Last-modified: 2010-09-25 (土) 00:19:58

Xbox 360の販売台数は2006年末時点で1040万台を達成、さらにCESではXbox 360向けのIPTV(インターネットテレビ)サービスが発表されるとのこと。

Xbox 360にはすでにXbox Live Marketplaceを通じた映画・テレビダウンロードサービスXbox Live Videoがあり、大方の予想を裏切る好評を博していますが、今回発表されるというIPTVサービスはストリーミング形式を採用してより従来のテレビ放送に近いものになると予想されます。



268 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/08(月) 20:32:53 ID:/DUKV7+k

269 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/08(月) 20:33:31 ID:JpaOhxc7

■"コネクテッド・エクスペリエンス"をキーワードに、ビル・ゲイツ氏がXbox 360の好調ぶりをアピール,1168240450,65234,0,0.html

>北米では絶好調のXbox 360が、2006年末までの段階で、
>また、アメリカでは2006年11月に発売された『ギアーズ オブ ウォー』は、
>現時点で160タイトルリリースされている北米におけるXbox 360タイトルだが、
>Xbox Liveも、会員がワールドワイドで500万人を超えており、極めて好調。
>Windows VistaのXbox Liveへの対応は、この夏にも予定されている。
>Xbox 360やWindows Vistaに対応した、マイクロソフト版インターネットテレビともいうべき、

266 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/08(月) 20:13:57 ID:mr/0GoIk
>アメリカでは2006年11月に発売された『ギアーズ オブ ウォー』は、発売2ヵ月ですでに全世界で270万本をセールス



マイクロソフトのビル・ゲイツ会長は現在ラスベガスで開催中の「2007 International CES」にてテレビ東京とのインタビューに応えて、Xbox360にとって任天堂こそが最大のライバルと述べました。



ビル・ゲイツ氏インタビュー ソニーや任天堂について自らの観点を語る

Q: The only worry is that Nintendo may have done
a good enough box at a low price with the different
controller. Maybe they might lead?

記者: 一つだけ気になるとしたら、低価格と異質コントローラー

A: Sony has always been our most direct competitor.
Nintendo of course is a competitor. But look at the
resolution you get with a controlled experience like that.

ゲイツ: ソニーはこれまでも今も常に我々の最大の競争相手だ。

496 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/21(日) 07:26:21 ID:rLPlcoHv
Say to yourself, how in terms of using a game for a l
ong period of time, what kind of accuracy and capability
do you want? Look at the classic Nintendo positioning.
Look at the graphics. Look at Nintendo’s execution in
terms of online capability. We have this thing that
nobody has ever seen before.


497 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/21(日) 07:27:00 ID:rLPlcoHv
When you say to your friend,hey let’s play online, you say
then you have to buy an Xbox.That’s what 10 million
people say. If you want to play online, get an Xbox. We’re not
standing still.


Look at what you saw today connecting up the world
to the Windows PC. Do you expect Nintendo to rev up
a team to create cross-device gaming and tool kits
to develop those things? Not very likely.

   貴方が今日見た、Windows PC世界との接続を思い出してほしい。
   開発キットを用意したりできると思うかい? 明らかに無理だね。


976 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:32:19 ID:3aPFKqWO
[シアトル 25日 ロイター] 米マイクロソフト(MSFT.O: 株価, 企業情報 , レポート)

977 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:34:52 ID:2OPJ7jTV

978 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:37:19 ID:PC50krGB
MS 無茶な生産がたたり、下方修正
Nindendo 無茶な需要のおかげで上方修正


979 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:39:44 ID:3aPFKqWO

981 名前:名無しさん必死だな[] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:41:23 ID:p96gyto1

982 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/01/26(金) 10:42:07 ID:jbnRUxku


米マイクロソフト(MSFT.O: 株価, 企業情報 , レポート)のクリス・リデル最高財務責任者(CFO)は



1月26日10時58分配信 ロイター

 [ロサンゼルス 25日 ロイター] 米マイクロソフト<MSFT.O>のリデル最高財務責任者(CFO)は25日、

Xbox 360の見通し


[シアトル 31日 ロイター]

・壊れたときの電源のランプは「ring of death」といわれ恐れられている

275 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/15(木) 02:37:04 ID:qnyuVZT80

Rash Of Year-Old Japanese Xbox 360s Crapping Out

More Xbox 360 Service Problems Emerge


826 名前:名無しさん必死だな[] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:21:04 ID:G4YBNpzO0

827 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:33:51 ID:uCDjLTsy0

828 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:36:32 ID:L2tk6HCj0

829 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:37:07 ID:sww0HjG10

830 名前:名無しさん必死だな[] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:38:27 ID:FzDp8dyX0

831 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 12:49:14 ID:sAOCtgAo0

832 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 13:00:16 ID:HHqqZUEH0

834 名前:名無しさん必死だな[sage] 投稿日:2007/02/25(日) 13:04:11 ID:G4YBNpzO0

When Will Microsoft Own Up to the XBox 360 Bomb?4/18
The success (or lack thereof) of Microsoft's (MSFT) Xbox 360 has been a hotly debated topic across both the blogosphere and mainstream media, with an amalgam of sober and utterly confused views depending upon one's vantage point: analyst, investor or gamer.
After taking a step back and looking at some objective numbers - those taken from Microsoft's own financial statements and comparative console sales figures extracted from and - I have concluded the following:

Gaming has been a disastrous endeavor for Microsoft, particularly from an investment perspective;
The seeds of this failure are evident from their sales performance in Japan, particularly when comparing their 18 week sales figures (which is about how long the Wii and PS3 have been out) relative to those of the most successful console releases; and
This early failure in the key Japanese market has a compounding negative effect on worldwide console sales, as game developers are less willing to invest in high-risk projects for console platforms that are shaky out-of-the-gates, which makes it less attractive for gamers to buy these consoles, and so on.
Before digging into the data, I'd like to clarify a key point: my perspective is that of a financial analyst. Therefore, my primary interest is in the strategic and financial implications of business decisions, in this case the Xbox 360 and Microsoft's Home & Entertainment strategy, and NOT whether or not the Xbox 360 is a rocking product.

As I've stated before, I have many friends who think the Xbox 360 is awesome. This, however, is not my concern. And to state the obvious for those who know me and/or are regular readers, I am neither a fanboy nor an investor in single stocks, so I have no interest in partisanship one way or the other. I am only interested in truth and understanding, and if a few people get their noses bent out of shape in the process, sorry.

Hemorrhaging Home & Entertainment
Let's first consider Microsoft's Home & Entertainment Division ["H&E"], which includes Xbox 360, Xbox, Xbox Live, Consumer Software and Hardware Products and IPTV. I have used a set of numbers from historical annuals that seem to change by $100 million or so year-to-year; I'm not sure why this is, but the numbers are close. Regardless, it is not a pretty picture from a financial perspective.

Making money, e.g., the creation of long-term shareholder value, has got to be the ultimate driver of Microsoft's gaming (and H&E) strategy, right? Well, after five years and over $21 billion invested all they've got to show for it is $5.4 billion of cumulative operating losses, and Xbox 360 doesn't appear to be the silver bullet to turn things around. I think it is also interesting to note that Microsoft's actual disclosure shows only Revenues and Operating Losses; I backed into and show EXPENSES below for explanatory purposes.

Why might it be that Microsoft has strayed from the classic Revenues - Expenses = Profits (Losses) disclosure? Perhaps because they don't want investors to focus on the fact that over $21 billion - the market cap of a sizable independent company - has been invested in a business that has performed so poorly, with unclear prospects for improvement. Could this be the reason? Hmmm.

Sometimes these cold, stark facts seem to get lost in the shuffle. Xbox 360 (a meaningful part of H&E) might be a fine product, but if so, why is it so financially disastrous to its maker? I understand the concept of selling a console at a loss in order to lay the foundation for recoupment of original investment + operating losses + attractive financial return through gaming, but what is it going to take to turn things around? Nothing short of a tectonic transformation in perception of the Microsoft offering relative to its competitors.

Sure, the Xbox 360 can be righteous and cool with hard-core gamers, but this is not a sufficiently large user base to recoup the magnitude of investment Microsoft has made in its gaming platform. So if this is the strategy, they've got a problem. And if their strategy is really more mass-market, then they've got some serious re-positioning to do relative to the Nintendo's (NTDOY.PK) Wii, which is both cheaper and more accessible to Ma and Pa and Timmy and Tammy gamer. In short, I am at a loss. Correct that: Microsoft is at a loss. $5.4 billion and counting.

The Importance of Japan
It is interesting to consider a few key points about Japan and its role in the gaming world after a little thought and analysis of historical figures:

Success in the Japanese market is a key determinant of success in the worldwide market. In fact, one might say that is a necessary but insufficient condition for a globally successful console platform. Sony and Nintendo have absolutely thrashed Microsoft in Japan, and it shows in the global console sales figures. For historical reference, consider that over 19 million PS1s and 20 million PS2s were sold in Japan alone, close to the worldwide sales figures for the original Xbox console.
Success in the Japanese market is a key part of getting the game developers to buy into a platform, for which they invest substantial sums and create titles, which makes people want to buy consoles with better game libraries. Success in Japan is frequently a precursor to success globally, which makes it particularly attractive for game developers who are looking to amortize their development costs over as large an installed base as possible.
If, for instance, the Wii is hot, you get shops like Electronic Arts (ERTS) turning themselves into pretzels to build their title libraries for the Wii console. And if your particular console isn't hot? Well, let's just say that developers aren't going to be laying out big bucks to invest in the platform.

Success in the Japanese market creates a virtuous cycle - sell consoles, which induces developers to create titles, which makes it easier to sell more consoles, more games, more consoles, etc., etc., etc. In the absence of such a cycle, a console maker is fighting an almost impossible uphill battle towards success on the global stage.
It is instructive to look at where the last major console releases were 18 weeks after launch in Japan. Basically, if you did well in Japan during this time frame, you had a chance to have a blow-out product. If you didn't, well, you didn't.

See how the Xbox did better than the Xbox 360? Even the PS3 has done better than the Xbox 360. But success in Japan is not a guarantee of a run-away success, as the GameCube proved. Without question, Japan is an important and critical market for building a globally successful gaming platform, and an early read of the tea leaves does not bode well for the Xbox 360.

And this is clearly not lost on Ballmer's Boys in Redmond. Remember the promise of runaway success in Japan back in 2005?

From 12/04/2005:

By next summer Microsoft hopes to have sold one million Xbox 360 consoles in Japan. This is a pretty high target when you consider that the first Xbox console has not yet even sold half a million units in Japan. Japanese gamers also seem to be more interested in Sony's upcoming PlayStation 3 [PS3] console than the Xbox 360. Japanese Xbox business manager Yoshihiro Maruyama, revealed this target to one-time publication Dengeki Xbox 360.

"It's only a target," Maruyama said, "but the one million mark is a figure we'd like to reach by next summer. And then, we'd like to go to 1.5 million, then 2 million in next year's end of year sales rush. We believe the one million mark to be an important figure. If we cross one million, it will be easier for developers to do business, so we'd of course like to reach it quickly."

Fast forward to today: Mr. Maruyama's words ring hollow. As we approach Summer 2007 Xbox 360 still isn't even at 1 million units. The Japanese launch was a dud, and Mr. Maruyama was subsequently replaced. From 02/16/2006:

Yoshihiro Maruyama, the Microsoft executive who oversaw the launch of the Xbox 360 in Japan, is to take on a new role in the company's entertainment and devices division.

He will be replaced by Takahashi Sensui, who has been at Microsoft Japan for four years and worked closely with Maruyama on the Xbox 360 launch. Sensui, who was previously director of Xbox Japan's marketing department and game content group, will hold the title of general manager.

Quick: Can you name another senior gaming executive that was kicked upstairs after a disappointing product launch? You guessed it, Mr. Ken Kutaragi of Sony (SNE). I feel like we've seen this movie before. And these movies tend not to end well.

An Issue of Strategy
Microsoft management has been talking about cultivating a more global, diversified user base for quite some time. Consider the words of Peter Moore, Microsoft Corporate VP, when speaking at the ELSPA International Games Summit way back in the middle of 2005:

Speaking at the ELSPA International Games Summit in London, Microsoft corporate VP Peter Moore has predicted that the company's first-mover advantage with Xbox 360 will allow the console to reach 10 million installed base "very quickly."

He reiterated his colleague J Allard's comment, made at E3 last month in Los Angeles, that the next-generation could touch a "billion consumers" - but clarified slightly, saying that he was referring to the industry as a whole, including all three next-generation consoles, rather than simply to Xbox 360.

Speaking about the factors which will drive the growth of the next generation, Moore talked about the industry's need to broaden its audience, both geographically and demographically - and highlighted the growth of high definition television as a key factor which will drive next-gen consoles to new consumers.

It seems to me that there is a disconnect between stated objectives, strategy and execution. Microsoft's vision of the gaming console as the window into the living room is a big, big bet, and one that clearly hasn't paid off thus far. Mr. Moore talks about the need to broaden its audience across both geographies and demographics, yet the emphasis on HDTV as being a key factor driving broad-based console sales kind of misses the point.

Is the Wii successful because of its zippy graphics and technological superiority? No. It is successful because it is fun. And because it appeals to a broad audience. And because it is comparatively cheap. The Microsoft strategy sounds more like a niche strategy for hard-core gamers, in which case its investment in a console strategy should be smaller and more targeted. Would Lamborghini try to sell to everyone? Of course not; it would target those who the company knows value its features and are willing to pay for them. This is basic stuff.

They are just not in sync with the Consumer Era of Computing thesis I've written about, something that Apple (AAPL) and others have done quite well. A hard-core high-end gaming console or a console for everyone? The Zune as the answer to the iPod? I don't know who was in those focus groups but clearly that was a misread from a market perspective. Are these miscues a function of unwieldy size or simply flawed strategy? I don't know, but something is clearly amiss. And these weaknesses are apparent all across the firm.

Bottom line, Microsoft needs to take a long, hard look at its gaming strategy - and, in fact, its entire H&E strategy. At what point, regardless of its virtually endless financial resources, does it say "enough is enough." Would we have been better served by returning the extra cash to shareholders rather than investing it in a franchise that seems to have questionable prospects for turning around? These are the kinds of questions Microsoft management should be asking. And hopefully, for shareholders' sakes, they are.

Full Disclosure: The author does not hold a position in the securities of these companies.


Microsoft Expands Xbox 360 Warranty Coverage

REDMOND, Wash. — July 5, 2007 —Microsoft Corp. today announced that it will expand its global Xbox 360™ warranty coverage. Any Xbox 360 customer who experiences a general hardware failure indicated by three flashing red lights will now be covered by a three year warranty from date of purchase. All other existing Xbox 360 warranty policies remain in place.

As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures. Having identified a number of factors which can cause general hardware failures indicated by three red flashing lights on the console, Microsoft has made improvements to the console and is enhancing its Xbox 360 warranty policy for existing and new customers.

Microsoft stands behind its products and is taking responsibility to repair or replace any Xbox 360 console that experiences the “three flashing red lights” error message within three years from time of purchase free of charge, including shipping costs. Microsoft will take a $1.05 billion to $1.15 billion pre-tax charge to earnings for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 for anticipated costs under its current and enhanced Xbox 360 policies.


  • 米Microsoft、Xbox 360の保証期間を3年に延長
 米Microsoftは、現地時間の7月5日に、Xbox 360のハードウェアの故障・不具合などを示す3つの赤い光が点滅した場合、本体の保証期間を購入日から3年に延長すると発表した。
 保証期間の延長の対象となるのは、本体前面の電源ランプに、3つの赤い光が点灯したXbox 360。この赤い光はハードウェアの故障などを示すもので、通常の緑の光が点灯する代わりに、故障などの異常を赤い光でユーザーに知らせる。この現象が発生した場合、送料を含めて無償で修理・交換の対応をするとしている。



Microsoft、2007年度決算は売上高511億2,200万ドル] 第4四半期は売上高が133億7,100万ドル(前年同期比13%増)、営業利益が39億8,900万ドル(同3%増)、純利益が30億3,500万ドル。なお、同社ではXbox 360の延長保証対応に関し、全世界で10億5,000万~11億5,000万ドルの費用を計上するという。

 2006年7月、Microsoftのエンターテインメントおよびデバイス部門のプレジデントRobbie Bach氏は、同部門を2008事業年度までに黒字化すると約束した。一方で同氏は、前年事業年度同様、EDD(同部門はMicrosoftの財務文書ではこう表記される)は6月30日に終わる2007事業年度は赤字になるだろうとも警告していた。


 Microsoftは2007事業年度中に、660万台のXbox 360を出荷しており(販売台数ではない)、これは2006事業年度の500万台を上回っている(ただし、その時点では販売から半年足らずしか経っていなかった)。現在の普及台数は1160万台と好調で、最新の家庭用ゲームの中では最多だ。ただし、同社は2006年の4月から6月には180万台出荷していたのに対し、2007年同期間には70万台しか出荷していない。

 EDDの第4四半期の業績は、Xbox 360の販売数の減少に加え、当時コーポレートバイスブレジデントだったPeter Moore氏が行ったXbox 360に対するメーカー保証の3年間の延長の発表で、壊滅的な打撃を受けた。7月19日、同社はこの前代未聞の措置には10億6000万ドルの費用が必要で、その結果第4四半期の営業損失は12億ドルという巨額に達することを確認した。これは、前年度比で183%の増加という大きな数字だ。同社は、この損失は「Xbox 360の製造コストの低下」および「Xboxの周辺機器およびゲームの販売成績の向上」によって若干小さくなったと述べている。


 Microsoftのゲーム業界における活動はコストが大きいものであることが証明されたが、同社の他の事業はそれ以上の業績を上げている。Xbox 360の保証期間問題で10億6000万ドルの費用がかかっているにも関わらず、同社は第4四半期に30億4000万ドルの純利益と133億7000万ドルの売り上げを上げており、これは2006事業年度の同期に比べ、11%高くなっている。事業年度全体では、売り上げが511億2000万ドル、純利益は147億ドルとなっており、全事業年度よりも15%高い。

 2008年度第1四半期には、マイクロソフトにとって過去最大となるaQuantiveの買収が成功裏に完了したほか、Halo 3が、発売当日にマイクロソフトのエンターテインメント部門の製品としては過去最高の売上を達成するなど、コンシューマ向けの製品を担当するマイクロソフトの2部門にとって重要な出来事がありました。

  • Microsoft、第1四半期は137億6,000万ドルの売上を記録
 コンシューマ向けの需要においても、Windows Vistaが2桁成長を記録。ほとんどのユーザーが上位エディションを購入しているという。また、Xbox 360用シューティングゲーム(FPS)「Halo 3」を9月にリリース。初週で3億ドル以上の売上を記録している。

Xbox Liveの会員数が800万人に到達、Xbox作品のHD配信も開始
マイクロソフトは5周年を迎えたXbox360向けのオンラインサービス「Xbox Live」の会員数が全世界で800万人を突破したと発表しました。サービスは2002年11月15日に北米で最初に開始されました。今年12月5日にはXbox360とXbox Liveのシステムアップデートが行われ、「Xbox クラシックス」が開始されます。

「Xbox Live」は26カ国9つの言語で提供されるオンラインサービスです。800万人の利用者に5年間の感謝をこめて15日の17時より48時間限定でXbox Live アーケードの『Carcassonne』(カルカソンヌ)を無料で提供します。また、サービス開始時から継続的に会員であるユーザーに500マイクロソフトポイントをプレゼントするということです(日本では2003年1月からのユーザーが対象)。

また、5日のアップデートでは「Xbox クラシックス」がスタートします。これはXboxの名作をHD品質で再リリースするもので、一律1200マイクロソフトポイントで提供されます。12月には『Halo』『クリムゾンスカイ』『魔牙霊』『Fable』『ぷよぷよフィーバー』が配信開始されます。これらは大半のゲームが2GBを超える容量になり、ハードディスクが必要になります。

さらにアップデートではお子様の使用時間を制限できる「ファミリータイマー機能」が追加されます。加えて1月10日にはWindows Liveによるチャットをより拡充する「Xbox360 メッセンジャーキット」が3150円で発売されます。

マイクロソフトゲームスタジオでゼネラルマネージャーを務めるフィル・スペンサー氏は、傘下の英国レア社が元々はXbox360で発売された『Viva Pinata』のニンテンドーDS版を開発している事に関して、業界紙「Develop」に対してコメントを寄せています。DSのようなプラットフォームで開発することでゲームスタジオ全体の「ゲームデザインのイノベーションに繋げる」という意味もあるようです。



スペンサー氏はニンテンドーDSのような革新的なプラットフォームで、開発規模が小さなゲームの開発に携わる事は有益な事だとしました。また、その経験は「Xbox Live アーケード」向け作品のようなものにも生かせるのではないかという期待を示しています。