
Last-modified: 2015-05-18 (月) 04:36:30


  • 細かな修正は告知なく実施される場合があります。


0.76 以降

0.82 - 2015-05-17

HentaiVerse 0.82, Reading material


thx! Thira

装備システム変更に関する注記 (A note on the changes to equipment)

Hentai Verse管理者は、全員が全ての装備品を装備出来るという仕様を削除しようとしている。




装備品レベル変更 (Equipment Level Changes)


  • ドロップした装備品は、そのプレイヤと同じレベルを持つ。
  • プレイヤは現在のレベルを超える装備品を装備することは出来ない。
  • Forge(Soulfuse)において、Soul Fragmentを多数使うことによって、装備品をプレイヤに固有化させると共にレベルアップさせることができる。
  • Soul FragmentはRandom Encounterにおいてドロップする。
    全てのRondom Encounterに参戦/勝利する場合、1日あたり約3個のSoul Fragmentが入手できる。
    Soul Fragmentは譲渡不可で、売価も無い。
    くじのPrecursor ArtifactsはSoul Fragmentに置き換えられた。
    Soul Fragmentは、高価ではあるがItem Shopで購入することも可能。
  • Soulfuseを行うのに必要なSoul Fragmentの数は、100+FRD(プレイヤレベル-装備品レベル)/2個となる。
  • プレイヤレベルより高いレベルの装備品をSoulfuseすることはできない。


  • くじ商品の装備品も、Follower of Snowflakeによる譲渡不可のPeerless装備品と同様に、自動的にSoulfuseされる。

出現する装備品/戦利品の決定方法の変更 (Equipment/Loot Generation Changes)





これは、以前よりPower付きのLegendary Heavy Armorの出現率が激増した反面、CrudeやFair Power Armorが出現することはなくなったということを意味する。



  • 主にKatana、Wakizashiが高階級ボーナスとして出現するのを防ぐため、片手武器、両手武器、杖におけるコモン、レア階級を廃止した。
  • 武器特殊効果の継続時間(出血、ダメージ)は常に一定になった。
  • Cloth鎧はCrushingに対して若干の耐性を持った。
  • 新規に出現するVampire、Illithid、Banshee武器の特殊効果率はやや高くなった。
  • Slaughterの威力は1/3に低下した。
  • Mooglemail、Snowflake's Shrine、Equipment Shopを使って装備品の能力上限値を超過することは不可能になった。
  • Arenaクリアボーナスは常に装備品になった。
  • Luck of the Drawは漠然とした『戦利品質のボーナス』の向上の効果ではなくなった。
  • 所持品数の限界まで所持している場合、ドロップした装備品は単になくなり、アイテムドロップへの振替えは行われない。

修繕(Repair)システムの調整 (Repair Tweaks)

  • 修繕にはCatalystを必要としなくなった。
    • 平均的に見れば、完全修繕のために必要なScrapのコストは以前に比べて大幅に低くなった。
  • 装備品の消耗は半分に、修繕費用は倍になった - つまり、Forgeを訪れる必要が半分になった以外、変更の効果自体は相殺されている。
  • 敗北した場合、装備品の耐久力を喪失するようになった。
  • Repair Bearは敗北による耐久力喪失には効果を発揮しない。
  • Repair Bear効果に、完全に通常消耗を無くす最高レベルを追加。
  • インフォメーションバーに武器/防具消耗度表示を追加。(戦闘時以外)

経験値の変更 (EXP Changes)

  • 経験値の内部的な処理方法が変更された。
    戦闘中であってもDawn of the Dayの経験値を獲得して能力値上昇が可能という古いバグを修正。
  • Monsterを倒した時に与えられる経験値と各レベルアップのための必要経験値が修正され、レベル500で下2桁が切捨てとなる。
    • レベル300程度までは、レベル毎に必要な実際のキル数は同程度となる。
      この状況を軽減するため、TrainingとHath Perksによる経験値倍率の複合は、互いに乗算から加算へと変更された。
  • この経験値の変更のため、全プレイヤの経験値は現在のレベルの初期値へとリセットされた。
  • 基本属性値と装備品も同様にリセットされているため、再設定する必要がある。
  • 低いレベルでの習熟度の大幅な不足を修正するため、レベル250未満では大幅に速く習熟できるようになった。

消耗品と回復薬 (Consumables and Restoratives)

  • Draughtが復活した。
    • Draughtは継続回復効果がある。
    • Potionは即時回復効果がある。
    • Elixirはそのパラメータの完全回復をする上、Draughtのような継続効果もある。
    • Potionの級別は廃止され、PotionのAbilityによってのみ効果は増加する。
      Mana/Spirit Draughtはより効果が継続するようになり、
      Health Draught/Potion/ElixirとMana/Spirit Potionはより効果が大きくなる。
    • Hentai Verseから完全になくなるまで、旧PotionはDraughtとPotionを合わせた50%の効果を持つ。
  • Draught、Potion、Elixir(Last Elixirは除く)は常時販売アイテムになった。
  • 廃止された旧Potion以外の消耗品の売値倍率は、1/5から1/25へと減少した。
    • これは、殆どの非常時販売アイテム(InfusionとScroll)に対するItem Shop Botでの入札購入をする場合の実効価格の低減する効果はほぼないが、
      Item Shopへのアイテム売却によるクレジットの発生を減らす効果がある。
  • 消耗品は即座に使用される。
  • 複数のスロットに同じアイテムを設定することはできなくなった。
  • 全ての通常消耗品スロットはScrollやInfusionスロットと同様に、そのアイテムの残量がある限り何度でも使用できるようになった。
  • 聖魔法のダメージ値はCure値に依存しなくなった。
    • 倍率の上限は200%になっている。

その他 (Misc)

  • くじ賞品の調整
    Precursor ArtifactがSoul Fragmentに置き換えられたため、全てのくじ賞品はアカウントと結び付けられることになった。
    Chaos Tokenが倍量になった。
    Golden Ticketの必要量が半分になったが、100チケット分に減少した(それでもまだ10%に至るまでは倍の期待率となる)。
  • Monthly Toplist賞品は直近のOutstanding Achievements Eventに対応して拡張された。
    • 1~3位にPlatinum Ticket、4~10位にGold Ticket、11~25位にSilver Ticket、26~50位にBronze Ticketが与えられる。
    • 全てのTicketのアイテム階級ボーナスは1つづつ引き上げられた。
  • CulinarianはMetabolismに、GentlemanはInspirationに改名され、費用は20%削減された。
  • Happy PillsはSnowflake's Shrineの出現アイテムから無くなった。
  • 難度NintendoとBattletoadsは他の難度の半分以下しか使用されなかったので、統合された。
  • Item Shopに+1000と+9999のボタンを追加した。
  • Dual-Wielding時の弓手のダメージ量損失が50%から20%に軽減された。
  • プレイヤが全く装備、能力、属性を設定していない場合、警告されるようになった。

(Oh, and it's a large patch, so post any bugs. If by any chance the new equipment generator generates any bugged equipment, they will be deleted, so don't buy them from anyone.)

0.81 - 2014-09-27

HentaiVerse 0.81, And the Maiden Fair

  • Lottery prizes are now locked by default.
  • Bound equipment can no longer be sold with the "Sell All" button.
  • Equipment can now be reforged while locked. It will however now ask for confirmation.
  • Equipment that is salvaged by accident, and bound equipment that gets sold by accident, can now be bought back from the equipment store within 24 hours. They are only available for the person who sold/salvaged it.
    • For salvaged equipment pieces, all upgrades and potencies will be reset by the process, as the materials used were returned by salvaging it. It will additionally bind the item to you.
    • To avoid certain feedback loops, the buyback cost is two five times the normal buy cost and at least 10,000C.
  • No longer using fancy font for forge explanations, to improve readability and fix various overlap issues.
  • Encounters no longer get eaten on Galleries if pageload is interrupted by tag content warning.
  • A new hath perk series was added: the Repair Bear, which will reduce effective equipment wear. This has three tiers, costing 3k/5k/7k hath.
  • Follower of Snowflake will now, in addition to displaying your unyielding devotion to Snowflake, give a "free" bound Peerless equipment for every 10 million credits in buy value worth of trophies handed in at the shrine. The specific type and tier of Peerless is determined by the trophy and selection that takes you over the edge. Trophies you hand in prior to getting FoS will also be counted.
  • A readout was added to Snowflake's Shrine for the total trophy value you have handed in. Note that the system only tracks this starting from right now, so it starts at 0 for everyone.

0.80 - 2014-06-08

HentaiVerse 0.80, rabble rabble repair rabble

  • Some items in the item shop are now considered "staple" and will always be available. This includes standard potions, crystals, monster food, catalysts (for upgrades/repairs), and scrap materials (for repairs).
    • Naturally, these items can no longer be bought from the Item Shop Bot.
  • Instead of degrading over time, the Item Shop will now simply not stock more than 9999 of any (non-staple) item.
  • Equipment won from future lotteries (those started after the ones that are currently active) will now be bind-on-acquire and therefore cannot be traded. You can still sell it to the equipment shop, but it will be eaten immediately.
  • When gaining equipment potency traits, you now have a 50% chance to increase an existing potency trait level instead of adding a new potency trait when the equipment has just one trait, and a 75% chance to do so when it has two. Equipment will no longer get more than three different potency traits, excluding the lvl 10 one for weapons.
    • (You previously had a straight 50% chance to increase an existing potency trait level and a 50% chance to get a new potency trait no matter how many different traits it already had.)
  • As much fun as trolling people is, the You've Got Mail™ indicator should now also update when mooglemails are recalled. It should therefore no longer show up unless there actually is a mail in your inbox.
    • Also, note that mooglemails will soon start to get pruned after a year. Unsent (draft) mooglemails will get pruned after a month. If anything is still attached at this point, it will be lost.
  • Battles will now only feature at most a single player monster from every trainer.
  • Monster food was changed back to restoring 1000 hunger each.

Equipment Condition and Repair

All equipment now has a condition and a durability. Condition degrades with use, while durability determines what the "maximum" condition of an item is and therefore how often it needs to be repaired. Note that players below level 100 have no degradation, while players below level 200 have half degradation.
Equipment degrades by a fixed value for every monster you kill. Difficulty and round/turn count does not have any effect. Being defeated in battle does not currently impact condition, but this may be changed in the future.
When an equipment piece degrades below 50% condition, it will make the equipment worse by reducing its effective stats until it is repaired. The stat reduction increases as the equipment piece gets more beat up. Sell value also decreases linearly with condition.
A new section was added to the Forge where you can spend scrap materials together with a catalyst to fully restore an equipment piece to its maximum condition. Scrap can be salvaged from unwanted equipment or bought from the Item Store.
The amount of materials required to repair an item depends on its quality and percentage-wise degradation. Equipment with a high durability will therefore not only need less frequent repairs, but also need comparatively less materials over time to maintain. Repairing items will grant forge experience according to the number of materials used in the repair.
Every item class has a given range of possible durability values. Rare gear is generally more fragile than the corresponding common types, and will therefore be more expensive to maintain. The range of possible durability values is however narrower for rare gear than for common gear. Higher quality gear will generally have higher durability than lower quality ones.
Random looted gear will start out at a random wear level between 50% and 100%, while gear from Snowflake's Shrine and the Lottery will always start at 100%. Existing equipment has been assigned a random durability within the range of the item class, and start out at 100% condition.

Forge Changes

  • The forge has been split from the Bazaar into its own section. This allows it to use the suitable filters for the different types of action.
    • Locked/equipped items will not show on the Salvage or Reforge page, nor will the Equipped tab be visible.
    • Items that are at full condition will not show up on the Repair page.
    • Spacebar is now the hotkey for the available action in every page.
  • Upgrade material costs are now the same within the same quality range. Superior and below start out at 6 low-grade materials, Exquisite at 4 low/2 mid, Magnificent at 2 low/4 mid and Legendary+ at 6 mid.
  • The first five upgrades will not increase the material cost. Every upgrade past level 5 will slightly nudge it towards higher-quality materials, but this tier increase is slower than before.
  • The first five upgrades of any stat will no longer require a binding.
  • Forge upgrades now require a catalyst. There are six tiers of catalyst items, all of which can be bought in the item store.
    • Superior and below will initially require a tier 1 catalyst, Exquisite tier 2, Magnificent tier 3, and Legendary+ tier 4. (Calculated from quality, not the name that happens to be attached, so legacy equipment may go up or down a tier.)
    • Upgrade levels past half the base maximum will increase the required tier by 1. Upgrade levels past the base maximum will increase the required tier by 2.
    • Catalyst items are NOT returned when an item is salvaged.
  • Forge EXP is now calculated from the value of the catalyst plus a rough amount from the materials that would be lost during a salvage. Forge EXP is therefore no longer deducted when items are salvaged.
  • Salvage percentage no longer relies on your forge level and is always 90%.
  • Salvaging items can now yield between 1 and 50 scrap, depending on the item's sell value. (In other words, it should never make more sense to sell equipment in order to buy scrap instead of salvaging it outright.)

0.80.s - 2014-06-12

  • Removed the random factor when salvaging items. Superior will now always yield low-grade, Exquisite will always yield mid-grade, and Magnificent+ will always yield high-grade.
  • When you salvage a low/mid/high grade material, you now also get a (reduced) amount of scrap.
  • Tweaked the tier ranges for repair component to change Magnificent-quality gear from tier 3 to tier 2. Tier 3 is now only for Legendary/Peerless quality.

0.79 - 2014-03-30

HentaiVerse 0.79, Where Everybody Wins! (Real odds of winning mathematically insignificant)


A smallish update focused on the lottery today.

  • The lottery has been expanded with a second drawing for armor. The two lotteries are time-offset 12 hours from each other, which means the armor drawing will be held at noon, that is, 12:00 UTC.
  • A new item, the Golden Lottery Ticket, has been added. You can spend one (and only one) GLT on a lottery, which will immediately give you 1000 tickets. Additionally, at the time of drawing, it will double your effective tickets up to a maximum of 10% of the total tickets bought.
    • If you already have more than 10% of the total tickets, it will have no effect. If you have >5% and <10%, it will effectively give you 10%.
    • GLTs can only be won through the lottery, and cannot be traded.
  • Secondary prizes have been changed. Instead of redistibuting some of the GP, the 2nd through 5th prize now consists of Golden Lottery Tickets, Precursor Artifacts and Blood/Chaos Tokens. The number of each will increase with the total number of tickets purchased.
    If you encounter any bugs or other problems, post about them here.

0.78 - 2013-12-16

HentaiVerse 0.78, Crude Onyx Patch of Balance



  • You can now give custom names to equipment that has had its potency maxed. Do this from the forge, under the upgrade or enchantment tabs.
    • The original name of the equipment will always be preserved, and will be displayed on the equipment popup below the custom name.
    • You can remove a custom name by renaming to blank or the same as the original name.
    • Attaching equipment to a MoogleMail will automatically remove the custom name.
  • Tweaked some drop ranges to better fit the pre-0.77 ones, and made the highest-end gear slightly less reliant on DwD/TT&T.
  • Item Worlds are now significantly shorter, but the monsters start out with "normal" damage and scale up twice as fast.
  • Shade Arcanist gear now provides an INT/WIS bonus instead of the additional resist.


  • Equipment generated by the Lottery should now always be Legendary or Peerless.
  • Added buttons on the lottery page to paginate to next and today's lottery.


  • A full reset button was added to the ability screen. This will completely reset your ability and mastery point assignments.
    • There is a significant cost for using this, which depends on your level. The cost is 100C, increasing to 100C per level above 50 plus 400C per level above 100.
  • Fixed a display problem for MoogleMail attachments.
  • Internal improvements for handling of the caching of the active equipment set, the unlock for the OFC, recipient username lookup in MoogleMail, and training states.
  • Fixed an issue where monster spells could not be absorbed if it initially rolled a resist (which would be ignored in favor of the partial resist mechanics).
  • Added missing Attack Speed readout on monster screen.
  • Random battles can now be triggered every thirty minutes, but the number of daily battles is limited to 24.
  • Corrected various tooltips and descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where the option to use energy drinks out of battle could be permanently grayed out.
  • Fixed one issue where you could temporarily lock your user by attempting to specify an invalid page.

0.78.1 - 2014-02-08

  • Rested stamina usage was decreased by 0.01/round (to 0.04) while normal stamina usage was increased by 0.01/round (to 0.02).
  • Stamina now replenishes at a constant rate regardless of whether a player is in battle or not (though it won't actually "tick" until after a battle series has ended). Regeneration was increased from 20/day to 24/day (1 per hour).

0.78.2 - 2014-02-16

  • Fixed a bug with PFUDOR difficulty where the monster speed bonus was accidentally applied to players as well.

0.77 - 2013-09-14

HentaiVerse 0.77, Free* Fluffle Puff DLC Included


Core Player State Handling

HV has now switched over to use Cassandra for the internal player-state handling. This should be relatively transparent, but it does have the side effect that Stamina was reset to max for everyone. Yay?
Note that this is the first live use of Cassandra in our infrastructure, so please report any "weirdness", particularly stuff like battles disappearing/reseting/rolling back.

Resist Mechanics Modifications

The way resist works has been changed for all offensive magic. Instead of being a binary on/off factor, it now functions as a chance at a tiered damage reduction.
Every time a player or monster casts an offensive spell, the system will do three separate rolls for resist. The damage reduction is increased with every successful roll.
Zero successful rolls will (obviously) not reduce damage. One successful roll decreases received damage by 50%, increasing to 75% and 90% for two and three successful rolls.
In other words, resist can no longer fully mitigate the effects of an offensive spell.
Note that the resist mechanics for other spells has not changed.

Peerless Gear

Equipment can now drop in a new, extremely rare "Peerless" quality. This is similar to Legendary as far as max stats go, but they are guaranteed to always have all stats maxed, as well as to have a prefix and all possible attribute bonuses. Essentially, if you get a Peerless Fuzzy Staff of the Badger, that will be the best possible Fuzzy Staff of the Badger obtainable.
Unlike "normal" quality ranges, Peerless is not quality range you get by rolling high enough stats; rather, it is a separate roll using a specific "peerless chance". As such, the chance of getting a Peerless drop does not depend on normal quality modifiers outside of difficulty level. On normal, it is literally a one in a million drop, while being somewhat more common at higher difficulties.
Also note that Snowflake treats all trophies the same when it comes to Peerless chance, so a Noodle and a MBP Tail have the same (low) chance of dropping one.

The Lottery

The previously promised Evil GP Sink has now been added, in form of the Lottery, which can now be found in the Bazaar.
Every day, a new weapon of magnificent to legendary status will be generated and put up as the grand prize. You buy tickets in the lottery for 1000 GP each, and at the end of the day (corresponding with the dawn event), a winning ticket is randomly picked.
In addition to the grand prize, 50% of the total GP entered will be shared between four more winners, at a 20/15/10/5% ratio. However, you can only win one of the prizes no matter how many tickets you hold, so if one person buys a thousand tickets and four more buy one each, all five are guaranteed a prize.
Occasionally, the Lottery will generate a Peerless Weapon as its grand prize, so keep an eye out for those.

Potency tweaks

  • Two new 1H/2H weapon potencies were added: Fatality (+attack crit damage) and Overpower (+counter-parry).
  • Three new staff potencies were added: Spellweaver (+cast speed), Annihilator (+spell crit damage) and Penetration (+counter-resist).
  • The primary attribute potencies were retired. Note that they will eventually be removed.

Equipment drop tweaks

  • Gossamer Armor was rolled into Cottom Armor. These combine the best stats of Gossamer and Cloth (+physical/magical mitigation [8,16], +spell accuracy [2,6] and +evade [4,12]), and also adds in +resist [2,5] and +attack accuracy [1,5], but no longer drop with +DEX. They drop in the same variants as the old Gossamer, in addition to Protection/Warding.
  • Phase Armor no longer drops with +DEX, but now have +attack accuracy [1,5] and +resist [2,5].
  • Scythe was rolled into Longsword. The new weapon is basically the old Scythe (+damage [30,60], +crit [30,60] and +burden [50,30]), with higher +attack accuracy [5,15], +DEX [12,25] and +AGI [4,10], but with slightly higher +interference [30,15].
  • Katanas now have slightly higher +damage [30,50] and +attack accuracy [15, 35], lower +burden [40,20], and higher +DEX [12,25] and +AGI [4,10].
  • Mace now have slightly higher +DEX [10,20] and +AGI [4,10], as well as somewhat higher +attack accuracy [7,15].
  • Tower Shields were retired and rolled into Kite Shields, which now have the protection stats of Tower (+physical/magical mitigation [5,12] and +block [15,25]), as well as the +burden/interference [25,15] of Kite, but no longer drops in the "Barrier" variant.
  • A new shield type, Force Shields, was added. These have the highest +block [20,30] of any shield type, +physical/magical mitigation [5,12] equal to Kite Shields, and +burden [10,4] comparable to Bucklers, but a very high +interference [60,40]. Like rare armor, it also requires a special component to upgrade in the forge.
  • Power Armor now always drop with a +crit damage [5,10] modifier. They still drop with the Savage prefix, which increases this modifier.
  • The number of equipment tiers was reduced from 3 to 2, one "common" and one "rare". The rare tier consists of katana, wakizashi, katalox staffs, phase armor, shade armor, power armor and force shields. Everything else is now "common".
  • The "Fine" equipment quality was retired. Equipment quality ranges were adjusted for this.

Specific Mitigation

  • Max specific mitigation reduction from Imperil was reduced to 40 percentage points for elemental and 25 percentage points for holy/dark.
  • Max specific mitigation reduction from Proficiency was increased by 25 percentage points, to 50pp.
    • The proficiency factor used here, which is linear from 0 to 1, is now scaled exponentially to the power of 1.5. For example;
    • A low factor of say 0.2 (120 prof against level 100 monster) will give a ~4.5pp decrease compared to 5pp before
    • A high factor of say 0.9 (190 prof against level 100 monster) will give a ~42.7pp decrease compared to 22.5pp before.
  • Debuffs and negative stat modifiers can no longer reduce stats below 0, or reduced them further if the stat is already negative. This primarily affects specific mitigation.
  • Scan now shows actual mitigation values instead of lumping elements into weak/strong/impervious.


  • We have added a consequence for failure. When defeated, your mana and spirit will now be fully depleted.
  • A new difficulty level was added. While base monster health is the same as on IWBTH, the new one increases the damage and max level of encountered monsters, and gives them certain bonuses:
    • Monsters do all actions in 75% of the usual time
    • Monsters get +50% health/mana regen and have a higher chance to use skills/magic attacks
    • Monsters have an additional +10% resist/parry
  • Five new Hath Perks were added, one for each magic proficiency. These will increase the effective proficiency in question by 10% of the base natural proficiency.
  • Artifacts now give 1000 crystals per pop, but are no longer affected by the Crystarium perks.
  • Stunned targets can no longer parry.
  • When an equipment piece has reached max level, it no longer shows up in the Item World.
  • "First-Round" riddlemasters now appear randomly instead of 100%. They also now give the standard time bonus heal of normal riddlemasters.
  • Hovering over equipment stats on the equipment popup and in the forge and lottery will now display the base (level 0) value for the stat.
  • Hitting spacebar to offer Snowflake additional items now works in Chrome.

0.76 - 2013-05-18

HentaiVerse 0.76, Wall-EEEE



  • The global base non-upgraded drop rate for random monsters was increased by about 50%. The fully upgraded drop rate is not affected.
  • The cost for Scavenger and the other loot-affecting trainings were rescaled to be more expensive at lower levels but scale up less steep at the end.
  • The "Soul" damage type has now been completely removed.
  • Soul Stone was retired, meaning it no longer drops.
  • Average and Superior potions were retired, and Godly potions were renamed as Heroic. Slight tweaks to recovery values.

UI Changes

  • HV is now widescreen! That's exactly 256 pixels wider. Minimum recommended resolution is 1280x768.
  • Major HTML optimizations, as well as performance improvements to the default font rendering engine. The raw size of the HTML for the average page is about half of what it used to be.
  • The "Downloadable Fonts" setting was removed, mostly because browsers dick around with their rendering engines too much to keep up. You can still use it by downloading it and setting it as a custom local font.
  • Restructured the player statistics screen, and added readouts for attack and cast speed, as well as HP and MP boosts.
  • On the equipment screen, when you equip or unequip an item, you will now be returned directly to the overview screen instead of having to click "Back" afterwards.
  • You no longer have to click self-spells in the Skillbook twice.


Note that due to major changes in how stuff is stored internally, you'll need to reassign quick bars, autocast slots, font settings, equipped gear, and the battle item inventory.

  • Kevlar Armor has been retired and rolled into Leather Armor, which now essentially has the strong points of both armors in one, except with slightly lower resist/crushing mitigation, and slightly higher interference.
    • Existing Kevlar can now be upgraded without the special component, which also no longer drops.
  • Leather Armor elemental suffixes were switched to prefixes. Protection, Dampening, Deflection and Stoneskin suffixes were added.
  • Zircon (+holy resist) and Onyx (+dark resist) elemental prefixes were added at all armor with elemental prefixes.
  • Shade and Power Armor will now drop in a new Savage variant, which increases your attack critical damage multiplier. Shade no longer drops as Reinforced.
  • Two new rare prefixes were added to Phase Armor:
    • Radiant, which adds a small bonus to Magic Damage.
    • Mystic, which adds a small bonus to Spell Critical Damage.
  • For the suffixes Dampening, Deflection, Stoneskin and Warding, added mitigation bonus is now about three times higher than before. The base multiplier bonus is the same.
  • Astral weapons have been changed to equivalent Hallowed or Demonic weapons, and the Soul Strike potency has similarly been replaced with Dark Strike or Holy Strike potency.
  • Minor tweaks to damage and accuracy stat ranges for Redwood, Willow and Oak staffs.
  • Equipment Magic Damage bonuses are now scaled somewhat higher.
  • Equipment accuracy bonuses are now scaled somewhat lower.
  • The way equipment sets are handled internally has been rewritten. Most importantly, weapons can now be in several equipment sets.
    • Autocast slots are now set individually per equipment set.
    • Battle inventories are now set individually per equipment set.

Battle Inventory

  • Slotting an item in the item inventory no longer reserves the item. If an item is depleted, the slot is simply grayed out until more are acquired.
    • Note that if you happen to obtain a depleted item during a battle, it will not be available until after that battle. This is the intended behavior.
  • The inventory UI was simplified. Because the battle inventory is now simply pointers to items in your actual inventory, there is no longer a concept of "auto refill".
    • Outside of scrolls and infusions, each slot can still only be used once in a battle series.

Hath Perks

  • The White Aura hath perk was changed to Vigorous Vitality, which grants +25% HP.
  • The Black Aura hath perk was changed to Effluent Ether, which grants +25% MP.
  • The Rainbow Aura hath perk was changed to Resplendent Regeneration, which grants +50% in-battle and out-of-battle regeneration.
  • A new hath perk Suffusive Spirit was added, which grants +25% SP.
  • The EXP-boosting and Damage-boosting hath perks were reduced to four and five tiers, respectively, with a lower total cost. Max bonus remains the same. Existing upgrades were converted to the closest higher match.
  • The mana upkeep reduction for Innate Arcana was rescaled from 0/15/30/45/60 to 10/20/30/40/50.
  • Since a lot of EXP-boosting stuff ended up being removed (auras and EXP tanks), the remaining EXP bonuses are now multiplicative in nature. The base EXP from monsters was also increased.
  • Tokenizier now additionally increases the relative rate of Chaos Token drops.

Skills and Magic

  • SkillとSpellは統合された。
    • Spellにはクールダウンが設定された。
    • Skillはクイックバーに設定できるようになった。
  • Spellは必要なレベルに達するか、あるいは必要な熟練度に達するまで使用できない。
  • Base damage of spells were increased across the line.
  • Changed scaling for equipment spell elemental damage bonuses to be less steep. This primarily boosts the bonus at lower levels, but above 300-something you will see a small decrease.
  • There are no longer distinct sets of "single-target" and "AoE" spells. Rather, each spell has a maximum number of targets that can be affected.
    • Due to this, the number of offensive spells per element was reduced to three.
  • 全てのSoul系Spellは削除された。Soul Fireは新たに追加された三つのDivine Spellの追加効果として残る。
  • Deprecating系SpellのNerfは削除された。
  • Deprecating系SpellのPoisonとLifestreamはDrainに統合された。これは20ターンのクールダウンを持つ。旧Poison効果は二刀流SkillのBackstabのみで使用できる(今のところは)。
    • You can augment Drain with one of two different special effects that give you an Ether Theft or Spirit Theft effect when Drain is used on a monster with Soul Fire or Ripened Soul, respectively.
  • Elemental Spikeは削除され、その効果はProtectionの補強効果として取得できる。
  • The chance of gaining proficiency when using a spell is now directly tied to the cost of the spell compared to your base magic points.
  • The Curse Weaving limitation on active deprecating spells was removed.
  • Concussive StrikeはMagical Skillになった(Attack DamageはMagical Damageとして扱われる。)。

Forge Tweaks

  • ForgeでのUpgrade効果は対数式に変更された。これはリターンの減少を意味する。
    • 本質的には、初期のUpgradeの方が、後に行なうUpgradeよりも効果が高い。Upgradeを行なっていない装備の最大値(増加量?)はほぼ変わらないが、Upgradeされた装備の最大値(増加量?)は減少する。
    • 例えば、以前はLVごと1%の増加だったが、DamageBonusでは、0から1のUpgradeでは約2.6%増加するが、99から100のUpgradeでは約0.25%増加する。
  • AttackDamageBonus/MagicDamageBonus以外のUpgradeの上限は20/40から25/50に増加した。
  • Fixed an issue with equipment data caching where forge EXP/potencies added to currently equipped gear would not take effect/be visible immediately.

Ability Revamp

AbilityとAuraは統合された。Aura pointはAbility slotを開放するために使われるMastery pointとなった。Ability point (AP)はそのまま、現行のAbilityを開放するために使われる。
プレイヤーは3つのMajor Ability Slot(赤)と3つのSupport Ability Slot(緑)が開放された状態でゲームスタートする。もし必要なMastery pointがあれば、Ability Slotをクリックして開放することができる。
Abilityは1~10のレベルがあり、APコストはそれぞれ異なる。まだ埋められていない1つ目の空欄をクリックすることで次のレベルを開放できる。使用したAPを戻すためにリセットすることもできる。コストはAbility LVと、プレイヤーLVにより増加する。

  • APはLVとAbility Boost Trainingの合計になった。以前Artifact奉納によって得たAPはカウントされなくなった。(Artifactの項目を参照せよ。)
  • Ability Boost TrainingはプレイヤーLVと同じLVまで行うことができる。上限は500。コストは調整された。
  • infusionとscrollを含むアイテムスロットはAbilityからTrainingに移動した。これらのTrainingに必要な時間は10秒。
  • 防具と武器の熟練度ボーナスは自動的には与えられなくなった。これらはMajor Abilityに依存し、防具と武器に合ったAbilityを使用しているときにのみ働く。
    • Cloth Armor can get +0.05 Magic Accuracy, +0.025 Magic Crit Cchance, +0.025 Cast Speed, and +0.1 MP Boost per proficiency point
    • Light Armor can get +0.05 Attack Accuracy, +0.025 Attack Crit Chance, +0.025 Attack Speed, and +0.075 HP Boost/+0.05 MP Boost per proficiency point
    • Heavy Armor can get +0.05 Crushing Mitigation, +0.05 Slashing Mitigation, +0.05 Piercing Mitigation, and +0.1 HP Boost per proficiency point
    • One-Handed can get +4 damage, +0.02 accuracy, and +0.025 block per proficiency point
    • Two-Handed can get +3 damage, +0.02 accuracy, and +0.025 parry per proficiency point
    • Dual-Wielding can get +5 damage, +0.02 accuracy, and +0.025 crit per proficiency point
    • Staff can get +3 damage, +0.02 attack/magic accuracy, and +0.05 spell damage per proficiency point
    • Niten can get +3 damage, +0.02 accuracy, +0.025 parry, and +0.025 crit per proficiency point - damageとparryは両手の熟練、accuracyとcritは二刀の熟練に依存する。
  • 71のAbilityが追加された。リストにはしないので、Abilityのページを参照すること。


  • 通常ドロップするArtifactは、トレードしやすくするため、「Precursor Artifact」のみになった。13種類ほどあったArtifactsは、今後ドロップしない。
  • ArtifactのアイテムテーブルにElixir類が追加された。また、Elixir類の入手方法はこれだけになる。
  • PAの増加は最大50までとなった。しかし、プレイヤーLVの1/10を超えることはない。
  • Ability Pointは今後付与されない。(Abilityの項目を参照せよ。)


  • Reduced Energy Drink stamina restoration to 10, and it can no longer increase stamina past 80. When used in battle, it will additionally give you the Energized effect which boosts Overcharge and Spirit by 10% for ten turns.
  • Stamina pentalty for failing the Riddlemaster was reduced from 1/5/10/20 to 1/2/3/5/7/10.
  • The "Poor" stamina status was removed, which means "Normal" now extends from 10 to 80 while "Exhausted" is everything below 10.
  • Stamina no longer affects credit drops or damage. The experience bonus was increased to +100%.
  • The Riddlemaster will now ignore responses outside of the valid alternatives.
  • Minor alterations to PONIES™ to defeat certain theoretical attacks.

Arena/RoB Changes

  • Reworked the arena screen to not use scrolling.
  • Removed some of the arenas, and rescaled some of the others. The highest-level arenas now have more rounds, but also a higher end drop bonus than before.
  • Trio and the arenas after it, as well as the three hardest Rings of Blood, now have an end drop tier bonus, which increases the chance that they drop T2/T3 equipment on the last round. This stacks with the challenge level bonus.
  • The chance for tokens to drop from Arena/RoB now depends on the end drop bonus.
  • Some RoBs were combined, and others had some friends added to them.
  • A completely new RoB was added. Have fun!

Monster Lab

  • A Morale stat was added. This primarily affects gifts. A monster with no morale gives no gifts, red morale has a 50% penalty, while green morale has a 25% bonus.
    • Morale degrades slowly over time. Assuming hunger is kept at reasonable levels and the monster is checked regularly, morale will drop from full to nothing in about 15 days. If the monster is starving, morale drops at an accelerated rate.
    • Morale can be increased either by upgrading monsters with crystals, where the increase is relative (but not equal) to the number of crystals spent, or by feeding them rare morale-boosting items. Crystal upgrades costing more than 12k will always fill the bar.
    • To prevent empty morale bars after vacations or longer periods of inactivity, morale will not drop for more than three days after the last received gift.
  • A Hunger stat was added. Having an empty hunger bar makes morale drop faster than usual.
    • Without any modifiers, the hunger bar will deplete fully in three days. There are no penalties and bonuses depending on how full it is.
    • Food drops in battles. There are three tiers of food; which of them your monster needs depends on its power level. Playing on higher difficulties drastically increases the relative amount of higher-tier food that drops.
    • While not active for this patch, in the not too distant future, monsters with an empty hunger bar will not show up in battles. Monsters above a still to be determined powerlevel will be exempt from this.
  • Monsters that are juiced up with significant levels of chaos deplete morale at a lower rate.
    • Chaos level is calculated as 1 per upgrade point, which gives a current max of 240. At max, morale last twice as long.
  • Added a hard limit of 100 slot unlocks. (200 with the donation doubler.)
  • Gold Stars will now additionally cut morale and hunger drain by half, which means you can actually maintain the extra monsters with the same effort. This stacks multiplicatively with the chaos bonus.
  • The cost for unlocking additional monster slots now scales up faster.
  • Two new super-expensive trainings were added that slightly reduce the rate morale and hunger depletion for all monsters.
  • Monster gifts no longer have a random element. They will always give a gift as soon as they have passed a threshold, and checking them no longer affects the timer.
  • Monsters will now hold on to up to three gifts (with a chance to double to six with double gift) if you neglect to check them for a while. To pre-empt certain "exploits", the timer will reset and nothing will be given if morale has dropped to 0.
  • The scaling for primary attribute stats was changed, and are now displayed as 10x what they used to be. The actual scaled stats to any given level is the same. This was primarily done to allow for more fidelity with upgrades.
  • The highest starter elemental resistance is now 25.
  • Every monster class now has exactly 25 upgrades per primary stat and 50 upgrades per elemental stat. The amount of points each upgrade adds depends on the base stat for the monster class.
    • For primary stats, every point increases the stat by 1/12th of the base value, but at least 4 and at most 7.
    • For elemental resistance, monsters with a base ER of 25 will add 1 point per upgrade, 0 adds 1.25 points, -25 adds 1.5, while -50 will add 1.75 points per upgrade. Max elemental resistance is 75 for base 25, 62.5 for base 0, 50 for base -25 and 37.5 for base -50.
  • Upgrade calculations for powerlevel was changed:
    • For PA, the first point is worth 2 PL, the second point is worth 2.5 PL, the third point is worth 3 PL, and so on, up to 14 PL for the last point.
    • For ER, the first ten points are 1 PL each, the next ten points are worth 2 PL each, and so on, up to 5 PL each for the last 10 points.
  • Celestial, Daimon and Sprite PL 400 attack changed from Soul to Void.
  • Monster powerlevel no longer affects the distribution between bindings and other materials.
  • Monsters can now be deleted and renamed up to PL 250. The cost for deleting a monster was also reduced to three tokens.
  • Several monster classes can now toggle some or all of their skills between physical and magical type.
  • Chaos upgrade for Parry/Resist was reduced from +1.0% to +0.5% per point.
  • Chaos upgrade for Counter-Parry/Counter-Resist was reduced from +2.5% to +1.0% per point.
  • Added Next/Previous buttons to cycle between monsters without going back to the selection screen.

Battle/Stat Balance Changes

  • The Easy and Heroic difficulties were removed, and some of the difficulty scalings were tweaked. Monster health and damage increases at the highest levels is somewhat less steep.
  • Monster damage scaling for Grindfest and Item World was toned down somewhat.
  • Monster attack speed is no longer affected by how many monsters you are facing. This is counter-balanced by a decrease in monster damage per hit.
  • Monsters now regenerate mana at twice the old rate. They are also slightly more prone to using skills.
  • Penetrated Armor was reduced to -25% mitigation per stack counter, for a max of -75%.
  • Monsters now get avoidance bonuses for DEX (+parry), AGI (+evade) and WIS (+resist). This is calculated as min(10, stat/100, (stat-level)/75). Effectively, this means that only monsters strong in a particular stat will see a significant bonus.
    • This replaces the old dex/100 bonus to evade.
  • Previous HP increases for legendary monsters was reversed.
  • Damage contribution from primary stats to attack and spell damage is now weakly logarithmic. This has little effect at the player levels, but will cut off a larger chunk of monster damage at the highest levels.
    • New formula is (don't ask): log(3330 + stat1 * 2 + stat2, 1.0003) - 27039.81
  • Crit chance bonus from primary attributes was changed for both players and monsters. Additionally, monsters no longer start out with 5% base crit.
    • Attack crit from dex/25 + agi/50 to 100 * (1 - (4000 / (4000 + dex + agi / 2)))
    • Spell crit from wis/35 + int/70 to 100 * (1 - (4000 / (4000 + wis + int / 2)))
  • For players, having Agility higher than your level now adds an attack speed bonus, capping at 10% when agility is twice your level.
  • Physical Mitigation now has AGI as secondary stat instead of STR
  • Attack Critical Chance now has STR as secondary stat instead of AGI
  • Burden above 40 will now cause a penalty to any attack speed bonus present, fully eliminating it if burden hits 90.
  • Burden and Interference penalties now use a different scaling function for stat reduction - instead of linear, it's now exponential to the power of 1.5.
    • Seeing as the penalty factor is between 0 and 1, this means the first few points of burden/interference has a much smaller effect, while the max penalty is unchanged.
    • For example, evade reduction for burden starts from the first point and caps at 75. With the new scaling, 25 burden would reduce evade by ~19% (was ~33%), while 50 burden would reduce it by ~54% (was ~67%). 75 burden still reduces it by 100%.
  • Playing a large number of rounds at lower difficulties will now reduce the monster drop rate for a period of time.
    • It starts kicking in after 1000 rounds and reaches max effect after 2000 rounds. The reduction caps at 75% for Normal, 50% for Hard and 25% for Nightmare. Hell and above has no drop reduction.
    • The round counter cools down at a rate of 1 per minute (out of combat only).
  • The Endurance scaling factor for Physical and Magical Mitigation was changed from 1200 to 900. (That is, endurance contribution to PMI/MMI is somewhat higher now.)
  • Karma no longer affects your total number of Spirit Points. The factor for primary attributes was doubled.
  • The level cap has now been set to 500. At this point, you will no longer gain any EXP.
  • Monsters of a class now flock together. You will never face more than four different classes in the same battle. (This does mean that less popular classes get more airtime.)
  • Fixed certain stat values (e.g., mana conservation) unintentionally being rounded down before being applied.

Magic Proficiency Effects

The bonuses granted by magic proficiencies to spells of their respective schools has been revamped. Note that the list below is exhaustive for magic proficiency, it doesn't have any remaining effects from before.
All spells now have a requirement proficiency and a cap proficiency that are used to add three bonuses. These start kicking in then proficiency is higher than the requirement, and max when they reach the cap. In this case, prof_factor below is given as (prof - req) / (cap - req), capped to be between 0 and 1.

  • The duration can be increased by maximum a factor of 7 (supportive/curative spells), given as: 1 + 6 * prof_factor, or 4 (everything else), given as: 1 + 3 * prof_factor
  • The cast time and mana cost can both be decreased by 25% to a factor of 0.75, given as: 1 - 0.25 * prof_factor
    Additionally, your proficiency is also compared to the monster's level to give two more bonuses. In this case, prof_factor is given as (prof - monsterlevel) / monsterlevel, again capped to be between 0 and 1.
  • A counter-resist bonus of up to 50%, given as: 50 * prof_factor - in other words, this can potentially reduce the monster's resist stat by half (10% resist => 5% resist)
  • A specific mitigation reduction of up to 25 points for the spell's element, given as: 25 * prof_factor - the effectiveness of this depends on the monster's natural specific mitigation, but it can potentitally double the spell's damage in the case of 75% to 50% specific mitigation.

Known Issues

  • The auto-parser for generating human-readable ability descriptions isn't fully operational, meaning it will give you somewhat cryptic internal values until I get around to refining it.
  • Most skills have a placeholder icon when placed in the quickbar.
  • Many ability names still have placeholder names. I'll be taking suggestions if someone feels inspired.
  • Several of the ability panes are still rather sparse. This particularly goes for the fighting style, armor, and divine/forbidden panes. More will be added in the future.
    Note that all items that have been retired and no longer drop, EXCEPT for old trophies/artifacts, will soon be removed from the game. This includes retired pots and other consumables, as well as unused materials and crystals. So you may want to sell or use them before that time.
    Report any bugs. There will be some.


  • Counter-Attacks for the One-Handed fighting style now add the same amount of Overcharge as normal attacks.
  • Max counter-attack change was increased to 75%.
  • Tweaked some of the starter values and scalings for fighting style procs.
  • Requirements for Spirit/Ether Theft were increased to 150 to match the initial Ripened Soul/Soul Fire upgrades.
  • Spirit Theft and Ether Theft now last slightly longer.
  • Fixed Paradise Lost proccing Soul Fire without upgrades.
  • There is now a base equipment sale value of 100C. This is primarily intended to boost the value of vendor trash equips.
  • Base credit drops from tier-1 and player-created monsters was increased by about 60%. Higher-tier non-player monsters were not changed.
  • Credit drops from monsters are no longer a fixed amount per monster - instead, each monster rolls on and drops credits individually. Average credit drops over time are slightly higher than before.
    • Monsters now also drop credits in the Grindfest and Item World modes, but at 1/4th the amounts they do in arenas.
    • Monsters in random encounters now drop twice as much credits as in arenas.
  • Grindfests now end after 1000 rounds.
  • Monster morale gain for crystal upgrades was increased.
  • Monster morale decay is now reduced for higher-PL monsters. The inverse reduction rate is increased by a factor of 1.5 for PL 200+, 2.0 for PL 400+, 3.0 at PL 700+, and 4.0 for PL 1000+. (i.e., at 1000+, morale lasts four times as long.)
  • Giant specific mitigation against Slashing decreased from +25 to 0.
  • Avion specific mitigation against Piercing increased from 0 to +25.
  • Two new hath perks were added.
  • Minimum proficiency requirements for supportive/curative spells were removed.

0.75 以前

0.75 - 2013-03-03

HentaiVerse 0.75, I'm a princess! Are you a princess too?


The Forge

  • Salvaged equipment will now return 80% of all materials used on it, increasing up to 90% for a fully upgraded level 50 forge. In exchange, it will deduct the equivalent forge experience from these items.
  • Slightly decreased the minimum roll required to get the various material tiers from salvaging an item.
  • Old shield armor no longer requires a special component (which wasn't dropping anymore) for upgrades.
  • Special forge components no longer affect the EXP gained from forging.


  • Cotton Armor now has the same range for spell accuracy and evade as gossamer, and physical mitigation was increased from 5-10 to 8-16, which is the highest for cloth armor.
  • Minor tweaks to shortswords (+accuracy, -burden) and leather armor (-burden/interference).


  • MoogleMail will now make a note at the bottom of the body text of what was attached to a mail when the attachment is removed.
  • Accounts will now enter a 24 hour security lockdown under certain conditions. This disables access to MoogleMail, the Equipment and Item Shop, the Shrine, the Hath Exchange, and the credit transfer function. It also disables the Salvage and Reforge options in the Forge.
  • The RiddleMaster now uses a more reliable way to store its internal state.

0.75.1 - 2013-03-16

  • Core changes to donation handling.
  • Fixed a bug where the number of items removed from a MoogleMail attachment wasn't logged.

0.74 - 2013-02-23

HentaiVerse 0.74, This thread always had a description.


Action Speed Revamp

  • 攻撃速度は100 Time Unitに変更された。つまり今後AGIは攻撃速度には影響しなくなる。この調整はプレイヤーモンスター共に影響する。
  • 攻撃速度は引き続きHasteやSlowの呪文および武器のSwift Strikeには影響を受ける。
  • Base Time Units/Actionは次の式で計算する。(20, 10000 / action speed, 500)
  • モンスターのイニシアティブ(最初の攻撃までの時間)は アタックスピードの0.01 から 1.00 の間でランダムとなる。
  • 継続回復と継続ダメージの効果の持続式が変更された。(?)
  • モンスターのAGIを上げた場合Evadeに少量のボーナスがつく。


  • ダガーと脇差は攻撃速度にボーナスがつくようになった。新しくSwiftnessの接尾語がついた装備が登場しさらに攻撃速度がUPするものもある。
    • Swift Strikeはこの能力と重複する。(つまりSwiftもPotencyでつく?)
  • Soul系ダメージを与える武器はVoid系ダメージに変更された。
    • Potency LV10の武器の場合Hollowforgedは残りそれは意味を成さない。
  • Heavy Armorの熟練度によるBurden減少がなくなった
  • Shield Armorは今後ドロップしない。
  • Plate Armorは今後属性の接尾語を持つ装備はドロップしない。
  • 第一段階の鎧接尾語の追加。武器の修正と似たようなものである。
    • Cloth系はCharged(+詠唱速度UP)とFrugal(+Mana Conservation)
    • Light系はAgile (+attack speed) と Reinforced (+crush/slash/pierce specific mitigation)
    • Heavy系はs Shielding (盾と合わせて使う場合Block率増加) and Mithril (-20% burden)
    • Buckler and Kite Shields can drop as Agile, Reinforced and Mithril, while Tower can drop as Reinforced and Mithril.
    • All armor types that do not drop with elemental suffixes (all except cotton/leather) can drop as Ruby (+fire resist), Cobalt (+cold resist), Amber (+elec resist) and Jade (+wind resist) variants.

Buffs and Scrolls

  • スクロールの魔法と通常の魔法は今後同時に使うことは出来ない。(Hasteの二重等)
    • Autocastの魔法がかかっているものと同じスクロールを使った場合Autocastはスクロールが切れるまでオフになる。
  • Protectionの魔法は物理/魔法に対し+25%耐性に変更された。
  • Protectionのスクロールは物理/魔法に対し+50%耐性に強化された。
  • hasteの魔法は +25%攻撃速度に減少。(スクロールは記述無いので50%のまま変更なし?)
  • Shadow Veilのスクロールは Evade +30%に増加。

Monster Lab

  • カオストークン1個につき今まで5%ダメージ増加だったのが2.5%に減少。
  • Swiftnessの追加。Lvにつき攻撃速度を2.5%上げる。

Monster Mitigation, Part 1

  • 今後モンスターはプレイヤーと同じような物理耐性式を使う、上限80。
  • Great Cleave と Shatter Strikeのダメージの減少。


  • HathをMoogleMailで送る場合CODをつけれるようになった。
  • Arcane Blowのダメージ式の変更。
    (changed from phys + mag / 2)から(changed from phys + mag)へ。
  • RiddleMasterの出現率を調整。出現確率は減ったが出現間隔は狭まったとのこと。
  • いくつかのArenaを削除、他はラウンド数とモンスターの配置を修正。
  • 今後ポニーをSnowflakeの元に返してくれれば1~3個のHigh-Grade素材と交換する。
    • Don't think too much about it if she gives you leather. And make sure to try the lasagna, it's to neigh for.

0.74.1 - 2013-02-24

  • Skill cooldowns are back to being tied to player turns.
  • Innate Arcana now consumes mana based on the duration of your last turn.
  • Hasteの魔法が +50%攻撃速度に戻された。代わりにHasteのスクロールが +75%攻撃速度に強化。

0.73 - 2013-01-20

HentaiVerse 0.73, Keep Calm and Grind On


The Forge

  • Forgeのメニューに現在装備している物のみを表示する(デフォルト)タブを追加。
  • 装備付与系は全て4時間から1時間に。
  • 属性武器がLv10になったときにHollowforgedではなく別の属性がつくバグを修正。
  • Infusionの変更。2つの効果から選ぶ。
    • 武器に追加の属性を与える。武器には2つの属性までつけることが出来る。
    • 防具に属性耐性を与える。+5の抵抗力UP。
  • InfusionとShardは今後ドロップテーブルを共有する。(ドロップ率が同じになる。)
  • Void武器(EtherealとHollowforged)はVoidStrike効果を持つ。
    • これは2つの属性の上限にはかからない。つまりVoid武器は合計3つのStrikeをつけられる。
  • Potency開放によって付与された能力はForgeで強化出来ない。

Burden and Interference Tweaks

  • BurdenとInterは前より高くなる。しかし、レベルによって値が増えることは無くなった。
  • プレイヤー称号(Godslayer等)のBurden/Interference減少は無くなった。
  • Featherweight Charmは今後Burden/Interferenceを7か50%のどちらか多い方を減らすようになった。

Magic Changes

  • 杖での基本攻撃がArcane Blowに置き換えられた。杖による物理攻撃だが魔法攻撃力の半分を物理攻撃力に足すことが出来る。
  • Curative熟練度の廃止。今後はSupportiveに統合される。
    • If your Curative Proficiency was higher than your Supportive Proficiency, the highest of the two will be used to calculate the effective Supportive Proficiency.
  • 寝ているターゲットはEvade、Parry、Resistが出来ない。

Gear Changes

  • 戦闘中に使った場合、Infusionは以前のように属性付与は行わない。以前のように属性抵抗力は上がる。
  • Infusion of Gaia、Astral武器、Soulproof防具そしてPriestess装備は廃止されました。
  • Ebony杖は廃止しRedwoodと統合。Elemental、Supportive、Duprecationgが強化付与された。
  • Oak杖とWillow杖は小さなCounter-Resistを備える。また、それぞれ2つの属性強化を持つようになった。
  • Club、Rapier、EstocそしてMaceは今後"Tier 2"扱いになる。またTier 2のドロップ率が増加した。
  • 特定の属性強化を行っても装備のPotency値増加は行われなくなった。

Weapon Procs and Fighting Style Changes

  • Bleeding Wound:5段階付与。0.4~2.0まで。
  • Overwhelming Strikes:parryボーナスは削除。the base duration was increased by 1, and it now stacks. The stacking effect gives 20% counter-parry for the first stack increasing to 100% counter-parry for five stacks.
  • Penetrated Armor:3段階付与。33%~100%まで。
  • Stunned:スタンした敵はEvadeできない。(引き続きResistとParryは可能。)
  • Ether Theft:新しい自己効果Ether Tapに変更された。使い方は今までと同じだが敵が死んでも効果は残る。
    • Coalesced Manaがついた敵をArcane Blowで殺すと100%発動。
  • 両手武器のドミノの範囲が1狭くなった。


  • 物理防御力と魔法防御力の式の変更。今後は100 * (1 - (1200 / (1200 + STAT1 + STAT2 / 2))))。STAT1と2は物理の場合はSTRとVIT、魔法はINTとWIS。上限80まで。
  • Auraの属性耐性の排除。
  • 難易度変更による出会う敵Lvの調整。今後はHARDから+5/10/20/30/50/75/100。
    • これは式に入れる前にあなたのLvの直接足されることに注意。
  • Karma Amplificationトレーニングの削除。
  • Aura Slotsトレーニングの削除。今後はオーラの開放数制限は無い。


  • Skyward Sword, Vital Strike and Rending Blow now all inflict a maxed stack of their respective procs.
  • Ether Tap can now stack twice, and can now also re-proc while you have it.
  • The duration of Ether Tap was increased by one across the board.
  • Ability points from the Aura Slot upgrades can now be reset.
  • Reduced time per infusion for weapon enchantments to 15 minutes. As before, you can stack multiple enchantments to increase the time for longer battles.


  • For equipment that had a bonus to the old Curative Proficiency, these now have a Supportive Proficiency that is equal to the highest of the old Curative and Supportive (if any).


  • Fixed buggy interaction between bleed and offhand strike.


  • Fixed a bug where upgrading an activated aura wouldn't take effect until you deactivated and then reactivated it.

0.72 - 2012-12-18

HentaiVerse 0.72, blah blah blah


Battle Changes

  • GrindFestとCrysFestを統合。
    • クレジットドロップなし。
    • アイテムドロップとクリスタルドロップあり。
    • スタミナ消費は通常に。(Arenaと同じ。)
  • ラボ製モンスターのプレイヤー対応PLの変更。Lv200の壁はもうありません。

Credit Tweaks

  • 装備の売値を1/10から1/5へ。高品質装備は余り変わらず。
  • Adeptのコストを削減。
  • Scavengerのコスト削減。
  • ボストロフィーの値段半減。
  • クリスタルの値段の減少。

Hath Perks

  • PennyPincher系の削除とそれにかかった費用払い戻し。
  • Tokenizer IIとIIIの追加。
  • PostagePaidの追加。Moogleのコストを無くす。


  • The display for Hath in MoogleMail now properly rounds down to the nearest whole Hath.
  • Healing Tokenとそれに関連する効果を削除。
  • 上位のpotionの回復力を減少、持続ターンを増加。
  • The Spelunkerの削除とそれにかかった費用払い戻し。
  • 2つのpony画像が交換された。

0.72.1 - 2012-12-19

  • Difficulty now adds a constant value to your effective level for purposes of calculating the allowed PowerLevel range for custom monsters.
    • Starting from Hard, this constant is +5, +10, +15, +20, +30, +40 and +50, respectively.

0.71 - 2012-09-29

HentaiVerse 0.71, The newest flavor from your local micropatchery


Potency resets

  • 新しいforgeオプションとして "Reforge"が追加された。新しく追加されたAmnesia Shardをいくつか使用して装備のpotency expと開放されたpotentialsをリセットすることができる。
  • 達成されたレベルごとに1つのAmnesia Shardが必要となる。
  • Amnesia Shardは、VoidseekerやAetherと同じ条件下=HARD以上でドロップする。


  • スタミナを使い果たすと、装備のpotency expは上昇しなくなった。
  • ラボモンスターが誰も殺していない場合でも、マテリアルを拾ってくるチャンスがわずかにある。(確率の計算上、キルカウントが+1される。)
  • HeartseekerとArcane Focusは、もはや対応するaccuracyを上昇させなくなった。
  • Overwhelming Strikesに50% counter-parryを追加。つまり、敵のparry成功を無効化するチャンスを50%持つことになる。
  • Focusに50% counter-resistを追加。つまり、resist無視50%(ツールチップが正しくなったぜイェーイ的な感じ?)
  • Healing Tokenはloot tableから削除された。ただし、ランダムドロップがTokenとなる確率は1/400から1/500へ低下した。(Arena token chancesは変わっていない。)
    • そして、妥当な時間内に消費しないと、いずれランダムに消える。
  • hath perkに新しくTokenizerが追加された。これは、Tokenのランダムドロップ率を倍増させるもの。
  • Forgeのexp上昇表示を直した。


  • Fixed a bug where inactive monsters would bring materials. Monsters now have to be named and active before they'll bring anything.

0.70 - 2012-07-29

HentaiVerse 0.70, Level ALL the things!

0.6.9 - 2012-06-29

HentaiVerse 0.6.9, Surprise Friday Patch


Forge Levels

  • The Forge?で武器を強化すると経験値が入るようになった。
    • 高品質の装備を強化する方が経験値はより入る。例えば、Legendary装備ならAverage装備の5倍入る。
  • Forge Levelを上昇させると装備の強化上限が上がる。レベルを上げてれば、将来Forgeに新機能がついた際良いことあるかも。
  • 今の所、このレベルの上限は50。

The Official Item Shop Bot

  • 公式のアイテム購入BOTを使うと自動でアイテムを買っておいてくれる。
    The bot gets first dibs on everything that gets sold to the Item Shop, and if anyone has a standing offer for something, it passes it on to the highest bidder. Better yet, the official Item Shop Bot has a zero millisecond reaction time, which means you'll no longer have to pull out your hair in frustration dealing with macro users and other, lesser bots with sub-second reaction times.
    • The vast profits the bot is expected to rake in will go straight to the Moogle War Veterans Foundation.
    • Note that bot tasks expire after a month, when you run out of money, or when the specified amount has been bought.
    • Also, the bot won't pick up items that happen to be in the item shop at the time the task is set up.
    • Finally, the bot isn't equipped to deal with equines shorter than 1.5 meters, nor artistic representations of such creatures.
  • Note that effective cost per each item depends on which other bids are present:
    • If yours is the only bid, you only pay the minimum value regardless of what your max bid is.
    • If yours is the solo highest bid, you pay the second highest bid plus one credit.
    • If several people share the highest bid, the winner is picked by random, and the cost is equal to the max bid.
    • If the item was sold by a player, bids by the same player are excluded from the calculations.
    • (new) If a player sells something to the Item Shop and this is resold by the bot, the player gets half the profits of the sale.
      Fair warning: for obvious reasons, you should never put in a strategic bid higher than you are actually willing to pay, since people could easily troll you with it.


  • 装備の品質によってPrimary Attribute Bonusesの付きやすさが変わった。Crude装備とAverage装備は今までより付きにくくなり、Superior以上は付きやすくなった。
  • Conversely, PA bonuses being added or not also affects the final quality score.
  • 7つの属性武器が新たに加わる。これらの武器は武器属性と同じ属性の魔法ダメージを追撃して与えるElemental Strikeが付与される。
  • この武器にInfusionを使うと、Elemental Strikeをダブルで与える。ただし武器と同じ属性のInfusionは意味が無い。
  • Legendary武器なら必ずエーテル武器か属性武器になる。Fine品質は5%、Superior品質は10%、Exquisite品質は25%、Magnificent品質は50%の確率でどちらかになる。

Monster Lab

  • bad name checkerを若干改善。(この中の幾つかは前のバージョンに修復。)
    • 複数の連続するスペースやハイフンは使うことができなくなる。
    • スペースとハイフンを隣同士で使うことができなくなる。
    • 名前の頭や終わりにハイフンを使うことができなくなる。
    • 名前に使えるスペースやハイフンは最大5つ。
    • name checkではスペース=ハイフンとして扱う。
  • 現在、全体的に高レベルモンスターのアイテムを落とす確率を高くしている。PL500以上のモンスターから効果があり、PL25ごとに1%上がる。
  • 名前を変えたときに出来た名無しモンスターのバグを修正。


  • ダメージの揺らぎの幅は幾分きつくされた。(ダメージはある程度安定するようになった、ということ?)
  • モンスターのクリティカルダメージと怒り状態のダメージの倍値が両方x1.5からx1.2にダウン。
  • The temporary monster-exclusive health buff has now been removed entirely.
  • Base character healthの拡大を1レベルにつき(今までの+5から)+10に、1Enduranceにつき(+4から)+5に。
  • Offhandに武器を装備した時のProcに関するバグの修正。
  • Channel時の魔法はEvadeやResistされなくなった。
  • Absorbの魔法は発動するまで永久的に有効になった。


  • いくつかのアイテム(特にInfusion)の説明を修正して、更新。他に何か修正が必要なら教えて。


  • 公式のリリースノートに記載は無いが、装備の数値表示が小数点第2位で四捨五入されて小数点第1位までの表示になった。
    • 例:Physical Mitigation +5.55 % → +5.6 %

0.6.8 - 2012-06-10

HentaiVerse 0.6.8, Monsters need love too


Monster Lab(予定しているアップデートの半分)

  • Chaos Tokenを消費してモンスターに11種の追加効果を与えられる。
    • モンスターのPowerLevelに応じて11種の強化項目が解放されるが、強化してもモンスターのPLは上がらない。
  • PLが200、400になるとモンスターにスキルが追加される。
    • 200はMP消費スキル、400はSP消費スキル。
    • 種族によってはこの上位スキルは魔法属性を持つ。
  • モンスターのPLが25になるまでは名前をつけられない、戦闘にも登場しない。
  • 既存のモンスターに類似した名前のモンスターはつくることができない。(O(英字)を0(数字)や I を 1 または L にするなど。)
    • これを利用した既存のモンスターは、新しい名前を設定しなければならない。
  • モンスターがアイテムを拾ってくる確率は増加したが、BAZZARの価格はかなり下がった。
  • モンスターを「Scan」するとそのモンスターのオーナーも表示するようになった。
  • 戦闘から「Flee」した場合モンスターの勝利としてカウントされるようになった。ただその場合はクールダウンが設けられている。
  • Metals系の素材は今までよりたくさんドロップするようになった。


  • Willow杖とOak杖が出やすくなった。
  • 装備の値段調整。
  • 装備のドロップ率が倍増したが、BAZZARの売値は半減した。
  • Battlecaster武器はMagic Damage BonusではなくMana Conservation(MP節約)になった。
  • The Ox, Raccoon, Cheetah, Turtle, Fox そしてOwlの接尾語の装備は廃止された。
    • 代わりに、今後は全ての装備に個別に能力アップがつくかの判定が行われる。
    • ほとんどの装備は今までに無い能力が上がることもある。ボーナスの上限値も今までより増加した。


  • 二刀流のスキルBackstubで付与したPoisonダメージを修正。
  • 「Defend」を選択するとOC10%消費してbase HP10%回復。
  • 「Focus」を選択するとOC25%消費してbase MP5%回復。
  • スタン中とSleep中のダメージ増加は完全に削除された。
  • 熟練度ボーナスは以下のように変わった。
    • One-handed: 1.5 => 3.0 per point
    • Two-handed: 2.0 => 3.0 per point
    • Dual-Wield: 2.5 => 5.0 per point
  • ミニボス(Mind Raper, Zombie Cow, Manthra, Blue Hedgehog, Apathetic Canuck)は今後出現しない。
    • これに伴いArenaのラウンド数を一部修正。


  • プレイヤーのEvade、Block、Parry、Resistを下げる特殊数値が実装された。
    • These reduce the corresponding effective stat of a target by a percentage amount.
    • A target with 20% evade will have effective 15% evade against an attacker with 25% anti-evade.
    • 今のところ、一部のカスタムモンスターしか使用してこない。
  • EXPのための投稿ボーナスが刷新された。1日1回の投稿で十分であり、「過去30日の間に20日以上アクティブ」ならEXPボーナスがMAXまで入る。
  • The power bonus from posting has similarly been replaced by a factor based on total number of active days.

0.6.7 - 2012-05-06

HentaiVerse 0.6.7, On this balancing rollercoaster of life

0.6.6 - 2012-04-01

HentaiVerse 0.6.6, Totally easter-related

0.6.5 - 2012-02-26

HentaiVerse 0.6.5, Strive Like Applejack

0.6.4 - 2012-01-22

HentaiVerse 0.6.4, The Rise of the Ethereal Staffs


スピリット‐スタンス (Spirit Mode Stance)

  • スピリットモードが魔法ダメージを50%上げる効果はもう発生しない。そのかわりに全てのマナコストを25%減少させるようになる。(これはAutocastのupkeepにも適用される。)
  • スピリットスタンスはOvercharge50%以上を必要とする。

戦闘スキル (Combat Skills)

  • スキルは、使用された時、必要とされるオーバーチャージ分のみ減少する。溜まっているオーバーチャージが100%を超えている場合のボーナスダメージは依然として適用される。
  • 全てのスキルはクールダウンを持つようになる。
  • スキルを使用すると連鎖するようになる。Tier1の連鎖スキルを使えばTier2の連鎖スキルが数ターンの間アンロックされ、Tier2スキルは自然にTier3スキルをアンロックする。
  • 新しいスキルのアンロックには高い熟練度が必要になる。二天一流の場合は二刀流の熟練度と両手武器の熟練度のうち低いほうが適用されることに注意。
  • スキルは新たに加えられ、修正された。
    • Shield Bash (Tier-1 連鎖可) 最初のスキル
    • Vital Strike (Tier-2 連鎖可) 熟練度50必要
    • Merciful Blow (Tier-3 連鎖可) 熟練度100必要
    • Iris Strike (Tier-1 連鎖可) 最初のスキル
    • Backstab (Tier-2 連鎖可) 熟練度50必要
    • Frenzied Blows (Tier-3 連鎖可) 熟練度100必要


  • BurdenとInterferenceの効果は変更された。アクションスピードと熟練度には影響しなくなった、かわりに、ステータスをダイレクトに減少させるようになった。
  • Burdenは次の効果を持つようになる。
    • EvadeはBurden1ポイントにつき、Evade全体の4/3(1.333…)%減少する。この効果はEvadeの値が0となる75が上限となる。
    • 物理クリティカル率がBurden75以上1ポイントにつき、2%減少する。最大Burden125まで。
  • Interference は新しい効果を持つようになる。
    • 魔法クリティカル率がInterferene1ポイントにつき、2%減少する。最大Interference50まで。
    • マナコストがInterference1ポイントにつき、0.5上昇する。
  • Redwood Staffsの重量は 20,10 から 10,4に下げられた。 Willow Staffsの重量は20,10から12,6に、Oak Staffsは20,10から15,7に重量が下がった。
  • 新しいShade ArmorはBurdenを持たなくなる。しかし、Interferenceは少し上昇する。
    • Arcanist-typeのShade Armorは今までのInterferenceを50%減少ではなく、75%減少になる。


  • ItemsパネルはBattle Itemsパネルに変更された。戦闘中に使えるアイテムしか表示されない。
  • 新しい表示画面、Inventoryが作られた。これは全てのアイテムと装備を表示する。この画面には以前equipment画面から削除されたequipment counterが含まれている。
  • 新しいステータス、マナコストが加えられた。デフォルトの値は100%でInterferenceにより影響を受ける。
  • タイトル(Rank)によるボーナスダメージを修正した。これは実際の戦闘には適用されるが、ステータス画面には現れないことに注意。
  • モンスターのHealthは新しく、モンスターのレベル1ごとに1/200上昇するようになった。難易度設定によるモンスターのHealth上昇は減少させた。
  • MoogleMailは送ったメールを送信者が戻すことは出来なくなった。レアな状況で、メールがLimbo(辺獄?)に落ちてしまっていたため。
  • アイテムショップのmaterialsの値段を改良した
  • プレイヤー製モンスターは初期で50%の属性抵抗を持たないようになる。現在のモンスターも既に適用されている
    • Celestial: holy -25
    • Daimon: dark -25
    • Giant: piercing -25
    • Mechanoid: holy -25, soul -25, str +1
    • Undead: dark -25, cold -25, elec -25, wind -25, str +1

0.6.3 以前

0.4.4 以前


0.4.4 - 2009-12-11

HentaiVerse 0.4.4, In before post

0.4.3 - 2009-12-05

HentaiVerse 0.4.3, See above

0.4.2 - 2009-11-27

HentaiVerse 0.4.2

0.4.1 - 2009-11-01

HentaiVerse 0.4.1, Loose strings

0.4.0 - 2009-10-30

HentaiVerse 0.4.0, Rise of the Magi

0.3.10 - 2009-10-19

HentaiVerse 0.3.10, Talk to the hand

0.3.9 - 2009-10-10

HentaiVerse 0.3.9, BYOC

0.3.8 - 2009-10-06

HentaiVerse 0.3.8, Proof of concept

0.3.7 - 2009-10-04

HentaiVerse 0.3.7

0.3.6 - 2009-09-10

HentaiVerse 0.3.6, Now with 53% more piety

0.3.5 - 2009-09-06

HentaiVerse 0.3.5, Keep on trucking

0.3.4 - 2009-08-31

HentaiVerse 0.3.4, Keep up, will you

0.3.3 - 2009-08-26

HentaiVerse 0.3.3

0.3.2 - 2009-08-20

HentaiVerse 0.3.2

0.3.1 - 2009-08-13

HentaiVerse 0.3.1, Playing catch-up

0.3.0 - 2009-08-05

HentaiVerse 0.3.0, Say hi to Snowflake

0.2.4 - 2009-06-06

Hentaiverse 0.2.4

0.2.3 - 2009-05-15

HentaiVerse 0.2.3

0.2.2 - 2009-05-10

HentaiVerse 0.2.2

0.2.1 - 2009-05-06

HentaiVerse 0.2.1

0.2.0 - 2009-04-26

HentaiVerse 0.2.0

0.1.1 - 2009-04-16

HentaiVerse 0.1.1, Woo, first real update

*1 Slaughterが弱くなったわけではなく、Slaughter以外のものが強くなった。