曲名 | みてよ ふたりを |
英名 | Look It's Us |
作詞 | ピーター・ガフニー |
作曲 | ヒル・クルクティス ダムナイト・ドイル |
発表年 | 2021年 |
日本語版歌詞 (劇中版) | みてよ ふたりを もうすぐゴール やったね なんとか きりぬけたんだ みてよ はしりを よそういじょうに いいできだったね とてもうれしいよ みてよ こんなに ステキなチーム みてよ ほんとに すごいスピード でんきと じょうきで かけぬけたんだ みてよ ふたりは なんでもできる みてよ はやいでしょ じょうきあげて みてよ すごいでしょ ゆめはかなう 「信じられないよ!これってほんとなの?」 みてよ あとちょっと しゃりんをまわせ みてよ ふたりの ゆうしょうするとこ みてよ! |
日本語版歌詞 (フル) | みてよ ふたりを もうすぐゴール やったね なんとか きりぬけたんだ みてよ はしりを よそういじょうに いいできだったね とてもうれしいよ みてよ こんなに ステキなチーム みてよ ほんとに すごいスピード でんきと じょうきで かけぬけたんだ みてよ ふたりは なんでもできる みてよ はやいでしょ じょうきあげて みてよ すごいでしょ ゆめはかなう 「信じられないよ!これってほんとなの?」 みてよ あとちょっと しゃりんをまわせ みてよ ふたりの ゆうしょうするとこ みてよ あとちょっと しゃりんをまわせ みてよ ふたりの ゆうしょうするとこ ゆうしょう! ゆうしょう! ゆうしょう! |
英語版歌詞 (劇中版) | Look it's us! We're coming through We know just where we're going We made it through! We never knew The moves that we'd be showing Look it's us! We're on our way! We never thought we'd get here We came to play Oh what a day The crowd is gonna cheer Look it's us! A crew of two We're certainly a team Look it's us! We're telling you We're faster than we seem! By chug and choo We worked so hard Learned things that We never knew Look it's us! Our work paid off There's nothing we can't do Look it's us! We go so fast We're really building steam Look it's us! Let's make this last We're living in a dream I can't believe it We're really doing this! Look it's us! We're almost there Our wheels are really spinning Look it's us! We're such a pair We can't believe we're winning! Look it's us! |
英語版歌詞 (フル) | Look it's us! We're coming through We know just where we're going We made it through! We never knew The moves that we'd be showing Look it's us! We're on our way! We never thought we'd get here We came to play Oh what a day The crowd is gonna cheer Look it's us! A crew of two We're certainly a team Look it's us! We're telling you We're faster than we seem! By chug and choo We worked so hard Learned things that We never knew Look it's us! Our work paid off There's nothing we can't do Look it's us! We go so fast We're really building steam Look it's us! Let's make this last We're living in a dream I can't believe it We're really doing this! Look it's us! We're almost there Our wheels are really spinning Look it's us! We're such a pair We can't believe we're winning! Look it's us! We're almost there Our wheels are really spinning Look it's us! We're such a pair We can't believe we're winning! We're winning! We're winning! We're winning! |
説明 | ・長編第18作の挿入歌。 |
歌唱 (米国) | ・トーマス:メーシャ・コントレラス ・カナ:エイヴァ・ロ |
歌唱 (英国) | ・トーマス:アーロン・バラシ ・カナ:クロエ・ラファエル |
歌唱 (日本) | ・トーマス:田中美海 ・カナ:大久保瑠美 |
動画 (英語版) | loading... |
動画 (日本語版:フル) | loading... |
動画 (日本語版:ショート) | loading... |