
Last-modified: 2009-04-04 (土) 10:55:14

Copyright © CCP 1997-2009




One would be forgiven for assuming that with the countless billions of inhabitants in the world of EVE the acts of an individual count for little. Yet there are equally countless tales of individuals that through skill, perseverance or luck shaped the world around them and made their mark on history. Maybe most of these tales are only fables, kept alive with forlorn hope by the insignificant many. One of these tales is that of Maleatu Shakor.


この何億何兆とも知れぬ数のこのEVE世界の住人の中にあっては個人の行動による影響など無いに等しい、そんな思い込みに救いを見出す者も居るかもしれない。己の技術、忍耐、運を駆使して世界を変革し、その名を歴史に残した人々もまた無数にある。だがその中の多くは単に多数の人が縋る哀れな希望から生まれた単なる作り話なのかもしれない。 Maleatu Shakorもそんな話の一つだ。


Born a son of a Brutor Defiant, Shakor soon showed the signs of the eye disease that plague so many descendants of Defiants. The eye disease, a result of the harsh treatment the Defiants received at the hands of the Amarrians, is similar to glaucoma and invariably results in a complete loss of sight before the age of five. Unlike when under the yoke of the Amarrian occupation the Minmatars today have access to cures for the disease, but many decide against a cure as the white eyes associated with the disease have become a sign of respect amongst the Brutor clan. Shakor decided as a teenager not to undergo an operation to regain his sight. He did this not to gain respect from his fellow Brutors, but out of personal deference to those Defiants that lost their health and even their life as human guinea pigs in the gruesome Human Endurance Program of the Amarrians.


Brutor Definantの息子として誕生したShakorだったが、生まれた直後にDefinant家の子孫を苦しませてきた目の病気を発病させてしまう。代々Amarr人の手によって酷使され続けてきた結果表れたこの目の病気は緑内障に似ており、発症すれば5歳になるまでには確実に視界を完全に失う事になるものであった。Amarr人の支配下に居た頃とは違い現在のMinmatar共和国にはその病気を治す方法が知られているのだが、Brutor族の内部ではこの病気によって白濁化した眼を持つ者が尊敬される風習があるために多数が治療を拒んでいたのが現状だった。当時未だ10代であったShakorは視界を回復させるための手術を拒む事を決意する。だがそれが仲間たちから尊敬されたいと言った理由からでは無く、Amarr人による身の毛もよだつ゛人間持続計画゛の為の人体実験の犠牲となって健康を害し、あまつさえ命までも奪われた人々に対する個人的な尊敬の念から来たものであった事は驚がくに値するだろう。


The Minmatar Rebellion was long over when Shakor came of age, but still he decided to take up the fight against the Amarrians. Joining a raggedy band of fighters (rebels in the eyes of the Amarrians), Shakor soon proved himself as an outstanding ship captain. Within a few months he had taken control of the rebel band and organized them into an expert combat squad. It was at this time that Shakor devised his infamous battle formation that bears his name: Shakor’s Spiral - a daring close counter assault tactic that only the most skilled pilots can pull off.




Shakor’s squadron operated on the borders of Minmatar and Amarr (actually Ammatar) space, like other rebel squads. Its notoriety grew in leaps and bounds, prompting the Amarrians to start targeting the squad with their elite forces. Pressure from other rebel leaders (who were taking a licking from the Amarrians) forced Shakor to leave the border regions with his squadron and set up his base of operation away from Minmatar space. Far from deterred, Shakor continued fighting the Amarrians from his isolated station hidden deep within the Great Wildlands. It was there that the strangest incident of his eventful life occurred.


Shakor団は他の反乱軍と同じくMinmatar共和国とAmarr帝国の国境線、俗に言うAmmatar宙域周辺で作戦を展開していた。だがその悪名が急速に広まるにつれてAmarr側は彼らの精鋭部隊を繰り出してShakor団を狙い始める。今まで以上に苦戦を強いられ始めた他の反乱軍指揮官達はShakorとその仲間を国境圏から追い出し、Minmatar辺境へと向かわせたのだった。だがShakorはそんな事で落ち込むような風では無く、Great Wildlandsの奥深くの秘密基地を拠点にAmarr帝国とたたかい続けた。彼の波乱万丈な一生の中で最も不可思議な事が起こったのはそんな時だった。


Returning one day from the hunt, Shakor and his men were ambushed by the Amarr Royal Guard - universally regarded as the best fighting unit around. A fierce battle ensued. Shakor’s men quickly formed a Spiral, the Royal Guard responded by forming an Arrow formation, designed to counter the Spiral. Despite their experience, Shakor’s men panicked once their casualties began mounting and tried to retreat. They were hunted down and slaughtered to the last man by the Royal Guard. The Guardsmen wanted to make sure there were no survivors and systematically began destroying the defenseless capsules floating around. But when they locked their weapons on Shakor’s capsule a Jovian vessel uncloaked itself next to the capsule. Jamming the Amarr vessels with ease, the Jovian ship leisurely moved Shakor’s capsule into its cargo hold before disappearing again. The Amarrians tried to track it down, but found no trace of it.




For two years nothing was heard of Maleatu Shakor. The Amarrians, initially vexed over the Jovian interference, assumed he was dead. Thus his return to the Minmatar Republic came as a total surprise. Where Shakor had once been fierce, driven and highly agitated he now seemed unusually calm and collected. Fearing some foul Jovian plot Shakor’s family insisted on DNA tests; they confirmed his identity. Shakor himself has remained silent about his time with the Jovians. He assumed a political position with the Republic and soon resumed his fight for freeing Minmatars still enslaved by the Amarrians, with the difference that his arsenal now consists of sharp words and political machinations instead of a fleet of space ships. Just as his ancestors defied the Amarr rule all those years ago Maleatu Shakor continues to this day defying the Amarrians at every opportunity in the halls of diplomacy all over the world of EVE.


その後Maleatu Shakorの名が聞かれる事の無いままに2年の月日が流れ、先の事件でJovianの干渉に腹を立てていたAmarrは当初、彼を死んだと断定していた。だが彼はMinmatar共和国に人々の驚愕とともに帰国したのだった。かつての理想に燃え世間を騒がせていた獰猛だった様子とは違い平静で落ち着いた姿を見せる彼だったが、Jovianの何かしらの陰謀かと疑う彼の家族によってDNA検査が行われた結果間違いなくShakor本人であると確認された。だがShakor本人はJovian人と一緒に過ごした時間に関しては決して話そうとしなかった。そして未だにAmarr人によって奴隷化されているMinmatar人の解放の為Shakorは共和国において政治的な立場を背負い、再び立ち上がったのだった…以前のように宇宙戦艦隊を用いてでは無く、今度は厳しい言論と政治的謀略によって。彼の先祖達がかつてAmarrの支配に反抗した時のように、Maleatu Shakorもまた外交においてこのEVE世界中そこかしこでAmarr人に反抗を続けているのだ。

