
Last-modified: 2011-08-22 (月) 12:52:03


StartchatMake the chat window visible and give it keyboard focus.
StartchatwithShow char and prefill with the given text.
StartchatslashStart chat and prefill with a / (command).
StartchatsemicolonStart chat and prefill with a ; (emote).
StartchatreplyStart chat and prefill with person to reply to.
ChanSend a message to a channel.
cSend a message to a channel.
tSend a tell to a specific player.
SaySay something to the people near you.
SSay something to the people near you.
ChatSay something to the people near you.
YellSay something to the whole zone.
SupergroupSay something on guild chat.
SgroupSay something on guild chat.
SgSay something on guild chat.
GuSay something on guild chat.
offSay something on guild officer chat.
GroupSay something on team chat.
PartySay something on team chat.
gSay something on team chat.
CamlookAlias for Camera.Freelook {} $$ Camera.Rotate {}
mailShow the in-game mail interface.
CstoreShow/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
KeybindsShow the in-game mail interface.
CamfarZoom the camera out
CamzoominsmallZoom the camera in slightly
CamzoomoutsmallZoom the camera out slightly
CamzoominZoom the camera in
CamzoomoutZoom the camera out
KillmeWill kill your character. Only use as a last resort if there is no other way to get unstuck
RearrangeMove or resize various elements on the screen
MissiontoggletrackedToggle whether a given mission is tracked
DropmissionDrop a mission
CamsetlocktotargetLock or unlock the camera to the target
SharemissionShare a mission with nearby team mates
TwitterShow/hide social media settings
SharingShow/hide social media settings
GinviteInvite player to your super group
GacceptinviteAccept invite to join a super group
GdeclineinviteDecline invite to join a super group
GacceptAccept invite to join a super group
GdeclineDecline invite to join a super group
GpromotePromote the rank of a player in your super group
GdemoteDemote the rank of a player in your super group
GleaveLeave your super group
GquitLeave your super group
GkickRemove a player from your super group
GbootRemove a player from your super group
GrenameRename your super group
GrenamerankRename a rank of your super group
GrenamebanktabRename a bank tab of your super group
GsetpermissionSet a permission of a rank in your super group
GsetbankwithdrawlimitSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
GsetmotdSet your super group's message of the day
GmotdDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_GinvitesChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Supergroup_InviteInvite player to your super group
Supergroup_AcceptinviteAccept invite to join a super group
Supergroup_DeclineinviteDecline invite to join a super group
Supergroup_AcceptAccept invite to join a super group
Supergroup_DeclineDecline invite to join a super group
Supergroup_PromotePromote the rank of a player in your super group
Supergroup_DemoteDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Supergroup_LeaveLeave your super group
Supergroup_QuitLeave your super group
Supergroup_KickRemove a player from your super group
Supergroup_BootRemove a player from your super group
Supergroup_RenameRename your super group
Supergroup_RenamerankRename a rank of your super group
Supergroup_RenamebanktabRename a bank tab of your super group
Supergroup_SetpermissionSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Supergroup_SetbankwithdrawlimitSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Supergroup_SetmotdSet your super group's message of the day
Supergroup_MotdDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Supergroup_InvitesChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Sgroup_InviteInvite player to your super group
Sgroup_AcceptinviteAccept invite to join a super group
Sgroup_DeclineinviteDecline invite to join a super group
Sgroup_AcceptAccept invite to join a super group
Sgroup_DeclineDecline invite to join a super group
Sgroup_PromotePromote the rank of a player in your super group
Sgroup_DemoteDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Sgroup_LeaveLeave your super group
Sgroup_QuitLeave your super group
Sgroup_KickRemove a player from your super group
Sgroup_BootRemove a player from your super group
Sgroup_RenameRename your super group
Sgroup_RenamerankRename a rank of your super group
Sgroup_RenamebanktabRename a bank tab of your super group
Sgroup_SetpermissionSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Sgroup_SetbankwithdrawlimitSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Sgroup_SetmotdSet your super group's message of the day
Sgroup_MotdDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Sgroup_InvitesChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Sg_InviteInvite player to your super group
Sg_AcceptinviteAccept invite to join a super group
Sg_DeclineinviteDecline invite to join a super group
Sg_AcceptAccept invite to join a super group
Sg_DeclineDecline invite to join a super group
Sg_PromotePromote the rank of a player in your super group
Sg_DemoteDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Sg_LeaveLeave your super group
Sg_QuitLeave your super group
Sg_KickRemove a player from your super group
Sg_BootRemove a player from your super group
Sg_RenameRename your super group
Sg_RenamerankRename a rank of your super group
Sg_RenamebanktabRename a bank tab of your super group
Sg_SetpermissionSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Sg_SetbankwithdrawlimitSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Sg_SetmotdSet your super group's message of the day
Sg_MotdDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Sg_InvitesChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
SinviteInvite player to your super group
SacceptinviteAccept invite to join a super group
SdeclineinviteDecline invite to join a super group
SacceptAccept invite to join a super group
SdeclineDecline invite to join a super group
SpromotePromote the rank of a player in your super group
SdemoteDemote the rank of a player in your super group
SleaveLeave your super group
SquitLeave your super group
SkickRemove a player from your super group
SbootRemove a player from your super group
SrenameRename your super group
SrenamerankRename a rank of your super group
SrenamebanktabRename a bank tab of your super group
SsetpermissionSet a permission of a rank in your super group
SsetbankwithdrawlimitSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
SsetmotdSet your super group's message of the day
SmotdDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_SinvitesChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
MusicToggle MediaControl window
WinampConnects a running winamp instance
ItunesConnects a running itunes instance
CreditsShow/hide game credits
TermsShow/hide game terms of use
TermsofuseShow/hide game terms of use
InventoryShow/hide your inventory
TicketsShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
BugsShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
HelpShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
missionsShow/hide the mission journal
PerksShow/hide the perks window
LoreShow/hide the lore window
JournalShow/hide the mission journal
CraftingShow/hide the crafting UI
CraftShow/hide the crafting UI
MapShow/hide the map window
PowersShow/hide the power viewing screen
SuperstatsShow/hide the superstat viewing screen
TalentsShow/hide the talent viewing screen
PeopleShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
FriendsShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
SocialShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
CostumePops up costume change UI
SupergroupwindowShow/hide super group UI.
RolesShow/hide builds and roles
StatusShow/hide your status/overview
BuildsShow/hide builds and roles
PvpreportToggles the PVP report UI
PvpqueuesShow/hide PvP/instance queues
InteractwindowInitiate interact UI
InteractcursorInteract with the entity or object underneath the mouse cursor.
CursorpopupmenuDisplays the entity context menu on the entity underneath the mouse cursor.
CursorexecuteInteracts with, displays a context menu, or attacks the object or entity under the mouse.
InviteInvite player to your team
AcceptAccept invite to join a team
DeclineDecline invite to join a team
RequestRequest to join player's team
RequestteamRequest to join player's team
JoinRequest to join player's team
JointeamRequest to join player's team
AcceptteamrequestAccept request from player to join your team
AcceptrequestAccept request from player to join your team
DeclineteamrequestDecline request from player to join your team
DeclinerequestDecline request from player to join your team
TeamcancelCancel your request to join a team
CancelteamCancel your request to join a team
CancelteamrequestCancel your request to join a team
PromotePromote a player to become your team leader
TeamleaderPromote a player to become your team leader
LeaderPromote a player to become your team leader
SetchampSet the sidekicking champion for your team
SetchampionSet the sidekicking champion for your team
ChampSet the sidekicking champion for your team
ChampionSet the sidekicking champion for your team
SkTurn on/off team sidekicking (sk 1 to turn on, sk 0 to turn off)
SkonTurn on team sidekicking
SkoffTurn off team sidekicking
SidekickTurn on/off team sidekicking (sidekick 1 to turn on, sidekick 0 to turn off)
SidekickonTurn on team sidekicking
SidekickoffTurn off team sidekicking
LeaveteamLeave your team
LeaveLeave your team
TeamdisbandLeave your team
DisbandteamLeave your team
DisbandLeave your team
TeamquitLeave your team
QuitteamLeave your team
KickRemove player from your team
KickteamRemove player from your team
KickfromteamRemove player from your team
BootRemove player from your team
TeambootRemove player from your team
BootteamRemove player from your team
BootfromteamRemove player from your team
SetteammodeSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
ModeSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
TmSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
TeamlootmodeSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
SetlootmodeSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
LootModeSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
LmSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
RoundrobinSet team loot mode to round robin
FreeforallSet team loot mode to free-for-all
NeedorgreedSet team loot mode to need-or-greed
MasterlooterSet team loot mode to master-looter
CountSet team loot mode to count-based
SetlootqualitySet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
LootqualitySet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
SetqualitySet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
QualitySet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
SlqSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
LqSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
ScaleuiScale the UI up or down.
UiscaleScale the UI up or down.
timerRecordEndStops any current profiler recording or playback
timerRecordStartStarts recording profiling information to the given filename
AssistAssist <name>: Assists the Entity with the matching name. If no name is given, assists your current target.
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIf something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.
logoutLog out the current character.
MakeCostumeJPegWrite out a character's costume (by slot index) It uses project specific defined
DefaultAutoAttackEnable auto attack using the power in slot 1
GameMenuOpens the game pause menu
Login_BackFrom anywhere in the character creation / login process, go back.
LootCancelDon't take loot, just stop interacting.
OpenUrlCmdNo comment provided
OptionsShow the options screen.
PowerExecStruggleIfHeldAttempt to struggle out of a power
TargetTarget <name>: Targets the Entity with the matching name
Target_Button_ClearNo comment provided
Target_Button_ModalCycleNo comment provided
Target_Button_NextTarget the next enemy or friend in order
Target_Button_PrevFind the previous targetable entity and target it.
Target_Button_SetModalCycleNo comment provided
Target_Button_ToggleModalCycleNo comment provided
Target_Enemy_NearTargets the nearest enemy in view
Target_Enemy_Near_AftArcTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given aft firing arc
Target_Enemy_Near_ForArcTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given forward firing arc
Target_Enemy_Near_SideArcTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given side firing arc (starboard and port)
Target_Enemy_NextTargets the next enemy in view
Target_Enemy_PrevTargets the previous enemy in view
Target_Friend_NearTargets the nearest friend in view
Target_Friend_NextTargets the next friend in view
Target_Friend_PrevTargets the previous friend in view
Target_Manual_ModalFind the previous targetable entity and target it.
Target_SelfTarget the current player
Target_TeammateTarget the Nth person in your team.
ToggleDefaultAutoAttackToggle auto attack for your first slot power
bugReport a problem with the game.
camButton_LockAutoAdjustNo comment provided
camButton_LockControllerControlNo comment provided
camButton_Target_Lock_ToggleNo comment provided
camCycleDistCycle the camera distance between several preset values.
camdistSets the camera distance from the player
camoffsetSets the camera offset from the player
Target_ClearNo comment provided
channel_joinNo comment provided
channel_leaveNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshAdminDetailNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshSummaryNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshJoinDetailNo comment provided
ChannelSendSend chat to a channel
guildSend chat to other players in your guild.
localSend chat to other players in your vicinity
officerSend chat to other players in your guild.
teamNo comment provided
tellPrivate tell. Chat handles should be prefixed with an '@' character.
zoneSend chat to other players in the same zone.
channel_setcurrentNo comment provided
FollowFollow: Follows the targeted entity
invertibledownNo comment provided
invertibleupNo comment provided
PowerSlotExecPowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
PowerTrayExecPowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
ThrottleAdjustNo comment provided
ThrottleSetNo comment provided
ThrottleToggleNo comment provided
TrayChangeIndexTrayChangeIndex <UITray> <Change>: Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow.
TrayExecTrayExec <Active> <UITray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the UITray at the Slot
TrayExecByTrayTrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
TrayExecByTrayWithBackupTrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
TraySetIndexTraySetIndex <UITray> <Tray>: Set the UITray to display the specific Tray
demo_recordStart recording a demo, save it into FILE.
demo_record_stopStop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD.
demo_restartRestart a currently playing demo.
enableClickToMoveNo comment provided
enableClickToMoveCameraAdjustNo comment provided
enableClickToMoveCameraRelativeMovementNo comment provided
enableClickToMoveQueuePowersNo comment provided
enableClickToMoveTwoButtonNo comment provided
enableMoveToTargetNo comment provided
Power_ExecActivate a power by name
Power_Exec_CategoryActivate a power by category
whoNo comment provided
aliasCreate a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command
bindBind a key to a command, and store it on your character.
bind_loadLoad entity keybinds from ent_keybinds.txt.
bind_load_fileLoad entity keybinds from the given filename.
bind_saveSave entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.
bind_save_fileSave entity keybinds to the given filename.
unbindUnbind a key stored on your character.
unbind_allUnbind a key stored on your character.
CamResetNo comment provided
setGameCamYawNo comment provided
twitter_watchNo comment provided
tweetPost a status update to Twitter
locGlobal value for location
interactInteract with the nearest interactable entity within range.
interactOverrideClearClears current interact override
interactOverrideCursorSet entity/object under cursor to be interact target
pet_power_execActivate a power by name
setMouseForwardNo comment provided
targetCursorTarget the entity clicked on.
targetCursorOrAutoAttackTarget the entity clicked on.
CombatLogNo comment provided
RememberUIListsWhether to remember UI List Column placement and width.
SetFollowSetFollow: toggle follow
UIRememberPositionsWhether to remember UI sizes and positions. On by default.
autoForwardNo comment provided
autoForward1No comment provided
backwardNo comment provided
backward1No comment provided
camMouseLookNo comment provided
camRotateNo comment provided
downNo comment provided
down1No comment provided
forwardNo comment provided
forward1No comment provided
leftNo comment provided
left1No comment provided
mouseForwardNo comment provided
netTimingGraphAlphaNo comment provided
netTimingGraphPausedNo comment provided
netgraphNo comment provided
process_priority0 - default, normal always; 1 - normal in foreground, below normal in background/alt-tabbed; 2 - high always
rightNo comment provided
right1No comment provided
slowNo comment provided
slow1No comment provided
turnleftNo comment provided
turnleft1No comment provided
turnrightNo comment provided
turnright1No comment provided
upNo comment provided
up1No comment provided
walkNo comment provided
walk1No comment provided
GenAddModalShow a gen on the modal layer.
GenAddWindowShow a gen on the window layer.
GenAddWindowPCXboxShow a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
(*1)If the given gen is a button, click it.
GenCycleFocusCycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
GenCycleFocusReverseCycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
GenListActivateIf the given gen is a list, activate the selected row.
GenListDoSelectedCallbackIf the given gen is a list, run the selected callback.
GenListDownIf the given gen is a list, move the selected row down by one.
GenListUpIf the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
GenMovableBoxResetAllPositionsReset a movable box to its default position.
GenMovableBoxResetPositionReset a movable box to its default position.
GenRemoveModalHide a gen on the modal layer.
GenRemoveWindowHide a gen on the window layer.
GenRemoveWindowPCXboxHide a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
GenSendMessageSend a message to a gen.
GenSetFocusSet focus to the given gen.
GenSetTextSet the text of a gen text entry.
GenSetValueSet a value on a gen
GenSliderAdjustNotchMove a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
GenSliderAdjustValueMove a slider's value, if interactive, by the given amount.
GenSliderSetNotchSet a slider's notch, if interactive.
GenSliderSetValueSet a slider's notch, if interactive.
GenJailResetReset all cells to their default sizes and positions.
ShowGameUINo comment provided
ui_TooltipDelaySets the additional delay, in seconds, before tooltips appear
sndDisableDisable all playing of sound
sndEnableEnable playing of sound
bind_localBind a key to a command.
bind_local_loadLoad keybinds from keybinds.txt.
bind_local_load_fileLoad keybinds from the given filename.
bind_pop_profilePop the gvien key profile onto the stack
bind_push_profilePush a specific key profile onto the stack
bind_local_saveSave keybinds to keybinds.txt.
bind_local_save_fileSave keybinds to the given filename.
cmdlistPrint out all commands available
cmdsPrint out client commands for commands containing <string>
unbind_localUnbind a key from a command (this happens automatically when rebinding as well).
quitClose the window.
invertUpDownInverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
invertXInvert the horizontal axis for movement controls
invertYInvert the vertical axis for movement controls
reverseMouseButtonsReverse the left and right mouse buttons
disable_windowed_fullscreenDisables going into full-screen windowed mode when maximized
noClipCursorDisables clipping of the cursor to a sigle monitor when running in fullscreen on PC
noCustomCursorDisable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
rdrMaxFramesAheadNumber of frames to allow the renderer to get
rdrMaxGPUFramesAheadNumber of frames to allow the GPU to get from the renderer, 0 to disable
zfightExaggerates areas of possible z-fighting (on NV cards, simulates z-fighting that occurs on some non-NV cards)
aspectRatioSets the aspect ratio. Common values are 0 (auto), 4:3, 16:9 (widescreen TVs), 16:10 (widescreen monitors)
comicShadingEnables postprocessing, outlining, depth of field, and shadows.
disableMRTDisables use of multiple render targets
disableSM2ADisables use of shader model 2.0a and higher
disableSM2BDisables use of shader model 2.0b and higher
disableSM30Disables use of shader model 3.0 and higher
dofEnable depth-of-field rendering
outliningEnable comic outlining
postProcessingEnable postprocessing
shadowsEnable shadows
waterEnable water effects
screenshot_jpgSave a screenshot
screenshot_ui_jpgSave a screenshot with the UI included
screenshotSave a screenshot
screenshot_depthSave a screenshot with the depth only
screenshot_uiSave a screenshot with the UI included
screen_pos_sizeSets the current screen position and resolution. Usage: /screen_pos_size X Y Width Height
screenSets or displays the current screen resolution. Usage: /screen Width Height
gfxSettingsSetMinimalOptionsCalled when running on old drivers or unsupported hardware
togglefullscreenToggles fullscreen
window_minimizeMinimizes the window
window_restoreToggles the window between restored and maximized
lwShadingEnables postprocessing, depth of field, and shadows, with no deferred lighting
rdrDisableSM2ADisables use of shader model 2.0a and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
rdrDisableSM2BDisables use of shader model 2.0b and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
renderScaleSets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at
renderSizeSets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at
bloomQualitySets bloom quality, range = [0, 3]
fxQualityNo comment provided
msaaEnables/disables multisample antialiasing
TerrainDetailSets terrain detail scaling
WorldDetailSets world detail scaling
autoEnableFrameRateStabilizerAuto-enables /frameRateStabilizer as it feels appropriate
disableAutoAlwaysOnTopDisable setting the window to always on top while in the foreground
disableSplatShadowsTurns off splat shadows
disable_multimon_warningDisables displaying a warning about which monitor we're rendering on
dynamicLightsEnables dynamic lights
entityTexLODLevelSets the quality level for character textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
fpsgraphEnables a graph showing recent frame times
fpshistoEnables a histogram of frame times
frameRateStabilizerEnables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards
gammaChanges the gamma
gpuAcceleratedParticlesEnables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
highDetailEnables high detail objects
highFillDetailEnables high fill detail objects
highQualityDOFEnables/disables high quality depth of field
lensflare_qualityChanges lens flare quality level. 0 = simple, 1 = soft z occlusion
maxInactiveFpsSets the maximum allowed framerate when the application is not in the foreground
maxLightsPerObjectsets the maximum lights per object
maxShadowedLightssets the maximum shadow casting lights per frame
maxfpsSets the maximum allowed framerate
printStallTimesPrints out the amount of time a stall took whenever a stall occurs
reduce_minSets the minimum size that textures will be reduced to (requires -reduce_mip > 0)
reduce_mipReduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
scattering0 = scattering off, 1 = scattering on high res, 2 = scattering low res
showCamPosDisplays the camera's position
showfpsDisplays frame rate
showmemDisplays process memory usage
softShadowsEnables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
soft_particlesSmooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection
ssaoEnables and disables screen space ambient occlusion
target_highlight0 = simple targeting graphics, 1 = glowing outline/inline effect
texAnisoSets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
unlitTurns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
useFullSkinningForces skinning to only two bones to improve performance ("Simple Skinning" in the Options screen)
vertexOnlyLightingEnables the vertex-lighting only path for low-end cards
visscaleSets world detail scaling
vsyncTurns on or off vsync
worldTexLODLevelSets the quality level for world textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
AutoDescDetailInspectAutoDescDetailInspect <detail>: Sets the autodescription detail on inspect
AutoDescDetailTooltipAutoDescDetailTooltip <detail>: Sets the autodescription detail on tooltips
Buy_PowerTreeBuy_PowerTree <PowerTree>: If allowed, adds the specific power tree to the character though the transaction server
Buy_PowerTreeNodeBuy_PowerTreeNode <PowerTree> <Node>:If allowed, purchases the giving power tree node from the power tree
ChangeInstancechange to an already created instance of the same map. Only worksa while not in combat.
ContactDialogEndStop talking to the current contact. Safe to use if there is no current contact.
PetCommands_ClearTargetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllPetsStanceNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllPetsStateNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetMyTargetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetSpecificPetStanceNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetSpecificPetStateNo comment provided
PlayerRespawnRespawns a player if all the conditions needed for respawn are met
PowerSlots_SetCurrentPowerSlots_SetCurrent <Index>: Switches the currently active set of PowerSlots
PowerTrayClearRemove all elements from a power tray; the tray number is 1-based, not 0-based.
PowerTray_SlotPowerTray_Slot <TrayIndex> <SlotIndex> <PowerID>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot; a PowerID of 0 means empty.
PowerTray_SlotNodePowerTray_Slot <TrayIndex> <SlotIndex> <PowerNodeFullName>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot.
PowerTray_SlotSwapPowerTray_SlotSwap <TrayIndexA> <SlotIndexA> <TrayIndexB> <SlotIndexB>: Swaps the Powers in the PowerSlots across trays.
Power_SlotPower_Slot <SlotIndex> <PowerID>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot; a PowerID of 0 means empty.
Power_SlotSwapPower_Slot <SlotIndexA> <SlotIndexB>: Swaps the Powers in the PowerSlots
PowersCancelAllActivationsManual attempt to cancel all current activations
RemoveAllSavedWaypointsClear your saved waypoints
RenamePetNo comment provided
ResetHudOptionsNo comment provided
RespecPowerTreesInvalidRespecs your PowerTrees to nothing if they are currently invalid for some reason
SavedPet_RemoveNo comment provided
MailAcceptItemsTransfer items from the given mail item lot to your inventory.
MailSendWithItemsSend mail with items attached.
MailTakeItemsTransfer items from the given mail item lot to your inventory including NPC mail items
MailSendSend a mail to someone.
SetActiveCostumeSets active costume
SetHudOptionsFieldSets overhead flags based on UI options.
SetHudShowInteractionIconsSets player interaction icons flag.
SetHudShowPlayerTitlesSets player titles flag.
SetHudShowReticlesAsSets player reticle display.
SetPetActiveCostumeSets active costume
PowerTraySetSlotPut the given node or power into the given tray and slot. Both slot and tray
TrayElemDestroyTrayElemDestroy <Tray> <Slot>: Destroys the element in the tray at the slot
TrayElemMoveTrayElemMove <Tray> <Slot> <NewTray> <NewSlot>: Moves the element in the tray at the slot to the new location.
buildClassSets the class of a build
buildCopyFromCurrentNo comment provided
buildCreateMakes a new build based on your current state
buildNameNames a build
buildSetSets your build to the specified index
buildSetItemSets the item in iInvBag, iSlot to ilItemID which came from iSrcBag, iSrcSlot
PowerEmitPowerEmit <PowerID> <Emit>: Sets the emit point of the Power. PowerID of 0 applies to all Powers, invalid Emit reverts to default.
PowerHuePowerHue <PowerID> <Hue>: Sets the hue of the Power's FX. PowerID of 0 applies to all Powers, Hue of 0 reverts to default.
Chat_SetActiveWindowAlphaSets chat window alpha when active
Chat_SetFontScaleSets font scale for chat entries
Chat_SetInactiveWindowAlphaSets font scale for chat entries
Chat_ProfanityFilterSets whether chat log entries should be filtered for profanity
Chat_ShowDateSets whether chat log entries should include dates
Chat_ShowFullNamesSets whether chat log entries with links to players should show @handles or not.
Chat_ShowMessageTypeNamesSets whether chat log entries should always show message types
Chat_ShowTimeSets whether chat log entries should include timestamps
Chat_SetStatusSet the status message
clistList the channels the player is watching
chanlistList the channels the player is watching
channel_listList the channels the player is watching
cinfoList the members of the channel
chatinfoList the members of the channel
channel_infoList the members of the channel
createCreate and join a new channel
channel_createCreate and join a new channel
chandemoteDemote a user in a channel (operator only)
channel_destroyUnmute a user in a channel (operator only).
cinviteInvite a user to join the channel (operator only)
chaninviteInvite a user to join the channel (operator only)
channel_inviteInvite a user to join the channel (operator only)
channel_kickKick a user from a channel (operator only).
clevelSet the channel's permission levels
muteMute a user in a channel (operator only).
chanpromotePromote a user in a channel (operator only)
caccessSet the channel's access level (operator only)
chanaccessSet the channel's access level (operator only)
channel_accessSet the channel's access level (operator only)
channel_descriptionSet the channel description (operator only)
motdAdd a new channel Message of the Day (operator only)
channel_motdAdd a new channel Message of the Day (operator only)
uaccessSet the user's access permissions for a channel (operator only)
user_accessSet the user's access permissions for a channel (operator only)
anonToggle anonymous status
anonymousToggle anonymous status
lfgToggle Looking For Group status
lftToggle Looking For Group status
unmuteUnmute a user in a channel (operator only).
emoteEmote, failing if a preset emote is not found.
emEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
meEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
eEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
schemes_ResetNo comment provided
schemes_SetCurrentSets your current control/targeting scheme to the given named scheme
afkMark yourself as away from the keyboard.
awayMark yourself as away from the keyboard.
AcceptFriendAccepts a friend request using "<name>" "@<chathandle>" or "<name>@<chathandle>" syntax
BefriendAccepts a friend request using "<name>" "@<chathandle>" or "<name>@<chathandle>" syntax
FriendAdds a friend to your friends list using "<name>" "@<chathandle>" or "<name>@<chathandle>" syntax
IgnoreIgnore a player.
Ignore_Spammerignore a player and mark them as a spammer
RejectFriendNo comment provided
RemoveFriendRemoves a friend from your friends list using "<name>" "@<chathandle>" or "<name>@<chathandle>" syntax
UnfriendRemoves a friend from your friends list using "<name>" "@<chathandle>" or "<name>@<chathandle>" syntax
UnignoreStop ignoring a player.
RemoveIgnoreStop ignoring a player.
Whitelist_ChatToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive messages from friends, SG members, and Team members
Whitelist_EmailsToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive emails from friends, SG members, and Team members
Whitelist_TellsToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive tells from friends, SG members, and Team members
UIForgetPositionsForget all saved UI positions/sizes
Guild_AcceptInviteNo comment provided
Guild_ClearLogNo comment provided
Guild_CreateNo comment provided
Guild_DeclineInviteNo comment provided
Guild_DemoteNo comment provided
Guild_InfoNo comment provided
Guild_InviteNo comment provided
Guild_KickNo comment provided
Guild_LeaveNo comment provided
Guild_MotDNo comment provided
Guild_PromoteNo comment provided
Guild_RenameNo comment provided
Guild_RenameBankTabNo comment provided
Guild_RenameRankNo comment provided
Guild_RequestLogNo comment provided
Guild_SetBankPermissionNo comment provided
Guild_SetBankWithdrawLimitNo comment provided
Guild_SetColor1No comment provided
Guild_SetColor2No comment provided
Guild_SetEmblemNo comment provided
Whitelist_Guild_InvitesNo comment provided
Guild_SetMotDNo comment provided
Guild_SetPermissionNo comment provided
Guild_WhoNo comment provided
queue_refreshQueuesNo comment provided
queue_joinNo comment provided
Whitelist_DuelsSet the Whitelist for duels
SkipCutsceneThis allows a player to skip a cutscene. This is only supported for single-player cutscenes such as zone flyovers.
social_blogCreate a blog post on all enrolled services
social_disableNo comment provided
social_enroll_resetNo comment provided
social_screenshotNo comment provided
social_screenshot_uiNo comment provided
social_statusUpdate your status on all enrolled services
social_tweetA replacement for /tweet
Team_AcceptInviteNo comment provided
Team_AcceptRequestNo comment provided
Team_CancelRequestNo comment provided
Team_ModeNo comment provided
Team_DeclineInviteNo comment provided
Team_DeclineRequestNo comment provided
Team_InviteInvite another player to your team.
InviteInvite another player to your team.
Team_KickKick a player off your team
Team_LeaveNo comment provided
Team_PromotePromote team leader
PromotePromote team leader
Team_RequestNo comment provided
RequestNo comment provided
Team_SetChampionNo comment provided
ChampionNo comment provided
Team_InviteModeNo comment provided
Team_SetLootModeSets the team loot mode
Team_SetLootModeQualitySets the minimum quality for team looting
Team_SidekickingNo comment provided
Whitelist_InvitesSets the whitelist for team invites. If enabled, only team invites by friends or Supergroup members are received
unawayMark yourself as back at the keyboard.
backMark yourself as back at the keyboard.
LootTakeAllTake all loot currently being viewed.
PrimaryMissionOffer this mission to other nearby members of your team and make it primary
netTimingGraphNo comment provided
playedNo comment provided
stuckAttempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
unstuckAttempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
powerstore_BuyPowerForPetFromItemNo comment provided
store_BuyItemBuy an item from a Store
store_SellItemRemove Item from specific bag
trade_AcceptAccept the current trade offer. A trade completes when both players accept.
trade_CancelCancel the current trading session.
Whitelist_TradesEnable Trade Whitelist
netTimingGraphPausedNo comment provided

"Gen Button Click"(実際は空白無し)というコマンドなのですが、



  • コマンドってどうすれば良いの...? 全体的に意味がわかりません -- 2011-08-12 (金) 22:35:40
  • 例えばチャット欄に /emote kissと打ち込むとkissのemoteを行います。これだけだとマウスでやったのと変わらずあまり意味はないですが/bind k emote kissとするとkを押すだけでkissのemoteが出るように割当できます -- 2011-08-22 (月) 12:52:03