
Last-modified: 2011-04-08 (金) 13:20:17



1) 村人が信用できること、誰も対立していないことの確認

つまり、そう、 ネトゲで出会うほとんどの人が、次のどれかにあてはまることを忘れない。

2) 壁はレンガで


3) 壁の周りの木は全部きれいに切る



4) 壁も完璧にクレーム内におさめる。


5) 村を出るときは、外へ出る専用の一方通行クロスロードを使う


6) 絶対に門を使うな


7) 仲間を作れ、戦闘も学べ、兵に装備を与えろ



What you will read next may sound paranoid to you and if all you own is a small hut and 2 cupboards it probably is but I see noob mistakes all the time and places get raided as a result.

1. Make sure you trust your villagers and that none of them are working against you. This usually fails if you are not a good judge of internet character. That means that yes most everyone you meet is either lazy stupid malicious attention whore or a combination of all of the above. A valued villager is someone who helps the village out when the village needs it. If you need to finish that wall then everyone better drop everything unless they are starving (like anyone starves anymore) and go help do that. Ideally you want aggressive players but not lying and aggressive players. If you find some no-lifers (and I use the term fondly since I am basically one) cherish the fuckers for you won't get a better villager and have them invest in a combat skill preferably melee. If shit hits the fan he will probably be the only one able to help with at least minor grieffers. When you are sure you can trust your villagers don't unless you are sure they have just as much to lose as you and not even then.

2. Brick wall your place. No palisades don't cut it; people can break them for fun now and there is no turning back from it more and more will be able to do it. Drop anything not related to a brick wall and do it. Trade, beg threaten humiliate yourself for enough wrought and steel and just do it. One gate is enough and just design your wall to have least amount of corner posts. It might end up looking ugly but who gives a fuck at least you are safer.

3. Clear-cut the forest around your wall transform all boulders to runestones. and move all the logs inside. Do this for a couple of screens. If they do decide to ram you you will be able to see it before it comes for you.

4. Claim your walls fully. Patrol them daily. Make a trail for it on the inside use ranging too.

5. Use one way out crossroads to get out of your village. No crossroads leading into the village don't care if the place has 7 layered and spaced brick wall just don't.

6. NEVER EVER USE THE GATE. EVER. DON'T DO IT. You think keys are cool? and every one in your village should have one? Well your a dumbfuck then. Only key to that gate should stay on an alt you bring out on holidays and by holidays I mean when your outside crossroad has been vandalized. Of course the holiday implies much armed forces to protect the rare event of opening ones gate.

7. Make allies learn to fight equip your fighters. Trade with people, help them out when they need it spar with them collect all your fighters and do team building (aka rangings together) so when shit hits the fan they don't suicide themselves like noobs. Invest in some good bronze and equip all your villagers. There is nothing so ugly as a 1000 damage sting one someone butt naked with no combat skill...