
Last-modified: 2023-12-17 (日) 01:53:30


イド・ストーム│Mind Storm

  • 毎ターン、周囲の敵に一定量(精神パワー依存)の精神ダメージを与える玉を一定数(敵1体に対して1個まで)発射する。
    • それぞれの玉は5フィードバック消費する。
    • 上限を超えてフィードバックを取得すると、一定量の超過フィードバックごとに1個(ターン毎の発射数には一定数の上限がある)の玉をさらに発射する。
  • この効果は

This effect is a psionic channel, increasing the range of Mind Sear, Psychic Lobotomy, and Sunder Mind to 10 but will break if you move.

The damage will scale with your Mindpower.

フィードバック反転│Feedback Loop


Activate to invert your Feedback decay for 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 turns. This effect can be a critical hit, increasing the duration even further.

You must have some Feedback in order to start the loop.

The maximum Feedback gain will scale with your Mindpower.



Your subconscious now retaliates when you take damage. If the attacker is within range (10), you'll inflict mind damage equal to the Feedback gained from the attack or 49, 66, 79, 91, 101, whichever is lower.

This effect can only happen once per creature per turn.

The damage will scale with your Mindpower.

ターゲットキル│Focused Wrath


Focus your mind on a single target, diverting all offensive Discharge talent effects to it for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 turns. While this effect is active, all Discharge talents gain 31%, 43%, 52%, 59%, 66% critical power and you ignore 18%, 29%, 38%, 46%, 52% mind resistance of your targets.

If the target is killed, the effect will end early.

At level level 5 your single-minded focus also resets the cooldown of Mind Storm.

The damage bonus will scale with your Mindpower.

Project feedback on the world around you.

ソリプシスト (×1.3未開放)