Thomas creator collective

Last-modified: 2020-05-15 (金) 16:16:46

1Seacrets of the Stolen Crown
2The Great Snow Strom of Sodor
3Gordon's grand adventure?
4Rescue The Runaway?
5Racers on the rails?
6Philip's Bumpy Branchline?
7The Fast and the Fizzleboxes?
8Thomas and the Troublesome Trucks?
9Henry's Fire Rescue?
10Night of the diesels?
12Brother Bother?
13The Great Chase?
14Sodor's Finest?
15Bridge Jump and Triple Chase?
16The Steam Games?
17Spooky Sodor?
18Accident of Happen
19Accidents Will Happen + The Not So Grand Prix?
20A Bad Day For Vinnie
21Gordon Goes Native?
22Axel Takes a Tumble
23It's a Wonderful Railway?
24Home for the Holidays?
25The Island song
26The Steam Games?(追加版)
27Thomas and the Really Useful Crew?
28Rumbling rails?
29Sodor's Seven?
30Hugo and The Lost Lorry?
31Percy and the Railway Circus?
32Belle and Flynn's Amazing Animal Roundup!?
33Saving Henry!?
34Return of Diesel?
35Top Ten Races and Chases?
36Thomas and the Super Station?
37Gordon the Little Engine?
38Diesel's Journey Beyond Sodor?
39Thomas, Toby and the Big Steel Run?
40Save the Steelworks?
41Thomas' Troublesome Truck Trouble?
42Belle to the Rescue!?

1The Best (And Worst!) of Diesel 10?
2Thomas' Bravest Moments?
3Sodor's Craziest Crashes?
4James' Most Dangerous Moments?
5The Best of Bill and Ben?
6Sodor's Greatest Races?
7Sodor's Snow Scrapes!?
8Saving Christmas?
9Friends to the Rescue!?
10Little Engines do Big Things!?


*1 まれに改造品が登場している(ヴィニーフリーダ等)
*2 登場キャラが使用玩具に存在しない等の理由で、別の玩具から流用されることもある
*3 ただし、ディーゼル10ディーゼル261ヴィニースクラフィー等一部のキャラクターは、このシリーズのみ根っからの悪人ではないという設定で登場している。