
Last-modified: 2023-12-28 (木) 09:09:03



  • レベル毎*1に下記のタレントを習得する。
    • Lv1「滅びの予言?
      • 最大HPの一定割合を下回ると一定量のダメージを与える。
    • Lv3「裏切りの予言?
      • 毎ターン、一定確率で味方又は自分を攻撃する。
    • Lv5「狂気の予言?
      • タレントのCDが一定割合伸びる。
  • 対象が同時に付与される予言は1個だけである。

伝導の聲│Grand Oration


You speak a chosen prophecy to the masses. When applying this prophecy, it will spread to all targets in radius 1, 1, 2, 2, 3.

A prophecy can only be affected by one of Grand Oration, Twofold Curse or Revelation.

Current prophecy: None

呪い二重苦│Twofold Curse


Weave your chosen prophecy into your speech, dooming your foe twice over. The chosen prophecy will apply instantly to your primary target whenever you cast any other prophecy at talent level 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.

A prophecy can only be affected by one of Grand Oration, Twofold Curse or Revelation.

Current prophecy: None



As you speak the chosen prophecy whispers from the void guide you in how to bring about the downfall of your foe. The chosen prophecy will grant one of the following effects.

Prophecy of Madness. Each time the target uses a talent one of your talents on cooldown has its cooldown reduced by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 turns.

Prophecy of Ruin. Each time the target takes damage you are healed for 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 17% of the damage dealt.

Prophecy of Treason: 6%, 12%, 16%, 20%, 23% of all damage you take is redirected to a random target affected by Prophecy of Treason.

A prophecy can only be affected by one of Grand Oration, Twofold Curse or Revelation.

Current prophecy: None

エントロピーカルト (×1.3)

*1 実効レベルでよい。確認済176。