BasicsTutorial/Data Statements

Last-modified: 2008-03-10 (月) 12:13:12

Data Statements


Now that we know how to use arrays to store information the only problem is assigning that information in a quick, easy and short way.
Writing something like this…

Dim array(100)
array(1) = 10
array(2) = 75
array(3) = 917
array(4) = 0

All the way to…

array(100) = 73

Would take a while, as with reading data from arrays.
We can already use FOR_NEXT loops to read from arrays, now what if we could use them to WRITE to arrays.
Well the DATA command is made for exactly that purpose.
よく、 DATA命令は、正確にその目的のために使われる。

`15 numbers stored with the data statement
Data 20, 10, 84, 103, 302, 39, 29, 7364, 0, 92, 92, 7352, 937, 81, 103
Dim numbers(15)
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 15
  Read numbers(x)
  Print numbers(x)
Next x
Wait key

Let’s look at the first line first.
The DATA command is written, followed by a list of values separated by commas.
This is how a DATA statement is formed.
The values are stored in memory waiting to be called with the READ_ command.

The READ command reads the values into the variable of array slot specified.
It reads them in the order that they were stored with the DATA command.
Imagine a conveyer belt, the first thing that goes on is the first thing that comes off, so in this case 20 is read first, then 10, then 84 and so on.
When there is no more data to read the READ command fills the variable with a value of 0.

You can read in floats and strings as well, just make sure you read into the correct type of variable.
For example this won’t work.

Data “Hello”, “World”
Read intVar
Read floatVar

The type of data you are reading in needs to match the type of variable you are reading it to.

Another good thing about the DATA command, which confused me at first, is that you can place it anywhere in your code and even if the computer hasn’t passed that line it will still read the data into memory at the start.
For example you could change the code above to be…

Dim numbers(15)
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 15
  Read numbers(x)
  Print numbers(x)
Next x
Wait key
`15 numbers stored with the data statement
Data 20, 10, 84, 103, 302, 39, 29, 7364
Data 0, 92, 92, 7352, 937, 81, 103

And that will still work.
Also notice how I separated the DATA statement onto two lines this time.
That helps with keeping the data readable.
It’s also good if you separate DATA statements where there is a change in types of data, or the category of your data (how it is used in your program).
データの型の変化またはあなたのデータ(なんて、それがあなたのプログラムで使われるだろう)のカテゴリーがある所であなたが DATA命令文を切り離すならば、それはよくもある。

`Name and cost of car in credits
Data “Ferrari”, 1000, “Mini”, 100, “Porsche”, “800”
`Name and number of points needed to unlock level
Data “Desert”, 100, “City Centre”, 200, “Racing Course”, “450”
`Character name and stats (skill, recklessness, style)
“Bob”, 4, 9, 9, “Michelle”, “7, 2, 10”, “Al”, 8, 8, 6

That would be for some sort of a driving game, but I separated the car, level and character data onto different lines to keep things orderly.
It’s also handy to remark DATA statements well because it can be very confusing coming back to a list of numbers after a couple of months.
Ordered code is the most important thing in programming (along with code that works ;D ).

OK, so you’ve read your data in to an array, but what if you wanted to read your data in again?
Yes you COULD use the DATA command and store them twice, but that would be unnecessary and make your code long.
Instead use the RESTORE command.

Dim numbers(15)
Dim numbersAgain(15)
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 15
  Read numbers(x)
  Print numbers(x)
Next x
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 15
  Read numbersAgain(x)
  Print numbersAgain(x)
Next x
Wait key
`15 numbers stored with the data statement
Data 20, 10, 84, 103, 302, 39, 29, 7364
Data 0, 92, 92, 7352, 937, 81, 103

The RESTORE command reads all the data from all the DATA statements in your code into memory again, starting from the top of your code.
RESTORE命令は、あなたのコードのトップから始まって、再び記憶にあなたのコードで全ての DATA命令文から全てのデータを読む。
Any previous data that was stored in memory is deleted.

The RESTORE command also has an optional parameter where you can put the name of a label.

Dim numbers(15)
Dim numbersAgain(7)
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 15
  Read numbers(x)
  Print numbers(x)
Next x
Restore dataLabel
`Read and print all the numbers using an array
For x = 1 to 7
  Read numbersAgain(x)
  Print numbersAgain(x)
Next x
Wait key
`15 numbers stored with the data statement
Data 20, 10, 84, 103, 302, 39, 29, 7364
Data 0, 92, 92, 7352, 937, 81, 103

If you use this command the data, instead of being read from the top of the code down, is read from the position of the label down.
In this case 0 is first after the label ‘dataLabel’ and is the first command read off into the array.

Summary of Commands


· DATA data1[,data2 [,data2[,….]]] - Stores a list of data into memory ready to be called with the READ command.
DATA data1[data2[data2[…。]]]- READコマンドで呼ばれる準備ができているメモリーに、データのリストを格納する。

· READ var - Reads the data stored by the DATA command into a variables, in the order it was stored.
READ 変数 ― 変数に DATAコマンドによって格納されるデータが読む。 それは保存された順序で。

· RESTORE [label] - Resets the data stored by the DATA command from the top of the code, or the label optionally specified.
RESTORE [Lable] – DATAコマンドから読み込む場所を指定する。ラベルが無ければ最初から、ラベルがあればラベルの位置から読み込む。

End of Section Tasks


l Write a program that reads the size and position of 4 squares into a multidimensional array, and draws the square specified.
Once the square is drawn you should give the option to go back and select another square or quit.