パッチノート/Version 1.23

Last-modified: 2021-05-06 (木) 03:05:32

ソース (https://blog.betadwarf.com/2021/04/version-123-patch-notes.html)
注意: 今回のパッチノートはエイプリルフールのジョークが多分に含まれているので正しい情報はゲーム内で確認してください。

Version 1.23

Outlanderの増援が到着した!たくさんのバランス変更とバグ修整と共に、R3-KTがMinion Masters世界についに登場。


Outlandish Operations - シーズンパス #2

新しいシーズンパスがMinion Mastersに登着!



  • Arcane Ring
  • Blood Imps/Brutish Betrayer
    反射ダメージ 50% -> 65%
    Now gets blocked by divine shield.
    Blood Imps and Brutish Betrayer have truly had a resurgence since the blood pact rework. We're happy to see them being played though we also understand they can be a tad coin flippy as things are. This is an attempt to mitigate their power a little, hopefully without completely breaking their value.
  • Boomer
    名前をexplosive snailに変更
  • Border Patrol
    Mana Freeze 2 -> 1
    Add 1 mana freeze and gain shield
    This card feels like it should be good, and we worry it might be a little underrated as things are now. So this change is an attempt to not make it stronger, but more consistent. You can now choose to play it without the shield (in case your opponent plays shield piercing spells) and retain that 1 mana for other things.
  • Dragon Whelp
    攻撃クールダウン 1.1 -> 1.2
  • Flightless Dragons
    攻撃クールダウン 1.1 -> 1.2
  • Hypnotize
    コスト 3 -> 4
    効果時間 6 -> 5
    Call Slitherbound 2 -> 1
    The intention here is to make the card stronger and more viable to play as well as making it slightly less to frustrating to play against.
  • Jing Long
    Shocking Re-Entry ダメージ 0 -> 40
    ダメージ 20 -> 25
    Jing Longは環境で苦戦しているようだ。なので調和のとれたちょっとした強みを与えてみる。
  • Lightning Bolt
    コスト 4 -> 6
    Lightning boltは4回発動する
    Simulations have demonstrated that there is something wrong with how random number generation is handled when Lightning Bolt has multiple possible targets, causing it to consistently hit high value targets. This is a workaround that allows it to behave in the appropriately random manner
  • Nyrvir's Breath
    ダメージ 325 -> 180
    効果時間 4 -> 3
    Accursed Ascension -> +120 damage and +4 skeletons
    This card has been a contentious one for a while and we've been looking at solutions for a bit but haven't found a concrete proposal until now. What this intends to do is to make it a fair bit weaker in the early game, so that it's true power can be felt after Ascension has been achieved.
    We've also decided to make the skeleton generation be more consistent. It's already a pretty strong swarm counter, there's really no reason it should also be even more empowered by swarm.
  • Pincer of Dread
    標的の体力 最も高い -> 最も低い
    発動ディレイ 1 -> 0.5
    We believe the only thing holding this card back is that it's very cumbersome to use. By making it easier to hit your intentioned target we believe it can potentially see a lot more play.
  • Rabid Prowler
    Sacrifice 1 -> 2
    代わりにBerserker’s Rageを得る
    Dev Comment: This card sees very little play and this change is an attempt to give the card a little more oomf, that might make it a good alternative to something like a Cleaver, especially in Slither/Sacrifice decks.
  • Resonating Blast Crystal
    ダメージ 130 -> 100
    Mana Freeze 1を削除
    If you explode 2 crystals mana freeze 1
    Resonating crystal blastは強力かつ万能で、現状至る所で見受けられる。この変更によって他のスペルと均等な性能になるはずだ。 is everywhere at the moment, it's both very strong and very versatile. This change should bring it a bit more in line with the other spells
  • Shield Captain Avea?
    ダメージ 70 -> 100
    Yet another Avea change. We're slowly getting there :) - This brings her into the Burning Fist sub-faction and ties her to the Zealot's. One interesting thing this does is that it allows her to proc her own effect.
  • Shieldguard of Light
    ダメージ 70 -> 80
    It's been a while since this big boy was relevant. Let's give him a little push and see if he can stand up to the plate.
  • Scott the Sensitive Savage?
    Scottは意識のマインドフルネスに関するレッスンを受けた結果、Scott the 禅sitive Savageという名前で呼ばれることを望むようになった。
  • Skeleton Horde
    skeleton hordeのスケルトンの数を3倍に(上記の変更のあと適用される)
  • Whirly Scrat
    最大体力 390 -> 350
  • Xiao Long
    Get Jing Long Spell Dodge instead of shield
    ダメージ 20 -> 25
    This is honestly mostly to consolidate the two Long cards. We do feel the new dodge mechanic Jing Long introduced feels better than the shield, as it doesn't actually empower the minion vs anything other than spells. This does also mean that you can now activate Xiao with your own spells (as with Jing), however that opens him for a counter play from the opponent.
  • ワイルドカード
    We’re aware that this might be unpopular with a vocal subset of the player base. However this is a blatant attempt to improve the monetization of the game.


  • Diona
  • King Puff
    King Puff now puts on a fish suit after getting 10 subs on his Twitch stream
  • Ratbo
    Spends 3 seconds to charge minigun from attack cooldown 1 - 0.3
    Ratbo has the opposite problem to Stormbringer, in that he performs incredibly well in 1v1 but is very lackluster in 2v2. So we're essentially doing the opposite to the attempted Stormbringer fix in that we're allowing him to bank value off his teammate. This is to hopefully even out his value across the modes so that he can be more easily balanced in the future for all modes.
    We realize there's a bit of a consistency issue with these changes, however, we have chosen to sacrifice that for a more even balance across modes.
  • Valorian
    Perk 1 回復 15 -> 18
    It seems we may have over-nerfed Valorian a tad. We discussed simply reupping his basic attack damage, however landed on upping the heal effect a little instead. We feel this goes a little further into what makes him unique, and as the "Flying receives half healing" rule is now in effect it feels less dangerous.


Fixed decoy trap not taunting both players in team play.
Fixed haunting hugger failing to generate accursed ascension progress on direct kills
Fixed vortex not pulling once flying units are out of gap. - Thanks Matt
Fixed Sugilite shield blocking sunder - Thanks BadAsAFish80
Fixed Crossbow trap incorrectly unstealthing - Thanks DeathShoottOneyOoney
Fixed mark persisting after the marking unit has died - Thanks BadAsAFish80
Fixed marked target failing on werewolf transform - Thanks BadAsAFish80
Fixed T.A.A.S and Akinlep not retaining mana reduction through future past/present or Apep’s perk - Thanks tODDlife and Jackk
I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing. - Thanks Darth Vader
Fixed Hellfire’s ability being shorter than the indicator - Thanks You Fools
Fixed Settsu having spasms on the master tower - Thanks FFA and everyone else in the universe
Fixed a bug causing a stunned spiritmancer to keep attacking.
もしこの中でわからないことがあればスティーブンに全て質問して下さい - Thanks Steven