
Last-modified: 2024-07-05 (金) 16:17:58

Q and A

  • Luxiem & Noctyx × ANIME IMPULSE 2024


    • 開幕
      • Alban KnoxAre you hosting a panel all by yourself? Nah I'm with my boys!!
    • Q1: Goals for 2024?
      • Ike EvelandFix sleep schedule.
      • Luca Kaneshiro3D.
      • Vox AkumaRelease more music.
      • Shu YaminoGrow a little (stream and height). -stretch model-
        Alban KnoxGet him away from me!
      • Alban KnoxBuild more consistency with everything I do.
      • Fulgur OvidWorld domination, have a nice nap with a grilled cheese sandwich.
      • Uki VioletaLive and eat food, release more music.
      • Sonny BriskoMore good times with everyone this year and do more music.
    • Q2: If you could take all members of Noctyx and Luxiem to anywhere in the world where would you go?
      • Ike EvelandState penitentiary.
      • Luca KaneshiroGo snowboarding or skiing.
      • Vox AkumaSlumber party at my place, hang out and play video games.
      • Shu YaminoRent a streamer house for a week, and hire someone to clean.
      • Sonny BriskoCamping on a mountain in a log cabin... everyone sleeping in the cabin on a snowy mountain, late at night, its locked so there is no way anyone can get out.
        Luca KaneshiroIt would be better if there was a zombie apocalypse.
      • Uki VioletaTake everyone to culinary boot camp.
    • Q3: If you have a time machine, would you go back to the time you were in, or would you go to another time period, or stay and not go anywhere?
      • Ike EvelandI will stay, this place is my home, also Miku is here.
      • Luca KaneshiroI have a dream to go to 2200.
      • Shu YaminoI want to travel 3 seconds into the future.
      • Alban KnoxI will stay here with everyone.
      • Uki VioletaThe time we came from sucked, I'm going to stay here.
      • Sonny BriskoI will go even further in the future to see what happens.
    • Q4: If everyone was stuck on a deserted island, who would you eat first?
      • Ike EvelandIf we're talking will to live, I would have to go first.
      • Alban KnoxCan Vox regenerate?.
        Vox AkumaI can but at the cost of a human soul.
      • Fulgur OvidKill Vox, eat Vox, kill Ike, sacrifice Ike to bring back Vox and eat Vox again.
      • Luca KaneshiroEat me!.
      • Shu YaminoDo you guys like pancakes?
        Sonny BriskoIf you guys eat me, you get the pancakes too (Pancakes asset on Sonny's head).
      • Alban KnoxGroup consensus, we eat Sonny.
        Sonny BriskoNo, we're eating Ike.
        Fulgur OvidOk, we eat Ike and then Sonny.
      • Shu YaminoWhy don't we just eat Luca, since he keeps adamantly saying it.
        Alban KnoxI know what his plan is, if we eat him, we will all start saying pog pog pog.
      • Luca KaneshiroI know how to fish, I live in Australia.

      All: ok let's eat Luca

    • Q5: Other than Ike, who is the person most likely to end up in jail?
      • Luca KaneshiroI feel like I would do something really dumb and be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
      • Shu YaminoI feel like there will be a slight chance Sonny will just go to jail for fun.
        Uki VioletaHe's the one putting people in jail.
        Shu YaminoExactly, after he put people in jail, he will be like oh jail sounds fun.
      • Alban KnoxI will say it's Luca 100%.
      • Sonny BriskoI think it would be Luca Kaneshiro to be arrested first because he is too michievious, commiting too much crimes.
    • Q6: Power wise, who is the strongest LuxNoc boy?
      • Luca KaneshiroNot me.
      • Ike Eveland-dissappearing off screen-
      • Sonny BriskoFist fight me in real life.
      • Fulgur OvidI will beat your ass.
      • Alban KnoxI'm against violence.
      • Shu YaminoVox has a huge debuff, if he is playing Runescape, he is wide open.
        Vox AkumaThat's true, if I'm playing Runescape, he gets the drop on me, I'm done for.
      • Uki VioletaIt would be a purple war.
      • Shu YaminoI do want to let you all know, I survived a flaming poop.
      • Fulgur OvidThe only answer to this is to have a NijiEN death match.
        Uki VioletaThe answer is we don't have an answer.
    • Q7: What is one thing about yourself that even you are surprised about?
      • Ike EvelandI'm surprised how not difficult it is to talk to yourself.
      • Luca KaneshiroI'm streaming on a daily basis, there was a time where it wasn't a sustainable thing.
      • Vox AkumaHow much I've grown but can still grow so much more, just have to keep going.
      • Shu YaminoHow long some of y'all stuck around.
      • Alban KnoxHow being in the position I'm in right now as a liver, made me more ambitious in the things that I do.
      • Fulgur Ovid2.5 raccoons.
      • Uki VioletaI'm a lot more patient than I thought I was, and maybe I'm not so bad.
      • Sonny BriskoSuprised that people would find me likeable enough to see past my faults and stick with me. Thank you for being so patient and I love you all.
    • Q7: Can you describe your fans in 3 words?
      • Sonny BriskoCute, funny, scary.
      • Uki VioletaSoft little bitches.
      • Fulgur OvidSweet, spicy, delicious.
      • Alban KnoxThere's no rizz or No pay check.
      • Shu YaminoDiverse, progressive, fun.
      • Vox AkumaForgiving, sexy, daring.
      • Luca KaneshiroThe letters P, O, G.
      • Ike EvelandCute, fluffy, gullible.
    • 閉幕
      • Shu YaminoGGs!!
      • Ike EvelandHopconcert hype!
      • Uki VioletaThank you!
      • Shu YaminoThank you everybody!!
      • Sonny BriskoBye bye bye!
      • Alban KnoxYayyyy!!!
      • Luca Kaneshiro& Vox Akuma GO GO GO!