
Last-modified: 2018-05-30 (水) 14:26:55

[GM #130] Ashen Crucible 2017/12/04


Grim Misdaventures is here!

Grim Misadventure はこちら!

It’s been a busy month for Grim Dawn. Ashes of Malmouth saw its first major update with v1.0.3.0. This patch made significant improvements to controller support and casting mechanics and a whole sleuth of tuning changes and bug fixes. We followed that up with two hotfixes that that addressed various reported issues. Next in line is the v1.0.4.0 Crucible update!

Grim Dawn にとって、忙しい一ヶ月でした。まず、AoM の最初のメジャーアップデートが V1.0.3.0 としてお目見え。
次は、V1.0.4.0 のクルーシブル・アップデートです!

With this major patch, along with the next balancing pass on Grim Dawn’s expansion, the Crucible DLC will be receiving an upgrade. Parts of it will apply even if you do not own the Ashes of Malmouth expansion.

AoM を所持していない方でも、その一部は適用されます。

First up, and this treat goes out to everybody that’s purchased the Crucible DLC, we are introducing two brand new arenas for you to duke it out with the monsters of Cairn: The Crucible of the Void and the Crucible of the Legion!

"Crucible of the Void" (虚無の坩堝) と、 "Crucible of the Legion" (軍隊の坩堝) だ!

Crucible of the Void 虚無の坩堝

Not even the most forsaken depths of the void are off limits to the Master of the Crucible’s machinations. Within the realm of the dead god, Lokarr tests aspirants against the horrors of his arena.

Crucible of the Void 1

Will you succumb to the maddening aura within the void realm, or will Lokarr’s creatures get you first?

Crucible of the Void 2

Crucible of the Legion 軍隊の坩堝

This was once a proud fortress of the Black Legion. Now it stands abandoned, slowly consumed by time. Its small contingent of troops was forced to retreat when an overwhelming enemy force approached from the West, forsaking a valuable trade route. The former commander of this fortress, who made the decision in order to spare his troops a certain death, was later hanged for disobeying orders and sacrificing a valuable coastal trade route to the enemy.

ここはかつて、ブラック リージョンの誇るべき要塞でした。 今では放棄され、時とともに風化していきます。
Crucible of the Legion 1

That same stronghold now serves as the final resting place of hundreds of aspiring gladiators that succumbed to Lokarr’s whims.

その要塞は今、ローカーの気まぐれに屈した多くの勇敢な剣闘士の、最後の安息所 (≒墓場) として機能します。
Crucible of the Legion 2

Will you be just another casualty joining their ranks? Or will you prevail?

あなたは犠牲となり、これらに加わるでしょうか? それとも、征服し得るでしょうか?

An Infrequent Concern 固有品について; 重要

Kind of a small note, but worth mentioning nonetheless…while working on updating the Crucible, we discovered a discrepancy in the Monster Infrequent tables specific to the Crucible itself. Due to the way the loot tables were set up, there was a higher than intended chance of getting lower level versions of various Monster Infrequents in the Crucible. With the upcoming patch, we will be addressing this issue and Monster Infrequent Crucible loot tables will behave as they do in the Main Campaign.


This was not as big an issue in the base game, but was exacerbated with the release of Ashes of Malmouth. However, the fix will address them both.

ベースゲームではそれほどの問題ではありませんでしたが、AoM のリリースによって悪化しました。

Infrequently New 固有品について; 新種

Alongside the Crucible changes, we also have a little treat on the way to the Main Campaign in the form of two new Monster Infrequents. I’ll let you figure out where they come from, though here’s one hint: one of these is coming to the base game and the other is exclusive to Ashes of Malmouth!


New Monster Infrequent 1 New Monster Infrequent 2

Ashes Coming to the Crucible 坩堝に灰は舞う

The following changes apply only if you own both the Crucible DLC and the Ashes of Malmouth expansion.


With the release of Ashes of Malmouth, a whole slew of new foes was introduced to the game. However, champions of the Crucible did not have an opportunity to face off against them. This will change with patch v1.0.4.0!

V1.0.4.0 で変更されます!

Starting with Wave 42, you will start to see Ashes of Malmouth-exclusive enemies spawning within the Crucible. Their frequency will increase as you reach the greatest challenges in Lokarr’s arena.


Finally, when you conquer Wave 150, Lokarr will give you a choice: collect your well-earned reward…or keep going!

最終的にウェーブ150を征服したとき、ローカーは選択を与えるでしょう: 報酬を得るか… 次に進むか!

With v1.0.4.0, the Crucible DLC is receiving 20 additional waves, exclusively for owners of Ashes of Malmouth. Face off against legions of expansion enemies mixed in with some familiar base game opponents. Show the mighty Kubacabra who’s boss. Crush a force of Aetherial Colossi charging alongside their Chthonian Servitor host.

V1.0.4.0 のクルーシブルDLCでは 20 の追加ウェーブを用意し、これはAoM所持者限定です。
クバカブラの力強さを見よ。 クトーニアン サービターと共に闊歩するイセリアル コロッサスを打ち砕け。
Ashen Crucible

Will you prevail against the greatest challenges the Crucible has ever seen? You’ll find out posthaste.


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. We’ll be hailing in the new year on 01/08/2018 and looking back at the all the stuff that’s been added to Grim Dawn over the previous year, and maybe a little bit of what’s next!

Grim Misadventure は拡張サポートとアップデートのため、更新頻度を縮小しています。
次回は新年の2018年1月8日にお届けし、Grim Dawn の一年を振り返るとともに、もう少し "次" をお伝えします!

[GM #129] Ashen Forecast 2017/11/06


Grim Misadventures is back!

Grim Misadventure のお帰りだ!

Ashes of Malmouth, our massive expansion to Grim Dawn, has been out in public for nearly a month now. The reviews are in, and you all sure seem to be enjoying yourselves! AoM is currently sitting at 90% on Steam and 5/5 stars on GoG.

Grim Dawn の大規模拡張である Ashes of Malmouth が、およそ1ヶ月前に公開されました。
AoMは現在 Steam で 90%、GoG で 5/5 星を獲得しています。

Now that you’ve had some time to explore all the new places and fight all the new bosses, I imagine you’re starting to feel that itch for what’s coming up next, and we don’t intend to disappoint.


Here is a look at some of what’s in store for you as we continue to support Ashes of Malmouth post-release:

AoM リリース後のサポートとして何が来るかをお見せしましょう:


The next large update is actually nearly here. It’s already in testing and is expected to go live in the next two weeks. This patch will address many reported issues, whether that’s concerning loot, questing, items or otherwise. It will also bring with it some overall balance adjustments and improvements to the new Components introduced in Ashes of Malmouth.

次の大規模アップデートはすぐそこです。 既にテスト中で、2週間以内に実装されるでしょう。
また、AoM で導入された新コンポーネントのバランス調整と改善も行われる予定です。

But that’s not all. We can’t just have a big patch and call it a day at some bug fixes and balance changes. That is simply not how we roll. V1.0.3.0 is highlighted by two major features: improved casting behavior and enhanced controller support.

しかしそれだけではありません。 いくらかのバグ修正やバランス変更だけでは、大規模パッチとは言えないでしょう。
V1.0.3.0 は 2つ の新機能に着目します: 詠唱動作の改善と、コントローラサポートの拡張です。

What this means to you is that the casting behavior of all skills will be updated to be much more responsive. Casting a skill will make the character cast it immediately in the targeted direction rather than forcing the character to run up to the skill’s casting distance.


As an example, let’s say you try to cast the Arcanist’s Callidor’s Tempest. Currently, if you point the cursor far away from your character, your character would run up to the minimum distance that ability can be cast and then actually cast the skill. With the V1.0.3.0 improvements, it won’t matter where your cursor is on the screen. Callidor’s Tempest will cast immediately without any additional movement. A major improvement!

これが V1.0.3.0 の改善では、カーソルがどこにあるかは関係なくなります。
キャリドアのテンペストは、その他の余計な移動を行わなくなります。 大きな改善です!

The other feature, which actually made the above possible, is to dramatically improve Grim Dawn’s functionality with a controller. This means much better controller configuration and custom UI elements catered specifically to the controller (note: active only while you have a controller enabled on your PC).

上記を可能にするもう一つの機能として、Grim Dawn のコントローラ機能を劇的に改善します。
これはコントローラ向けに特化した、設定とカスタムUIが提供されるということです。 (注: PCでコントローラが有効な間だけ機能します)
New Controller UI

This is another major step towards getting Grim Dawn onto the Xbox, and the PC version benefits in the process!

これは Grim Dawn を Xbox に登場させるための一歩であり、そしてPC版への利益でもあります!


Coming up fairly quickly after V1.0.3.0 is in your hands, this patch will be focused on upgrading the Crucible.

V1.0.3.0 から早くに登場するパッチは、クルーシブルのアップグレードに焦点を当てています。

First up, we are introducing not one, but two new arenas for your combat pleasure. These will be available to all players who own the Crucible DLC, whether you have Ashes of Malmouth or not. A little peek at one of the upcoming arenas:

始めに、戦う喜びのために 1つ ではなく、 2つ の新しいアリーナが用意されます。
これらはクルーシブルDLCを所持しているプレイヤーすべてに提供され、AoM の所持に関係ありません。
Crucible of the Void

The other change, a much bigger endeavor, is not only going to incorporate Ashes of Malmouth enemies into the Crucible, but also extend the difficulty with the introduction of additional waves. We have not yet finalized how many new waves we will be adding, but you will have ever greater challenges to crush, and more loot to gather. The addition of Ashes of Malmouth enemies will be focused primarily on these additional waves, though we will sprinkle in a few encounters in waves 1-150 as well.

もう一つの変更は大きな努力、AoM の敵をクルーシブルに登場させるだけでなく、追加ウェーブによって難易度を拡張します。
この AoM の敵追加は、追加ウェーブに主に行われますが、1-150 でもいくらか登場するでしょう。

And don’t worry about certain Arcane heroes and Nemesis encounters. As with Loxmere before them, they will be adjusted accordingly for the Crucible.

アルケイン (バフ消し) のヒーローやネメシスとの遭遇は、心配ご無用。

As the new waves will include expansion-only enemies, this feature will be exclusive for owners of Ashes of Malmouth and the Crucible DLC.

新ウェーブは拡張専用の敵が含まれるため、この機能は AoM+クルーシブル 所持者限定となります。


There are many things in store for you after V1.0.3.0 and V1.0.4.0, and sharp eyes will notice that I haven’t even mentioned the new Roguelike Dungeon yet.

V1.0.3.0 および V1.0.4.0 の後にも色々有り、鋭い眼差しはまだ新しいローグライク・ダンジョンのお知らせをしていないことに気付くでしょう。

The upcoming dungeon will introduce you to Mogdrogen’s personal haven within the world of Cairn; or it was the beast god’s haven until the corrupting presence of the Aetherials and the Chthonians took root within the Ancient Grove.

登場予定のダンジョンは、ケアンにおけるモグドロゲンの地; 古代の森は、イセリアルやクトーニアンが侵すまでは、獣神の安息地だった場所です。
Beast Rogue-Like Dungeon

When its gates are opened to you in early 2018, you will face off against once majestic beasts of the wild, forever tainted beyond redemption by the invaders of Cairn. With a heavy heart, Mogdrogen will implore you to enter his domain and bring an end to the corruption. You will be tasked with ending the existence of a guardian as old as the bog itself, the Heart of the Wild, the grove’s Keeper. The ceaseless vigil of Mogdrogen’s mightiest creation will finally come to an end.

2018年初頭 にその門が開かれると、ケアンの侵略者によって汚染された強大な野性の獣が襲い掛かってくることでしょう。
あなたがやることは沼地そのものとも言える、森の守護者 ハート オブ ザ ワイルド (野生の心) の存在を終わらせることです。
the Heart of the Wild

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Grim Misadventures are posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion and its upcoming content updates. Check back on 12/04/2017 for the next Grim Misadventure.

Grim Misadventure は拡張とアップデートのサポートのため、投稿頻度が下がっています。

[GM #128] Ashen October 2017/10/02


Grim Misadventures have arrived. And the air feels thick with anticipation. What will today reveal? What awaits you at the beginning of the month that we promised an expansion?!

Grim Misadventure がご到着。 期待の空気を強く感じます。
今日は何が明らかになるのだろう? 拡張を約束した月始めに何が待つのだろう…と。

I could tell you…


But I think I’d rather show you:



Here we go! Start your countdowns! Book those vacations and sick days!

さあ行くぞ! カウントダウンをスタート!

Grim Dawn: Ashes of Malmouth is coming October 11th, 2017 onto Steam, GoG and Humble, priced at $17.99 for an absolute overload of new content.

"Grim Dawn: Ashes of Malmouth" は 2017年10月11日 に Steam, GOG, Humble Store で発売、価格は新コンテンツの度合いを鑑み $17.99 とします。

No more spoilers, no more teasers, just the unrelenting wait ‘til the preordained day.


Ok…maybe more spoilers.


Something Something 2

For the theorycrafters among you, we will give permission to GrimTools to update with expansion content later this week. The release of the expansion will also coincide with a small patch for the base game, which includes not only the performance-boosting new renderer, but also improvements to game balance and item drops. More on that in the near future!

ビルドメーカーの為に、GrimTools に今週中に更なる拡張コンテンツのアップデート許可を与えました。

Following the release of Ashes of Malmouth, Grim Misadventures will be posted less frequently as we focus on supporting the expansion. But don’t worry! We still have exciting things in store for you post-release! Check back on 11/07/2017 for our next development update.

Ashes of Malmouth のリリースに伴い、拡張サポートへ集中するため Grim Misadventure の更新は減少します。
ご心配なく! リリース前に、エキサイティングな物がストアに現れるでしょう!

[GM #127] Impending Ashes 2017/09/18


Grim Misadventures are here and I dare say it is an exciting one.

Grim Misadventure がここに、興奮をお届けしにまいりました。

I’m not even going to beat around the bush. TRAILER!

最早陰に隠しておくこともないでしょう。 トレーラーだ!


Two New Chapters In The Epic Grim Dawn Story, Two New Masteries More than 60 new abilities
Over 300 Unique Items, 14 New Constellations, New Illusionist Merchant, More Than 40 New Bosses & Mini Bosses
Coming October 2017

Grim Dawn の新たな2つのチャプター、2つの新しいマスタリーと60以上の新能力
=2017年 10月=

Ok, ok, so you saw the moving pictures and now are hungry for MOAR. That’s fair, totally fair.


There has been much speculation as to the pricing and release date of the upcoming Ashes of Malmouth expansion for Grim Dawn. Today, we would like to shed some light on these questions.

拡張 "Ashes of Malmouth" の価格やリリース日について、多くの憶測が飛び交っています。

Our previous public estimates put us in Q3 of 2017, which is nearing its end. While you will have to wait a little while longer, we are pleased to announce that the expansion is absolutely coming in October 2017. It is very probable that it will be on the earlier end of the month, but we want to make sure that recent engine changes and bug fixes have enough time to cook so that you have a smooth and enjoyable experience when you dive into Ugdenbog and Malmouth itself.

我々は以前リリース予定を、もうすぐ終わる2017年第3四半期 (7-9月内) と設定していました。
もう少しお待たせしてしまうでしょう、しかし 2017年10月 に確定でお届けできるであろう事を喜ばしく思います。

The expansion will be available for purchase right here on our website and on Steam, GoG and the Humble store. It will be priced at a modest $17.99 and comes included in the Loyalist Edition available on our website. This expansion has turned out absolutely massive and we are immensely eager to share it all with you in the very near future.

拡張は公式サイトおよびSteam、GOG、Humble Store で購入可能になります。
価格はおおよそ $17.99 で、公式 Loyalist Edition には既に含まれます。

補注: Loyalist Edition ($64.99) は公式販売にのみ存在し、Steam等で配信されている Loyalist Upgrade には含まれません。

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we update the Game Guide with expansion info, tease you with some awesome new footage and wrap up development on what have been two of Grim Dawn’s most exciting chapters yet!

拡張に向けて今後数週間のうちにゲームガイドも改訂し、拡張の 2つのチャプター について、あれこれと頭を悩ませることでしょう!

Theorycrafters will also be pleased to know that GrimTools will be receiving an update very soon, possibly tonight, with the new Masteries and Constellations. Note that we are still doing final tuning on these classes, and numbers can and will still change, but the core skill mechanics and synergies are all there for you to experiment with on paper. Enjoy!

Theorycrafters (推論作成者) はまた GrimTools で新たなアップデート情報を確認できることを喜ぶでしょう、恐らくは今夜中、新たなマスタリーと星座を含みます。
ただし今も数値は調整中であり変更される可能性はありますが、スキルの主な役割やシナジーは紙面の上で思慮を巡らせることができるでしょう。 どうぞ楽しんでください!

Our next Grim Misadventure will be on 10/02/2017, after which updates will be posted less frequently as we double down on release and post-release support, as well as content updates.

次回は10月2日にお届けする予定で、拡張リリース後は落ち着くまで Grim Misadventure の更新は半分程度になる予定です。

Oops, how did these sneak in here? They sure look cool. Wonder what they are…

とても冷静だ。 これは何か、想像してみましょう…

127_set1_1.jpg 127_set1_2.jpg
127_set2_1.jpg 127_set2_2.jpg

[GM #126] Main Views 2017/09/04


Grim Misadventures here with the latest peek into the upcoming Grim Dawn expansion.

Grim Misadventure が新たな拡張情報をお届けにやってまいりました。

Its arrival is fast approaching now as we near content complete and hit the grinder on polish and bug fixing. Somewhere along the way we might try to remember what the sun looked like too.


Today’s foray into development is artistically minded. First, with a very exciting update to our main menu!

Ashes of Malmouth Main Menu

There your characters will stand, among the foliage of Ugdenbog, with the ruined city of Malmouth ominously looming in the background. We feel it summarizes the expansion’s two new acts exquisitely.


One of the final stages of development, besides tuning and bug fixes of course, is the art department swooping in and cleaning up all the messes the designers left in their wake. This involves lots and lots of items of course. It’s an exciting time to open up our Equipment Test World daily and seeing all of the new item art, which is made all the more awesome with the introduction of Illusions. Today we have a preview of some of the Legendary equipment that has escaped the art department in recent weeks:

毎日 Equipment Test World を開拓して新しいアイテム画像を見るのはとても刺激的で、それはイリュージョンの導入によってさらに素晴らしいものとなるでしょう。

As always, note that item skills are scaled to player stats and do not reflect base values.


The Cortosian Scrolls ザ コルトジアン スクロールズ

The Cortosian Scrolls

"The scrolls are lined with spells and techniques written down by generations of Cortosian Arcanists."

The Cortosian Scrolls' Stats

レジェンダリー ショルダー
1056 装甲

+85% エレメンタルダメージ
+415 ヘルス
+40 攻撃能力
+2.2 エナジー再生/s
エナジー再生量増加 15%
38% イーサー耐性
18% カオス耐性
+3 ワード オブ アゴニー
+3 プロリフィレイション
+3 "ザ ビッグ ワン"

付与: Panetti's Replicating Missile パネッティの複製ミサイル (クリティカル攻撃時 33%)

要求Lv: 84
要求体格: 483

Guardian of Death’s Gates ガーディアン オブ デス ゲイツ [死門の守護者]

Guardian of Death's Gates

"Rumored to have once been wielded by Uroboruuk himself, this weapon 's edge traps souls with the slightest touch."

Guardian of Death's Gates' Stats

レジェンダリー 両手斧
236-653 物理ダメージ

+217% 全ダメージ
10% 攻撃ダメージをヘルスに変換
+766 ヘルス
+2 コール オブ ザ グレイブ
+3 ビスミールの絆
+3 フィールド コマンド
+1 ネクロマンサー全スキル
+8% 攻撃能力: コール オブ ザ グレイブ
-3秒 スキルリチャージ: レイズ スケルトンズ
+1 召喚上限: レイズ スケルトンズ

ペットへのボーナス :
+151% 全ダメージ
25% 物理→生命力 変換
+14% 総合速度

要求Lv: 94
要求体格: 627

Maw of the Damned モー オブ ザ ダムド [呪われし者の大口]

Maw of the Damned

"Forever damned are those that partake of the Wendigo's gift."

Maw of the Damned's Stats

レジェンダリー 盾
30%の確率で 1128 ダメージブロック
0.85秒 ブロック回復
144 物理ダメージ

+88% 生命力ダメージ
+114% 生命力減衰
8% 攻撃ダメージをヘルスに変換
16% 物理→生命力 変換
+12% スキルクールダウン短縮
+3 ブラッド ボイル
+2 スペクトラル バインディング
+2 ウェンディゴ トーテム
+1 オカルティスト全スキル

付与: Hungering Maw ハンガリング モー (アクティブ)

要求Lv: 84
要求体格: 726

Stormweave Armor ストームウィーブ アーマー

Stormweave Armor
Stormweave Armor's Stats

レジェンダリー チェスト アーマー (ライト)
1316 装甲

+96% 冷気ダメージ
+84% 雷ダメージ
+92% 凍傷ダメージ
+84% 感電ダメージ
+5% 体格
+44 攻撃能力
+26 防御能力
+3 エナジー再生/s
30% カオス耐性
+3 チルサージ
+3 ナイトフォール
+2 トロザンのスカイ シャード

付与: Lightning Bolt ライトニング ボルト (クリティカル攻撃時 33%)

要求Lv: 94
要求体格: 675

With hundreds of new Epic and Legendary items in store for you, in addition to the already vast arsenal from the base game, we are excited to see all of the new builds (and Illusion wardrobes) that you come up with.

ベースゲームの既に膨大な数に加えて 100以上 のエピックとレジェンダリーが登場し、それらを活かした新しいビルド (と、イリュージョンの衣装) が見られることに興奮しています。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 09/18/2017 for the next Grim Misadventure.
