
Last-modified: 2009-01-04 (日) 17:06:26

Copyright © CCP 1997-2009




Since the early days of the Caldari State, the eight corporate police forces of the Chief Executive Panel have played an important role in Caldari society. Figures of great public attention, reviled and worshiped in equal measure (often by the same person), these eight private militaries collectively match the official Caldari Army in numbers and far exceed it in training.
Caldari国の建国間もないころから、最高経営責任者会議 (Chief Executive Panel) が有する8つの企業警察は、Caldari社会において重要な役割を演じてきました。これらの警察部隊が集めている強い関心の中身は、非難と賛美が半々 (しばしば同じ人物から、両方の評価を受けます) で、これら8つの組織を合わせれば、数の面でCaldari軍に匹敵し、練度の面では遙かに凌いでいます。


What are these forces, how do they operate, and how did they come to be?


Necessity and Invention


Some years after the dust of the Caldari-Gallente War had settled and the eight corporations of the Chief Executive Panel were getting acclimated to running an independent Caldari State, the issue of defense spending was raised at a national budget meeting. The Kaalakiota Corporation and the Sukuuvestaa Corporation were by this point well established as bitter competitors for the top of the revenue pile, and the subject spawned a heated debate between the two corporations’ CEOs.


The passage of time had done little to diminish the Kaalakiota leadership’s wartime alertness; they had long been advocates of increased military spending, particularly towards protection of assets in the homeland. The Sukuuvestaa, meanwhile, wanted the available funds diverted towards land partitioning on newly settled planets, reasoning that the creation of new assets was every bit as important as the protection of existing ones. That Kaalakiota dealt primarily in arms at the time, and Sukuuvestaa primarily in real estate, were topics not raised at the meeting.


Due to the rivalry between the two the discussion soon escalated far beyond its purview, and what began as a simple debate swiftly turned into a heated argument rife with overtones of power struggle. The remaining executives of the CEP, uncomfortable with this potential disruption in the works, voted to momentarily shelve the topic.


Kaalakiota was not happy. Shortly after the meeting, they announced that the corporation would be bringing its own financial resources to bear in forming an independent internal security force, "tasked with maintaining peace and order on all Kaalakiota holdings." This organization they called Home Guard, a name taken by the corporate-political community as a pointed reference to the dispute between the two leaders. Sukuuvestaa responded in kind by releasing a statement curtly announcing their intention to create their own military arm. In a direct jab at Kaalakiota, they named their force the "Peace and Order Unit." The other mega-corporations, not to be outdone, soon followed suit. Within the year, all eight members of the Chief Executive Panel had either announced or begun formation of their own internal security forces.
Kaalakiota社は不満でした。会議からほどなく同社は、自社の財源を使って独立した内部保安部隊を設立し、「全てのKaalakiotaグループ会社の平和と秩序を維持するための任に就かせる」と公表しました。Kaalakiota社はこの組織をHome Guard (ホームガード) と呼びましたが、この名前は二社のリーダーの口論から引いた、企業政界 (corporate-political community) にちなんで名付けられました。Sukuuvestaa社はお返しに、同社が独自の軍事部隊を作るよう検討している、との簡素な声明を発表しました。Kaalakiota社への一撃として、Sukuuvestaa社はこの軍隊をPeace and Order Unit (平和と秩序の隊) と名付けました。その他の超巨大企業 (mega-corporations) も、負けじとばかりに、すぐにこれに続きました。その年のうちに、最高経営責任者会議の8社のメンバー全員が、独自の内部保安部隊の編成を発表、あるいは開始するに至りました。


Smoke and Mirrors


From this bed of bluster sprouted the eight organizations known today as the Chief Executive Panel’s faces of power. Equal parts propaganda tool and police force, the corporate forces are in many ways the most direct outward representation of their parent corporations’ power, affluence, style and cultural significance. Seeking to capitalize on the relentless propaganda battle between the powers that be, Caldari entertainment interests have in recent years made very lucrative deals with these forces, hurling their desired images into the cultural zeitgeist in return for a slice of the profit pie.


Avoiding direct competition in favor of finding their own niche, each of the eight has diversified into their own particular area. Spacelane Patrol, CBD’s corporate force, is continually portrayed as a cadre of brash hotshots who travel from one corner of the universe to another on missions that usually involve much purposeful strutting around exotic locales. The Lai Dai Protection Service, meanwhile, are regularly shown to be a group of dashingly handsome tactical geniuses who devise complex original stratagems at the drop of a hat, usually under circumstances of extreme duress. Kaalakiota were the first to make this type of entertainment deal and have arguably been the most successful: Home Guard’s image is second to none, not just among the corporate corps establishment but also in the popular cultures of all four empires.
得意分野を見つける上での直接的な競合を避けるため、8組織はそれぞれ独自の分野で勢力を広げてきました。CBDの企業部隊であるSpacelane Patrol (宙間航路警備隊) は、遙かな辺境を含む宇宙の端から端までを、使命を帯びて堂々と闊歩する荒くれ者の腕利きたちとして描写されるのが常のことです。一方Lai Dai Protection Service (Lai Dai保護サービス) は、絶体絶命の危機においてすぐさま独自の複雑な戦略をひねり出す、熱血漢でハンサムな戦略の天才として描写されます。Kaalakiotaはこの種の契約を娯楽産業と結んだ最初の企業で、そして間違いなく最も成功した企業です。Home Guardのイメージは、企業部隊の間だけでなく、全4帝国の大衆文化の中で右に出る者のないほどのものです。


The glossy tropes of the public relations holoreels and the beige glamour of stylized war worship stand in stark contrast to the reality of these agencies, but most people have only a muddy awareness of the dichotomy. A man can be rudely treated by a brusque and superior Ishukone Watch officer and silently curse him for hours, but as soon as he gets home that evening he is just as likely to prop his feet up and enjoy a rousing serial where the Ishukone Watch’s superior technology and cunning allows it to root out Gurista spies and double-cross them into revealing their hideout. So pervasive is the propaganda that it is highly doubtful this man ever draws a parallel between the real thing and the image; the connection he draws, instead, is between the image and the mother corporation it represents.
広報ホロリールで流れる美麗辞句や、定型的な戦争賛美のきらびやかさは、これらの機関の現実とは大きくかけ離れたものでしたが、ほとんどの人々はこのような乖離にはほとんど気づいていませんでした。ぞんざいで居丈高なIshukone Watch (Ishukone警備隊) に無礼に扱われた人は、何時間も口には出さずに悪態をつくでしょうが、そんな人もその晩家に帰れば、すぐに足を投げ出してくつろぎ、心躍る連続ドラマの中で、Ishukone Watchがそ卓越したテクノロジーと抜け目のなさでGuristaのスパイを一掃し、その隠れ家を暴くために裏切らせるといった場面を楽しむのです。ここまでプロパガンダが浸透していては、この人が現実とイメージを比較してみたことがあるかどうかも怪しいものです。代わってこの人が結びつけているのは、イメージと、それが代表する親会社なのです。


Internal Security, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation’s force, poses a curious irony in this regard. Though the Nugoeihuvi conglomerate’s main preoccupation is the entertainment industry, they have consistently failed to change the prevalent cultural image of their troops as a pack of rough-and-tumble thugs culled from the Caldari underworld, given to the grossest abuses and atrocities. It’s very rare for elements of the Caldari State to find the rumor mill outgrinding them in their efforts at propaganda, but that’s what’s happening to Nugoeihuvi. (In reality, for the record, Nugoeihuvi’s soldiers are not any more or less savage than those of the other corporate forces, though broadly speaking they have been noted to harbor a slightly greater proclivity toward drink and drugs.)
Nugoeiguvi社の部隊であるInternal Security (内部保安) は、この点について興味深い皮肉を体現しています。Nugoeihuvi企業複合体は元々主に娯楽産業に従事していますが、自社の部隊について広く広まっている、悪習と暴力にまみれたCaldariの裏社会かっら引き抜かれたならず者の集まりであるというイメージを変えることに失敗し続けています。Caldari社会にとって、プロパガンダの努力が噂に押しつぶされるなどということはそうそうないことですが、それこそがNugoeihuvi社に起こっていることなのです (実際には、正直なところ、Nugoeihuvi社の兵士たちの粗野さ加減は他の企業の部隊とそう違いはありませんが、大雑把に言って、少しばかり酒とドラッグを好む性癖があります)。


Cloak and Dagger


Of course, the strong public relations utility of these forces does not mean that the good men and women that serve within them are mere puppets on a stage (though there exists, of course, a contingent of people willing to proclaim just that). It is an integral thing, for obvious practical reasons, that these militaries be proven without the shadow of a doubt to have aptitude in their profession. For this purpose a training summit is held each year at an undisclosed location, where the corporate forces lock horns in a series of combat- and survival-related challenges. This is the Haadoken Summit, and it is an event of great significance in Caldari culture.
もちろん、これら部隊の広報能力がいくら強力であるといっても、部隊に所属する善男善女がただの飾りであるというわけではありません (ただもちろん、そうであると進んで宣言する勢力も存在しますが)。重要な点は、明らかに実用上の理由で、これらの軍人たちに職務を果たす能力が少しの疑いもなく備わっていることを証明できるかという点にあります。こういった理由で、訓練サミットが毎年非公表の場所で行われ、そこで各企業の部隊が一連の戦闘関連およびサバイバル関連の競技で対決します。これはHaadokenサミットと呼ばれ、Caldari文化において非常に重要な地位を占めるイベントとなっています。


Since nominally none of the corporations want the results to get out, the proceedings carry a veneer of secrecy. Betting on the event is strictly illegal, but it nonetheless creates underground gamb<検閲>ling revenue far exceeding that of any official State sporting or entertainment event. Despite ledger upon ledger of regulations and reprimands, information about the results is invariably leaked by someone in the winner’s camp, and so it is in this crucible of competition that the holoreels, the slogans, the commercials and the claims are either gloriously validated or revealed as nothing but empty spectacle.


Though nobody is ever declared deceased during the proceedings, it is a matter of public record that at least a dozen die each year and many more are injured (the families of the fallen receive standardized letters of condolence claiming their loved one has died in a training accident). Being essentially a contest between corporate ideologies played out in a quasi-military arena, the event touches many nerves in the Caldari soul, and its various obstacles and scenarios have been immortalized in countless holoreels and serials. The winners of the last three Haadoken summits have been the Ishukone Watch, whose level of training and tactical skill appears to be currently unmatched within the corporate forces.
協議の進行において死人が出たと公表されたことはありませんが、公記録上の問題として、最低毎年1ダースが死亡し、さらに多くが負傷しているといいます (故人の家族は定型文で書かれたお悔やみの手紙を受け取り、愛する人が訓練上の事故で亡くなったと知らされます)。本質的にこのイベントは、戦場を模したエリアで展開される、企業イデオロギー同士の競争であり、Caldari人魂の敏感な部分に触れるものであるため、その様々な障害とシナリオは数多くのホロリールや連載物に保存されています。最近3年間のHaadokenサミットの勝者はIshukone Watchであり、その練度と戦術スキルは今のところ、企業部隊の中で並ぶ者がないもののようです。


Bread and Butter


These agencies also perform the more mundane duties of a mega-corporation’s internal security force. They ceaselessly patrol the perimeters of their territories; they conduct counterstrikes against pirates and terrorists; and they are responsible for security on every ship, outpost, station, moon and planetside facility owned by their mother corporations. They are also granted legal authority to act as police proxies within corporate jurisdiction, though in all cases where regional police have a presence their authority supersedes that of the corporate police.


Corporate forces are often criticized for their policework. Some of the more common accusations are gruff and uncaring demeanor, propensity for unnecessary violence, and lack of response time (particularly to non-acute, non-violent crimes). There is a simple reason for this: among the corporate forces, policework – which invariably involves dealing with the great unwashed masses – is seen as a lower-rung duty, a job for those unfit to serve in more of a military capacity.
企業部隊はしばしば、その警察活動について批判を浴びています。一般的な非難としては、粗雑で無思慮な振る舞い、無用な暴力を振るう傾向、鈍い反応 (特に重大でなく、暴力を伴わない犯罪の場合には) といったものです。これには単純な理由があります。企業部隊の中で、警察活動は - 常にたくさんの下賤な大衆と関わらなければならないので - 低レベルの義務で、軍務に就く能力に欠ける人間の仕事であると見なされているからです。


Worst of all is policework on space stations, which tend to be overcrowded with travellers from a staggering multitude of places, each possessing a different set of legal rights based on his nationality and organizational affiliation, and each of which is cranky and in a rush and probably sweating. Additionally, corporate interstellar law dictates that stations’ rental offices and other commercial zones be segmented into a patchwork of diplomatic units, each with its own rules and regulations. Policework on stations therefore tends to be an affair fraught with jurisdictional pratfalls and covered in a tangled underbrush of red tape.


To their credit, corporate forces do have a well-deserved reputation for responding swiftly and decisively when circumstances truly call for it. If things get very bad very fast – if there is a hostage situation, if there is a large brawl, if there is some sort of large-scale accident or disaster – the corps will be there, fast, and they’ll attack the problem with everything they’ve got. People may grumble about rudeness and laziness and bureaucracy, but regardless they rest content in the knowledge that if a true crisis presents itself, they’re in good hands.
企業部隊の名誉のために言っておくならば、彼らは真に必要とされている状況下では、素早く断固たる対処を行うという正当な評価を確立しています。状況が急激に悪化していく場合 - 人質をとられている、大乱闘が起きている、あるいはある種の大規模な事故や災害が起きているなど - 部隊は素早く現れ、持てる全ての力で問題に対処するのです。無礼さや怠惰さや官僚主義的な点で不満を述べる人もいますが、しかしそれでも頭の中では、真の危機が眼前に現れたなら、彼らは頼りになるということがわかっています。


Steel and Plasma


Altercations between the corporate forces exist on record, but in almost every case they have been small incidents based on misunderstanding, with warning shots the only ordnance released. A notable exception is an incident known as the Ingalles incident, where soldiers belonging to the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps opened fire on a Hyasyoda convoy being escorted by the Hyasyoda’s agency, the Corporate Police Force.
企業部隊同士の争いは記録の上では存在しますが、そのほとんど全てのケースは誤解に基づく小さな事件であり、装備は威嚇射撃に使われるだけのものです。特筆すべき例外はIngalles事件として知られているもので、Wiyrkomi Pease Corps (Wiyrkomi平和部隊) に所属する兵士が、Hyasyoda社の機関であるCorporate Police Force (企業警察部隊) が警護する、Hyasyoda社の船団に発砲した事件です。


The Hyasyoda detail had received advance clearance for entry into the outpost, a high-tier classified Wiyrkomi research node buried in the shadow of a Citadel moon. They were to escort the CEO of a subsidiary of Hyasyoda’s, Santra Alloys, to a meeting with a high-ranking Wiyrkomi scientist. The arrangement was legitimate (if unusual), but the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps saw incongruity in the direct meeting of a CEO and a scientist.
Hyasyoda社の特任部隊は、アウトポスト入港のための事前クリアランスを受け取りました。そのアウトポストは、The Citadel星域のとある月の陰に隠された、高クラスのWiyrkomi研究拠点でした。部隊はHyasyoda社の子会社のCEOであるSantra Alloysを、Wiyrkomi社の高ランクの科学者と引き合わせるために護衛しているところでした。この会合は合法的なもの (いつものこと、というわけではありませんが) でしたが、Wiyrkomi Peace CorpsはCEOと科学者との直接の会合を不自然であると見ました。


They stopped the convoy and conducted a heavy-handed interrogation. Due to a fatal combination of bad intel and jittery nerves, they then ended up attacking it, killing four people and destroying the reputation of their police force for years to come. (To this day, the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps are something of a laughing stock among the corporate forces, and to compound things they consistently place near the bottom of the yearly summit’s scoreboards.)
Wiyrkomi Peace Corpsは船団を止まらせ、高圧的な取り調べを行いました。諜報能力の欠如と疑心暗鬼が致命的に重なった結果、最終的に部隊は船団を攻撃し、4名を殺害、その後数年にわたって警察部隊の名声を貶めることになってしまいました (今日にいたるまで、Wiyrkomi Peace Corpsと言えば企業部隊の中では物笑いの種であり、おまけに毎年のサミットのスコアボードでは最下段のあたりに置かれ続けています)。


Today and Tomorrow


It is unclear at this moment whether Tibus Heth, the Caldari State’s newly instated Executor, has any specific plans for the corporate forces. It is considered likely, however, that he will try to gain control of them and use them for his ends if hostilities with the Gallente Federation escalate any further. Doing so will be easier said than done, as these organizations retain a great deal of power in the name of their public appeal, to say nothing of their competent and well-equipped soldiery. The allegiances of the complex network of sponsors, affiliates and marketers they associate with, however, are wholly unknown.
現時点では、Caldari国の新しく任命された執行官であるTibus Hethが、企業部隊について特別な計画を持っているかどうかははっきりしていません。しかしながら、Gallente連邦との対立がさらにエスカレートしたならば、彼が部隊の支配権を握り、自身の思惑の下に用いるだろうと考えられています。そうするのは言うほど簡単なことではなく、これらの組織は、世論へのアピールの名の下にかなりの力を有していますし、その有能で装備の整った兵士たちについては言うまでもないことです。関係しているスポンサー、系列会社、市場の複雑なネットワークがどの程度忠実かは、しかしながら、まったくの不明です。


During the invasion of Caldari Prime, all eight forces lent manpower to various aspects of the operation, from tactical strikes to civilian relocation, and the squadrons who participated have now mostly come back. Some scarred by atrocity, others whetted and ready for more, they are returning to their compatriots bearing tales of woe and grandeur on the blasted front. Where their loyalties will fall – and what sort of influence they’ll spread – is anybody’s guess.
Caldari Primeへの侵攻中、8つの部隊全てが、戦略的攻撃から市民の避難までの様々な作戦に対して人的支援を行い、参加していた部隊はほぼ生還してきました。ある者は残虐行為に傷心し、またある者は意気を上げて次の戦いに備えながら、同国人のもとへ、荒々しい前線での悲痛と壮大さを伝える話を持ち帰りました。彼らの忠誠心がどこへ向かうのか - そしてどのような影響を広めていくのか - は、誰にもわかりません。


If and when the time comes for Heth to begin making inroads, it remains to be seen what the CEOs of the Chief Executive Panel will do to hold on to these flagbearers of their outward image. One thing is certain, at any rate: whoever commands these forces controls a good deal more than just a group of men with guns.

