
Last-modified: 2017-12-23 (土) 19:02:34

[GM #125] Factions - Malmouth Resistance 2017/08/21


It’s time for…another Grim Misadventure! Last time, we took our first look inside the ruined city of Malmouth. But you won’t be the only one fighting to liberate the ruins from their conquerors.

さて…新たな Grim Misadventure のお時間です!

First though, an update on the expansion’s progress. When the expansion first entered closed testing several weeks ago, we opened up roughly 50% of its content to the testing group. Late Friday night, they got access to the full expansion, minus a new roguelike dungeon. This included the Final Boss encounter, which is one of Grim Dawn’s most intense fights yet. Spoiler: the Final Boss is Barnabas.←反転で表示(ストーリーのネタバレなので注意)

数週間前に拡張のファースト・クローズドテストを実施し、内容の凡そ 50% をテストグループに公開しました。
これには、Grim Dawn の中でも最も苛烈を極める戦いである最終ボスとの出会いも含まれます。
ネタバレ: ラスボスはバルナバス。←反転で表示(ストーリーのネタバレなので注意)

Much still remains to be done in regards to polish and bugfixing, but things are progressing steadily and smoothly. As always, we expect it to be out posthaste with a Q3 release not out of the picture.

いつも通り、"第3四半期リリース" という額縁から外れぬよう、大急ぎで進めています。

Now, let us return to Malmouth, where valiant souls are dying every day to retake what was once theirs from the manipulative Aetherials!


New Faction

When the Aetherial attacks began, the fall of the city came swiftly and painfully.

Faction Torso

It started seemingly everywhere, making it abundantly clear that the Aetherials planned and prepared for a long time. Their reanimated dead and fleshwarped abominations appeared everywhere at once, sowing chaos and overwhelming the guards. They sabotaged the city’s inner defenses, all except the outside walls. Those they quickly gained control of and closed off, cutting off any escape from the city. Every movement was surgically precise. The Aetherials hit the docks next, burning the ships so that nobody could flee by water. It was carnage with no way out. But don’t take my word for it. Hear it straight from the mouth of a poor survivor of that fateful night.

あらゆる手段は、外科手術的に正確でした。 イセリアルは次に埠頭に目を付け、船を燃やし水へと逃れられないようにしました。
それはもはや逃げ道のない大虐殺でした。 しかしそれは正確な言葉ではないでしょう。
"宿命の夜" を辛うじて生き延びた生存者の声を、聞いてください。

Faction Sword

“Last night the Steelcap barracks was attacked. It happened suddenly in the dead of the darkest hour. The doors were smashed open and a flood of terrors charged through the brothers of the guard like a butcher through a flock of lambs. Their screams as they woke from sleep to the darkest nightmare still ring in my ears.

I was crippled with fear. If it weren’t for Captain Wilfor’s quick action none of us would have survived. My squad and I were fortunate to have been assigned to an overflow area adjacent to the main sleeping quarters, as we were just transferred there the previous day. When the attack started, the captain barged in and began shouting orders at us. Our training took over and we followed, barricading the main door proceeding outside through the back. What awaited us was unthinkable.

The world was on fire. A foul stench enveloped the city and a putrid green light burned the sky over the Candle District. At dawn we experienced a series of explosions that shook the foundation of the city like a massive earthquake. The scale of these attacks is unthinkable, the damage indescribable.

At Wilfor’s command, we moved silently about the ruins of the city, from barracks to barracks, in search of other guardsmen. But they all contained the same horrific scene: everyone killed in their sleep, at their posts, just slaughtered.

I’m beginning to fear that we’re all that’s left. Wilfor ordered us to protect some civilians while he checks nearby for another group of survivors from the city guard. Just hours ago, we found a dying man who claimed that a stronghold was established near the Candle District by a full contingent of guardsmen. I pray that it’s true.

We’ve seen such horrors today and the men are injured and broken. I’m not sure we can muster the will to go on.

Gods be with us.

Raiken Baeron”

"昨夜、スチールキャップの兵舎が攻撃された。 事が突然起こったのは、一番暗い時間だ。
私は、恐怖で動けなかった。 キャプテン・ウィルフォアの迅速な行動がなければ、多分誰も生き残りはしなかっただろう。
訓練通り我々は付き従い、主な扉にバリケードを築きに行くことにした。 我々を待ち受けていたものは、とても考えられないものだった。
世界は、燃えていた。 悪臭が街を包み、濁った緑色の光が、キャンドル地区の上空を焼いた。
しかし、その全てが恐ろしいものだった: 全員が寝たまま、その持ち場で、屠殺されたのだ。

The resistance formed a few days later, consisting mostly of the surviving city militia and dozens of scrappy volunteers. But they could never hope to defeat the massive, and rapidly growing, numbers that the Aetherials fielded. They had to resort to guerilla tactics and scavenging. Soon, even that became difficult. The resistance was in full retreat almost since day one.

彼らはゲリラ戦術と小規模な戦闘行為に頼らざるを得ませんでした。 が、すぐにそれは困難になりました。

The Malmouth Resistance マルマスのレジスタンス

The Malmouth Resistance

The Aetherials had complete control of the city. With Crown Hill for his throne, the Aetherial master of the region began work on his greatest masterpiece; the people of Malmouth, both living and dead, would become the fuel for that creation.

玉座となるクラウンヒルで、この地域のイセリアルのマスターは、彼の "最も偉大な傑作" を作り始めました;

Some managed to escape the city though, whether to flee for safety or to seek aid. Few of those survived what awaited them beyond the walls. The Aetherial domination over the area was absolute. With the aid of their obelisks, Aetherfire spread as far as the eye could see, scouring clean any remnant of humanity or nature. Should any survivor even make it past that living hell, then the savage land of Ugdenbog awaited.


It would take exceptional luck or skill, or perhaps a combination of both, to escape Malmouth and find refuge in the shattered world of Cairn…


The Malmouth Resistance is one of four new factions coming with the expansion, not including Beasts becoming an official hostile faction. Will you help bring the Black Legion to the fallen city and save these people? Or will you succumb to the Aetherial forces and become just another body on the battlefield? The Master of Flesh awaits…

"マルマスのレジスタンス" は来たる拡張の 4派閥 の一つで、この4派閥にはビースト (獣) が敵対派閥となることは含まれません。
貴方はブラック リージョンと共に崩壊都市に赴き、人々を救おうとするか? それともイセリアル軍に屈服し、新たな戦いの容れ物となるでしょうか?
"マスター オブ フレッシュ (肉の支配者)" が待っています…

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 09/04/2017 for our next development update!


[GM #124] The Ashes of Malmouth 2017/08/07


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures. In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news, today’s title has an important meaning because…it so happens to be the title of our fast approaching expansion for Grim Dawn!

Grim Misadventure に、お帰りなさい。
それこそが、Grim Dawn の来たる拡張のタイトルだからです!
Ashes of Malmouth

As the title suggests, you will be visiting a place we’ve hinted about in Grim Dawn lore throughout the game, the fallen city of Malmouth.

タイトルが示すように、Grim Dawn のゲーム内伝承として様々な場所に表れていた、陥落都市マルマスを訪れることになります。

Once a thriving center of industry in Cairn, Malmouth was one of the first cities to tragically fall during the Grim Dawn. Political intrigue was par for the course in a city that generated vast wealth for the empire, but the game changed with the arrival of an unassuming physician from the capital, Erulan. The physician, named Theodin Marcell, was the catalyst that brought about the city’s destruction.

かつてケアン中で産業都市の中心として栄えたマルマスは、グリム ドーンの犠牲となった最初の都市のひとつです。
"セオディン マルセル"という名の医師は、都市の破壊のためのまさに触媒だったのです。

補注: セオディン マルセルの名は、Act3 のメインクエスト上で手に入るジャーナルで確認することが出来る。

Malmouth was divided into three distinct districts: The Candle District, where most of the poor found themselves crammed into densely packed dilapidated structures. Here the vast wealth of the city was but a dream. Nearby, the Steelcap District was the center of industry. Lined with factories, warehouses and the very docks that became the heart of Malmouth’s economy, the Steelcap District was the prize to be conquered for every power hungry noble. Lastly, Crown Hill housed the nobility, the city council and offices of governance. This was where the hammer fell and Malmouth’s fate was sealed.

マルマスは 3つ の地区に分割されました:
キャンドル地区 [Candle District] では大部分の貧困層が、崩れそうなボロ屋に詰め込まれている。 ここにおいては、都市の広大な富などほんの夢でしかなかった。
近隣の スチールキャップ地区 [Steelcap District] は、工業の中心地。 工場、倉庫、そしてマルマス経済の中心である多くの埠頭が並び、スチールキャップ地区は貪欲な貴族の褒章だった。
最後に クラウン ヒル [Crown Hill] は貴族階級たちや市議会、管理オフィスといったものが含まれる。 槌が振り下ろされ、マルマスの運命が封じられた場所でもある。

Malmouth 1 Malmouth 2 Malmouth 3

Inquisitor Creed and the Legion had believed Malmouth to be a lost cause, completely overrun by the enemy and devoid of survivors, but circumstances are about to change. You will have to find out for yourself when the expansion is released later this year.


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 08/21/2017 for the next Grim Misadventure.


[号外] A Grim Expansion is calling... 2017/07/28


In today's livestream, we had a little treat saved for the end...something that's been asked about for a long time.


Today, we are pleased to reveal the logo for the upcoming expansion!


Grim Dawn First Expansion

Grim Dawn
Ashes of Malmouth

The next question is naturally going to be: Well, when's it gonna be released?

次の質問は自然にこうなるでしょう: いつリリースされるんだ?

While we're not quite ready to give you an exact date at this time, Q3 of 2017 is still looking good with closed testing of the expansion well under way.

現時点でまだ正確な日付の準備は整っていませんが、目下進行中のクローズドテストを見るに 2017年第3四半期 (10~12月) には間に合いそうです。

補注: 通常四半期換算は3月決算ベースで4月開始のことが多いためここでは 10~12月 と表記していますが、
特に米圏では12月決算も多く採用されているようなので、7~9月 を指している可能性もあります。
が、最終的な日付が確定するまではどちらとも判らないため、Crateのみぞ知る といったところです。

That said, we are going to take as long as is needed to make sure the expansion is a polished and awesome experience for you, and for that reason we can't give an exact day quite yet. You can be sure though that it will be released posthaste.


[GM #123] Infrequently Monstrous 2017/07/24


A Grim Misadventure has arrived! First, some exciting news on the expansion development front: As some of you may have already noticed, the playtesters have been very busy of late…because testing has officially begun on the expansion! What this means is that people outside of the dev team are seeing the expansion’s content/additions for the first time and providing us with bug reports and feedback. This is a critical step in the development process as we strive to clear out major issues/concerns before the expansion is released to the general public.

Grim Misadventure のご到着!
既にある程度の人は気付いているかもしれませんが、プレイテスターは多忙状態となっています… それは、公式に拡張テストが始まったからです!

At this time, the playtesters have access to roughly 50% of the expansion’s content and the leveling experience for the Necromancer and Inquisitor masteries. There’s still much to do and much to be tested, but so far things are going smoothly. We are nearing the end of the line!


Now, for another peek into the expansion! During one of our previews livestreams, we’ve heard requests to show off some of the new Monster Infrequents (MI’s) headed your way with the expansion. So today we will show you a selection. A few things had changed with Monster Infrequents compared to the base game. First, new Monster Infrequents no longer have a “common” version. Instead, they have a lower overall chance of dropping a Monster Infrequent, but whenever one drops, it is always the “rare” variety. Secondly, almost every Monster Infrequent will have two variants. This way not only is there more awesome loot to hunt for, but we can cover more playstyles. Lastly, almost every monster introduced in the expansion will have some kind of Monster Infrequent, even many of the bosses. In total, we are introducing 63 new Monster Infrequents!

以前のライブストリームの内に、拡張での新しいモンスター固有品 (MI) がお目見えしました。 今回は選り抜きをお見せしましょう。
いくつかの事柄が、ベース (本体) ゲームから変化しました。
まず、MIはもはや "コモン版" を持ちません。 代わりにMIドロップ率は低くなりますが、ドロップするときにはいつも "レア" となるでしょう。
次に、すべてのMIは 2つ のバリエーションを持ちます。
合計して 63 の新たなMIが導入されます!

So let’s dig in.


Please note that with the expansion still in development, the following information may change by release. These stats represent the base bonuses of the Monster Infrequents without any Affixes.

拡張は開発中であり、リリースまでに変更される可能性があります。 以下のMIステータスは、接辞抜きを示します。

Bargoll's Heart / Bargoll's Core バルゴールズ ハート / バルゴールズ コア

Bargoll's MI Bargoll's Stats

Colossal Fortress / Colossal Bulwark コロッサル フォートレス / コロッサル ブルワーク

Colossal MI  Colossal Stats

Packla's Skins / Packla's Visage パクラズ スキン / パクラズ ヴィジッジ

Packla's MI Packla's Stats

And more…

With the introduction of Item Skill Modifiers, you can expect to find a skill modifier on every Monster Infrequent weapon/off-hand, medal and helm, just like on the new Legendary items. This goes for old Monster Infrequents as well, which will not only receive higher level versions, but also retroactive additions of the Skill Modifiers.

"アイテム-スキル変化" の導入により、新レジェンダリーのように、MIの武器、オフハンド、メダルやヘルムなどでそれらを見つけることができるでしょう。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 08/07/2017 for our next development update!


[GM #122] Devoted Arkovia 2017/07/10


We return with another Grim Misadventure! Today, we are returning to the Devotion skies, to discover just what the Arkovian gods shall bestow upon you.

新たな Grim Misadventure へ!

Previously, we revealed that the expansion will feature 14 new Devotion Constellations. What we did not tell you though is that something is also coming to existing Constellations. Every Celestial Proc in the game will be receiving 5 more ranks, allowing them to reach even greater limits of power!

以前、拡張では 14 の新たな星座が登場すると発表しました。
全ての星座スキルは現在から更に 5 のランクを得て、より強大な力へと達することができるでしょう!

Adding to that, of the 14 new Constellations, 8 will feature brand new Celestial Procs as well, for even more options when battling the fiends of the void and the aether.

これに加えて、14 の新しい星座のうち、8 の星座は新しい星座スキルを備えており、虚無の悪鬼やイーサーたちと戦うためにより豊富な選択肢を得られるでしょう。

Let’s take a look at some of the upcoming Celestial Procs!


As always, what you see may change before its final debut, whether numerically or visually. Numbers on tooltips are scaled based on equipped gear and will increase with skill rank.


Phoenix Fire

Alladrah's Phoenix アラドラーの不死鳥

”A faithful pet of the gods, the Phoenix of Alladrah blazes a trail across the starry sky. “

Phoenix Fire's Stats

Alladrah’s Phoenix shields you with its fiery feathers, rebuking blows and incinerating all that come too near.


Arcane Currents

Attak Seru, the Mirage 蜃気楼のアターク セル

”Attak Seru was the matron of spellweaving, the protector of those daring enough to wield magic. All Arkovian rituals had the symbol of Attak Seru inscribed within the runic circle for precaution; but not even her wards were enough to stave off the effects of the necromancer’s curse.”

"呪術の守護(女)神、アターク セルは、勇気をもって魔法を扱う者たちの守護者だった。
アーコヴィアの儀式はすべて用心のため、ルーン サークルの内側にアターク セルのシンボルが刻印される。
Arcane Currents' Stats

Attak Seru grants you the power known as Arcane Current. This clever rune appears on the ground near your foes and rapidly launches streams of arcane energy that damage enemies in a line

アターク セルは、アルケイン カーラント (Arcane Current) として知られている力を与えます。
この巧妙なルーンは、敵の近くの地面に現れ、アルケイン エナジーの流れを急速に送り出して、ライン内の敵にダメージを与えます。

Hand of Ultos

Ultos, Shepherd of Storms 嵐の番人 ウルトス

”Ultos was the lesser of his celestial brethren in Arkovian lore, but nevertheless remained a powerful symbol, for it was his rains that allowed the harvest to grow and his lightning that caused unspeakable destruction. Somewhat ironically given his status, Ultos is the only Arkovian god whose worship endured beyond the fall of the empire.”

Hand of Ultos' Stats

The hand of Ultos conjures lightning from your very being, which then cascades across the vast legions of your enemies.

ウルトスの手 (Hand of Ultos) は、あなたの存在それ自体から雷を召喚し、敵の大軍をまたがって滝のように連鎖させます。

Fists of Vire

Vire, the Stone Matron ヴィール, 石の守護(女)神

”Commonly depicted in Arkovian lore as the matron of the gods, and thus the mightiest, the Stone Matron represented Cairn itself, the fortitude and strength of stone, unmoving against even the greatest odds.”

Fists of Vire's Stats

Vire conjures a stone fist from the very earth to retaliate against any foe that strikes you, turning them to stone.


Four more Celestial procs await you in the expansion. Those you will have to discover for yourself later this year!

拡張ではこの他に 4 の星座スキルが登場します。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 07/24/2017 for our next development update!


[GM #121] Learning to Necromance 2017/06/26


Hello and welcome to another Grim Miasdventures dev update. In case you have not been keeping track, we recently had a big patch (v1.0.1.0)! This update brought about some great quality of life changes to the game as well as a tuning pass. Most importantly of all though, it bridges some tech changes made for the expansion to the base game, which was a major step towards releasing the expansion later this year.

どうもようこそ、Grim Miasadventure の新たな開発アップデートへ。
最近の動向を追っていない方へ、先日大きなパッチ (V1.0.1.0) を発表しました!

Necromancer Mastery

And on the note of the expansion, it’s time for another look! Today, we are going to dig deeper into what makes a Necromancer necromance.


Please note that as the masteries are still under development, the following information may change by release. Damage values are scaled by player attributes.
You learned to raise some skeletons, maybe drain a fool of their life essence, but there is more to the Necromancer’s vile arsenal. These powerful abilities await those who dedicate themselves to the mastery of death!

マスタリーは開発中であり、変更される可能性があります。 ダメージ量は、プレイヤーの属性値にスケールします。

Blight Fiend

Blight Fiend ブライト フィーンド

”Unmoved by the noxious fumes of decay, conjure forth an abomination made of corpses and rotting filth to rise up from the earth and subdue your enemies.”

Blight Fiend's Mod

This cheerful guy is just bloated with vile gases and poison and he will eagerly share them with your foes by vomiting up his insides. Upon death, the Blight Fiend erupts in toxic fumes. He can also learn to exhume poison around him, and to unleash a massive eruption of poison. A transmuter allows you to summon Blight Fiends more frequently to take advantage of their explosive tendencies, but they become temporary pets.

やがて死に至るときには、ブライト フィーンドは毒霧を噴射します。

Ill Omen

Ill Omen イル オーメン

”The mere presence of a Necromancer is often enough to inspire terror within their enemies. You unleash a ghostly wail upon your target that shatters the confidence of lesser foes and rapidly spreads confusion and fear amongst your enemies.”


This display of power overwhelms the senses of lesser foes, forcing them to flee. To top it off, this curse spreads rapidly to nearby foes, sowing terror and uncertainty among the ranks.


Mark of Torment

Mark of Torment マーク オブ トーメント

”Though all must ultimately answer to that final fate, your mastery of death has allowed you to delay the inevitable. By linking your soul to a nearby foe, you transfer some of the harm intended for you into them instead.”

Mark of Torment's Ability

This nefarious spell links you to a nearby foe, transferring a portion of your suffering and magnifying it. This vile trick can spare a Necromancer from an early grave, or even allow them to endure tortures that a normal person would not survive.


Ravenous Earth

Ravenous Earth ラヴェナス アース

”At your command, disease and rot pour forth through a hellish maw within the earth and infect all unfortunate enough to stand too close.”

Ravenous Earth's Mod

This disturbing spell manipulates the very earth to spew forth disease and rot upon nearby foes. A maw of flesh and gore forms at the desired location and propels toxins in all directions. The final modifier for this despicable ability gives it a chance to erupt any foes slain by its effect, inflicting further suffering upon nearby survivors.


Reap Spirit

Reap Spirit リープ スピリット

”One of the most powerful techniques bestowed upon his followers by Uroboruuk. By ripping apart the very being of your foe, one can not only inflict grievous harm, but also conjure forth a fragment of their soul to serve you. The resulting spirit is unstable and highly aggressive, which makes it all the more useful in battle.

Reap Spirit's Ability

This is one of the ultimate techniques available to fully trained Necromancers, allowing you to not only inflict grievous harm upon your foes but also conjure a violent spirit to tear apart anyone that survives. An excellent choice for both Necromancers that choose to deal with their enemies directly and for those that focus on minions, or somewhere in-between.


And more… さらに…

Always more! The Necromancer has more vile tactics to unleash upon unwary foes, but the rest you will have to learn on your own when the class is released with the upcoming expansion.


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 07/10/2017 for our next development update!
