Visor: increased Physical damage to 14-22 and increased % Weapon damage modifier for Markovian's Advantage to 45%

【神話級 マーコヴィアンのバイザー】

Mythical Bloodrager's Cowl: removed % Weapon damage modifier for Savagery and increased its Bleed damage modifier to 33 / 3s

【神話級 ブラッドレイジャーのカウル】

Mythical Demonslayer's Defense: increased Vitality damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 90

【神話級 デーモンスレイヤーの防御】

Mythical Demonslayer's Hat: increased Vitality damage modifier for Blade Spirit to 80

【神話級 デーモンスレイヤーの帽子】

Mythical Light's Defender Epaulets: increased % Armor to 9%

【神話級 光の守護者の肩章】

Mythical Light's Defender Gauntlets: increased % Armor to 9%

【神話級 光の守護者のガントレット】

Mythical Ortus: increased Fire damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 240

【神話級 オルタス】

Nature's Avenger Set: reduced % Health Regen on the skill proc to 250%

【自然の復讐者 セット】

Avenger's Pauldrons: increased Health Regen to 25 and replaced % Health Regen with 3% Physical Resist

【アヴェンジャーズ ポールドロン】

Nature's Call Regalia Set: reduced Physical damage bonus for pets to 10

【ネイチャーズ コールの礼装 セット】

Mythical Beastcaller's Talisman: reduced Physical damage modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 22 and increased Physical damage modifier for Summon Hellhound to 44

【神話級 ビーストコーラーのタリスマン】

Pyran's Ruminations Set: added 100% of Lightning dealt as Fire modifier for Mortar Trap and reduced its Burn damage modifier to 100 / 3s. Removed cooldown on Granted Skill, values adjusted accordingly.

【ピランの黙想 セット】

Pyran's Effigy: increased % Health Regeneration to 60%. Added 100% of Physical dealt as Fire modifier for Summon Guardian of Empyrion and reduced its Fire damage modifier for 50.


Pyran's Mantle: increased % Health Regeneration to 22%


Pyran's Vestments: increased % Health Regeneration to 22% and bonus to Celestial Presence to +3


Pyran's Visage: increased % Health Regeneration to 22% and reduced Burn damage modifier for Mortar Trap to 80 / 3s


Radaggan's Folly Set: increased % Health bonus to 22% and added 8% Total Speed bonus

【ラダガンの愚行 セット】

Radaggan's Gem: added 16% Freeze Resist


Radaggan's Mask: added 18% Bleed Resist


Rage of Agrivix Set: added +3 bonus to Siphon Souls and added 90 Aether damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest

【アグリヴィックスの激怒 セット】

Mythical Arcane Shard of Agrivix: removed Conversion

【神話級 アグリヴィックスのアルケイン シャード】

Mythical Mantle of Agrivix: updated Conversion to 25% of Vitality dealt as Aether

【神話級 アグリヴィックスのマント】

Rotgheist Set: increased % Health bonus to 22% and Offensive Ability bonus to 110. Added 30% of Elemental dealt as Vitality bonus. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 100%, added +1.5 Radius modifier for it and replaced its Poison damage modifier with 260 / 5s Vitality Decay damage modifier. Updated Vire's Might modifiers to Vitality damage.

【ロットゲイスト セット】

Rotgheist Chestguard: increased % Defensive Ability to 4% and updated Conversion to 30% of Elemental dealt as Vitality

【ロットゲイスト チェストガード】

Rotgheist Emblem: increased Vitality damage modifiers for Dreeg's Evil Eye and Vire's Might to 90 and 144, respectively and increased their % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers to 12%

【ロットゲイスト エンブレム】

Rotgheist Mask: increased Vitality damage modifier for Primal Strike to 224 and added +1.5 Radius modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye

【ロットゲイスト マスク】

Rotgheist Shoulderguard: increased % Offensive Ability to 4% and updated Conversion to 30% of Elemental dealt as Vitality

【ロットゲイスト ショルダーガード】

Sentinel of the Three Set: increased % Acid Retaliation damage on the granted skill to 250%. Increased % Heal modifier for Blood of Dreeg to 5% and increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Vire's Might to 28%.

【三神の衛兵 セット】

Defender of the Three: increased % Armor to 14%


Judgment of the Three: increased Health to 540


Shoulderguard of the Three: increased Health to 760


Shepherd of Lost Souls Set: reduced Vitality damage bonus for pets to 40

【彷徨える魂の飼い主 セット】

Shroud of Dreeg Set: reduced % Acid and % Vitality damage on the skill proc and removed its % Chaos damage

【ドリーグの覆い セット】

Stronghold of the Legion Set: increased bonus to All Skills to +2 and added 30% of Physical dealt as Fire bonus

【リージョンの砦 セット】

Stronghold Revolver: increased Fire damage to 23 and % Attack Speed to 18%

【ストロングホールド リボルバー】

Stoneguard Pummeler: increased bonus Physical damage to 28-36 and Health to 402

【ストーンガード パムラー】

Stoneguard Waistguard: increased % Armor to 8%

【ストーンガード ガードル】

Targo's Craft Set: increased Physical damage modifiers for Amarasta's Blade Burst and Blade Arc to 300 and 200, respectively.

【ターゴの技巧 セット】

Targo's Helm: added 18% Bleed Resist and increased Internal Trauma damage to 19 / 5s. Increased Physical damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 90.


Targo's Mallet: increased Internal Trauma damage to 28 / 5s. Increased Physical damage modifier Amarasta's Blade Burst to 148. Increased Physical damage modifier for Blade Arc to 110 and its Internal Trauma damage modifier to 122 / 3s. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Judgment to 122 / 2s.


The Cataclysm Set: increased bonus to All Skills to +2

【大異変 セット】

The Cyclone Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 12%. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 6% and reduced Fire damage modifier for Thermite Mine to 140. Replaced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Wind Devil with a +4 Summon Burst modifier for it.

【大竜巻 セット】

Cyclone Mask: increased Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 22


Cyclone Mantle: added 8-19 Lightning damage


The Infernal Champion Set: increased % Health bonus to 14% and % Total Speed bonus to 14%. Reduced Burn damage on the skill proc. Increased Chaos damage modifier for Judgment to 80-350 and removed its Conversion modifier.

【地獄のチャンピオン セット】

The Korvan Dunefiend Set: increased % Damage Modified modifier for Shadow Strike to 125% and Acid damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 100

【コルヴァン デューンフィーンド セット】

Dunefiend's Blade: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 50% and Acid damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 24


Dunefiend's Mask: added 20% Stun Resist, 20% Freeze Resist and 20% Petrify Resist modifiers for Blood of Dreeg


Dunefiend's Slicer: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 50% and Acid damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 24


The Mageslayer Set: increased % Health bonus to 16% and increased Frostburn modifier for Veil of Shadow to 300 / 2s

【ザ メイジスレイヤー セット】

The Runebinder Set: increased Fire damage modifier for Rune of Kalastor to 70. Replaced Cold damage modifier for Rune of Hagarrad with +2 Projectiles modifier for it. Removed % Pierce Resist Reduction modifier for Inquisitor Seal.

【ザ ルーンバインダー セット】

The Sacred Harmony Set: added 110% Fire and 110% Cold damage modifiers for Flame Touched

【聖なる調和 セット】

Mythical Nex: added 100% of Lightning dealt as Cold modifier for Fire Strike

【神話級 ネックス】

The Spellscourge Set: increased Physical damage modifier for Devastation to 150 and % Weapon damage modifier for Blade Arc to 100%

【ザ スペルスカージ セット】

The Spellscourge Set: increased Physical damage modifier for Devastation to 150

【ザ スペルスカージ セット】

Spellscourge Bulwark: increased % Physical damage to 154% and removed Elemental damage. Increased Physical damage modifiers for Blade Arc and Devastation to 124 and 130, respectively.

【スペルスカージ ブルワーク】

Spellscourge Deflector: increased Physical damage to 25-32

【スペルスカージ ディフレクター】

Spellscourge Visor: increased Physical damage to 18-30

【スペルスカージ バイザー】

The Vanquisher Set: increased % Health bonus to 22%. Replaced % Reduced Resist modifier for Vire's Might with 12% Reduced Damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest.

【覇者 セット】

Vanquisher's Armor: increased Health to 604


Vanquisher's Gem: increased Fire damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 80


Vanquisher's Helm: increased Offensive Ability to 66


Vanquisher's Mantle: increased Offensive Ability to 55 and Health to 455


The Vileblade Pact Set: reduced Acid damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 155

【卑刃の盟約 セット】

Mythical Cowl of the Venomblade: removed Acid damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst

【神話級 毒刃のカウル】

Mythical Stealth Jacket of the Venomblade: increased % Physical Resist to 4%

【神話級 毒刃の隠れ蓑】

The Voidsoul Set: increased % Crit damage bonus to 12%. Increased % Damage Modified modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 100%. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 16%.

【ヴォイドソウル セット】

Voidsoul Visage: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 14%

【ヴォイドソウル ヴィジッジ】

Trozan's Skybreach Set: increased Cooldown Reduction modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to -0.5s

【トロザンの空裂き セット】

Ultos' Storm Set: reduced Lightning damage bonus to 6-48

【ウルトスの嵐 セット】

Ultos' Cuirass: added 2-10 Lightning damage


Ultos' Gem: added 4-19 Lightning damage


Ultos' Tempest Set: added 55 Defensive Ability bonus and reduced Lightning damage bonus to 18-66. Added modifiers for Savagery.

【ウルトスのテンペスト セット】

Mythical Ultos' Cuirass: added 10-22 Lightning damage

【神話級 ウルトスのキュイラス】

Mythical Ultos' Gem: added 11-28 Lightning damage

【神話級 ウルトスの宝石】

Mythical Ultos' Hood: increased % Crit damage modifier for Savagery to 30%

【神話級 ウルトスのフード】

Ulzuin's Infernal Avatar Set: increased Radius modifier for Canister Bomb to 0.7 and increased damage on the skill proc

【ウルズインの地獄のアバター セット】

Uroboruuk's Guise Set: increased % Offensive Ability bonus to 6% and Health bonus to 1600. Increased Aether damage modifier for Drain Essence to 132.

【ウロボルークの外装 セット】

Valdun's Betrayal Set: increased Pierce damage bonus to 24-48 and increased Pierce damage modifier for Cadence to 220

【ヴァルダンの背信 セット】

Valguur's Hunger Set: increased % Health bonus to 16% and increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 140

【ヴァルグールの飢え セット】

Valguur's Focus: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 80


Valguur's Gems: reduced Vitality damage modifier for Storm Totem to 35


Veilkeeper Set: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Upheaval to 50%

【ベールキーパー セット】

Veilkeeper's Armor: added 4% Physical resist

【ベールキーパーズ アーマー】

Veilkeeper's Crest: increased Lightning damage modifier for Upheaval to 122-260

【ベールキーパーズ クレスト】

Veilkeeper's Mantle: added 28 Health Regeneration

【ベールキーパーズ マント】

Veilkeeper's Mask: replaced bonus to Arcane Will with +1 to Arcanist Skills and added modifiers for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange

【ベールキーパーズ マスク】

Virtue's Light Set: increased % Shield Damage Blocked bonus to 30% and % Health bonus to 15%. Increased Burn damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 200 / 3s.

【美徳の光 セット】

Virtue's Gaze: added 11-16 Fire damage


Warborn Bastion Set: added support for Necromancer to the Set and its items

【ウォーボーン バスティオン セット】

Mythical Warborn Gavel: increased bonus Physical damage to 30-50. Increased Physical damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 38.

【神話級 ウォーボーン ガベル】

Mythical Warborn Pauldrons: increased Offensive Ability to 70

【神話級 ウォーボーン ポールドロン】

Mythical Warborn Visor: removed Offensive Ability

【神話級 ウォーボーン バイザー】

Warborn Chestguard: increased Offensive Ability to 50

【ウォーボーン チェストガード】

Warborn Pauldrons: increased Offensive Ability to 50

【ウォーボーン ポールドロン】

Warborn Visor: removed Offensive Ability

【ウォーボーン バイザー】

Wildheart Vanguard Set: reduced Bleed damage modifiers for Devouring Swarm and Grasping Vines to 90 / 1s and 210 / 1s, respectively

【ワイルドハート ヴァンガード セット】

[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

[Devotion] 祈祷

Affliction: increased Vitality damage to 15-18

【難儀】[15-18 生命力ダメージ]に増加

Alladrah's Phoenix: reduced % Burn damage to 50% and removed % Health Regen

【アラドラーの不死鳥】[50% 燃焼ダメージ]に減少 ~ [ヘルス再生量増加 %]を削除

Amatok: increased % Health to 5% and Health to 150

【冬の精霊 アマトク】[5% ヘルス]に増加 ~ [150 ヘルス]に増加

Anvil: increased Internal Trauma damage to 12 / 5s and Armor to 45

【鉄床】[60 体内損傷/5s]に増加 ~ [45 装甲]に増加

Attak Seru: increased Elemental damage to 16

【蜃気楼のアターク セル】[16 エレメンタルダメージ]に増加

Autumn Boar: increased % All Retaliation damage to 100%

【秋猪】[100% 全報復ダメージ]に増加

Behemoth: reduced % Health Regen to 30%

【ビヒモス】[ヘルス再生量増加 30%]に減少

Dire Bear: added 14 Physical damage

【ダイア ベア】[14 物理ダメージ]を追加

Dryad: increased Energy Regeneration to 1.5

【ドライアド】[1.5 エナジー再生]に増加

Harvestman's Scythe: reduced Health Regen to 30

【刈り入れ人の大鎌】[30 ヘルス再生]に減少

Hound: increased % Armor to 9%

【猟犬】[装甲強化 9%]に増加

Hyrian: increased % Armor to 18%, Health to 280 and % Shield Damage Blocked to 65%

【天門の守護者 ハイリアン】[装甲強化 18%]に増加 ~ [280 ヘルス]に増加 ~ [65% シールドダメージブロック]に増加

Korvaak: added 2 Energy Regeneration

【エルドリッチの太陽 コルヴァーク】[2 エナジー再生]を追加

Kraken: increased % Attack Speed to 26% and % Cast Speed to 10%

【クラーケン】[26% 攻撃速度]に増加 ~ [10% 詠唱速度]に増加

Light of Empyrion: increased Physical damage to 10-14

【エンピリオンの光】[10-14 物理ダメージ]に増加

Magi: increased Defensive Ability to 35 and Fire damage to 10-14 and reduced % Burn damage to 100%

【マギ】[35 防御能力]に増加 ~ [10-14 火炎ダメージ]に増加 ~ [100% 燃焼ダメージ]に減少

Obelisk of Menhir: increased % All Retaliation damage to 120%, Armor to 210, Defensive Ability to 70, % Defensive Ability to 6% and % Shield Damage Blocked to 40%

【メンヒルのオベリスク】[120% 全報復ダメージ]に増加 ~ [210 装甲]に増加 ~ [70 防御能力]に増加 ~ [6% 防御能力]に増加 ~ [40% シールドダメージブロック]に増加

Oleron: increased Physical damage to 16-22, Internal Trauma to 24 / 5s, and % Physical and % Internal Trauma damage to 200%

【オレロン】[16-22 物理ダメージ]に増加 ~ [120 体内損傷ダメージ/5s]に増加 ~ [200% 物理ダメージ][200% 体内損傷ダメージ]にそれぞれ増加

Rat: increased % All Retaliation damage to 40%

【鼠】[40% 全報復ダメージ]に増加

Raven: increased Energy Regeneration to 1.5

【レイヴン】[1.5 エナジー再生]に増加

Scales of Ulcama: reduced Health Regen to 18

【ウルカマの天秤】[18 ヘルス再生]に減少

Scarab: increased % Armor to 5% and % Shield Damage Blocked to 24%

【スカラベ】[装甲強化 5%]に増加 ~ [24% シールドダメージブロック]に増加

Shieldmaiden: increased % Shield Damage Blocked to 90% and Internal Trauma damage to 20 / 5s

【盾の乙女】[90% シールドダメージブロック]に増加 ~ [100 体内損傷ダメージ/5s]に増加

Targo: increased % All Retaliation damage to 90%, Physical Retaliation to 150, % Armor to 15% and % Shield Damage Blocked to 24%

【建築神 ターゴ】[90% 全報復ダメージ]に増加 ~ [150 物理報復]に増加 ~ [装甲強化 15%]に増加 ~ [24% シールドダメージブロック]に増加

Tempest: increased Lightning damage to 8-20 and % Electrocute Duration to 50%. Replaced % Run Speed with 4% Total Speed.

【テンペスト】[8-20 雷ダメージ]に増加 ~ [50% 感電ダメージ持続時間延長]に増加 ~ [移動速度]を[4% 総合速度]に置換

Tree of Life: reduced Health Regen to 60 and % Health Regen to 60%

【生命の樹】[60 ヘルス再生]に減少 ~ [ヘルス再生量増加 60%]に減少

Ultos: increased Lightning damage to 10-30 and Health to 280

【嵐の番人 ウルトス】[10-30 雷ダメージ]に増加 ~ [280 ヘルス]に増加

Ulzaad: increased Physical damage to 12-16 and Health to 260

【コルヴァークの伝令 ウルザード】[12-16 物理ダメージ]に増加 ~ [260 ヘルス]に増加

Ulzuin's Torch: added 12-15 Fire damage

【ウルズインの松明】[12-15 火炎ダメージ]を追加

Vire: increased % Physical and % Internal Trauma damage to 120%, Physical Retaliation to 120, % All Retaliation damage to 120% and Armor to 195

【石の守護女神 ヴィール】[120% 物理ダメージ][120% 体内損傷ダメージ]にそれぞれ増加 ~ [120 物理報復]に増加 ~ [120% 全報復ダメージ]に増加 ~ [195 装甲]に増加

Wraith: increased Lightning Retaliation to 25-85 and % All Retaliation damage to 30%

【死霊】[25-85 雷報復]に増加 ~ [30% 全報復ダメージ]に増加

Wretch: increased Acid Retaliation to 44 and Health to 110

【哀れな者】[44 酸報復]に増加 ~ [110 ヘルス]に増加

Blades of Wrath: added point-blank damage penalty


Fetid Pool: increased base % Retaliation added to Attack by 1%

【悪臭の水たまり】[3% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]に基礎値を増加

Fissure: increased Cooldown to 1.8s

【亀裂】[1.8秒 スキルリチャージ]に増加▼

Fist of Vire: increased base % Retaliation added to Attack by 4%

【ヴィールの拳】[16% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]に基礎値を増加

Hyrian's Glare: increased base % Retaliation added to Attack by 4%

【ハイリアンの輝光】[20% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]に基礎値を増加

Maul: increased % Activation Chance to 20% (WARNING: this will cause your skill assignment to reset), increased Radius to 4.5 and Duration to 5s and removed Cooldown

【モール】[20% 発動確率]に増加 ~ [4.5 半径]に増加 ~ [5秒 持続時間]に増加 ~ [スキルリチャージ]を削除

Messenger of War: increased Fire Retaliation damage


Phoenix Fire: fixed an issue where the Absorption effect was not applying

【フェニックス ファイア】ダメージ吸収効果が適用されていなかった問題を修正

Reckless Tempest: increased Lightning damage and increased base Targets to 2

【レックレス テンペスト】[雷ダメージ]を増加 ~ [2 最大標的数]に基礎値を増加

Shield Wall: increased base % Armor by 5% and increased % Shield Damage Blocked scaling with rank

【シールド ウォール】[装甲強化 20%]に基礎値を増加 ~ [シールドダメージブロック]スケール値を増加

Targo's Hammer: increased base % Retaliation added to Attack by 2%

【ターゴのハンマー】[7% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]に基礎値を増加

Trample: increased base % Retaliation added to Attack by 3%

【トランプル】[10% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]に基礎値を増加

[Soldier] ソルジャー

Cadence: increased Physical damage scaling with rank


Fighting Form: increased Bonus Targets scaling with rank to 4 at rank 12, 6 by max ultimate rank and increased % Physical and % Pierce damage scaling with rank to 134% at rank 12, 262% by max ultimate rank. Target Arc now scales with rank.

【ファイティング フォーム】[最大標的数]スケール値を増加 4(R12)/6(R22) ~ [% 物理ダメージ][% 刺突ダメージ]スケール値を増加 134%(R12)/262%(R22) ~ [攻撃角度]ランクスケール化

Forcewave: increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 220% by rank 16, 270% by max ultimate rank

【フォースウェイブ】[% 武器ダメージ]スケール値を増加 220%(R16)/270%(R26)

Tremor: increased % Weapon damage penalty to -60%

【トレマー】[-60% 武器ダメージ]に増加▼

Rending Force: replaced Pierce damage with Physical damage

【レンディング フォース】[刺突ダメージ]を[物理ダメージ] に置換

Menhir's Bulwark: increased Physical damage scaling with rank


[Demolitionist] デモリッショニスト

Searing Strike: increased % Damage Modifier to 15% and % Crit damage to 15%

【シーリング ストライク】[15% ダメージ修正総計]に増加 ~ [15% クリティカルダメージ]に増加

Brimstone: reduced Fragments scaling with rank to 5-6 by rank 12, 6-7 by max ultimate rank

【ブリムストン】[破片数]スケール値を減少 5-6(R12)/6-7(R22)

Canister Bomb: reduced Fragments scaling with rank to 8-10 by max ultimate rank

【キャニスター ボム】[破片数]スケール値を減少 8-10(R22)

Shattering Blast: increased % Retaliation added to Attack scaling with rank to 30% by rank 12, 36% by max ultimate rank

【シャタリング ブラスト】[% 報復ダメージを攻撃に追加]スケール値を増加 30%(R12)/36%(R22)

Grenado: increased Physical damage and removed Pierce damage

【グレネイド】[物理ダメージ]を増加 ~ [刺突ダメージ]を削除

Temper: increased Physical damage scaling with rank


"The Big One": increased Burn damage scaling with rank

【"ザ ビッグ ワン"】[燃焼ダメージ]スケール値を増加

[Occultist] オカルティスト

Dreeg's Evil Eye: increased Acid damage scaling with rank


Blood Burst: now also strikes the primary target, Energy Cost removed

【ブラッド バースト】ターゲット自体にも命中するようになった ~ [エナジーコスト]を削除

Terrifying Gaze: increased Energy Cost scaling at ultimate ranks

【テリファイング ゲイズ】[エナジーコスト]スケール値を増加▼(アルティメットランクにおいて)

Vile Eruption: increased Energy Cost scaling at ultimate ranks

【ヴァイル イラプション】[エナジーコスト]スケール値を増加▼(アルティメットランクにおいて)

[Nightblade] ナイトブレイド

Blade Spirit: reduced damage scaling with rank. Innate blade burst ability now has a point-blank damage penalty and reduced Bleed damage.

【ブレイド スピリット】[ダメージ]スケール値を減少 ~ 生来持つ能力に対し、至近距離でのダメージにペナルティを追加し、[出血ダメージ]を減少

Execution: reduced base % Weapon damage by 30%, to 200%

【エクセキューション】[200% 武器ダメージ]に基礎値を減少(-30%)

[Arcanist] アルカニスト

Trozan's Sky Shard: increased Cold damage scaling with rank

【トロザンのスカイ シャード】[冷気ダメージ]スケール値を増加

Shattered Star: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank

【シャッタード スター】[雷ダメージ]スケール値を増加

[Shaman] シャーマン

Mogdrogen's Pact: increased Physical damage scaling with rank

【モグドロゲンズ パクト】[物理ダメージ]スケール値を増加

Savagery: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 162% by max ultimate rank

【サヴィジリィ】[% 武器ダメージ]スケール値を増加 162%(R26)

Stormtouched: increased % Chance of Lightning damage to 40% Chance but reduced the % Lightning damage, a net gain with smaller damage spikes

【ストーム タッチ】[40%の確率で雷ダメージ]に確率を増加、[% 雷ダメージ]を減少。ダメージの急激な増減を抑えた純粋な上方修正である

Wind Devil: increased Movement Speed by 33% and Duration to 18s. Adjusted AI behavior to reposition less spontaneously and follow the player more closely. Max distance away from the player before Wind Devils are teleported to the player's position has been reduced.

【ウィンド デビル】[移動速度]を33%増加 ~ [18秒 存続時間]に増加

Maelstrom: reduced Damage scaling with rank


[Inquisitor] インクィジター

Chilling Rounds: increased base % Weapon damage to 55%

【チリング ラウンズ】[55% 武器ダメージ]に基礎値を増加

Flames of Ignaffar: increased Target area cone by approximately 10% and increased Fire damage scaling with rank

【イグナファーの炎】攻撃範囲の円錐角を凡そ10%増加 ~ [火炎ダメージ]スケール値を増加

Intensify: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank


Lightning Tether: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank, particularly at ultimate ranks

【ライトニング テザー】[雷ダメージ]スケール値を増加。特にアルティメットランクにおいて

Ranged Expertise: increased Pierce damage scaling with rank

【レンジド エクスパティーズ】[刺突ダメージ]スケール値を増加

Storm Spread: increased base % Weapon damage to 30% and its scaling at ultimate ranks to 40% by max ultimate rank

【ストーム スプレッド】[% 武器ダメージ]スケール値を増加 30%(R1)/40%(R20)

[Necromancer] ネクロマンサー

Raise Skeletons: reduced % Pet Attack damage on skeleton Fireball Nova, Death Bolt and Undeath Missiles

【レイズ スケルトンズ】[ファイアボルト ノヴァ][デスボルト][アンデス ミサイルズ]の[% ペットの基本ダメージ]をそれぞれ減少

[Oathkeeper] オースキーパー

Heart of Wrath: reduced Fire and Burn damage scaling with rank


Presence of Virtue: increased Bleed and Internal Trauma damage scaling with rank


Haven: increased % Healing Increase scaling with rank to 22% by rank 10, 33% by max ultimate rank and increased % Health scaling with rank to 30% by rank 10, 40% by max ultimate rank

【安息所】[治癒効果 % 向上]スケール値を増加 22%(R10)/33%(R20) ~ [% ヘルス]スケール値を増加 30%(R10)/40%(R20)

Rebuke: increased Physical damage scaling with rank


Soulfire: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank


Summon Guardian of Empyrion: fixed an issue where flat damage modifiers on items for this skill were not increasing the damage of the basic attack of the guardians. Reduced Burn damage scaling with rank.

【サモン ガーディアン オブ エンピリオン】[燃焼ダメージ]スケール値を減少

Celestial Presence: now reduces % Elemental Resist instead of % Fire Resist. The Transmuter's functionality remains unchanged, with the % Elemental Resist Reduction converted to % Acid Resist Reduction.

【セレスチャル プレゼンス】[% 火炎耐性減少]を[% エレメンタル耐性減少]に置換

Vire's Might: increased Physical damage and removed Pierce damage

【ヴィールズ マイト】[物理ダメージ]を増加 ~ [刺突ダメージ]を削除

Volcanic Stride: reduced Burn damage scaling with rank

【ボルカニック ストライド】[燃焼ダメージ]スケール値を減少