Mission/1 to 10/Military

Last-modified: 2016-11-25 (金) 02:23:02

注意:この記事は現時点での 10 連 Mission の内容と一部異なる場合があります。

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (1 of 10)

Civilian Shield Booster等の回復用モジュールをまだ搭載していない場合は購入して船にセットしておきましょう。

Mission briefing
Some Gurista thugs are menacing workers in a nearby asteroid belt, and the miners working it have requested that we clean up the area. See to it.

Unless you’ve specialized in long-range combat, and especially if you're a beginner, you'll probably have to approach enemies closely before you have a chance of hitting them. You will need to train skills such as Sharpshooter or Missile Projection to improve your long-range combat capabilities; if you favor guns over missiles, you’ll eventually want to improve your tracking to hit small and agile targets near your ship.

For now, though, approaching the target and hitting it from close range should work just fine!

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Clear the pirates from the asteroid belt, as your agent has requested on behalf of a group of miners.

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 5 hours.


タイムボーナス:上の方に対応する一番ダメージの高い弾 2000発
(カルダリとガランテの場合、75mmGatlingRailとAntimatter S)

目標星系にジャンプして、 その星系内のミッション先に移動 、敵艦2+2。全部撃沈でクリア。

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (2 of 10)

Mission briefing
The Guristas have retaliated by kidnapping one of the miners, and they are demanding a hostage swap: They want the one responsible for their comrades' deaths. In short, they want you. Apparently they do not realize how dangerous capsuleers are, so head out there and teach them a lesson.

I doubt you'll have much trouble with this ― it isn’t exactly a Gallente invasion, if you take my meaning ― but still, I suggest you make use of a good shield booster. My only concern is that your current ship's capacitor might be a bit lacking when it comes to using the module, but we'll fix that later on.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (2 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective
Acquire these goods:

Eliminate the pirates and rescue the civilian miner they are holding as a captive. You will find the civilian in a cargo container ejected from one of the pirate's ship.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour and 28 minutes.

目的:1 Civilianの救出

支給品:Motion Prediction スキル本


Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (3 of 10)

Mission briefing
The mining corporation is happy, but now the governor of the station is displeased. A Gurista thief has stolen some sensitive documents from the station's databanks, and the governor is threatening to have me discharged if I don't retrieve her documents. You've proven reliable in the past, so I'm entrusting you with this.

Note that this pirate has been seen using spider drones, which are very fast and will slow your ship considerably. It’s useful to have a Stasis Webifier to slow a drone down so your turrets can actually hit it. Your current ship might have difficulty handling a webifier module, though, especially if you also want to fit any shield booster modules.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (3 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective
Acquire these goods:

Destroy the pirates, loot the secret documents from the container they leave behind, and report back to your agent.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 3 hours and 8 minutes.

目的 :

支給品:武器*2(Calの場合はLight Electron Blaster I*2、Galの場合は75mm Gatling Rail I*2)
報酬:Propulsion Jaming スキル本



Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (4 of 10)

Mission briefing
Your agent has heard rumors of a hidden stargate located inside a large deadspace field. Of course, stargates are illegal without official authorization because the deadspace interference means they cannot be detected by long-range scanners. Your job is to scout out the area and let your agent know what you find.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (4 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Warp to the deadspace area. Find the stargate and approach it.

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour and 6 minutes.

:Ship Computer(アクセラレーションゲートでワープ後PopUp)
My sensors have found nothing in the area other than this lone stargate, partly hidden inside a cluster of rock formations. I would advise you to proceed with care, smuggler gates such as these are rarely left undefended.

Your agent instructed you to approach the stargate. Be ready to retreat should the need arise.

目的:Summgler Stargateの偵察(接近)

支給品:Afterburner スキル本
報酬:1MN Afterburner *1

指定宙域にジャンプ後、Summgler Stargateに近づき、少し待つとミッションクリアなので、完了したら帰りましょう。

ちなみにSummgler Stargateを破壊するとMetal Scraps*50が入ったカーゴを落とすので、時間はかかるが、破壊してみるのもアリかもしれない。

参考:1MN Afterburner IはBalancing the Books (帳尻合わせ) (9 of 10)で2個必要です。

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (5 of 10)

Mission briefing
It appears the stargate you scanned in your last mission was only put up as bait ― for you. After you left the area, a cleanup crew found a message from that pirate who got away earlier, the one called Tahamar. He asked to meet you in person, with no backup, at a small repair outpost in a nearby system.

You don't have to kill the man, but your agent would appreciate it if you went there and at least found out what this is all about. As you found out earlier, Tahamar murdered Arewachi Itela, a friend of your agent, and you owe it to his memory to follow this through.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (5 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Meet up with the pirate at the repair outpost. Follow his instructions and then report back to your agent. You will receive a message text in your chat channel once you warp into the area.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 54 minutes.


支給品:レジスト装備(Calの場合Civilian Kinetic Deflection Field,Galの場合Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field)
報酬:タンクスキル本(Cal、Galの場合Shield Management)


Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (6 of 10)

Mission briefing
We managed to track Tahamar down to a small pirate outpost in a nearby system. It's time to draw that pest out. Destroy the outpost, and with any luck you'll get Tahamar as well, effectively killing two flies in one swing.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (6 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Destroy Tahamar's Outpost. You will find it in the final room of the complex.

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours and 2 minutes.


報酬: 1limited Ocular Fitter


Looks like the next acceleration gate is guarded. You'll have to take care of the guards before you can get through.




Looks like you found the pirate outpost. Your instructions were to destroy it. I would recommend leaving the loot in the wreck after you obliterate the structure, you would not want to be caught trying to jump between systems with contraband in your cargo-hold. The local security forces do not look kindly upon such activity.


Message > The pirate base has deployed sentry guns!



Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (7 of 10)

Mission briefing
I’m afraid Tahamar wasn’t in that outpost you destroyed. And not only did he escape your attack, but now he's retaliated against the State. He lost his ship in the outpost destruction, so he hijacked a navy ship and murdered the crew, replacing it with his own men, and is now wreaking havoc with his armada in this constellation. I want you to head out there and destroy as many of those bloodthirsty scum as you can. I can't promise you'll find Tahamar himself, but if you do, be careful.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (7 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Destroy the pirates at the convoy ambush site. If you get low on hit-points, simply warp out and regenerate, then warp back in.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 58 minutes.


支給品:Small Armor Repair I


Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (8 of 10)

Mission briefing
Envoys from Hyasyoda Corporation approached your agent to ask for safe passage to a nearby location. Pick them up from their quarters at the bookmark provided, and take them from there to the indicated destination.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Fly to the hotel your agent mentioned, and retrieve the VIPs. If something is amiss, then report back to your agent with the details.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 1 hour and 24 minutes.


支給品:Weapon Upgrade スキル本
報酬: Overdrive Injector System I 2つ


Ship Computer

I detect no life signs within the habitation module and the communication services in the adjacent security towers seems to be down. I suggest approaching Hotel Kim to have a better look. Its hull appears to be damaged, a cloud of radioactive gas is flowing through the cracks and filling the void surrounding the structure. The corpses floating around the Inn are most likely of people who were ejected through the airlock

Make sure you have Large Collidable Structure (under the Entity group) selected in the overview settings, so you can easily find the structure I pointed out.

Overview settings→Filterタブ→Typesタブ内のEntityグループの中にある「Large Collidable Structure」にチェックを入れれば、このミッションの目標物をオーバービューに表示させることが出来ます。

建造物(Calderi=Hotel KIM、Gallente=La Fieur Inn、Amarr=Omar`s Stop)に接近

Message > Ship Computer: It's a trap! A smartbomb notched into the hull of La Fleur Inn sent out a blastwave that has damaged your ship. You should leave this area immediately.
Message > The mission has been completed. Report back to your agent.
Message > Pirate ships have appeared from the shadows.


ダメージを受ける前に、建造物(Hotel KIM と塔二つ)を破壊した結果、ミッションが進まなくなりました。

建造物を3回壊して、Exotic Dancers、Marines、Touristsがそれぞれ 10 出ました。

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (9 of 10)

Mission briefing
Make your way to the narcotics warehouse pointed out to you by your agent, and be ready for a fight; scouts have reported some hostiles on patrol there. Once you find the warehouse, destroy it and get out safely.

This mission expires in 7 days.

Cash Flow for Capsuleers (9 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Destroy the narcotics warehouse and report back to your agent.

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 56 minutes.


報酬:Stasis Webifier I




Cash Flow for Capsuleers (カプセラの支払い履歴) (10 of 10)

Mission briefing
Follow the coordinates from your agent to catch Tahamar once and for all. Note that he is heavily guarded by his cohorts, so you'll likely need to fight your way through a few of them before getting to him.

If you’re heavily into armor damage, warp out immediately. Then either dock at a nearby station and pay the repair shop there to fix your ship or, while undocked, use an armor repairer until you're ready to get back in the fight. Better safe than to have to pay for a new ship and fittings.

This mission expires in 7 days.

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.
Cash Flow for Capsuleers (10 of 10) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Find Tahamar and take him out, once and for all.

Granted Items
The following item will be granted to you when the mission is accepted

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 4 hours and 16 minutes.

Additional Information
You’ve done well (キャラ名). I think you may be ready for greater challenges.

I’ve heard of someone who is seeking the help of dependable capsuleers like yourself. Her name is Sister Alitura, she works for the Servant Sisters of Eve quite a way from here, over at Arnon IX - Servant Sisters of EVE. I recommended another capsuleer to her a while ago and I’ve not heard back from them since, so I wouldn’t expect the work ahead to be easy. Still, if you’re interested, it sounds like she might have plenty of work to keep you busy.

If you do decide to go meet her, make sure to double check that your autopilot settings are plotting the safest route to Arnon.If your autopilot is set to “fastest route” it may plot a course through low-security space. I’d advise against taking that journey so early in your career; safety over speed.


報酬:Sharpshooter スキル本



Ship Computer
I have located your target in this area. He is not in fact inside the stolen Navy ship. I detect his life signs inside the stasis webifier tower attached to his outpost. It is currently causing a major slowdown in our velocity.

Stasis Tower*1(webi)、敵3。
ダメージが耐え切れるレベルになったらStasis Tower破壊でいい(最後でもいいかも)。
Stasis Towerを破壊すると、ThamarがCapsuleで出現。Capsule破壊でクリア。


  • ガレンテでプレイしたらMilitaryの10番目のミッションクリア後arnonのsister of EVE 社のエージェントに会いに行けとか言われたがアレはなんだろう? -- 2010-04-25 (日) 09:28:06
  • 超訳を追加。 -- 2010-07-14 (水) 00:02:34
  • 最後のミッション、Wolfを探しにDuripantに行けって言われて行ったのに何もないです... -- 2011-04-08 (金) 20:48:28
  • GALLENTEで10番目の支給はTristanでした -- ゲスト? 2011-05-25 (水) 02:43:14
  • GALLENTEで10番目の支給はTristanでした -- ゲスト? 2011-05-25 (水) 02:43:42
  • 英語赤点星系の人の為に超訳追加してくだしあ -- 2011-09-24 (土) 07:18:11
  • Cash Flow for Capsuleers (3 of 10)のときにオーラからwebを買いましょうといわれますが 買わなくても進めます(CAL) -- 2012-03-11 (日) 18:56:37
  • 4番目のクエで、ミッション目的をクリアする前にゲートを壊してしまったんですが、どうしたらいいのでしょうか -- 2012-03-31 (土) 15:24:25
  • ゲートはメンテナンスで復活しますのでまた行ってみてください。 -- 2012-06-05 (火) 07:28:05
  • 偶然かもしれませんが、6/9番目の禁輸品はドロップせず、ワクチンや土がドロップしました -- 2012-11-01 (木) 18:06:48
  • 6 of 10ではミッション報告前にかなりの鉱石が掘れますが、ミッションを受ける場所によってはNPC海賊が新たに沸くのでご注意を。 -- 2013-03-01 (金) 17:07:01
  • 5 of 10。CalでCivilian Kinetic Deflection Fieldでした。相手がガリスタだからかもしれません。 -- 2013-03-18 (月) 18:23:00
  • そう言えば、麻薬等の規制が無くなったので堂々と持ち帰ることが出来る。 -- 2016-11-25 (金) 02:23:01