Damage Types

Last-modified: 2019-09-29 (日) 22:02:02

Physical Damage

各種武器の白色で示されるDamageの数値はPhysical Damage。
しかし、一部SpellやTrap(Ethereal KnivesBear Trap)にもPhysical属性のものがある。

Physical Damageを受ける場合、キャラクターシートで確認できるDamage Reductionの割合分だけ軽減できる性質を持つ。
Damage ReductionはArmourをあげることや、Endurance Chargeで増加させることができる
Endurance Chargeはひとつに付き4%の減少が固定で得られる。

Fire Damage

Igniteは与えたFire Damageの1/3を4秒間かけてDoTとして与える追加ダメージ

IgniteのダメージはBurningなのでFire Damageを強化しても強化されないが、元のFire Damageが強化されるので結果的に強化される
仕様変更によりBurningはFire Damage Over timeとして扱われるようになったため、Fire Damageの増加はBurning Damageの直接的増加に繋がる。
(Spell Damageなどでは増加しないことに注意)

Cold Damage

つまり、死体を対象にした全ての行動が不可能になるので、Elemental Proliferationなどの効果もなくなる


Lightning Damage


Elemental Damage


Chaos Damage

Energy Shieldを貫通して直接Lifeにダメージを与える性質を持つ
パッシブスキルのChaos Inoculationを取得すると最大Lifeが1になるが常時100%のChaos Resistanceを保有するので無効化できる
ユニークアイテムのShavronne's Wrappingsという鎧があれば、Chaos DamageはEnergy Shieldを貫通できなくなる

Damage over time

  • Burning
  • Poison
  • Breed
    そのため各種レジやArmour、Endurance Chargeで軽減可能。

Converted Damage

There are many skills, supports, and item mods which will convert one type of damage into another. Converted damage gains bonuses from both the type of damage it was converted from AND the type of damage it is converted to. The following is an example taken from the Path of Exile forums.

Mark_GGG wrote: I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage. Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).

I have: 10% Increased Physical Damage, 20% Increased Elemental Damage, 5% Increased Cold Damage, 15% Increased Fire Damage,

My weapon's base damage is 100 physical. 50% of this will be converted to cold, 50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.

The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 10% increase.

The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).

The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).

Physical: 50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 10% increase applied = 55 Physical Damage

Cold: 25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)

Fire: 25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)