Blight Patch Notes

Last-modified: 2019-11-14 (木) 18:41:04

The Blight Challenge League

  • チャレンジリーグは新しい経済を始めるのにはとても良い機会だ。君たちの今までのキャラクターとアイテムはスタンダードリーグにあるが、リーグに参加するならば、チャレンジを制覇しPath of Exileのやりこみ度を証明しよう!
  • Blightリーグでは、奇妙な菌株がWraeclastに現れ、それらに触れたものを感染させ、意識を支配する。新NPCのCassiaは感染を止めようとしていて、プレイヤーの手助けが必要だ。
  • Cassiaは炎を射出したり雷撃を出したり凍り付かせたりして敵を倒すタワーを建てることができ、さらに言うとプレイヤーの裁量で建てることが出来る。
  • Blightでのドロップアイテムでは、新しいアイテムにOilがある。2つのOilで、Cassiaはringにタワーを強化する効果をAnoint(塗油?)できる。3つあると、彼女はプレイヤーのAmuletにパッシブスキルツリーのNotable Passiveの効果を一つAnointできるため、強力なビルドの可能性を広げることが出来る。
  • 後半では、Blighted Mapを発見するだろう--Mapは深くBlightに浸食され、通常のモンスターはBlightに支配されている。これらのエンドゲーム要素はプレイヤーの戦術的なタワー建築スキルを試すものになるだろう。
  • 3.8.0とともに、スタンダード、ハードコア、Solo Self-FoundでのBlightチャレンジリーグに参加可能になる。それらのリーグ要素は同じものだ。プレイヤーはBlightのプライベートリーグバージョンをゲームをさらにキツくするModつきで作ることが出来る。
  • 新しいチャレンジリーグは40の新しいチャレンジを含んでいる。12個のチャレンジを達成するとBlightヘルメットを受けとれる。24個を達成するとBlightポータルエフェクトが、36個を達成するとBlight Wingsを受け取れる。これらの課金要素はこのリーグでしか受け取れない。
  • 19番目のチャレンジ以降、3つごとにチャレンジをクリアすると、隠れ家に飾れるBlightトーテムポールのピースを受け取れる。トーテムポールはリーグの間どれだけチャレンジを達成したかの指標となる。


  • 新Dexスキルジェム:Plague Bearer(疫病の運び屋) の追加
    • プレイヤーが与えたPoisonをbuffとして貯め、得る。もう一度スキルを使うとプレイヤーの周囲にchaosダメージとして貯めたダメージを放出する。プレイヤーのダメージmodはスキル効果時間内にchaosダメージに適用される。
  • 新Dex/Intスキルジェム:Withering Step(委縮する足音)の追加
    • 上昇量が時間とともに落ちる速度上昇buffのElusiveと、Phasingというbuffを得る。効果範囲内の敵にはWitherを与える。効果中にどのスキルを使ってもPhasingとElusiveの効果は切れる。他のBlinkスキルとクールダウンを共有する。
  • 新Dex/Intスキルジェム:Cobra Lash(コブラの猛攻)の追加
    • 敵に連鎖する毒を付与した投擲物を投げる。daggerもしくはclawの装備が必要。
  • 新Dex/Intスキルジェム:Pestilent Strike(伝染する打撃)の追加
    • 敵を攻撃して毒に侵し短いdebuffを与える(Poison)。対象がdebuffのある状態で死ぬと、残りの毒ダメージが対象の周囲に広がり、短い時間にダメージを与える。daggerもしくはclawの装備が必要。
  • 新Dex/Intスキルジェム:Venom Gyre(毒の還流)の追加
    • プレイヤーに戻ってくる毒を付与した投擲物を投げる。戻ってきたものを限界まで溜める。Whirling Bladesを使うと、蓄積物をすべて放出する。Whirling Bladesによって投射されたものは渦のように回転して飛んでいき、戻ってはこない。daggerもしくはclawの装備が必要。
  • 新Intスキルジェム:Summon Carrion Golem(死肉のゴーレム召喚)の追加
    • プレイヤーのゴーレム系以外のミニオンにphysical damageを追加するCarrion Goleを召喚する。ゴーレムはダメージが上昇した斬撃系の攻撃をする。また骨の棘を呼び出す。Carrion Golemは近くにゴーレム系以外のミニオンがいるほどより多くのダメージを与える。
  • 新Int/Dexスキルジェム:Stormblast Mine(荒れ狂う爆風の地雷)
    • 設置されている間、近くの敵に増加ダメージを与えるAura(最大150%まで重ね掛けされる)を持つ地雷を設置する。起動するとlightningダメージを範囲内に与える。
  • 新Int/Dexスキルジェム:Summon Skitterbots(Skitterbotsの召喚)
    • 2体のSkitterbotを召喚する。Skitterbotはプレイヤーの設置したtrapやmineを起動し、追加ダメージを与える。一つは近くの敵をshockにし、もう一方は近くの敵をchillにする。
  • 新Dex/Intサポートジェム:Swift Assembly Support(迅速な設置)
    • サポートされたtrapとmineスキルは、それぞれ分けて判定される追加trap/mineを投げるチャンスを3つ得る(1つ/2つ/3つ追加)。最大で6つ追加のtrap/mineを投げられる(3つ全ての判定に通った場合)。
  • 新Dex/Intサポートジェム:Nightblade Support(Nightblade)
    • サポートされた攻撃系スキルはcritical strikeを出すとElusiveを得て、Elusiveの間はよりcritical strikeダメージを与えるようになり、よりcritical strikeが発生するようになる。サポートされるスキルはdaggerもしくはclawの装備のものにしか付けられない。
  • 新Intサポートジェム:Meat Shield Support(肉盾)
    • サポートされたミニオン系スキルでのミニオンは攻撃時にtauntするチャンスを得て、低いダメージを出し、防衛的に動くようになる。プレイヤーの近くの敵にはより多くのダメージを出すようになる。
  • 新Intサポートジェム:Deathmark Support(Deathmark)
    • プレイヤーにDeathmarkスキルを付与し、サポートされたミニオン系スキルのミニオンはより大きなダメージを与え、deathmarked された敵にはさらに大きなダメージを与える。Deathmarkスキルはサポートされたミニオン系スキルのミニオンをdeathmarked された敵へ注目させる効果を持つ。
  • 新Intサポートジェム:Feeding Frenzy Support(煽動)
    • サポートされたミニオン系スキルのミニオンはより活発に動くようになり、攻撃のhit時にプレイヤーにFeeding Frenzy buffを与える。プレイヤーにこのbuffがついていると、プレイヤーのすべてのミニオンはより多くのダメージを与え、攻撃速度、詠唱速度、移動速度が上昇する。
  • 新Int/Strサポートジェム:Infernal Legion Support(凶悪な軍団)
    • サポートされたミニオン系スキルのミニオンは周囲に持続的fireダメージを与え、ミニオンの最大life基準のfireダメージを与えるようになる。
  • 新Int/Dexサポートジェム:High-Impact Mine Support(高衝撃地雷)
    • spellもしくはbow/wandを使うattackスキルしかサポートされない。サポートされたスキルを使う代わりに、起動時にサポートされたスキルを使う地雷を投げるようになる。地雷はChannellingスキルを使うことはできない。投げられた地雷は重ね掛けされるauraを持つ。auraは近くの敵にhitでダメージを与えるとダメージが二倍になるチャンスをプレイヤーに与える。
  • 新Int/Dexサポートジェム:Charged Mines(蓄積地雷)
    • サポートされたmine系スキルはfrenzy charge 1つごとに地雷を投げるスピードが増加しpower charge 1つごとにcritical strike chanceが増加する。サポートされたスキルはまた、敵が攻撃範囲内であるときに起動されると frenzy もしくは power charge を得るチャンスを得る。
  • 16個の新たなUniqueアイテムの追加
  • 19個の新たなDivination Cardの追加。サポーターによってデザインされた。
  • 1つのWandのベースタイプが追加。高レベルのサモナー向け。Atlas(Map)で取得可能。
  • 2つのRingベースタイプが追加。Atlas(Map)で取得可能。
  • 新しいアイテムタイプにOilが追加。RingとAmuletを強化するのに使われる。
  • Mine系キャラ、サモナーキャラ、Poison Assasin系キャラの大幅な再調整。
  • Atlas ミッションの改善(下記参照)


  • 2つ目のセットとなるキーバインドの追加。Ctrlキーを押しながら使う。(デフォルトの場合。settingから変更可)
  • すべてのフラスコのベースタイプのイラストを更新。同じイラストの使いまわしは無くなった。重複していなかったイラストはそのまま使われている。
  • フラスコへの新しいModの追加。その一部は特にMana Flaskに付与される。
  • より多くの効果音の追加。例:トレードの承諾/拒否時、鑑定の巻物の数が足りないことによる鑑定不能時、Fetid Poolsの敵全滅時など。
  • 新しいスキルへのLabyrinthエンチャントの追加。
  • 2人の新しいGrandmasters の追加。
  • Focus系Mod付shield(純Int盾)を除き、Shield Chargeは装備している盾を使うようになった(何らかのcosmeticsを適用している場合も)。
  • 一度に2つのHelmetコスメを使えるようになった。
  • 粉砕するエフェクト(cold系攻撃でのFreeze)はより敵の大きさに基づくようになった。
  • 新キャラ作成時と、メニューもしくはキャラ選択画面へのログアウト時のボイスと音の遷移を改善した。
  • 今後もサウンド、イラスト、エフェクト、環境の改善は続けていく。


  • 取り扱われているデイリーアトラスミッションが再設定された。
  • 一度Atlas要素をアンロックしたら、プレイヤーはそれぞれのマスターから1日に1つずつアトラスミッションを受けられる。これらは特定のmapではなく、特定のmapのtierに割り当てられる(白、黄、赤)。ミッションを受けるため、ログインしよう!
  • これらのミッションはAtlasパネル(マップ画面)の右側に蓄積され、確認できる。
  • より多くのミッションはmapをクリアすることで受けられるようになる。マップをクリアする度に(大体ボスを倒したとき)、プレイヤーはAtlasミッションを新たに受けるチャンスを得る。この方法でミッションを得られる確率をかなり上げた。
  • 低頻度で、ランダムなマスターにmap上で出会うことがあり、このチャンスはmap完了要素になった。
  • 溜まったAtlasミッションを利用するには、単純にHideoutで対応するマスターに話しかけ、Atlas Mission optionを選択する。マップデバイス画面が表示されるのでミッションを完了するマップを置けばよい。望むならZana mapのmodをこの画面からつけることも可能だ。
  • Atlasミッションを溜める数に制限はない。よってミッションを受けてしまってもプレイヤーは特に気にすることは無い。自分の好きなように進めよう。
  • Atlasミッションはマップに入るとすぐにその存在が表示される。


  • Legionリーグは好評だったため、コアゲームに追加した。以下の方法でLegionに遭遇できる。
    • 新たなIncursion部屋。Atzoatlの寺院において、それぞれのtierでLegionの勢力が大きくなる。
    • レアなDelve要素。
    • Atlasでの遭遇(それぞれのmapで10%の確率)
  • これらの方法でLegionモノリスに遭遇できることに加え、プレイヤーはLegionユニークを宝箱から得られる。
  • VaganはいくつかのLegion要素のアイテムをBetrayalセーフハウスの報酬にした。
    • Transportation SafehousesではLegion Splintersを、ResearchではIncubatorを報酬にしてくれる。
    • InterventionではLegion Scarabを報酬にしてくれる。Fortification ではLegion要素で見つけられる宝箱をまとめて報酬にしてくれる。
  • 3.7.0でのLegion要素からでしか入手できないユニークアイテムはこれからもLegion要素からのみで見つけられる。


  • Legion要素をコアゲームに導入するにあたっていくつかのバランス調整を行った。
    • Domain of Timeless Conflictのアイテム報酬が減少。EXPは据え置き
    • Domain of Timeless ConflictのEmblemの数の違いによるアイテムの分散は公平になった。プレイヤーはエンブレム一つにつきほぼ同じ量のアイテムを取得することが出来る。
  • Time-frozen LegionのIgniteやその効果が残っているモンスターは倒されるまで効果が消えないようになった。
  • いくつかのIncubatorで得られる報酬の範囲が広くなった。


  • 以前までのサモナーの掃討バランスを全体的に修正し、他のプレイスタイルと同等になれるようにほとんどのケースにおいて重要なbuffや新しい特徴を追加した。これらの多くの変更はアイテムやスキルに関係し、いくつかの大きな変更がある。
  • 多くの「minion最大召喚数の追加」要素はスキルジェム効果に変更された。ユニークアイテムに頼ることは少なくなった。minionジェムはレベルアップするとminion最大召喚数が増えるようになった。
  • すべてのミニオンはbase accuracyが大きく増加し、よりモンスターに攻撃を当てるようになった。
  • 多くのminionパッシブスキルをスキルツリーに追加、変更した。
  • minionの使役を補助する多くの新しいスキルを追加した。上記参照。
  • minionに関するとても多くの変更がユニーク、レアアイテム、essence、スキル、そしてサポートになされた。これらの概要は下記を参照

Mine 再調整

  • このパッチでは、Mineを徹底的に再調整した。この調整の目的はTrapと明確に区別しつつMineの使いにくさを解消することである。
  • Mineは今や設置するものではなく投げるものになった。Mine設置スピードに効果があったmodはMineを投げるスピードに効果を与えるようになった。
  • Mineのdetonate(起爆)は初回のみ即座に行われる。
  • 複数のmineを起爆するとき、内部的な起爆ターゲットとプレイヤーの距離に応じて順番に起爆される。
  • Blastchain Mine Supportとlinkされていない全てのmineスキルは、設置されているときにauraを持つようになった。これらのauraは重ねて受けられ(限界まで)、auraのmodの効果を受ける。
  • 投げたmineはスキルコスト分のmanaをreserveするようになった。(サポートジェムによって増加した分も含む)
  • Fire Nova Mine, Freeze Mine, Remote Mine Support, Minefield Supportは かなり再調整された。それらの変更点はスキルジェム再調整の欄とサポートジェム再調整の欄に書かれている。
  • mineのためのパッシブスキルツリーを追加・再調整した。

Mana Rebalance

  • ゲーム全体を通してキャラクター間の差を少なくするためにManaの調整を行った。
  • 呪文使用者へのMana leechを消去した。
  • Mana Flaskをゲーム全体で再調整し、多くのアイテムでmanaを多く得られるようにし、パッシブツリーでのマナ増加に関係する部分を再調整した。下記参照。


  • 「Non-Ailment Damage over Time Multiplier」での全てのダメージtypeは「Damage over Time Multipliers」になった(damage from Ailmentsもこれに含まれる)。これによりいくつかのアイテムとパッシブスキルツリーの数値の変更が行われた。下記参照。
  • 特定のtype限定で全てのジェムのレベルを追加上昇させる新たなmodを追加した。(例:weaponにそのmodがついているとき、typeと合致する全てのジェムは効果を受ける。そしてそのジェムの装着部位は武器以外でも効果を発揮する。(body armour等))これらのmodは優先的にcasterとsummonerアイテムに付与され、またいくつかのユニークアイテムにも付与される。
  • 一度に15個のmineを起爆できるようになった。(5個から)
  • Mine Laying Speedは全てMine Throwing Speedになった。


  • 旧:Freeze Mine (改名: Icicle Mine)
    16 to 24 Cold Damage514 to 771 Cold Damage
    Fires 4 additional projectilesFires 6 additional projectiles
    • Intジェム最低装着可能Lv:12に
    • 基本起爆時間:0.3 seconds
    • それぞれのmineは10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies のauraを周囲のプレイヤーに与える。最大500%まで蓄積される。
    • 起爆時、追加の投射物が設置済mine2つごとに1つ追加される。
    • 現在のreeze Mine スキルジェムはIcicle Mine スキルジェムになった。Freeze Mineを装着していたキャラクターは要求Lvや要求attributeを満たさなくなったために一時的に装着が解除されていることに気を付けること。これは装着されたジェムを取り除くことで改善される。
  • 旧:Fire Nova Mine (改名: Pyroclast Mine)
    Deals 26 to 39 Fire DamageDeals 240 to 361 Fire Damage
    Fires 4 additional projectilesFires 6 additional projectiles
    • Intジェム最低装着可能Lv:28に
    • 基本起爆時間:0.35 seconds
    • 全てのジェムLvにおいて2つの投射物が追加される。
    • 起爆時、追加の投射物が設置済mine2つごとに1つ追加される。
    • それぞれのmineはhitした周囲の敵にfire damageを与える。
    • 現在のFire Nova Mine スキルジェムはPyroclast Mine スキルジェムになった。Fire Nova Mineを装着していたキャラクターは要求Lvや要求attributeを満たさなくなったために一時的に装着が解除されていることに気を付けること。これは装着されたジェムを取り除くことで改善される。


  • 全てのAuraスキルはパッシブスキルツリーのAura Radiusの変更に合わせ、base radiusを40にした(旧:36)。
    • 以下も同じ
      スキル名新base radius旧base radius
      Flesh and Stone2824
      War Banner4640
      Dread Banner4640
  • 全てのAuraジェムクオリティは1%ごとにAura's radiusを2%-4%増加させるようになった。(旧1%-2%)
  • いくつかのDamage over Time-onlyスキル(Righteous Fire, Contagion, Death's OathによるDeath Aura)はmap上のオブジェクトを破壊できるようになった。



  • 使用に死体を使うことは無くなったが、使うことで大きな恩恵を受けられる。
  • base radiusが半分になった。
  • Lv1消費:8mana(旧7)Lv20消費:23mana(旧20)
  • CT:0.7秒(旧0.6)
  • base critical strike chance:6%(旧5%)
  • fire damage
    • Lv1:3-5(旧12-19)
    • Lv20:154-231(旧501-752)
    • 全てのジェムレベルでプレイヤーのmaximum lifeの3%をfire damage として与えるように。
  • 死体を利用するとAoE300%増加
  • 死体の爆発は死体のbase maximum lifeの6%ダメージを与えるように(旧4%)
  • ダメージ効率が70%に(旧100%)

Bone Offering

  • base duration
    • 5秒に(旧3秒)
    • 一つの死体を消費するごとに1秒追加(旧0.5秒)
  • 死体最大消費数が4つに(旧8)
  • 効果時間中のエフェクトが出るようになった。

Chaos Golem

  • Cascade skilはPhysical Damageの100%をChaosに変換するようになり、広いAoEをもつように。
  • Sandstorm skillは高Lvでより多くのダメージを与えるようになり、modからgolemのspell damageに効果が出るように


  • プレイヤーとその周辺の味方に追加のmana regenerationが起こるようになった。
    • Lv1:変化なし
    • Lv20:1秒に33mana(旧17.2)


  • ジェムレベルアップで追加のradiusを得ることは無くなった。(旧:Lv20で+4radius)


  • cooldownが3秒に(旧4秒)
  • minion maximum lifeを割合回復するようになった。(旧:固定値)
    • Lv1:0.7%
    • Lv20:1.65%


  • Cycloneは3.7.0で非常に強力なmeleeスキルだった。このパッチではCycloneの長いrangeを減らし、one-handed weaponを用いたCycloneに少しのペナルティを与えたい。
  • base rangeは11で、weapon type基準ではなくなった。
  • Melee Rangeによる追加のradiusを得なくなった。
  • Melee Rangeが1追加されるごとに8%AoEが増加するように。
  • Attack Physical Damage
    • Lv1:5-8(旧10-15)
    • Lv20:28-42(旧56-85)
  • stageごとにradiusが+1されるように
  • channelling中、0.2秒ごとにstageを1得る。(攻撃時間が基準ではなくなった。)
  • channelingではないとき、0.3秒ごとにstageを1失う。(旧0.2秒)


  • corpseの限界量が10に(旧15)
  • CTが0.6秒に(旧0.8)
  • 基本効果時間が4秒に(旧5)
  • cooldownがなくなった。

Dominating Blow

  • Uniqueモンスターにhitした時 Normal Sentinel of Dominanceを召喚する確率が25%に(旧10%)
  • 召喚されたSentinels はAscendancyに関係なくCrusade Slamを使うようになった。以前はGuardian のnotableが必要であった。

Explosive Trap

  • ジェムレベルに応じてより多くのPhysical ダメージを与えるようになった。
    • Lv1:変化なし
    • Lv20:309-464(旧280-420)
  • ジェムレベルに応じて追加のradiusを得るようになった。Lv20で+6(旧:+4)

Fire Trap

  • Lv1:11 - 17 Fire Damage(from 10 - 15) Lv20:644 - 966(from 575 - 862)
  • Lv1:32.5(from 29) base Fire Damage per second Lv20:1832.8(from 1635.4)base Fire Damage per second
  • Lv1:burning状態の敵に4 to 5 added Fire Damage(from 3 to 5),Lv20: 201 - 302(from 180 - 269)
  • ジェムレベルに応じて追加のradiusを得る。Lv20で+8 (from +6).

Flame Dash

  • Lv1:7 - 11 Fire Damage(from 6 - 9) Lv20:479 - 718(from 319 - 479).
  • Lv1:19 base Fire Damage(from 10.9) Lv20:1262.7(from 599)

Flesh Offering

  • 基本効果時間が5秒に(旧3)なり、1体の死体ごとに追加で1秒(旧0.5)効果が伸びる。最大4つの死体を利用できる(旧8)
  • 効果中、プレイヤーの上にエフェクトが出るようになった。

Flesh and Stone

  • ジェムレベルが20までになった(旧6)
  • Blind状態でない敵から受ける全てのダメージ減少は無くなった。代わりに非Blindの敵の通常攻撃(?)からのダメージを減らした。
  • Lv1:非Blindの敵から受けるダメージが9%減少(旧10%)Lv20:旧Lv6と同様
  • このスキルを受けた敵は13% increased Physical Damageを与えるように(旧14%)Lv20:旧Lv6と同様
  • レベルアップするほどクールダウン時間が短くなるようになり、Lv20で50%(旧:Lv6で13%)

Herald of Purity

  • 召喚されたSentinels はAscendancyに関係なくCrusade Slamを使うようになった。以前はGuardian のnotableが必要であった。

Ice Shot

  • 新たに追加。
    • Lv1:2 to 3 added Attack Cold Damage
    • Lv20:75 to 113 added Attack Cold Damage

Ice Trap

  • 全てのレベルでbase radiusが増加した。主となる円は+3 radius,中規模の円は+2 radius,小規模の円は+1 radius

Lightning Arrow

  • 新たに追加
    • Lv1:1 to 13 added Attack Lightning Damage
    • Lv20:9 to 179
  • 1%ジェムクオリティごとに1%Shockのチャンスを得る。(旧1クオリティごとに0.5%)

Lightning Golem

  • lightning projectileによるダメージが全てのジェムレベルにおいておよそ40%増加
  • Arc skillによるダメージがすべてのジェムレベルにおいておよそ20%減少。

Raise Spectre

  • Raised Spectresにレベルがセットされた。以前は死体のレベルがSpectresとなっていた。
  • Lv1:minionに150のAccuracy Ratingを追加(旧142)Lv20:1109 (旧824)
  • minionのlife,Energy Shield,Damageにmodの効果が出なくなった。
  • ジェムレベルに応じて追加のSpectresを使役できるようになった。Lv20で最大2つのSpectresとなる。(より高いLvだとさらに追加される。)

Raise Zombie

  • ゾンビたちはslam attackの基礎cooldownが4秒に(旧5秒)
  • ジェムレベルとともにミニオンのLifeが強化されるようになり、Lv20では38%に(新規)
  • ジェムレベルとともにゾンビのslam attackのcooldown回復速度が強化されるようになった。Lv20では76%(新規)
  • ジェムレベルとともにゾンビの使役可能数が増えるようになった。Lv20では7体。(以前は全てのレベルで3体であった)


  • Lv1でbase damageの115%を与え(旧91%)、Lv20で175%を与えるように(旧140%)
  • Lv1で追加Attack Physical Damageが2-3(旧6-10)、Lv20で56-85に(旧169-254)

Righteous Fire

  • Lv1で1秒に35.8のbase Fire Damageを、Lv20で1541.8を与えるように(新規)
  • 全てのジェムレベルにおいて敵は1秒間にキャラクターのmaximum LifeとEnergy Shieldの20%をburn状態で Fire Damageとして受けるようになった。(旧40%)
  • Quality1%ごとに1% Burning Damageが増えるようになった。(旧1% Spell Damage)


Now deals 160% of base damage at gem level 1 (from 135.3%), up to 230% at gem level 20 (from 186%).
Now has 2 to 3 added Attack Physical Damage at gem level 1 (from 6 to 10), up to 56 to 85 at gem level 20 (from 169 to 254).

Stone Golem

Stone Golem
Slam attack now has a cooldown of 4 seconds (from 6), and deals approximately 33% more damage at all gem levels.

Scorching Ray

Scorching Ray
Now deals 11.7 base Fire Damage per second at gem level 1 (from 13), up to 439.4 at gem level 20 (from 488.2).

Scourge Arrow

Scourge Arrow
Clarified the Piercing behaviour on the gem.

Searing Bond

Searing Bond
Modifiers to Spell Damage now also apply to this skill's damage over time.


Now gains additional radius as the gem levels, up to +6 at gem level 20 (from +4).

Smoke Mine

Smoke Mine
Mine now lasts 8 seconds (from 16).
Now grants 20% increased movement speed at gem level 1, up to 29% by gem level 20 (from 30% at all levels).
Now has a 2.5 second cooldown, and can hold up to 3 uses.
Now gains increased cooldown recovery speed as the gem levels up, up to 57% by gem level 20.
Now gains increased area of effect as the gem levels up, up to 76% by gem level 20.
Increases and reductions to Mine Duration now also apply to the skill's movement speed buff duration.
Only one mine of this type can detonate in each detonation sequence.
Now shares a cooldown with other Blink skills.

Spectral Shield Throw

Spectral Shield Throw
Projectiles created from the Shield's explosion now carry with them the projectile properties of the original Shield projectile's behaviour at the point of explosion. This is important for things such as Gloomfang or Point Blank, which care about chain count or the distance the projectile has travelled.

Spirit Offering

Spirit Offering
Now has a base duration of 5 seconds (from 3), with an additional 1 second per corpse consumed (from 0.5), up to a maximum of 4 corpses (from 8).
You now gain 4% Life as extra Energy Shield per corpse consumed (from 2%).
Now applies a visual effect above the player while it is active.

Split Arrow

Split Arrow
Now deals 100% of base damage at gem level 1 (from 90%), up to 119% at gem level 20 (from 109%).
Now fires additional arrows as the gem levels up, up to 8 additional arrows at gem level 20 (from 6).

Summon Raging Spirit

Summon Raging Spirit
Summoned minions will now target the enemy you had targeted at the point they were summoned as a priority.

Summon Skeletons

Summon Skeletons
Now summons 2 Skeleton Warriors per cast (from 1).
Now summons more Skeleton Warriors per cast as the gem levels up, up to 3 at gem level 20.
Now increases your maximum Skeleton limit as the gem levels up, up to 8 by gem level 20 (from 5).


Now deals 170% of base damage at gem level 1 (from 135%), up to 255% at gem level 20 (from 203%).
Now has 8 to 12 added Attack Physical Damage at gem level 1 (from 25 to 37), up to 56 to 85 at gem level 20 (from 169 to 254).

Viper Strike

Viper Strike
Now deals 90% of base damage at gem level 1 (from 80%), up to 135% at gem level 20 (from 130%).
Now uses both weapons if you attack while Dual Wielding, but has 30% less Attack Speed if Dual Wielding.
Each weapon now hits separately if Dual Wielding, dealing 20% less Damage.

Vaal Skill Balance

Modifiers to Vaal Soul Cost now work consistently with how modifiers to Mana Cost work. Namely, they now calculate the total amount to subtract from the cost, rounded down, and then apply that reduction to the cost of the Vaal skill. Previously, it calculated the new cost of the skill, and then rounded down, resulting in instances where Vaal skills had no Soul cost.

Vaal Cyclone
Now has a base radius of 24 (from 13).
No longer gains additional radius based on Melee Range.
Now gets 8% increased Area of Effect per 1 additional Melee Range.
Now deals 5 to 8 added Attack Physical Damage at gem level 1 (from 10 to 15), up to 28 to 42 at gem level 20 (from 56 to 85).

Vaal Immortal Call
Now prevents Soul Gain while active, and cannot have its expiry rate modified.

Support Gem Reworks

Remote Mine Support (now called Blastchain Mine Support)
Now causes supported skills to deal 35% less damage at gem level 1, up to 25% less at gem level 20.
Mines now last 5 seconds (from 16).
Supported skills have a base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds.
Supported skills now deal 5% more damage for each prior mine in Detonation Sequence.

Minefield Support
Supported skills can now have up to 4 additional Remote Mines placed at a time.
Supported Skills throw up to 4 additional Mines.
Supported skills have 65% less Mine Throwing Speed at gem level 1, up to 60% less at gem level 20.

Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support (now called Elemental Army Support)
No longer supports Totems.
Now has a mana multiplier of 130%.
Minions from supported skills now have +19% to all Elemental Resistances at gem level 1, up to +29% at gem level 20.
Minions from supported skills now inflict Exposure on hit, applying -10% to the Elemental Resistance matching the highest damage type taken by the enemy.
Minions from supported skills now deal 20% more Elemental Damage at gem level 1, up to 29% more at gem level 20.
Now grants additional maximum Elemental Resistances as the gem levels, up to +2% by gem level 20.
Now grants 0.1% additional maximum elemental resistances per 1% gem quality.

Reduced Mana Support (now called Inspiration Support)
In addition to its prior mana reduction functionality:
Now gain an Inspiration Charge when you spend mana for supported skills (maximum of 5 charges).
Lose all Inspiration Charges after spending a total of 122 mana with supported skills at gem level 1, up to 800 at gem level 20
Supported skills deal 5% more Elemental Damage per Inspiration Charge at gem level 1, up to 8% at gem level 20.
Supported skills have 7% increased critical strike chance per Inspiration Charge at gem level 1, up to 10% at gem level 20.
Now grants 1% increased Inspiration Charge duration per 1% gem quality.

Support Gem Balance

Advanced Traps Support
Now grants supported skills 50% increased cooldown recovery speed at gem level 1 (from 15%), up to 107% at gem level 20 (from 25%).

Ancestral Call Support
Supported skills now deal 19% less damage at gem level 1 (from 25%), up to no penalty at gem level 20 (from 16% less).

Charged Traps Support
Supported skills now have +15% to critical strike multiplier per Power Charge when used by traps (from +12%).
Supported skills now have 10% increased trap throwing speed per Frenzy Charge (from 6%).

Fortify Support
Supported skills now deal more damage with all Ailments caused by melee hits (whereas previously it was just Bleeding and Poison).

Cluster Traps Support
Now requires 27 Intelligence at gem level 1, up to 48 at gem level 20. This may disable items on existing characters, but removing the Cluster Traps Support gem will remedy this problem.

Mana Leech Support
Now only causes supported Attacks to leech mana.

Minion Life Support
Now has a mana multiplier of 130% (from 140%).

Minion Speed Support
Supported skills now have 25% increased minion Cast Speed at gem level 1 (from 10%), up to 34% at gem level 20 (from 19%).
Supported skills now have 25% increased minion Attack Speed at gem level 1 (from 10%), up to 34% at gem level 20 (from 19%).
Now has a mana multiplier of 130% (from 140%).

Multistrike Support
Supported skills now deal 20% less Attack Damage at gem level 1, up to 10% at gem level 20 (from 30% less at all gem levels).
First repeat of supported skills now deal 22% more Damage at all gem levels (from 40% more at gem level 1 to 50% more at gem level 20).
Second repeat of supported skills now deal 44% more damage at all gem levels (from 80% more at gem level 1 to 99% more at gem level 20).
Now has a mana multiplier of 160% (from 180%).

Poison Support
Supported skills now deal 20% more damage with Poison at gem level 1 (from no bonus), up to 39% more at gem level 20 (from 28%).

Pulverise Support
Supported skills now have 25% increased Area of Effect (rather than the multiplicative "more" Area of Effect) at gem level 1, up to 34% increased Area of Effect at gem level 20.
Supported skills deal 40% more Melee Area Damage at gem level 1 (from 30%), up to 59% at gem level 20 (from 45%).

Trap Support
Trap Throwing Speed now scales up to 19% at gem level 20 (from 10%).
Supported skills now deal increased Trap Damage as the gem levels up, up to 38% increased Trap Damage at gem level 20 (previously no bonus).

Unbound Ailments Support
Supported skills now have 35% increased duration of Ailments on enemies at gem level 1 (from 25%), up to 54% at gem level 20 (from 44%).
Supported skills now have 25% increased effect of non-damaging Ailments on enemies at gem level 1 (from 20%), up to 34% at gem level 20 (from 30%).
Supported skills now deal 25% more damage with Ailments at gem level 1 (from 20%), up to 34% at gem level 20 (from 30%).

Vicious Projectiles Support
Supported skills now deal 40% more Chaos Damage over Time at gem level 1 (from 30%), up to 59% more at gem level 20 (from 49%).
Supported skills now deal 40% more Physical Damage over Time at gem level 1 (from 30%), up to 59% more at gem level 20 (from 49%).
Supported skills now deal 40% more Physical Projectile Attack Damage at gem level 1 (from 30%), up to 59% more at gem level 20 (from 49%).

Passive Tree Balance

As in 3.7.0, we've added a lot of new passives to the passive tree in this patch. Rather than list out what each of the dozens of new passives contains, we've listed out the cluster notable names below. Mine passives, Damage over Time passives, Mana passives and Summoner passives have also extensively changed. To examine these changes in detail, please keep an eye out in the community for passive tree tools once we give the passive tree data out. Below, we've listed changes which were not specific to the broader changes previously mentioned.

Added the following new clusters and notables: Disciple of the Forbidden, Golem Commander, Prodigal Perfection, Mystic Bulwark, Searing Heat, Cursed Concoction, Indomitable Army, Enduring Bond, Essence Extraction, Ravenous Horde, Successive Detonations, Dire Torment, Aqueous Accelerant, Fearsome Force, Arcane Capacitor, Blast Waves, Aligned Spirits, Efficient Explosives.
Mortal Conviction now specifies that only Non-banner, Non-mine skills reserve no mana.
Perfect Agony now causes modifiers to Critical Strike Multiplier to apply to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes at 50% of their value, rather than 30% previously. This is now additive with other sources of Damage over Time multiplier, however.
Elemental Overload now causes Ailments to never count as being from Critical Strikes (previously caused Ailments from Critical Strikes to have no Damage Multiplier).
Master of the Arena, Brinkmanship, Bone Breaker (for Sceptres and Maces) and Smashing Strikes (for Staves) now each grant +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed Attack Range (previously +1).
Cleaving (for Axes), Flaying (for Daggers) and Claws of the Pride (for Claws) now each grant +1 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed Attack Range.
Leadership now grants 30% increased Aura area of effect (from 50%).
Champion of the Cause now grants 12% increased Aura area of effect (from 20%).
All small passive skills which previously granted 20% increased Aura area of effect now grant 12% increased Aura area of effect.
The Alchemist cluster near the Witch has been removed and its Flask Effect modifiers spread across the passive tree, in particular near the Ranger.
The Utmost Might cluster has been moved south, and is now next to the Bloodless cluster.
The Utmost Intellect cluster has been moved east, and is now where Arcane Expanse used to be (Arcane Expanse has moved slightly further east).
Added 13 new notables revealed only when you obtain them through Anointing an item.

Ascendancy Balance

Necromancer: Now causes your offerings to have 25% reduced effect on you (from 50%). Auras from your skills now grant 2% increased attack and cast speed to you and allies (from 3%). If you've consumed a corpse recently, you and your minions now gain 30% increased area of effect. No longer grants 20% increased skill effect duration.
Saboteur: Now causes your damage to penetrate 8% of enemy elemental resistances (from 6%). You can now regenerate 1% of life per second for each mine detonated or trap triggered recently, up to 10% (from 20%).
Assassin: Now grants +0.75% to critical strike chance (from 1%). Now grants 10% chance to gain Elusive on kill. No longer grants 10% increased movement speed if you've killed recently.
Guardian: Now grants you and nearby allies Onslaught while there are at least five nearby allies. No longer grants 10% increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills.

War Bringer: Now grants you and nearby allies 20% increased attack speed if you've warcried recently (from 10%). Now grants 15% chance to deal double damage if you've warcried in the past 8 seconds. No longer causes you and nearby allies to deal increased damage if you've warcried recently.
Flawless Savagery: Now grants 50% increased critical strike chance for attacks (from 80%), and +25% to critical strike multiplier (from +30%)
Crave the Slaughter: No longer grants 1% chance to deal double damage per 4 Rage.
Rite of Ruin: Clarified that only the inherent effects from having Rage are tripled.

Ramako, Sun's Light: No longer grants 15% more burning damage. Now grants +25% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier.

Radiant Crusade: Has been reworked. It now grants +20% to all Elemental Resistances. While there are at least five nearby allies, you and nearby allies have Onslaught. While there is at least one nearby ally, you and nearby allies deal 10% more damage.
Unwavering Crusade: Has been reworked: Now grants nearby allies 30% increased damage, 15% increased attack, cast and movement speed, 30% increased area of effect, and causes nearby allies to Intimidate and Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on hit. Enemies which are Unnerved take 10% increased Spell Damage.

Divine Guidance: No longer grants +150 to maximum Mana. Now grants 30% increased maximum Mana, and causes increases and reductions to maximum Mana to also apply to damage at 30% of their value.
Sanctuary of Thought: Now grants 50% less Mana cost of skills (rather than reduced). No longer grants 50% reduced Mana cost of skills while on full Energy Shield. Now grants 20% of maximum Mana as extra maximum Energy Shield (from 30%), and 1% increased area of effect per 50 unreserved maximum mana, up to 100%.

Small passives: Now grant 20% increased Frenzy Charge duration (from 18%) on the way to Avatar of the Slaughter, 4% increased movement speed (from 3%) on the way to Avatar of the Veil, and 15% increased Onslaught effect (previously Onslaught duration) on the way to Avatar of the Chase.
Way of the Poacher: Now grants +1 to maximum Frenzy Charges.
Avatar of the Slaughter: No longer grants +1 to maximum Frenzy Charges. Now grants 8% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge, 3% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge (from 2%), and 8% increased Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge (from 3%).
Quartz Infusion: Now grants 10% chance to dodge Attack Hits (from 6%), and 40% increased Elemental Damage.
Avatar of the Veil: No longer grants 40% increased Elemental Damage. Now causes nearby enemies to have Fire, Cold and Lightning Exposure while you have Phasing, applying -15% to those resistances. Also causes nearby enemies to have 15% less Accuracy while you have Phasing.
Rapid Assault: Now grants +5% to chance to evade attacks.
Avatar of the Chase: Now grants 30% increased attack damage during Onslaught (from 20%), 30% more chance to evade melee attacks during Onslaught (from 25%) and 30% more chance to evade projectile attacks during Onslaught (from 25%).

Bomb Specialist: No longer allows you have up to 2 additional mines placed at a time. Now grants 4% increased area of effect for each mine, and grants your mines 20% increased detonation speed. Also grants 20% increased mine throwing speed if you detonated mines recently (was previously mine laying speed).
Demolitions Specialist: Has been completely reworked. It now grants 100% increased effect of Auras from mines, and causes mines to hinder enemies near them for 2 seconds when they land, reducing enemy movement speed by 40%.
Pyromaniac: Now causes you to regenerate 1% of Life per second for each Mine Detonated or Trap Triggered recently, up to 10% per second (from a maximum of 20%). Now grants 20% reduced mana cost of skills that throw traps (From 25%) and 20% reduced mana reservation of skills that throw mines.
Explosives Expert: No longer grants increased area damage, reduced damage taken from trap or mine hits, or elemental resistance penetration. Now grants 30% increased area of effect (from 20%), 8% reduced area damage taken from hits, +30% to critical strike multiplier against burning enemies, 80% increased critical strike chance against shocked enemies, and causes damage against chilled enemies to penetrate 10% of elemental resistances.

Ghost Dance: Now grants +3% to chance to evade while you have Energy Shield (from +5%), 2% reduced damage taken per Ghost Shroud (from 3%), and when hit, causes you to lose a Ghost Shroud and recover Energy Shield equal to 4% of your Evasion Rating (from 5%).

Toxic Delivery: No longer causes you to recover 0.5% of your maximum Life per poison affecting enemies you kill. Now grants you +0.4% to critical strike chance per poison affecting the enemy, up to +2%. Now causes poisons you inflict with critical strikes to deal 50% more damage (from 30%).
Noxious Strike: No longer grants +0.1% to critical strike chance per poison affecting the enemy. Now causes you to recover 0.5% of your maximum Life per poison affecting enemies you kill. Also grants +25% to Damage over Time Multiplier for poison and 50% increased Damage with poison.
Ambush and Assassinate: No longer grants 30% increased damage with hits against enemies that are on low life. Now grants 20% more damage (Multiplicative!) with hits and ailments against enemies that are on low life.
Opportunistic: No longer grants 100% increased damage while there is only one enemy nearby, nor causes you to take no extra damage from critical strikes while there is only one enemy nearby. Now grants 20% more damage (Multiplicative! Again!) while there is at most one Rare or Unique enemy nearby. Also reduces damage taken by 10% while there are at least two Rare or Unique enemies nearby.
Unstable Infusion: Now grants +1 to maximum Power Charges.
Deadly Infusion: No longer grants +1 to maximum Power Charges. Now increases movement speed by 10% while at maximum Power Charges.
Added a new notable -- Mistwalker: 50% chance to gain Elusive on critical strike. 20% increased attack and cast speed while Elusive. 8% reduced damage taken while Elusive. 25% increased Elusive effect. You take no extra damage from critical strikes while Elusive.

Overwhelm: Base critical strike chance for attacks with weapons is now 7.5% (from 8%).
Bane of Legends: You now gain 10% increased attack speed for 20 seconds when you kill a Rare or Unique enemy (from 20%). You now gain 10% increased movement speed for 20 seconds when you kill an enemy (from 20%).

Commander of Darkness: The small passive leading to the notable now grants 5% increased effect of non-curse Auras from your skills. It no longer grants 4% increased cast speed.
Mistress of Sacrifice: Now causes your offerings to have 25% reduced effect on you (from 50%), and grants 30% increased Skill Duration (from 20%), and 30% increased Minion Duration. No longer grants 40% increased Damage if you have consumed a corpse recently, or 2% increased attack and cast speed for each corpse consumed recently.
Flesh Binder, Invoker, Bone Sculptor, Soul Weaver and Puppet Master have all been removed and replaced by new notables.
Added a new notable -- Essence Glutton: 20% increased maximum Mana. For each nearby corpse, you and nearby allies regenerate 0.2% of Energy Shield per second, up to 2% per second. For each nearby corpse, you and nearby allies regenerate 5 mana per second, up to 50 per second. Regenerate 8% of your Mana and Energy Shield over 2 seconds when you consume a corpse.
Added a new notable -- Mindless Aggression: Minions have 30% increased movement speed, 10% increased attack speed, 10% increased cast speed, and deal 30% increased damage.
Added a new notable -- Unnatural Strength: +2 to level of all Minion skill gems. Requires Mindless Aggression.
Added a new notable -- Bone Barrier: Grants level 20 Bone Armour skill. 1% additional Physical Damage reduction per minion, up to 10%. +3% to all elemental resistances per Minion, up to 30%. 3% increased recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Minion, up to 30%. Minions have 20% more maximum Life. Requires Mindless Aggression.
Added a new notable -- Plaguebringer: If you have consumed a corpse recently, you and your Minions have 30% increased Area of Effect. With at least one nearby corpse, you and nearby allies deal 10% more Damage, and nearby Enemies deal 10% reduced Damage.
Added a new notable -- Corpse Pact: 30% increased Damage if you have consumed a corpse recently. 2% increased attack and cast speed for each corpse consumed recently. Enemies near corpses you spawned recently are Chilled and Shocked. Corpses you spawn have 50% increased Maximum Life. Requires Plaguebringer.

Liege of the Primordial: Now causes your summoned Golems to be immune to Elemental Damage (regardless of Golem type).
Elemancer: No longer grants ailment prevention based on the types of Golems you have summoned. Now grants 35% chance to avoid Elemental ailments per summoned Golem, and also grants 25% increased effect of buffs granted by your golems per summoned Golem (stacks with Liege of the Primordials identical stat).
Beacon of Ruin: Now also grants 30% increased effect of non-damaging Ailments on enemies.

Withering Presence: Now grants +20% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier (was previously Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier). The small passive leading to the notable have had the same treatment.
Vile Bastion: Now also causes you to regenerate 40 Energy Shield per second.

Item Balance

Several Daggers are now classified as Rune Daggers. Daggers can no longer roll caster-related modifiers, while Rune Daggers retain their old mod generation behaviour.
Several Staves are now classified as Warstaves. Warstaves can no longer roll caster-related modifiers, while Staves retain their old mod generation behaviour.
Sceptres are now identified as a separate class to one-handed Maces.
Elder and Shaper gloves can no longer roll the +1 Traps Thrown/+1 Mines Placed modifiers.
Weapon modifiers that add maximum Mana have had their values raised across the board. Staves, in particular, can now be found with modifiers that add large quantities of maximum Mana. Existing weapons may be updated to the new values in some cases using a Divine Orb (Staves can't).
Wands, Sceptres, Staves, Rune Daggers and pure Intelligence Shields can now roll modifiers which affect the levels of all Skill Gems of a certain type, not just those socketed within that item. They can no longer roll the modifers which solely affect socketed gem levels.
Wands, Sceptres and Staves and Jewels can now roll Fire Damage over Time Multiplier modifiers.
Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier is now just Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier, and can affect ailments. This affects all items with this mod.
Daggers and Rune Daggers can now roll modifiers to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier.
Jewels can now roll Physical Damage over Time Multiplier modifiers.
Belts can now roll Mana prefixes.
Paua Rings now have 20 to 30 mana on their implicit (from 20 to 25).
Items with the Matatl's prefix that grant +1 to the level of Trap skill gems now also apply to Mine skill gems. This mod can no longer appear on 1-handed weapons.
Mana flasks at all levels have been rebalanced. In general, they will recover more mana over less time than previously, and have more uses. They can also roll several useful new modifiers.
The +1 to Lightning, Fire and Cold Gems weapon vendor recipes now instead grants a weapon with added damage of that element for spells. The Chaos variant of this recipe has been removed. The values of the modifiers granted by these recipes is dependant on the rarity of the ring used. This recipe now also works for Rune Daggers.
The Labyrinth Helmet Enchantment for Desecrate which granted increased Cooldown Reduction now instead grants increased Duration at the same value. This affects existing items with this enchantment. This enchantment can no longer be obtained from the Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth Boots Enchantments which previously granted Life and Mana Leech if you have Killed Recently now instead just grant Life Leech.
The Labyrinth Boots Enchantments which previously granted Life and Mana Regeneration if you have been Hit Recently now instead just grant Life Regeneration.
The Labyrinth Helmet Enchantment for Tornado Shot which added additional secondary projectiles is now exclusively available from the Eternal Labyrinth, and now only adds one additional secondary projectile. Existing items with this enchantment are unaffected.
Added a new set of Labyrinth Boots Enchantments which grant increased Mana Regeneration Rate if you have cast a Spell Recently.
Resonators can now stack. They have a stack size of 10 in normal Stash Tabs and the inventory, and the Primitive Resonators can stack to 5000 in the Currency Tab.
The Glass Shank basetype can no longer roll caster modifiers.
A number of Accuracy modifiers for Minions have been added to the mod pool for both Abyss and ordinary Jewels.
The added Lightning Damage modifier with the prefix name "Heart-stopping" has been renamed to "Vapourising", because we added a bunch of other mods in 3.6.0, one of which was ALSO called Heartstopping, and Heartstopping fit better on the newer one. Mod names are hard.
Added a new set of modifiers for Intelligence-based armours which grant added Energy Shield and Mana.
Using a Bound Fossil to craft boots will no longer grant +1 to Maximum number of Spectres. It instead now grants +1 to level of Raise Spectre gems. This also affects existing pairs of boots with this modifier.
Essence of Zeal now grants increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed when used on a Belt.
The Avenger's flask prefix now grants 5 charges when you take a critical strike (from 3).
The "of Craving" and "of Gluttony" modifiers can no longer appear on flasks.
The increased mana modifier available on Jewels can now roll between 8 and 10% increased mana (from 6 to 8%).
Minion Damage modifiers from all tiers of Essence of Fear have been significantly increased. Existing items can be updated to the new values with a Divine Orb.
Essences of Rage, Spite and Sorrow no longer provides additional levels to socketed gems, and instead grant Resistance Penetration of the associated element.

Unique Item Balance

The following items now affect all Spells of certain types, rather than just those socketed in the item: Taryn's Shiver, Searing Touch, Agnerod North/East/South/West, Cane of Unravelling, Xirgil's Crank, and The Consuming Dark.
Brutal Restraint: Can no longer modify passives with "8% increased Effect of Flasks on you", instead granting "8% increased Effect of Non-Unique Flasks on you". This affects all versions of the item.
Watcher's Eye: Can no longer gain +% to Cold and Chaos Damage over Time Multipliers while affected by Malevolence. Instead now has +% to Damage over Time Multipliers while affected by Malevolence. This affected all versions of the item. The mana cost reduction while affected by Clarity now specifically applies to non-channeled skills. The mana leech while affected by Wrath is now Energy Shield leech while affected by Wrath. These two changes do NOT affect existing items, and cannot be obtained with a Divine Orb.
The Poet's Pen: Now triggers socketed spells at the end of an attack, rather than at the start. Now has a cooldown of 0.15 seconds (from 0.25).
Doomsower: No longer causes socketed Red Gems to gain 10% of Physical Damage as extra Fire Damage. Instead causes Attack Skills to gain 5% of Physical Damage as extra Fire Damage per socketed Red Gem. Also causes you to have Vaal Pact while all socketed Gems are Red. This does not affect existing versions of this item.
The Star of Wraeclast: No longer grants Illusory Warp, and instead grants Level 10 Frostblink. Now also grants 50% increased duration for Frostblink. Existing versions of this item are unaffected and cannot obtain these changes.
Ashcaller: No longer grants added Fire Damage to Attacks. Instead grants +15-25% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier. This only affects new versions of the item. Now grants 20-30% increased Burning damage (down from 40-50%). Existing items will update to these new values if you use a Divine Orb.
Blasphemer's Grasp: No longer grants Ailment Damage per Elder Item equipped, and instead grants Ailment Damage over Time Multiplier per Elder Item equipped. This affects all versions of the item.
Cane of Unravelling: Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier is now just Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier. This affects all versions of the item.
The Searing Touch: No longer grants 70% increased Burning Damage. Now grants +40-60% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier. This does not affect existing items.
Femurs of the Saints: No longer causes your minions to Regenerate Life, nor does it grant increased Minion Attack and Cast Speed per Skeleton you Own, increased Minion Duration per Raised Zombie, or increased Minion Damage per Raised Spectre. It now causes minions to deal 60-80% increased Damage, and grants 1% chance to Block Attack Damage per Summoned Skeleton, 2% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Summoned Raging Spirit, 0.6% of Life Regenerated per second per Raised Zombie, and 30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Raised Spectre.
Vis Mortis: No longer grants +1 to maximum number of Raised Spectres or grants your minions Unholy Might when they kill an Enemy. Now causes minions to gain 15-20% of Elemental Damage as extra Chaos Damage.
Coated Shrapnel: No longer grants added Physical Damage for Traps and Mines. Now has a Small radius, and causes passives in radius to also grant (2-3) to (4-6) added Physical Damage for Traps and Mines.
Fortified Legion: Can no longer drop. Has been replaced by a new unique item which uses the same art.
Apparitions: Can no longer drop. Has been replaced by a new unique item which uses the same art.
Violent Dead: Can no longer drop or be obtained from quests.
Sidhebreath: No longer grants Physical Attack Damage leeched as Mana. Now causes minions to deal (5-9) to (11-15) additional Cold Damage.
Healthy Mind: Now limited to 1.
Bones of Ullr: No longer increases the maximum number of Zombies or Spectres you can have. Instead, it now grants +1 to the level of Raise Zombie and Raise Spectre gems. This affects all versions of the item.
Jaws of Agony: Now grants level 25 Bear Trap. This affects all versions of the item, however the values on existing versions will say otherwise until a Divine Orb is used.
Queen's Decree: Now causes Minions to have 30-40% increased maximum Life (from 10-15%), and deal 30-40% increased Damage (from 10-15%). Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
The Queen's Hunger: No longer causes Offering skills to have 25% reduced effect on you. This affects all versions of the item.
Midnight Bargain: Now causes Minions to have 20-30% increased Movement Speed (from 10-20%), and deal 50-70% increased Damage (from 10-30%). Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
Arakaali's Fang: The spiders summoned by this item now take up less space and have Phasing (and therefore will not block players or monsters as often or as easily).
Combat Focus: Now also applies to Wild Strike.
Berek's Grip: No longer grants 1% of damage leeched as Mana against frozen enemies. Instead grants Energy Shield leech against frozen enemies. This does not affect existing versions of the item.
Tempered Flesh/Transcendent Flesh: Now grants +7% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 10 unallocated Strength in radius (from +5%).
Tempered Mind/Transcendent Mind: Now grants 125 Accuracy Rating per 10 unallocated Intelligence in radius (from 100).
Dead Reckoning: Now turns 15 Skeleton Warriors into Skeleton Mages (from 5). Now limited to 1. Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
From Dust: Now allows you to summon 4 additional Skeletons at a time (from 2). Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
Bloodbond: The Blood Offering skill now has a base duration of 5 seconds (from 3), and gains an additional second per corpse consumed (from 0.5 seconds), with a maximum number of consumable corpses of 4 (from 8). It also now grants 10% more Life Regeneration to Minions per Corpse consumed (from 5%).
Curtain Call: Now increases Mine Detonation Speed rather than Mine Arming Speed. Now reduces Mine Throwing Speed rather than Mine Laying Speed. Now requires that you have at least 800 Intelligence or Dexterity to throw up to 1 additional Mine (from 500).
Tremor Rod: No longer causes you to deal 35% less Mine Damage. No longer grants increased Mine Laying Speed. Now grants +2 to the level of socketed Spell gems. This does not affect existing items and cannot be Divined.

Crafting Changes

Added a new Fire Damage over Time Multiplier crafting option, which is unlocked when the Cold Damage over Time Multiplier is unlocked.
Veiled Flask modifiers now only need to be Unveiled once to be crafted.
Immortal Syndicate-member-specific recipes now require half as many Unveilings to be unlocked.
Crafted Trap and Mine Throwing Speed modifiers now grant higher values, and have separate versions for Two-Handed weapons with even higher values still.
The mana cost reduction crafted modifier (AKA "Elreon's") has been split into two separate modifiers -- one for Channeling skill mana costs, and one for non-Channeling skill mana costs. Each has three ranks.
You can no longer craft a mana cost reducing modifier onto an Incursion mana cost reduction ring.
The Hybrid Life and Mana crafted modifiers have been split into flat Life and Mana Regeneration, and flat Mana and Life Regeneration modifiers.
Re-added the flat Energy Shield crafted modifiers for Rings and Amulets that mysteriously vanished.

World Changes

Labyrinth Traps now deal 90% less bleeding damage to Minions.

Monster Changes

Monster accuracy rating has been reduced game-wide. Players who invest in Evasion will, as a result, be evading monsters at approximately pre-3.7.0 rates.
Normal monsters that spawn as part of a Rare monster's pack are now classified as minions of that monster, and gain one of the Rare monster's non-nemesis, non-aura modifiers. They also have a special visual effect to distinguish them, will deal more damage, have more life, and grant more experience when slain.
Piety's Fire Form now has greater attack range. Made small improvements to Piety's AI during the Lunaris Temple encounter.
Monsters which use Molten Strike now create the projectiles whether they hit a target with the main attack or not.

Incursion Changes

Rebalanced the life regeneration Temple-wide modifier with respect to monsters of magic and rare rarity.
As mentioned above, you can now encounter Legion-themed rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl.
Reduced the life of Vaal Advocates and Enhanced Vaal Fallens by 25%
You can now find items that affect Mines from the Trap rooms of the Temple of Atzoatl.

Betrayal Changes

The state of your Betrayal board is now shared across all characters on the same account and in the same league.
Upon completing the Mastermind encounter, you'll now have access to a reward room for every single Immortal Syndicate member currently with a job on your board (including prisoners). That's essentially up to 14 rooms worth of rewards, plus the Mastermind themselves.
Added a Stash to the Mastermind's Safehouse reward area because, well, you're going to need it.
Mastermind Intelligence no longer decays.
Upon defeating the Mastermind, the Betrayal board state is reset to a similar number of members and relationships as the starting state. However, Safehouse Intelligence is no longer reset upon defeating the Mastermind.
Safehouses now have 100% increased Experience from monsters, and the Mastermind's Safehouse now has 200% increased Experience from monsters.
You now always have the option to 'Release' Syndicate members.
Each encounter is now tracked on the Quest Tracker on the right side of the screen.
You'll now encounter far fewer 'empty' encounters based on your Betrayal board state.

Azurite Mine and Sulphite Changes

Your Voltaxic Sulphite is now shared across all characters on the same account and in the same league. There is still a hard upper limit of 65000 Sulphite. Characters that are merged to Standard at the end of a league will bring their Sulphite with them, up to whatever your highest maximum Sulphite limit is.
The tunnel Niko digs for you based on your character level is now also shared league-wide across all your characters, meaning your highest-level character will determine the depth of Niko's tunnel for all characters. This tunnel will only ever, at most, be 6 levels behind your highest-level character until you reach level 68. Previously, it was 15 levels behind by the time you reach level 68.
The rate of level growth for monsters within the Azurite Mine is now faster, requiring significantly fewer depths to hit the maximum monster levels within the Mine. This was because most players progressed through the Atlas faster than the Mine, and the two difficulty levels would quickly become out of sync.
As a result of the change to the depth-to-level ratio, the cost of Delves in those interim levels has been increased, but tapers back to the original costs as you get deeper.
Dynamite is now Instant (ie. can be used while moving).
As mentioned above, you can now find Legion encounters and rewards in the Azurite Mine.

Prophecy Changes

Prophecies which can create Tempests in areas can no longer trigger in the Shaper's Realm or during the most difficult version of the Elder encounter.

Map Changes

The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
If you're lucky, Zana will now offer 5 new unique maps as part of her missions. Each map contains a boss encounter originally from the Synthesis league, and each can drop unique items originally exclusive to that league. Note, you cannot obtain Fractured items, nor will you have any access to the Synthesiser.
You'll now appear in your Hideout (rather than Town) if you die to the Elder or one of its Guardians.
The Beast of the Pits (Barrows map boss) now moves more quickly during its charge attack, but can use the attack less frequently. Its base attack speed has been reduced, and its damage increased.
Piety boss encounters in which she transforms into her Fire Form have also benefitted from increased attack range and AI tweaks.
Breachlords now have more appropriate life values for their higher-level variants (such as those from Pure Breachstones). Chayula in particular has significantly higher life in special versions of his Breach Domain (such as the Pure version).
Breach Domains now have higher monster density, and the monsters contained within have more base life. The map modifier which granted more life to these monsters has been removed. The rate at which monsters are revealed has been sped up, and you'll have more time at the start of the encounter.
The bosses of the Lair and Dark Forest maps will now spend more time in their Human form between transformations into Wolf form.
Defeated Syndicate members, Shrines, hidden monsters such as Devourers and other things will no longer lure out Shaper phantoms.

Zana League Mods Available During 3.8.0

Zana's map device options are now unlocked as you progress through the Atlas quest chain. These are the League Mods available during 3.8.0.

Fortune Favours the Brave (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): One of these options will be applied at random, including those you have not yet unlocked.
Alternate of Same Tier up to Tier 10 (costs 1 Chaos Orb): Requires a Rare map. Opens a random Rare map of the same tier, excluding the map you placed in the device.
Shaped Tier 1-5 (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at 5 tiers higher, randomly rolled as a Rare.
Shaped Tier 1-10 (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at 5 tiers higher, randomly rolled as a Rare, with a chance to be Corrupted.
Elder Tier 1-15 (costs 15 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at Tier 16, randomly rolled as a Rare, with a chance to be Corrupted.
Warbands (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area is inhabited by 3 additional Warbands.
Abyss (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area contains an additional Abyss.
Ambush (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 3 extra Strongboxes.
Bloodlines (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Magic monster packs each have a Bloodline mod. Area contans 3 additional magic monster packs.
Nemesis (Costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Rare monsters each have a Nemesis mod. Area contains 5 additional packs with a Rare monster.
Breach (Costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 additional Breaches.
Harbinger (Costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 extra Harbingers.

User Interface Improvements

The "Invite to Party/Kick from Party" button in the player context menu has been moved to the top and separated from the other buttons.
Added slots for Harbinger's Orbs, Ancient Orbs, Orbs of Binding and Engineer's Orbs to the Currency Stash Tab. These slots are invisible until you add one of those currencies.
Increased the stack size for Perandus Coins in the Currency Stash Tab to 50000.
Added slots for Legion Splinters, Emblems and Scarabs to the Fragment Stash Tab.
Condensed the display of values greater than 9999 on buff icons.
Pressing the Hide Popups button in the Help Panel now also disables the flashing Help Panel icon, and marks all pages as read.
Multiple different timers can now be displayed at once, meaning you will be able to track how much time remains to complete your Incursion in a timed Zana map.
Atlas search has been improved. You can enter a value to find all maps of that tier, highlight all unique maps with "unique", and even search for Pantheon souls!
A notification now displays how much favour you've earned upon completing a Master's mission.
You can now scroll between stash tabs by holding ctrl and using the mouse wheel.
Improved the information displayed when you attempt to import a hideout but don't have all of the necessary decorations.
Added warnings for when you attempt to sell an item which has an Incubator on it.

Quest Rewards

Added Cobra Lash as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Ranger and Scion, for completing Enemy at the Gate. It replaces Frost Blades for the Shadow.
Added Stormblast Mine as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Witch, Templar and Scion, for completing Enemy at the Gate. It replaces Lightning Tendrils for the Shadow.
Added Swift Assembly Support as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Witch, Duelist, Ranger and Scion, for completing Mercy Mission.
Added Withering Step as a quest reward for the Shadow and Scion, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Ranger and Witch, for completing The Caged Brute. It replaces Wither for the Shadow.
Added Infernal Legion Support as a quest reward for the Witch, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Templar, for completing The Caged Brute.
Added Venom Gyre as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Ranger and Scion, for completing The Siren's Cadence.
Added Icicle Mine as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Nessa for the Witch, Templar and Scion, for completing The Siren's Cadence.
Added Summon Skitterbots as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Yeena for the Ranger, Witch and Scion, for completing Intruders in Black.
Added Blood Rage as a quest reward for the Duelist, Ranger and Shadow for completing Intruders in Black.
Added Death Mark Support as a quest reward for the Witch, and as purchasable from Yeena for the Templar and Scion, for completing Sharp and Cruel.
Added Nightblade Support as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Yeena for the Ranger and Scion, for completing Sharp and Cruel.
Added Plague Bearer as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Ranger, Duelist and Scion, for completing Lost in Love.
Added Pestilent Strike as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Ranger, Duelist and Scion, for completing Sever the Right Hand.
Added Pyroclast Mine as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Witch, Templar and Scion, for completing Intruders in Black. It replaces Flameblast for the Shadow.
Added Feeding Frenzy Support and Meat Shield Support as a quest reward for the Witch and Templar, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Scion, for completing A Fixture of Fate.
Added Impale Support as a quest reward for the Marauder for completing A Fixture of Fate.
Added High-Impact Mine Support as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Witch and Scion, for completing A Fixture of Fate.
Added Charged Mines Support as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Clarissa for the Witch and Scion, for completing A Fixture of Fate.
Added Summon Carrion Golem as a quest reward for the Witch, Templar and Scion, and as purchasable from Petarus and Vanja for the Ranger and Shadow, for completing Breaking the Seal.
Added Minefield Support as a quest reward for the Shadow, and as purchasable from Petarus and Vanja for the Witch and Scion, for completing The Eternal Nightmare.

PvP Changes

The formula for calculating damage in PvP has changed. It is now: *1^0.57)*90*Time for Physical and Chaos damage, and *2^0.55)*150*Time for Elemental damage. The net result of this change is that low damage hits will see virtually no change, while extremely high damage hits will see a reduction of about 30%.
Mine skills now use the Throwing time as the basis for PvP scaling.
Kinetic Blast now has a 30% damage penalty against players (from 50%).
Ball Lightning now has a 40% damage penalty against players (from 25%)
Unleash Support now causes supported skills do deal 40% less damage against players (previously no penalty).
Scorching Ray now has a Time override of 0.2 seconds (from 0.5).
Infernal Legion Support now has a Time override of 15 seconds for the burning damage it deals.
Minefield Support now causes supported skills to deal 50% less damage in PvP (from 15% less).
The Caustic Ground on Death effect from Siegebreaker now has a Time override of 5 seconds.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where projectiles would not appear to chain on the game client if the monster was slain by the hit.
Fixed a bug where destroying a wall in the Azurite Mine would count towards encounter completion for the sake of the Delve depth ladder.
Fixed a bug where Immortal Syndicate members could claim to have the job of "None" when you are selecting between actions.
Fixed a bug where some unique Strongboxes would override the Sextant modifier which caused Strongbox monsters to drop significantly more items.
Fixed a bug where Elemental Hit attacks which did not hit a target would still produce an explosion.
Fixed a bug where Daresso's combo attack was only dealing damage with the first swing.
Fixed a bug where Shield Crabs were only hitting with their double-claw attack once, rather than twice (two claws = double the danger (and double the flavour)).
Fixed a bug where animation cancelling could cause some skills to appear to fire in the wrong direction.
Fixed a bug where the unique body armour The Rat Cage could act incorrectly with other sources that converted incoming damage.
Fixed a bug where auras which affected nearby enemies would not update in time for skills which teleported you (such as Flicker Strike) to affect them.
Fixed a bug which allowed you to teleport into and out of the Mesa Map boss arena.
Fixed a bug which caused the incorrect Life values of summoned skeletons from gem levels 3 and up to show.
Fixed a bug where queued actions would misbehave if you held move-only during the first action.
Fixed a bug where the Illusionist body armour cosmetic would cause your shadow to vanish, as well as several bad visual interactions between it and other effects. These were not the illusions we sought.
Fixed a bug where the Celestial Winter Orb cosmetic effect didn't produce wind physics. Technically, there's no air in space, so was this really a bug? Yes. Yes it was.
Fixed a bug where you couldn't use the hotkey to close the Delve map if you weren't the owner of that instance.
Fixed a bug where the Monolith Aura effect would interact with wind physics.
Fixed a bug which caused the Sin Sword and Sin Longsword cosmetics to appear darker than intended.
Fixed a bug where the Wild and Wild Gold portal effects didn't play audio when using the Map Device.
Fixed a case of desync caused by the Divine Tempest.
Fixed bug where Ranged Attack Totem Support could support some skills it shouldn't be able to, because they created minions that used skills it could support.
Fixed a bug which caused Hillock to jump far slower than he was meant to.
Fixed a bug where we forgot to remove the Memory Nexus icon from the World Panel legend. Or maybe we were attacked by the Elder...?
Fixed a bunch of cases where the Monstrous Treasure prophecy would prevent fun mechanics from triggering.
Fixed a bug where you could support Berserk with Duration-modifying support gems, despite it having no duration that could be altered.
Fixed some awkward interactions between the Madcap Helmet and the Bleeding Eyes cosmetic effects.
Fixed a bug where you would fail to create a portal with Cast on Death if you were frozen at the point you died.
Fixed a bug where Scorching Ray totems wouldn't retarget after breaking out a Legion enemy.
Fixed a bug where Ancestral Call would leave weapon images behind when used with Flicker Strike.
Fixed a bug where a lore object in the Catacombs could become unreachable.
Fixed a Relic Chambers layout that could have unreachable areas.
Fixed some incorrect text regarding which craftable modifiers could be crafted on which slots.
Fixed a bug where the Dunes Map boss wasn't pulling the sword out of his chest like he was meant to.
Fixed some small cases of desync that could occur during the Elder encounter.
Fixed a bug where the Chieftain life recovery rate passive would trigger from non-enemy hits, when the passive specifically calls out enemies.
Fixed a bug where you could use a skill with a delayed slam (such as Ice Crash) and teleport mid-way through the attack, but the slam would stay in your original position.
Fixed several cases of mods that were craftable alongside mods they should not have been craftable alongside.
Fixed a bug where the incorrect tier would be displayed for mods on item types whose maximums for that type of mod were lower than other item types.
Fixed a bug where using a Vaal aura while you had Mortal Conviction or Supreme Ego (or both) would disable any other auras you had active.
Fixed a bug where certain tilesets would force Betrayal Transporation encounters to be far too short.
Fixed some skill gems missing the correct tags.

Recently added:
Raise Zombie
Zombies now have a base cooldown of 4 seconds for their slam attack (from 5).

We really hope you enjoy Path of Exile: Blight. Thanks for your support!


  • とりあえずコピーだけ。訳せる人はお願いします… -- 2019-10-30 (水) 01:58:23
    • 上2項目の訳終了。スキルの訳などより良いのが合ったら変更お願いします -- 2019-10-30 (水) 22:53:06

*1 Damage/(Time*90
*2 Damage/(Time*150