
Last-modified: 2021-09-14 (火) 23:42:09



When Mesentius the Wise was still young and only ruled over a small village he experienced the hardship of Elysium first hand.

It was a time when Brigands thrived on the weak and where the beasts were numerous.

Mesentius realized that men must stand united to make the future better for everyone.

He managed to convince a few nearby towns that he was the leader to unite Elysium and they provided him with the means necessary to convince ever larger villages and towns.

In a few years Mesentius had the largest army Elysium had ever seen and all the larger towns had sworn to help him.

To celebrate the bright new future, Mesentius proclaimed himself Emperor and this became year 0 for the entire Elysium.

Soon after construction of a new capital was started that would bring civilization to new heights.

Mesentius used his military might to keep the wildlife at bay and to bring law and order to the realm.

Civilization continue to thrive under the rule of Emperor Mesentius the Wise, may he live forever.








Year 0 Mesentius was proclaimed Emperor of Elysium and started the construction of a mighty capital that soon become the center of civilization. Mesentius' rule was long and during his reign wildlife and barbarism was driven back and civilization reached new heights. After Emperor Mesentius came other Emperors, they continued on the way the great Mesentius had started and the wild was held back as was brigands and other unwelcome elements. Then came the time for Emperor Livius II, the weak and unwise. He was deeply superstitious man with a very low confidence in his ability to make good decisions. Livius II needed guidance on how to run the Empire and the Astrologers were more than willing to help.

The Astrologers Guild grew quickly in power and the High Astrologer would soon become the ruler of Elysium in all but name. Always trying to push the boundaries of the craft the High Astrologer started to build a large pyramid that should help him gaze beyond the stars and into the furthest reaches of the void. It is unknown if the High Astrologer was already possessed by a horror at this stage or if it happened after having used his construction. The pyramid was proclaimed a great success and the construction of three more pyramids was started. When the pyramids were completed it is said that people could hear the High Astrologer laugh as horrors passed through from the void and brought madness and suffering to Elysium.

After this tragedy civilization was almost non existent, only those living far from the capital and the pyramids survived. In the years to come the horrors started to disappear and wildlife took over most of Elysium. Humanity has started to reestablish small villages, but life is very dangerous as the wildlife is fierce and there might still be stray horrors lurking in remote villages and the temples of old.






Year 0 Mesentius was proclaimed Emperor of Elysium and started the construction of a mighty capital that soon become the center of civilization. His legions marched wide and far and conquered kingdoms as well as barbarian tribes. Mesentius' rule was long and during his reign wildlife and barbarism was driven back and civilization reached new heights. After Emperor Mesentius came other Emperors, they continued on the way the great Mesentius had started and the wild was held back as was brigands and other unwelcome elements.

But all emperors were not as competent as Mesentius. Power-struggles in the nobility, corruption and general decadence resulted in economic crisis and the maintenance of the limes was neglected. Soon various tribes began raiding the borders of the empire and the defenses were weakened further. Then came Gunderik, King of Barbarians, with barbarian host. With the imperial legions in disarray from neglect and infighting the empire was ripe for the picking. Cities fell and were razed to the ground. When the barbarian host finally reached the capital, the last emperor had already taken his life. The capital was plundered and it's inhabitants were killed or enslaved. Soon afterwards Gunderik died. With the demise of the King, no one managed to take the throne and the last remnants of order and civilization were swept away. Since the fall of the empire Elysium have become a land of warring tribes. A few towns and cities have survived the barbarian onslaught, but they are few and far between.





Year 0 Mesentius was proclaimed Emperor of Elysium and started the construction of a mighty capital that soon become the center of civilization. Mesentius' rule was long and during his reign wildlife and barbarism was driven back and civilization reached new heights. All this progress was not for free however and many had died in the battle against the beasts of Elysium.

The next Emperor was Marius and he saw the potential of the many dead soldiers and with the help of Grand Necromancer Manius he had a huge army of undead soldiers created. Eventually the human soldiers got used to fighting alongside the dead and the military was more successful than ever in keeping the unwanted elements away. Year 113 the Emperor died of old age and the reign of Manius started by resetting the Year to 0 once again. Manius had not grown seemingly older and his reign had the potential of lasting a long time. Not everyone was satisfied with the increasing number of undead that served in the military and soon a group of human officers and soldiers got together and killed Manius. The undead soldiers were disbanded and buried under protests. A human general was appointed Emperor.

The general had less than a year on the throne before the previously dead Manius returned with a huge army of undead monsters and killed every human in the capital. Those who didn't get away soon rose from the dead and are guarding the capital to this day. Undead beings patrol the areas around the capital and kill humans on sight. Only traces of the great civilization remain and people live in small villages scattered at the edges of Elysium.






Long ago a disaster almost wiped out all of civilization.
Little is known of this disaster, but it is almost certain that wildlife or otherworldly horrors are to blame.
Measures should be taken to keep these forces at bay, so that such a disaster never happens again.
The local lords are now responsible for keeping their territories safe from brigands, wildlife and other horrors.
The first lord to bring order and civilization back was Clovis and he was crowned as king in what became year 1.
Ever since he has been succeeded by his sons who have all been fair rulers that have continued to spread civilization through Elysium.
Now in the year 228, King Sigebert rules as the straight descendant of King Clovis and the future looks very promising.


エリジウムの歴史(Dawn of a New Empire期の図書館より)


After many generations of kings, everyone worse than the previous one, the entire royal family was finally assassinated. A council of elders formed in the greatest city and started to rule over Elysium. The council of elders are wise rulers and encourages trade between cities and the construction of more libraries and academies to educate the noble families. Cities are growing once more and the the future looks bright and promising.
