Roll Along

Last-modified: 2023-02-20 (月) 21:33:55
英米名Roll Along
英語版歌詞Clicking and a Clacking,
Chuffing and a Puffing,
Rocking and a rolling,
All day long
Pulling and a Pushing,
Biffing and a Bashing,
Heaving and a Hauling,
Roll along

Work work, work,
'Till the sun goes down
Push, push, push,
Those trucks around
Click, click, clack,
Go the wheels on the track,
Roll along now,
Don't look back

Tripping and a Tracking,
Splishing and a Splashing,
Shunting and a Shoving,
All day long
Busting and a Boiling,
Wheeshing and a Whistling,
Slipping and a Sliding,
Roll Along

Work, work, work,
'Till the sun goes down,
Push, push, push,
Those trucks around,
Click, click, clack,
Go the wheels on the track,
Roll along now,
Don't look back

Firebox a fizzle
Steamie or a Diesel
See them all a sizzle
All day long
Pulling it together
In any kind of weather
For ever and ever
Roll Along

Work, work, work,
'Till the sun goes down,
Push, push, push,
Those trucks around,
Click, click, clack,
Go the wheels on the track,
Roll along now,
Don't look back

Clicking and a Clacking,
Chuffing and a Puffing,
Rocking and a Rolling,
All day long
Pulling and a Pushing,
Biffing and a Bashing,
Heaving and a Hauling,
Roll along

Work, work, work,
'Till the sun goes down,
Push, push, push,
Those trucks around,
Click, click, clack,
Go the wheels on the track,
Roll along now,
Don't look back
メモ・この曲は後に『きかんしゃトーマスのヒミツ旅 誕生70年 世代を超えたおくりもの』でも番組のBGMとして使用された。