
Last-modified: 2007-11-29 (木) 20:50:32
ImageNameSpecial attributes
Toolsareaportal.gifAreaportalUse with areaportals (func_areaportals and func_areaportalwindows).
Toolsblack.gifBlackBlack texture, unaffected by light.
Toolsblocklos.gifBlock LOSBlocks the line-of-sight of NPCs and bots. Also casts shadows, so may need to be used in conjunction with func_brushes to avoid cosmetic glitches.
Toolsblockbullets.gifBlock bulletsSolid to bullets but not light or other objects. This does not automatically stop bullets, it's a regular wall only solid to bullets.
Toolsblocklight.gifBlock lightInvisible; casts shadow like standard materials, Does not only block light, also blocks NPC LOS and cuts world brushes.
Toolsclip.gifClipSolid to all objects. Is not rendered.
Toolsplayerclip.gifPlayer clip controlPurpose is unknown. (See "player clip" below for the tool texture that restricts player movement.)
Toolsdotted.pngDottedThe toolsdotted texture has very few special effects. As with a normal texture, a brush textured with toolsdotted cuts up world geometry and VIS leaves. However, the toolsdotted texture is rendered over all brush geometry as long as the player is standing in a leaf that can see the toolsdotted face. Furthermore, a brush with toolsdotted on any face will not block visibility nor cull any face that it touches, meaning that any area enclosed in a toolsdotted-textured brush will not be removed from the map in any way.
Toolsfog.gifFogDoes not seem to work. (You can use this for func_smokevolume instead of the trigger texture but NOT for func_dustcloud.)
Toolshint.gifHintDivides visleafs.
Toolsinvisible.gifInvisibleSolid to all objects, invisible and does not cast shadows
Toolsladder.gifLadderInvisible; Use in Counter-Strike: Source with func_ladder.
Toolsnodraw.gifNo DrawSolid; Invisible; seals leaks; blocks visibility if used on all surfaces of the same brush
Toolsnodraw.gifNo Draw RoofCounter-Strike: Source specific. Identical to No Draw, the only difference being a separate texture name to differentiate them.
Toolsnpcclip.gifNPC clipSolid to NPCs but not players or other objects, is not rendered.
Toolsoccluder.gifOccluderUse with func_occluders
Toolsorigin.gifOriginUse to set the rotation origin of rotating entities; deprecated for use in Source maps (Basic idea of an origin brush was used in Goldsource mapping)
Toolsplayerclip.gifPlayer clipSolid to players but not NPCs or other objects, is not rendered.
Toolsskip.gifSkipInvisible; has no effect on anything. Useful in combination with HINT. SKIP faces are removed during compile, so a brush textured with skip won't prevent leaks. Also useful as a tool in Hammer for grouping, moving, place-holding objects.
Toolsskybox.gifSkyboxUse to make 2D skyboxes. Casts light if there is a light_environment entity in the map.
Toolsskyfog.gifSkyFogTODO: toolsskyfog.vmt does not contain any properties.
Toolstrigger.gifTriggerUse on Trigger entities and Buyzones in Counter-Strike: Source. Also don't forget to move the selected trigger brush(es) ToEntity so you can change the properties.