
Last-modified: 2009-03-22 (日) 13:20:11

Copyright © CCP 1997-2009




The four ships registered as red dots on Maya Arikinnen’s radar, but that didn’t deter her from activating her cargo scanner on one of them. The four frigates were manned by outlaws - characters with a track record of crimes and misdemeanors. But Maya recognized their kind by their ships and style. They were not killers, but smugglers. This didn’t make them harmless, but they were less likely to start some reckless action here in a medium secure system. At least Maya hoped so.


その4隻の艦がMaya Arkinnenのレーダーに赤い点で表示されていたにも関わらず、彼女はその中の一人へカーゴスキャンを起動させるのを思いとどまろうとはしなかった。この4隻のフリゲート艦が犯罪と無法行為の記録にまみれたお尋ね者によって操舵されているのは間違いない。だがMayaは船種と形式から彼らがどのような種類の人間か気づいていた…彼らは殺し屋ではなく、密輸業者だ。彼等が無害だと言うつもりはないが、この中度安全宙域で無鉄砲な行動をしでかすような真似をする可能性は低い。そう願いたい。


Torrinos system lay on the outskirts of Caldari space. Beyond there were increasingly less secure areas until one reached the Amarrian border zones some seven jumps distance. Although this route was not an official linkage point between the two empires it was still a popular path for smugglers or those wishing to travel outside the main routes. This was the reason why Maya had positioned herself here sporting her newly acquired cargo scanner, courtesy of the Custom license she’d bought from the Caldari state. Many of her friends had done this before her and all agreed that Torrinos system offered some good pickings. All she had to do was to sniff out some illegal or contraband goods and report her findings - she would then receive a part of the fine imposed on the offender by the authorities.


Torrinos星系はCaldari圏域の外れにあり、7ジャンプ先のAmarrian帝国境界に到達するまでにはここよりもはるかに安全度の低い宙域が続いている。この航路は二つの帝国を結ぶ公式な結合点として認知されて居ないが、密輸業者やその他表通りを堂々と歩けない人々が使用する事で有名であった。だからこそMayaは、カルダリ国から買った検閲行使権利と共に貰い受けた新品のカーゴスキャン装置をこの場で起動させる気になったのだ。‘きっと大丈夫よね…友達はみなやってる事だし、ここTorrinosは儲けどころだって有名だもの…’ 違法品や輸出入禁止品を見つけたら通報する、それだけで良かった。そうすれば政府が犯罪者に課せた罰金の一部が通報者の懐に入るのだ。


The cargo scanner aligned itself with the nearest of the four frigates and started its scanning process. But before it could finish it sputtered to a halt and reported a failed scan. At first Maya was sure she’d done something incorrectly, before realizing that the target ship had used an anti-scanning device on her to counter her scanning efforts. The four frigates suddenly veered off their course and now headed directly towards her. The menacing advance of the smugglers gave Maya the urge to panic and do something reckless, but she managed to get her emotions under control. The smugglers had not opened fire on her yet. Maybe they were just trying to scare her off.


カーゴスキャン装置を4隻のうち最も近くにあるフリゲート艦に狙いを定めて起動、スキャニングを始める。 “Beep!!”  装置がその動作を終える前に雑音と共にスキャン失敗を報告してきた時、Mayaはまず自分が何か間違った操作をしたのかと考えた。だがどうやら目標の船にはスキャニングを妨害する機器が積まれているようだ。突如4隻のフリゲート艦は向きを変え、彼女の元へと進み始める。 ‘まずった!’Mayaは前進してくる密輸業者への恐れからパニックに陥りいり自暴自棄になりそうになる自分を必死で抑え込む。向こうはまだ攻撃してきていない。きっと私を怖がらせようとしてるだけ。大丈夫。


The leading smuggler, the one that thwarted her scanning attempt, established a com-link to her, automatically creating a new channel for them to communicate over: 




“Whaddya think yur doin’?” the uncouth voice of the smuggler crackled. “Try one more time to scan us and we’ll fry your ass!” the smuggler continued. Maya ran some background checks on him. Nori Yirikai. A member of a renowned criminal organization. He had an unimpressive track record of smuggling felonies, which maybe explained his current usage of a hi-tech anti-scanning device. ‘Obviously a man that learns from experience.’ Maya thought sardonically. It was also obvious that Yirikai and his cronies were only trying to scare her away, being sensible enough not to be willing to reduce their already sorry security standings by engaging in combat here. Yet they must be carrying illegal cargo, or they wouldn’t be so concerned about being scanned.


“おい、てめぇ!何してんのかわかってんのか?!” 密輸業者の粗野な声がまくしたてる。 “もう一度やってみやがれ、そんときゃてめぇのケツをこんがり揚げてやるぞ!” Mayaは彼の身元を確認する。Nori Yirikai。有名な犯罪組織の一員のようだ。 過去にも密輸発覚で重罪判決を受けている、自慢できそうにない記録の持ち主らしい。なるほど、高技術の反スキャニング装置を使用しているもの納得できる。まさしく“経験から学んだ”と言う事なのだろう。 Mayaは嘲笑を浮かべながらそう思った。間違いない、Yirikaiとその取り巻き達は単に自分を怖がらせて追い払おうとしているだけだ。 今ここで戦闘を起こして、彼らの無様なSecurity Standingsをこれ以上下げたくはないのだろう。だがそんなにスキャンされるのを気にする態度は逆に、彼らが確実に違法品を積んでいる事を証明してしまっている。


Just to be on the safe side Maya asked two of her friends in the custom business that she knew were close by to come and join her. She then turned her ship away from the smugglers and made as to leave.




“There’s a good girl,” came the voice of Yirikai. Maya noticed he was trying to sound scornful, but it sounded more like he was relived. She began wondering what it was they were carrying that they were so anxious to keep a secret. It was tempting to provoke them by trying to scan them again once her friends got here, one of them might get through. As soon as she released that thought her friends had arrived. They quickly aligned themselves beside Maya’s ship, which she had promptly turned around.


“よぅし、良い子だな” Yirikaiの声が聞こえてくる。 彼はバカにしたような口調で言ってくるが、その声からしてほっとしているのが見え見えだった。一体彼らが何をそんなにも神経質に隠そうとしているのだろう…Mayaの好奇心がますます疼く。やっぱり友人が来てくれたらもう一度スキャニングを試して挑発してみよう。あいつらのうちの一隻くらいは通じる船があるかもしれない。そう考えているうちにその友人たちが到着する。よし!彼らと隊列を組みつつMayaは即座に反転を始める。


The smugglers seemed to hesitate for a second. They were probably discussing this new turn of events among themselves. Maya and her friends formed a group, so they could retaliate in case one of them was attacked. The smugglers started aligning themselves in a combat formation. Maya began sweating. She had fervently hoped it wouldn’t have to come to this, but it was clear that the smugglers were willing to attack them to keep the identity of their cargo hidden. She began preparing her ship for the onslaught. But just as the two sides were about to let loose their weaponry a new ship appeared on the radar. A big ship. A DED ship. Maya sighed in relief.




The sudden appearance of the DED battleship quickly ended any thoughts of battle. Both sides disengaged and starting preparing to leave, all under the watchful eye of the DED ship. The channel-link with Yirikai came to live:




“You just watch it, custom officer Arikinnen. Next time, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Yirikai said vengefully. ‘Yeah,’ Maya thought as she warped out, ‘and I would very much like to find out what you are carrying in your cargo hold.’


“今に見てやがれ、糞税関員のArikinenn、次あった時は必ず殺してやるからな!” Yirikaiは執念深そうな声で遠吠えをあげる。‘あ、そう。’ワープに入りながらMayaは思う。‘その時は絶対にあんたの荷物が何なのか暴いてやるんだから!’

