
Last-modified: 2020-12-08 (火) 17:49:17

[GM #166] - Corrupted Wealth 2019/12/10


We are here with another Grim Misadventure!


Last time, we delved into what is now Grim Dawn’s largest free content update ever. V1.1.5.0 has since been released, and it represents the culmination of months of work and a new roguelike dungeon absolutely packed with awesome loot to hunt down.

前回は、この度行ったこれまでで最大の無料コンテンツ・アップデートについて探求しました。v1.1.5.0 がリリースされてから

We are thrilled with how far Grim Dawn has come, so we’ve made getting it all at once as painless as possible with the Definitive Edition on Steam. Development has been a tremendous adventure, but it’s not over just yet!

我々は、Grim Dawnがいかに遠くまで来たかということに感激して、可能な限り容易に一度で全部を手に入れる「決定版」
 (Definitive Edition) を Steam に作りました。ここまでの開発は途方もない冒険でしたが、それで終わったわけではありません!

Today, we’d like to give you a first look at what we’re working on for v1.1.6.0, which we expect to release very early next decade.

今日は、次の十年代の早い時期にリリースする予定の、v1.1.6.0 のために取り組んでいる事について、最初の紹介をしたいと思います。

We think most people will agree that the Devotion system was one of the best features we have added to Grim Dawn; and exploring the world to discover Devotion shrines has been one of its appeals. A particular fan favorite is the Corrupted Shrine mechanic. We’ve seen requests over the years to allow these shrines to be repeatable, because the gameplay is engaging and the loot that explodes out of them is very satisfying.

祈祷システムが Grim Dawn に追加された最高の機能の一つである点については、ほとんどの人が同意されるでしょう。

Of course, repeatable shrines would be problematic for acquiring Devotion Points, but what if we could take the mechanics of the Corrupted Shrines but decouple them from the system itself?


With that in mind, we set out to create what we are calling Monster Totems.


Similarly to Corrupted Shrines, Totems can be activated by the player to spawn a wave of enemies. Upon vanquishing all of the foes, the Totem will collapse and explode with delicious loots. Unlike Corrupted Shrines, however, the Totems will not grant Devotion Points and will spawn randomly within the world. What this means is that your adventures throughout Cairn are about to get more dynamic and rewarding!


Is there MOAR, you may find yourself asking.


Grim Dawn has been a project developed by an incredibly dedicated team. There are features and art now in the game that would not have been possible without passionate developers putting in late nights and weekends, not because they were asked to or because it was critical to meet the bare minimum but because they wanted MOAR. And we can assure you that MOAR is exactly what you’ll be getting next year!

Grim Dawnは、信じがたいほど献身的なチームによって開発されたプロジェクトです。今、ゲームには、情熱的な開発者が深夜や週末にまで

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy all of the work that went into v1.1.5.0. You can look forward to a small hotfix (v1.1.5.2) coming soon that will address several reported issues as well as introduce a few balance adjustments, including some that have been sourced from the community discussion on that very topic.

それまでの間は、v1.1.5.0 に注がれた仕事のすべてを楽しんでいただきたいと思います。これまでに報告された
少々のバランス調整を施した hotfix (v1.1.5.2) が、間もなくやって来ることを楽しみにお待ちください。

From everyone here at Crate, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season. May your loot drops be plentiful and the RNG ever in your favor!


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its content updates. Check back on 01/13/2020 for the next Grim Misadventure as we welcome in the new year and reflect upon all that’s been added to Grim Dawn, and perhaps on what’s still to come.

次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、
拡張版のサポートと今後のコンテンツの更新に重点を置いているため、掲載頻度は下がっています。次のGrim Misadventureは、
新年を迎えた2020年1月13日にてご確認いただきたく、Grim Dawnに加えられたすべてのことや、

[GM 号外] - The Saga of the Aura MP Kill Bug 2019/11/26


It's not every day you get to claim to have squashed a four year old obscure bug, but today just may be one of those days.


The infamous MP Aura Kill Bug, an issue that has plagued us since Grim Dawn inherited Titan Quest's code base many years ago, has been dealt a crippling blow this day.

悪名高い MP Aura Kill Bug (マルチプレイの味方殺しバグ)は、 Grim Dawn が Titan Quest のコードベースを

The reason why we were finally able to ping this nefarious bug down? Ironically, it was due to a change we made for v1.1.5.0 intended to make some back-end item calculations more predictable.
In essence, this change also had the side-effect of making the Aura desync bug occur considerably more reliably, which in turn allowed us to finally generate an internal repro.

皮肉なことに、これは v1.1.5.0 で行った、内部的なアイテムの計算をより予測しやすくするための変更によるものでした。

Once we had a repro…well, the rest is history. We are now in the final stages of testing the fix, but we are confident hopeful certain expecting the imminent v1.1.5.1 hotfix to bring an end to this frustrating bug once and for all.

現在、この修正のテストの最終段階にありますが、目前の v1.1.5.1 hotfix が、この苛立たしいバグをきれいさっぱり終わらせてくれると確信期待しています。

We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused with the release of v1.1.5.0 and how it marred an otherwise amazing update.
As always, we are committed to addressing issues if they come up, and the silver lining here is that v1.1.5.0 finally allowed us to pin it down!

v1.1.5.0 のリリースにて発生したこの問題によりご迷惑をおかけしたこと、素晴らしいアップデートを台無しにしてしまったことをお詫び申し上げます。
いつものように、問題が発生した場合はそれに取り組むことにコミットしています。この件で良かった点とすれば、v1.1.5.0 でついに突き止めることが出来たことでしょう。

If for any reason the issue does persist after the hotfix is live, please do report it as a new bug.

もし hotfix を適用しても問題が解決しない場合は、新しいバグとして報告して下さい。

We'll see you all on the other side of v1.1.5.1!

それでは v1.1.5.1 の先でお会いしましょう!

[GM #165] - Bring them to Darkness 2019/11/05


Grim Misadventures have arrived.


Last time, we revealed some of the corruption seeping forth from the Tomb of the Heretic and the profound effect it had on the denizens of the Korvan lands.


As you already know, v1.1.5.0 is going to be Grim Dawn’s largest free content update ever, and we mean it when we say that.

既にご存知のように、v1.1.5.0はGrim Dawn最大の無料コンテンツアップデートになります。

Featuring 4 new dungeons, including a 5th roguelike dungeon, 12 new bosses and mini-bosses and an array of new items, v1.1.5.0 has a ton of new content to look forward to for owners of Forgotten Gods.

v1.1.5.0は多くの新コンテンツでFrogotten Godsをお持ちの方々のご期待に添うものとなるでしょう。

If you don’t own the latest expansion, don’t fret! The upcoming patch features a massive update to Epic and Rare quality items that applies to all versions of the game!


There is, as always, MOAR, but we’ll leave some surprises for patch day!


Today, we’ll delve deeper into the shadows of the Tomb of the Heretic. Feeling betrayed by his god, a traitor to the Korvan faith sought to unravel the Eldritch Sun’s influence. In desperation, he turned to the night and found comfort within its tendrils.


Such betrayal alone would warrant grave repercussions, but that was not the end to the heretic’s despicable acts. In his celestial pursuits, he turned loyal Korvan magi into conduits of his vile schemes. Through seven rings, they were bound to his will. Through the rings, they each fell to darkness.


What good are powerful rings though if you can’t get them as loot! V1.1.5.0 features 4 new Monster Infrequents, 8 new Epic items and a staggering 15 new Legendary items found only within the new roguelike dungeon!


Just when will you get to enjoy this massive addition to the game? As you’d expect, this much content takes a lot of work, and we are not skimping on quality. There is still balancing and bug fixing to be done, so at this time we predict that v1.1.5.0 will be released around the end of November to mid-December. Rest assured that you will have access to all these goodies in time for the holidays!


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 12/09/2019 for the next Grim Misadventure as we wrap up the year and talk about what’s still to come!

次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、拡張版のサポートと
今後のコンテンツの更新に重点を置いているため、掲載頻度は下がっています。 今年の締めくくりに、
そしてなお来たるものについて語るため、次のGrim Misadventureは2019年12月09日にご確認ください。

[GM #164] - Korvan Heresy 2019/9/30


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures!


Last time, we had a numerically driven preview of the extensive itemization changes coming your way with v1.1.5.0 later this year and gave you another reason why v1.1.5.0 is going to be Grim Dawn’s largest free content update ever.

v1.1.5.0がGrim Dawnで最大の無料コンテンツアップデートとなるべきもう一つの理由を示しました。

We’ve scoured thousands of database entries. Nearly every single Epic item in the game has gotten a facelift to bring them to our modern standards. That’s about 1300 items if you’re counting Epics alone. But we did not stop there. We reviewed every Rare affix in the game, taking into consideration your favorites, and updated those as well.


But wait, there’s MOAR. We’ve also gone back through all the faction gear, particularly those from the base game, and made them a much more appealing option to fill the gaps in your gearing as you level up. With v1.1.5.0, low level faction gear will offer an excellent way to get your resistances ready for more challenging content ahead.


Is that enough? Probably…but it wasn’t good enough for us! V1.1.5.0 also includes a pass on all Monster Infrequents in the game to make them more versatile and uniform in power.

それで十分でしょうか?おそらくは... しかし、我々にとっては十分ではありませんでした!

How’s that for an update ?!


And just in case that wasn’t enough, this all comes on top of a major influx of new story content to digest. With Riggs eager to cash in on his deal with you (assuming you were willing to agree to his strange terms), you will soon find yourself on an adventure spanning the far corners of the Korvan Basin, eventually culminating in a lost oasis that was sealed away by the Korvan people centuries ago.


But with the Eldritch Sun fading for good, for reasons that should be very clear to anyone that’s played through the Forgotten Gods content, something ravenous now claws at the edges of reality around Cairn; and it would seem that it has found a way through at the Tomb of the Heretic!


Events from centuries ago now threaten to repeat themselves. When the Eldritch Sun was away waging a war amongst the stars, some of the Korvan people grew restless in the absence of its light. They began to question their very faith. In pursuit of answers, they shied away from the sun and turned to the night.


What their heresy unleashed upon the Korvan Basin threatened to cover all of Cairn in eternal night, were it not for the intervention of the Korvan priesthood and the temple guardians. They put a stop to the damned rituals being performed and punished the heretics with unimaginable suffering. The forbidden work was then sealed away and the keys scattered to the sands.


But the damage was done and the actions of a few have now come back to haunt the already ravaged lands of the Korvan Basin. Just how far-reaching its effects are remains to be seen.


Why Riggs would want to enter such a forsaken place is unknown. Perhaps he seeks the vast wealth of unique equipment found nowhere else in the game, the largest collection of any roguelike dungeon to date! Or perhaps his motives run deeper still. Are they sinister? Or benevolent? You will find out for yourself when v1.1.5.0 is released later this year!


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 11/04/2019 for the next Grim Misadventure.

次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、拡張版のサポートと
次のGrim Misadventureは、2019年11月04日にご確認ください。

[GM #163] - A Rare Proposal 2019/8/27


Grim Misadventures is here!


Last time, we explored some of the environments of the upcoming new roguelike dungeon.


Today, we are going to delve deeper into just why v1.1.5.0 will be Grim Dawn’s largest free content update ever!

今日は、v1.1.5.0 が Grim Dawn 最大の無料コンテンツ・アップデートになる理由を、さらに深く掘り下げようと思います!

But first, some quick news on the impending hotfix v1.1.4.2. The hotfix, which includes some balance changes, is all but finished and is going through final testing. We expect it to go live this week!

ですがまずは、目前に迫った緊急修正 v1.1.4.2 に関するお知らせを、簡潔に済ませておきましょう。

So, as you already know, v1.1.5.0 will feature Grim Dawn’s 5th roguelike dungeon. It’s going to be a grand adventure that sees you exploring new locales to unlock ancient Korvan secrets and, ultimately, the roguelike dungeon itself.

さて、すでにご存じの通り、v1.1.5.0 には Grim Dawn 5番目のローグライクダンジョンが搭載されます。

But that is not all that v1.1.5.0 has in store for you!

しかし、v1.1.5.0 で用意しているのはそれだけではありません!

For our upcoming major update, we are working on an extensive balance overhaul of all, and we really mean all, of the Rare Affixes and Epic items in the game. Even the oldest faction gear will be receiving love!


As Grim Dawn grew with two awesome expansions, some of the oldest gear in the game has lost some of its luster by comparison. This became especially apparent as we playtested the leveling experience for v1.1.4.0’s Veteran difficulty update.

Grim Dawn が2つの素晴らしい拡張で成長するに従い、比較してみるとゲームで最も古い装備のいくつかが、若干光沢を失いました。
これは、v1.1.4.0 でベテラン難度を更新するためにレベリングの感じをプレイテストしたとき、特に明白になりました。

With v1.1.5.0, we wanted to go back to the beginning and make acquiring gear during the leveling experience even more exciting. We reached out to the community, you may recall the thread we posted a few weeks ago regarding Rare Affixes, and reviewed what some of the player-favorite affixes were and why. Apart from the obvious powerful resistance stacking and crowd control reduction, some of the fun elements of getting a cool Rare item were the skill procs and skill bonuses. Getting a Monster Infrequent that stacks up just right to give you +5 to a skill can be amazing as you level.

v1.1.5.0 では初心に返って、レベリングを経験する過程で装備を獲得したときの高揚感を、もっと大きなものにしたいと望みました。
まさしく、スキルに +5 を与える MI を手に入れれば、驚異的なレベルになり得ます。

So not only did we pump underperforming affixes full of tempting resists, we also increased the proc rates on all Rare affix skill procs and added many more skill bonuses to rare affixes. And for those of you shivering at the thought of a balancing update, fear not: your favorite OP affixes will not suffer. On the contrary, we want to copy some of what makes them so tempting over to other affixes.

とビクついている方々も心配はご無用。皆さんの大好きな OP (オーバーパワー)接辞が苦境に立つことはありません。

We are going into Epic items with the same sort of mentality. Flesh out what’s awesome, update what’s not. Make Epics feel epic again.


While the focus was on lower level gear, all of these changes will extend to the endgame as well!


Pumped for v1.1.5.0? Some of you are probably wondering if such a major update will mark the end of the journey for Grim Dawn. While we’re not ready to discuss details, rest assured. Grim Dawn still has a few updates in it yet!

v1.1.5.0 にワクワクしてきましたか?皆さんの中には、このメジャーアップデートで Grim Dawn の旅は
ご安心ください。Grim Dawn には、まだ少しだけアップデートがあります!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 09/30/2019 for the next Grim Misadventure.

次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、拡張版のサポートと今後のコンテンツの
更新に重点を置いているため、掲載頻度は下がっています。 次のGrim Misadventureは、2019年9月30日にご確認ください。

[GM #162] - Riggs’ Request 2019/7/23


We’re here with another Grim Misadventure!


Last time, we previewed all that was released in our major free content update v1.1.3.0.

前回は、メジャーの無料コンテンツアップデート v1.1.3.0 でリリースされたものをすべてプレビューしました。

We inserted a Surprise Attack dev update since then to take an in-depth look at all of the major improvements we have in store for you with the upcoming v1.1.4.0 update. We then hopped on our livestream and showed them to you in action, including an unexpected surprise at the end!


You’ll be pleased to know that, barring a catastrophic discovery as we wrap up testing, we expect this flood of quality of life improvements to make their way to you later this week!


As we mentioned in the preview, this update may or may not be coming with the new Deferred Rendering tech, which is expected to boost performance for everyone significantly. I am now pleased to report that this major upgrade to the engine is in fact coming with v1.1.4.0! For those of your that can crank the game up to Very High video settings, we highly recommend you try the new renderer with Very High particles. It’s going to give combat a bit more…flair…

アップグレードがv1.1.4.0と共に来ることを、喜びをもってご報告いたします! これにより、ビデオ設定をベリーハイに
それは戦闘にちょっとばかり... 直感/ひらめき/第六感... とでもいうべきものをもたらすことでしょう。

Ok…maybe more like this…

ええまあ... おおむねこのような感じでしょう...

Today, we’re going to dig a little deeper into what’s in store for you with v1.1.5.0 later this year. As you may have heard from an earlier update, Riggs will want a return on his investment, and the price is steep.


There are secrets still buried within the Korvan sands that have not been unearthed for centuries, with good reason. Following the defeat of the Eldritch Sun, Riggs will be willing to wipe your debt clean, assuming you recover something valuable for him. Deny his offer though and you may find yourself dealing with those more eager to be free of their debts than you.


Should you make the wise decision to assist Riggs, you will be required to head into some…less than pleasant destinations. You’re not just seeking any old tomb. The way has been sealed and the key thrown away into the one place none would dare go: the belly of the beast.

リグを援助するという賢明な決断をした場合は、もう少し... 面白くない行き先に向かうよう要求されるでしょう。
獣の腹 1
獣の腹 2

Should you survive the Maw of Enaht and successfully recover what you seek, that marks only the beginning of your journey.

失われたオアシス 1

We won’t spoil the details here of course, that is for you to discover on your own. What we can tell you, however, is that your adventure will culminate in magnificent sights of a lush valley untouched by thieves or graverobbers. Within it lies Grim Dawn’s fifth Roguelike Dungeon!

そこには Grim Dawn 五番目の、ローグライクダンジョンがあります!

Vast wealth and dangers await within, and of course Riggs’ prize. How far are you willing to go to settle a debt? You’ll find out in v1.1.5.0!

それは v1.1.5.0 で見出すでしょう!
失われたオアシス 2

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 08/26/2019 for the next Grim Misadventure.

次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、拡張版のサポートと今後のコンテンツの
更新に重点を置いているため、掲載頻度は下がっています。 次のGrim Misadventureは、2019年8月26日にご確認ください。

[GM 号外] Incoming Auto-Loot for Components/Crafting Materials! (06/21 Livestream Spoiler)

原文スレッド: フォーラム

Those that had a chance to stop by the livestream today have had their first look at a feature we are rolling out in an upcoming hotfix.

今日の生配信に立ち会う機会があった人たちは、来る hotfix で導入しようとしている機能をいち早く見たことでしょう。

Due to popular demand for an auto-loot feature and the frequent frustration whenever we update the game and thus temporarily break the mod that enables it, we have decided to make auto-looting of Components and Crafting Materials a baseline feature.


Coming up in V1.1.3.1, you will have the option of toggling on this feature in the Game Options. It will be disabled by default, as new players should still get an opportunity to read the tooltips before they are sucked into their inventory, but for veterans you will soon be able to enjoy one of the great features popularized by Grim Internals!

じきに来る v1.1.3.1 では、ゲームオプションでこの機能を切り替えることができるようになります。
ベテランにはまもなく Grim Internals で普及されている素晴らしい機能の一つを楽しむことができるでしょう!

In addition in the upcoming update, all Partial Components looted, whether with auto-loot or by clicking them, will automatically combine in your inventory!


Here is a little preview of the work-in-progress of this feature that was played during the livestream!

これは生配信中にプレーした、この開発中の機能の小さなプレビューです! ※

※ mp4形式でここにリンクできないため、動画はフォーラムで見てください。


After some internal deliberation, we’ve decided that the best course of action is to release Hotfix 1 with several bugfixes we wish to get in your hands sooner rather than later.

内部的な審議の結果、最も良い行動方針は、このために遅れるよりも早めにお届けしたい若干のバグを修正した Hotfix 1 を

Meanwhile, the auto-loot feature and some other surprises we are working on will instead be released when they are ready in V1.1.4.0, likely in mid-July.

一方、オートルート機能とその他いくつかのサプライズは、たぶん7月中旬、 v1.1.4.0 で準備ができたときにリリースされるでしょう。

The new Roguelike Dungeon and Riggs’ questline will be released in V1.1.5.0.


Note that this is not going to have any impact on the release timeframe of the Riggs content, which is still expected later this year. We are simply inserting a surprise Major update in the middle, which means you get MOAR and get it posthaste…r.

我々はただ、驚異の大型更新は間に挟むことにした、つまり皆さんは... バグ修正をより早く手に入れるということになります。

[GM #161] - Loyal Style 2019/6/18

原文スレッド: フォーラム

Grim Misdaventures is here, the first of its names following the great forum migration of 2019!


Last time, we left you with a taste of the upcoming item sets. Today, we'll dive deeper into what's in store for the rapidly approaching v1.1.3.0 update, as well as something special that the community's been asking about for a while now!



First up, by overwhelmingly popular demand, we are pleased to announce that Grim Dawn will feature its second Loyalist Item Pack, coming later this week on 06/20/19. We are humbled by this request and hope that this second collection of vanity items will be a worthy symbol of appreciation for your support!

まず最初に、圧倒的に高い需要によって Grim Dawn は今週後半の2019年6月20日に二番目の
Loyalist Item Pack を呼び物にするだろう、と発表するのをうれしく思います。私たちは
SilverKnight Set

The items in this collection will bring out the classic fantasy hero within you. Always wanted to vanquish your foes dressed as a royal knight or a mighty wizard? Well now you can! To top it off, you can show off your support for Crate with your very own companion pet (PTSD warning for those that have faced the might Crate of Entertainment secret boss).

Crateへのサポートを誇示することもできます(隠れボスの Crate of Entertainment と対決した方のために、

Crate Pet Crate Pet

Loyalist Item Pack #2 will be priced just like the original Loyalist Pack, at $8.99, and will include an awesome collection of vanity gear:

Loyalist Item Pack 2 は、オリジナルの Loyalist Pack とちょうど同じく 8.99 ドルで販売されます。
  • Sinister Black Knight's Full Set of Armor
  • Black Knight's Sword and Shield
  • Sacred Silver Knight's Full Set of Armor
  • Silver Knight's Sword and Shield
  • Venerable Dragon General's Helm, Chestguard and two-handed Spear
  • Enigmatic White Wizard's Hat, Robe and Staff off-hand
  • Crate companion pet

As a plus, owners of Ashes of Malmouth will be able to add all of these items directly to your Illusion collection, rather than having to apply them individually to specific items. This feature will be added retroactively to the first Loyalist Item Pack as well.

コレクションに直接追加することが可能です。この機能は同様に、最初の Loyalist Item Pack にも遡って追加されます。


Now this may have you wondering, if we're releasing a Loyalist Item Pack, then a patch must be right around the corner, no? And you would be right, my curious viewer, as the next free major content update for Grim Dawn is coming in just a few days!

さあここまで来て、皆さんは Loyalist Item Pack をリリースすのであれば、すぐ近いうちにパッチがあるに違いない、
とお思いなのではありませんか?まさにその通り、わが好奇心旺盛なる読者の皆様方、Grim Dawn の

As you already know, the highlight of the update is sure to be the Five new Legendary item sets, but that's not all!


Apart from the standard fare of bug fixes and tuning, this update is absolutely packed with new stuff.


  • Updated Spell Effect: just as with V1.1.2.0, we are continuing our trend of updating some of the oldest spell effects in the game. Next up are: Amarasta's Blade Burst, Blackwater Cocktail, Lightning Strike, Maelstrom, Primal Strike, Reckless Tempest and Ring of Steel!
    スペル効果を更新: V1.1.2.0と同じように、我々はゲームで最も古い呪文効果のいくつかをアップデートする
    ライトニング・ストライク、メイルストロム、プライマル・ストライク、レックレス・テンペスト  (Reckless Tempest) 、

  • You will also be pleased to know that Eye of Reckoning, Righteous Fervor and Savagery will now update their visuals based on Item Skill modifier conversion.

Amalastas_BladeBurst BlackWater_Cocktail PrimalStrike
PrimalStrike_Vitality RingOfSteel.jpeg

  • The Shattered Realm continues to expand with 4 new anomalies on the standard formula. Hunt them all down as one just might have a unique treasure for you to find.

  • In addition, we are continuing to look at certain Boss combinations and will be restricting the possibility of certain bosses appearing together, as well as revising some of the bosses that appear at earlier shards. You will also be pleased to know that the Fleshworks and Loghorrean themed Shattered Guardian's Domains will be significantly larger next patch.
    序盤のシャードで現れるボスの一部を修正したりもしています。また、肉工場 (Fleshworks) やログホリアンを テーマにした

  • For enthusiasts of Fashion Dawn, we worked out a way to introduce Invisible Illusions to the game. With the next update, be sure to stop by the Coven of Ugdenbog Quartermaster to purchase Invisible illusions for the Head and Shoulders slots!
    Fashion Dawn に熱中している人のために、目に見えない幻影をゲームに導入する方法を考え出しました。

  • For those of you that enjoyed our little Totally Normal discovery in Forgotten Gods, you may want to start scouring the world once again, because three more Totally Normal…things await!
    Forgotten Gods の中の小さなごく普通の発見を楽しんだ人のために、今一度、この世界を調査し始めたい

  • MOAR…as always, you can look forward to other great changes and additions with the upcoming update, coming your way posthaste!

    Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 07/22/2019 for the next Grim Misadventure.
    次に何が Grim Dawn に現れるかお知りになりたいですか? Grim Misadventuresは、
    次のGrim Misadventureは、2019年7月22日にご確認ください。