
Last-modified: 2009-05-02 (土) 12:08:37

Copyright © CCP 1997-2009


The Greatest Joke


- Sit down, please.



He's sitting on his bed, head in hands. All bravado has gone out of him. His hands, now rubbing his eyes, don't feel like they belong to him anymore. They feel like ghosts, attached to him by some strange mechanism he has no control over.




He doesn't want to look up, because he'll see the pictures on the walls – of loved ones lost, of glories past – and he will remember how alone he is. There's a certificate there, too, somewhere, for working in deep-space environments. He worked as a miner on asteroids, an incredibly dangerous task that paid well. The men in his family worked in the same way, and most of them have died. He's the last one, of the men, of the family, of everything. And soon, he’ll be gone as well.




And yet ... and yet he knows that it doesn't matter, if he'll only allow his grief to fall away like the old skin it is. He doesn't want to take his mind off it, because that'll only mean he's running away. Instead, he focuses; he gazes inward with a burning stare, willing himself to look his fate directly in the eye. He doesn't blink. He doesn't blink.




After a while, he feels something give way under the force of his stare, and his mood shifts from victimization to purpose. He accepts the joke of life. He feels the sorrow lift from him. He begins to feel that nothing is impossible.




He starts browsing through pamphlets.




Instant response to most of them is to toss them in the garbage. There's nothing they can do for him that'll change things, nothing they can tell him that he doesn't already know.




When he gets to the card from the Sisters, he almost throws it away like everything else. Then he notices what the card actually says.


The Sistersのカ-ドを手に取った時も他のものと同じようにごみ箱に投げ捨てようとしたが、その直前に表面に書いてある文章が目に留まる。


The card has a phone number, and below that, the line, "This is not what you think."




He frowns, and calls the number. When a voice answers, it asks him how he got the contact info.




He's silent for a little while. The voice waits patiently. Then he starts telling it who he is and what has happened.





The voice came from a TV box. There was an avatar on the screen: his AI doctor. You didn't get a human doctor unless you were a pilot, or willing to pay an exorbitant fee.




- We've received the results of the blood test, the voice said. The avatar moved its lips in sync with the words, and didn't smile. That's when he knew it was serious.


-我々はあなたの血液検査の結果を受け取りました。 架空の医者は言葉に合わせて唇を動かしていたが、笑顔は無かった。状況が深刻な時、この医者はあんな顔をする。



He meets the Sister at a café. Over a cup of tea, she makes him an offer.


彼はカフェでThe sisterと待ち合わせていた。湯気を立てる紅茶越しに、女性は彼にある事を申し出てきた。


"The doctors are reliable," she says, stirring the tea with a spoon that she then sets aside. "They only give that card to people whose entire profiles - psych, medical, economy, everything - match what we're looking for. So we know you're right for us."


“あのお医者様は信頼出来る方々です。” 彼女はそう言いながらスプ-ンで紅茶をかき交ぜ、飲まずに横に動かす。 “あのカ-ドは私たちが探している人物の素質-精神的、医療的、経済的等すべてにおいて適合する人にしか送られないものです。つまり、あなたは私たちがまさに探していた人物、と言う事ですわ。”


"And now I need to know whether you're right for me," he replies, and sips his coffee.


“そうかい。願わくば、あんた達が俺に必要な人物だと良いんだがな。” 彼はそう答え、コ-ヒ-を一口すする。


"Precisely," she says, and pulls out some boxes from her bag. They're each the size of a fist, identical, made of marble. "What I'm about to tell you might sound incredible," she continues, "but you'll need to take a lot of things on faith from now on. There are forces in this universe. Some of them good, some evil. Occult, even. And one of those forces, an evil one, is attempting to disrupt various spiritual lines, to influence the world in various ways. The Sisters have set up a task force to uproot it."


“まさにその通りですわ。” 彼女はカバンからいくつかの箱を引っ張り出し、言った。その箱は手の平ほどの大きさで、すべてがまったく同一の大理石で作られていた。”今から話す事はあなたにとって少々荒唐無稽かもしれません。ですが、今から起こる多くの事をあなたは信じなければいけません。まず、この宇宙には’力’が存在すること。勿論良い力もあれば悪い力もある、いわゆる超自然的なものです。そして悪の’力’の一つが、この世界に様々な影響を与える神聖な流脈を崩壊させようと試みているのです。そして我々 The Sistersは特殊部隊を立ち上げ、その問題に対処しようとしています。”


He stares her directly in the eye. "I don't believe you," he says. "Actually, I think you're crazy, and those boxes probably contain the eyeballs of your past victims or something."


彼はまっすぐに彼女の目を見ながら言った。 “馬鹿馬鹿しい、とても信じられんな。俺にはあんたの気が狂ったように思えるぜ。どうせその箱の中にはかつてあんたに殺された犠牲者達の目玉でも入っているとか言いだすんだろう?”


She suppresses a grin and orders the boxes in front of him, three in a line. "Pick one."




He does. She opens it. The box contains a small marble, purple and opaque. The instant he sees it, he's flooded with a sense of well-being. Worries melt away, acceptance and joy light up inside of him, and the future, bleak as it is, seems like the best thing that could happen to him.


彼は考えずに一つを指差し、彼女がその箱を開くと中には暗い紫色をした大理石のかけらが入っていた。 それを見た瞬間、彼の感情が突然高揚し始める。すべての不安は消え失せ、自信が溢れ出て、希望のかけらもなかった未来がまるでバラ色に染まり、最高の幸福が彼の上に降り注ぐのは間違いないかのように感じられた。


She closes the box, and the feeling fades away. She opens the other two boxes; they're empty.




"Very few people respond," she says. "But I saw that you did. You're attuned to them, which means you can find them."




"What do you want me to do?" he asks.




"Look away," she says. He does, and hears her re-order the boxes. Eventually he looks back, points at one box, and it contains the marble. They do this several times, and he always picks the right box. Every time it's opened, it makes him feel alive and happy. Yet when it's closed he doesn't need more; he's content with that brief glimpse. He mentions this to the Sister, and she nods, clearly pleased.


“少し別の処を見ていてください。” そう彼女が言ったので彼はそれに従った。どうやら箱を並べ替えたようだ。目線を戻すとすぐさま箱の一つを指差し、やはりその中にはその大理石が入っていた。何度繰り返してもやはり彼は正しい箱を選び、そして箱を開くたびにあの快感が彼の心を満たした。もはやそれが閉じていようと居まいと、一瞥するだけで分かってしまう。*1 彼はそう彼女に言うと、彼女は満足そうに頷いた。


"I don't know what you saw," she says, "because it's different for everyone. I see snowflakes, gently drifting about inside the boxes. Other people see colours, and others can only tell by feel. Your mind picks whatever you can handle.




"I want you to leave your life," she says. "Come with us. Help put things right. There aren't many people who can do what we're asking you to do."


“結論を言います。私たちはあなたに、今の人生のすべてを捨てて欲しいと思っています。” 彼女は真剣な目で言った。”私たちと一緒に来て下さい。そして様々な歪みを正すのです。あなたはその為に選ばれた、特別な人間なのです。”


He's still not sure. Then again, he thinks, what does he have to lose?



- The results are not good. I'm sorry, the AI said.


-結果は良くありません。とても残念です。 そのAI医師は言った。


He knew it wasn't sorry, that it was a liar. But he'd known that for a while now, and he accepted its preprogrammed response as a small comfort.





He's aboard the Sisters' ship. They're in high sec space, scanning for something. He's started to feel the pangs of impatience but he pushes them down. It's true that he doesn't have any time to waste, but all that means is that a second spent on aggravation is a second wasted. He looks around, tries to take everything in as if for the first time. The metal walls and railings, the lights in the ceiling, the muted greys and greens worn by people around him. It's all rather low-key and subdued, and yet it's perfect, if only because it is.
There's a shout, and the crew erupts in cheers. They've found a marker.


彼は今、The Sisters所属の船内に居た。彼らは比較的安全な宙域で何かを探している。焦りがつのり、煩悶する心を押さえる。彼には無駄にする時間があまり残っていないのは事実だが、むしゃくしゃしながら過ごす時間はそれ以上に無駄なのだ。周囲を見回し、初めて乗り込んだ時のような気分と保とうと試みた。金属製の壁とレ-ル、天井から延びる光、周囲の無言の人々の着る古びた灰色と緑の服。全てが控えめに抑制されていたが、同時に完璧だった。そう、完璧なのだ。*2



He sat there stunned as the AI told him he had somewhere between six and eighteen standard months to live. It was nothing they could prevent; at some point the brain would simply stop sending the commands for lungs to inflate and heart to contract. His mind would decide it was time to stop. There had been some limited experiments with automatic equipment, a type of pacemaker, but in order for it to work he couldn't exert himself under any circumstance, nor meditate or relax. Never drink, never do anything that might cause any sort of deviation from the norm. Never watch movies, never fall in love. Nothing.




-It's a choice between living and dying, the AI said, and he understood.


- これは生きるか死ぬかの選択です。 そうAI医師は言った。まさにその通りなのだ。



The ship destroys every pirate it finds at the location, and its sensors pick up a trail. The Sister in charge, the same one who recruited him, is very pleased. "It's not always that we find it," she says, "and even then, we have no idea whether it'll lead us to the right spot."
They move on.


艦は周囲で発見した海賊船の全てを撃沈し、識別信号を辿ってゆく。今回の作戦でのThe Sisterの責任者であり、そして彼を採用した女性は満足げな顔を浮かべて言った。”これは簡単に見つけられるものではないのよ。そしてこれを辿ったとしても、はたして目的の物に辿り着くかどうかは分からない。”



- There is a chance you might live longer. The six to eighteen months is a mean time; there is nothing except the basic laws of probability that says you couldn't live a full life.




He thought about this.


- So I might die in ten years? he asked.




- Yes.




- Or I might die tomorrow, he said.




- Yes.




The AI watched him for a moment, then said, but chances are it will be within a year and a half.


“ですが…”AI医師は少し間をおき言った。 “おそらくは一年半以内には…”


He didn't ask how many had lived past that. He didn't want to know.





They've been through two more encounters. At least they've been lucky enough to find trails leading them deeper in. The Sister told him that sometimes the trail would grow cold and they'd have to go back to square one.


艦は海賊からの三度目の襲撃を受けていた。だが幸運な事に識別信号は途切れる事なく彼らをさらに宇宙の深部へと誘っている。The Sisterは彼に、以前の探索では途中で信号が途切れてしまい、撤退せざるをえない事があった事を話していた。


They're chatting busily while strapped into their seats, waiting for the pilot to finish off the last pirate. Remaining unfettered in the middle of combat is just asking for a broken neck. The crew members to either side of him are arguing about whether this is the second or third encounter, one claiming that the first one shouldn't count, the other that it should. It's an utterly pointless argument, and he understands it so well. Anything to keep their minds off the fact that they could die at any moment, either burned to a crisp or flash-frozen in space, their eyes bursting out of their heads.




There is a resounding boom as the last pirate is blown to shreds, then silence.




Speakers crackle. "This is it, folks. We've found the trail again, and this time it looks like the mother lode."




With bated breaths, they course toward their fate.





And then, with no forewarning, he started to laugh.




The AI was flummoxed.




- Do you need me to turn off for a moment?




- No, he said, still laughing.


-いいや、大丈夫だよ。 彼は笑いながら言う。


He knew it wasn't shock, at least not completely. It was acceptance, and it had hit him like a hammer.




- Everything is clear now, he said. All the rules have been changed. The grand joke has come to its punchline at last.




The AI remained silent, though he didn't know if it was out of respect for the dead, or merely because it had no routines to deal with this sort of reaction.




- Everything is clear, he repeated. I only had one relative, you know.


-すべて分かったんだ。 俺にはたった一人の親類しかいなかった事は知ってるな?


- I know, said the AI.




- My grandmother. She died last year. I always admired her strength, her will to live in the moment, the simplicity she saw in things. I always tried to pare down my life to match that, cutting away the complexities. But that's just not something you can do. You can't ignore everything and force yourself to think simple.




He was babbling now, but he couldn't imagine stopping.




- True simplicity and purity of purpose comes only when you've faced all the complexities, and lived through them long enough – and deep enough – that you come through them, as if breaking through a barrier, and right out the other side.




- And you've broken through a barrier? the AI asked.




- I have now. You achieve simplicity not by keeping complexity away, but by embracing it, gladly giving yourself over to the torrents of life, and, laughing, realizing that it's all insignificant and that it holds no power over you, that life is one big joke with our death as the punchline and that no matter whether you find the joke funny or not it'll still be spoken right to the end, and that is the heart of humour and joy.




He stopped, almost gasping for breath. The AI stared at him.




- Would you like some pamphlets? it said at last.


-何かパンフレットはいかがですか? そしてようやく口を開いたと思ったらそんな事を言った。



"Deploy! Deploy! Go, go, go!"




They pour out, like blood spurting from a wound. Drones whizz past them in a battle frenzy. The pilot is keeping the pirates busy, keeping all attention focused on him.




They were all hand-picked by Sisters operatives. Every one of them immediately zeroes in on the same broken-down husk. It looks the same as the myriad other wrecks floating about, but they know better.


出発したメンバ-はみなThe Sisterの専門家によって選抜された精鋭だ。全員が古ぼけた残骸を目標に設定する。見た目は無数に浮かぶゴミと一緒だが、中に秘められた物の重要性は皆がよく理解していた。


He's the first to reach it. It wouldn't show up on any scanner, that much is certain. It's a spherical thing, purple and opaque like the marble he saw, and surprisingly inert. Even when it's unconnected to anything, it doesn't seem to want to move. It takes three of them to pry it loose, and when they do, it feels like taking a splinter out of bare skin, like removing a thorn from the Lord's eye.




The sphere calls to him, but the happiness it promises is laced with confusion, and he senses undercurrents of doubt and madness. He ignores its call the best he can, and focuses on getting the thing back to the ship. The Sisters have told him that the sphere will be purified.


球体は彼に話しかけてきた。だがそれの約束する幸福は混乱を孕み、疑惑と狂気が根底にあるのを彼は感じていた。その呼びかけを無視しながら、それを船へと持ち帰る事だけに集中する。The Sisterは彼に、その球体は純化させられると言っていた。


Instinctively, he knows that the item's placement here was intended to call hapless travelers, make this place into a death trap. But there's more at play than that. It feels like they've stumbled onto a dark tapestry, and managed to cut away one of the threads.




He looks at his hands. They're shaking from the strain of removing the sphere. And they feel a part of him now.




Inside his suit, he smiles.





He accepted the pamphlets with good grace, got up, and walked quietly out of the office, heading towards his life.





*1 ・・・不安なので変だったら修正お願いします
*2 何がPerfectなのか…。Muted Greys and greensが、物の色なのか、人物の様子なのか、何なのか・・・修正お願いします:S
*3 後半の部分が正しいか不安です。修正お願いします。
*4 …よくわかりません。修正お願いします
*5 それっぽく修正。KOPPEさん感謝!