Basic Flight Procedures

Last-modified: 2016-04-29 (金) 23:12:36

Controlled Hover

  • このレッスンでは、controlled hoverを行う方法を学ぶ。普通、controlled hoverは離陸前に、全システムが作動し必要な出力が出ているかを確認するために行われる。





Welcome aboard, trainee.


Today you'll learn how to perform a controlled hover.
今日は、controlled hoverを行う方法を学ぶ。


To perform vertical takeoff and a hover you will need to perform the following steps:


Set the helicopter's nose against the wind and taxi forward 2 to 3 m to position the wheels. Then set the wheel brakes.


Verify helicopter pitch.


Verify that cockpit gauges are working.


Visually check the area around the helicopter and request permission for vertical takeoff.


Once permission for takeoff is granted, release the wheel brakes, and gently start increasing the collective while keeping the helicopter from rotating or banking.


Reset the trim [T]. If you are not using a Force Feedback joystick, move the joystick to the neutral position after resetting trim.


Maintain the required hover altitude by making gentle adjustments to the collective while keeping an eye on the radio altimeter and visual cues. Rotate the helicopter with gentle rudder inputs to avoid any sideslip.


The helicopter during a hover has positive feather stability and it will try to rotate to face against the wind. Thus, when rotating using the rudders, keep in mind that the helicopter will begin rotating slowly and then will rapidly increase its rotation according to wind velocity.


When performing a controlled hover, you'll need to verify the ability to take off vertically in current atmospheric conditions and the amount of engine power that is required to hover.
controlled hoverを行うときは、現在の気象条件で垂直離陸が可能かどうか、ホバリングに必要なエンジン出力があるかどうか確認する必要がある。


When moving the controls, the helicopter should execute the required maneuvers with enough control reserve range in all channels.


When centering the helicopter, verify this by stick position after centering.


The Black Shark also has an automatic Hover mode.
Black Sharkには、自動ホバーモードもある。


To verify Hover mode, settle the aircraft at an altitude of no less than 4 m. Balance the aircraft and engage the trim [T]. You can then activate Hover mode by pressing the engage hover mode button [T + LALT]. This will result in the Hover light (HOVER) illuminating, and the arrows on the HSI will become perpendicular. The arrow deviation will correspond to the helicopter's hover position deviation from where in space above the ground the hover mode was engaged.
ホバーモードを確認するには、機体を4m以上の高度にする。機体のバランスをとり、トリムを合わせる[T]。その後ホバーモードボタンを押して [T+LAlt]、ホバーモードを有効に出来る。そうすると、ホバーモードのライト(HOVER)が点灯し、HSIの矢印が垂直になる。この矢印のずれは、ヘリコプターのホバー位置の、ホバーモード開始時からのずれに対応する。


After completing this test, turn off Hover mode and then verify that the pitch scale is at zero on the ADI [, + LALT + LSHIFT] [. + LALT + LSHIFT].


If the helicopter does not maintain the required altitude during the controlled hover, you will need to gently land and then reduce its takeoff weight.
controlled hoverの間高度を維持できない場合、ゆるやかに接地してから離陸重量を減らす必要がある。


This concludes the lesson on hovering. This is one you will want to master, so practice this often.


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" button and perform a controlled hover yourself.
Good luck!
今度は"ESC"キーを押して操縦を担当し、controlled hoverを自分で練習してよい。


ローター地上効果を用いた垂直離陸(Vertical Take-Off Using the Rotor-in-Ground Effect)

  • このレッスンでは、ローター地面効果による空気のクッションを用いて、垂直離陸から前進飛行に移行する方法を学ぶ。





Greetings, Trainee!


Today we're going to learn how to perform a vertical takeoff.


A vertical takeoff is usually performed when the helicopter can hover at an altitude of no less than 2 m with the engines running in takeoff mode.


To perform this type of takeoff you're going to need to do the following:


First, perform a test hover at 2 to 3 m as we learned in the previous lesson.


Ensure that all systems are working properly and then descend to 1 m.


Gently move the cyclic forward while increasing engine power to the takeoff level to prevent any altitude loss.


Accelerate the helicopter while within the air cushion effect and then gently increase the altitude to 15 m with a forward speed of 100 km/h.


Continue to accelerate and gain altitude.


Our vertical takeoff is now complete and this concludes this lesson.


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" key and perform the takeoff yourself. Good luck!


Rolling Take-Off Using the Rotor-in-Ground Effect

  • このレッスンでは、ローター地面効果を用いたrolling takeoffを行う方法を学ぶ。





Welcome aboard, trainee.


Today we'll learn how to perform a ground effect takeoff.


This type of takeoff is performed when ground conditions are unsafe, the helicopter can hover at an altitude of 1 m or more, and engines are producing maximum power. The helicopter uses the ground effect to accelerate while staying within the air cushion.


To perform this type of takeoff you will need to first perform a test hover as we reviewed earlier. After completing the test hover, gently land the helicopter.


Now gently move the cyclic forward while increasing engine power to maximum; this will accelerate the helicopter as quickly as possible. Pitch the aircraft down no more than -10 degrees. The main gear will soon lift off the ground.


As you reach 40 km/h, gently pull the cyclic towards you to lift the helicopter off the ground.


Continue accelerating and gain altitude once you reach 120 km/h.


That concludes the Ground Effect Takeoff lesson.


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" key and practice this takeoff yourself. Good luck!


遷移操縦(Transition Maneuvers)

  • このレッスンでは、Ka-50である飛行態勢から別の飛行態勢に移る方法を学ぶ。





Welcome aboard, trainee!


Today, we'll be reviewing helicopter flight transition maneuvers.


When performing flight transitions, the amount and rate of movement of the cyclic and collective must be such that the rotor RPM is maintained within safe operating limits.


The trimmer mechanisms are used to neutralize the forces required to move the controls during flight transitions ([T] key), while helicopter bank, pitch, and yaw stability are maintained using the cyclic and rudder controls.


Let's examine a few of the transition maneuvers.


To initiate a hover from a vertical climb, smoothly lower the collective to stop the climb. Correct any altitude deviation with small collective inputs.


To initiate forward flight from a hover, push the cyclic forward and set a pitch angle corresponding to the desired acceleration rate and maintain altitude by using the collective. Upon reaching the desired speed, set a pitch angle corresponding to this speed and adjust the collective pitch to maintain the altitude.


To increase airspeed in level flight, smoothly move the cyclic forward while simultaneously increasing the collective pitch to maintain altitude. If takeoff power is applied to maintain altitude, it will be necessary to decrease the acceleration rate by pulling back on the cyclic and decreasing the collective until the rotor's RPM recovers to the desired value. Be careful to control any yaw or bank behavior with opposing cyclic and rudder pedal input.


To initiate a climb from level flight, increase collective pitch to begin climbing and maintain pitch using the cyclic.


To level off from a climb, set the desired pitch angle with the cyclic to ensure the desired indicated airspeed (IAS) and maintain the desired altitude with the collective.


To reduce airspeed in level flight, smoothly pull back on the cyclic to set the desired deceleration pitch angle and then hold the current altitude with collective input.


To descend from level flight, smoothly move the collective down until the desired vertical speed is reached. Maintain the pitch angle with the cyclic and make sure that the airspeed is constant.


To level off into horizontal flight from a descent, smoothly increase the collective, and using the vertical speed as a reference, stabilize the helicopter in horizontal flight.


To transition from forward flight to a hover at the same altitude, pull back on the cyclic to set the desired pitch angle and slow the helicopter down with the desired rate. Compensate any climb tendency by applying the corresponding collective input. Yaw and roll should be compensated for with the cyclic and pedals.


To initiate a manual, vertical descent from a hover, decrease the collective so that the descent rate is no greater than 3 m/s at altitudes above 10 m. If the descent rate is higher, you risk a vortex ring entry.


To transition from a descent to a hover, pull back on the cyclic to set the desired pitch angle and start decelerating. Decrease the vertical speed smoothly by increasing the collective until the helicopter is in a hover. Use the cyclic to eliminate any forward speed of the helicopter and maintain it in a hover.


That's it for our lesson on flight transitions.


You can take over control by pressing the "ESC" key and continue the flight.


ローター地上効果を用いた垂直着陸(Vertical Landing Using the Rotor-in-Ground Effect)

  • この訓練では、ローター地上効果の利点を用いて垂直着陸を行う方法を学ぶ。





Welcome aboard, trainee.


Today we'll learn to execute a vertical landing using the air cushion effect.


This is the normal landing procedure; the hovering takes place where the air cushion effect is most effective.


To land vertically you'll need to do the following:


On the descent after passing the inner NDB, and starting at 70 m altitude, move the cyclic towards you to reduce airspeed so that when reaching an altitude of 30 m, the horizontal velocity is around 50 km/h.
inner NDBを通過した後の降下で、高度70mからサイクリックを引いて速度を落とし、高度30mで水平速度が約50km/hになるようにする。


Reduce speed further so that the helicopter will start hovering over the landing site at 3 m.


Reduce collective to continue the descent and landing. Avoid lateral movement and ensure that the helicopter has landed on all 3 wheels. Once down, reduce the collective to minimum.


That's the end of the Vertical Landing lesson.


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" key and perform the landing yourself. Good luck!


Rolling Landing

  • このレッスンでは、ローター地上効果も用いてrolling landingを行う方法を学ぶ。





Welcome aboard, trainee.


Today we'll learn how to perform a rolling landing.
今日は、rolling landingを行う方法を学ぶ。


This type of landing is generally performed when the engines are not providing enough lifting force or when landing at high altitudes with high ambient air temperatures.


This landing is performed on runways or landing areas where the approach is clear.


To perform a rolling landing, you'll need to do the following:
rolling landingを行うには、以下のようにする必要がある。


When on descent from an altitude of 70 m, reduce airspeed so that you reach 70 km/h at an altitude of 30 m.


Continue to reduce speed further so that you touch down at about 30 km/h.


Gently land the helicopter on the main gears, let the nose gear touchdown, and then reduce collective.


Perform braking using the main rotors by gently pulling back on the cyclic and using the wheel brakes when ground speed is less than 40km/h.


This concludes the Rolling Landing lesson.
以上でRolling Landingのレッスンを終わる。


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" key and perform the landing yourself. Good luck!


トラフィックパターンの飛行(Flying a Traffic Pattern)

  • このレッスンでは、標準的なトラフィックパターンを飛ぶ方法を学ぶ。







Welcome aboard, trainee.


In today's lesson we'll have a look at the traffic patterns.


When flying a traffic pattern it is necessary to do the following:


Prior to take-off, set the desired track angle on the HSI to match the runway heading and set the airfield's pressure (QFE) on the barometric altimeter.


Adjust the ADF to point to the inner NDB of the current airfield. To set the inner NDB at Krymsk it is necessary to select channel №3 on the АRК-22 ADF control panel (to cycle the channels use keys [= + LCTRL] left, and [- + LCTRL] right) and set the beacon selector on the central instrument panel to INNER ([= + LALT]).
ADFを、今の飛行場のinner NDBを指すように調節する。Krymskのinner NDBに設定するには、ARK-22 ADF制御パネルでチャンネル3を選び(チャンネルを切り替えるには左[= + LCtrl]及び右[- + LCtrl]を使う)、センターパネルのビーコンセレクタをINNERにする([= + LAlt])必要がある。


After hovering at 3 m, start to accelerate forward and enable trim.


Set the climb rate at 3 m/s with a speed of 150 km/h. Retract the landing gear at an altitude of 40m.


Initiate the first turn at an estimated time of 1min 30sec. At that time, the altitude should be no less than 150m. Maintain 15 degrees of bank angle during the turn.


Upon reaching the pattern altitude of 300 m, level the helicopter in horizontal flight at an airspeed of 160 km/h.


The second turn is 90 degrees to the left and we'll initiate that at an NDB bearing of 240 degrees and at an estimated time of 2min 50sec. The turn should be executed at 160 km/h, with 15 degrees of bank angle.


Maintain level flight during the downwind leg, and use heading corrections as needed due to wind direction.


During the downwind leg maintain an airspeed of 160 km/h.


At a bearing of 270 degrees, check the position of the minimum safe altitude on the radio altimeter and check system parameters (e.g. the main engines and main gearbox oil pressure and temperature).


The third turn will be 90 degrees to the left with an NDB bearing of 240 degrees. Maintain a 15 degree bank angle.


After the third turn, reduce your airspeed to 150 km/h, extend the landing gear, initiate a descent at a vertical speed of 3 m/s, and request landing clearance.


The fourth and final turn will also be 90 degrees to the left, at an altitude of 200 m, and an NDB bearing of 285 degrees.


When turning, it's best to aim for the landing course by using the needle of the course selector on the HSI (desired track angle needle). When starting the turn, the angle between the ADF and DTA needles should be 15 degrees with no wind. If the turn is performed correctly, 30 degrees prior to reaching the landing course, the needles will coincide.


Descend at an airspeed of 150 km/h with a vertical speed of 2 m/s. Maintain the desired course accounting for drift angle.


When on final approach, correct the drift angle if there is a mismatch between the ADF and DTA needles, without exceeding a bank angle of 5 degrees.


If you descend to an altitude below 100 m before flying over the inner NDB, level the helicopter in horizontal flight. In VFR conditions, fly over the NDB at an altitude of 80 m. If you maintain the required parameters, flying over the inner NDB will occur 1min and 20 sec after the fourth turn.
inner NDBを通過する前に高度100m以下まで降下した場合、ヘリコプターを水平飛行させる。VFRコンディションでは、NDBを高度80mで通過する。必要なパラメータを維持している場合、inner NDBを通過するのは第四旋回から1分20秒後になるだろう。


After passing the inner NDB, maintain the correct course and keep descending at 2 m/s while reducing airspeed to an altitude of 30 m. This means that for every 10 m of altitude, you need to reduce your airspeed by 10 km/h. The time from flying over the inner NDB to landing should be about 40 sec.
inner NDBを通過した後は、正しいコースを維持し、速度を落としながら高度30mまで2m/sの降下を続ける。これは、高度を10m下げるごとに速度を10km/h落とす必要があることを意味する。inner NDBを通過してから着陸するまでの時間は、約40秒である。


Perform the landing as reviewed in previous lessons.


With that, our lesson is now complete.


You can now take control by pressing the "ESC" key and fly the traffic pattern on your own. Happy flying.