
Last-modified: 2020-06-04 (木) 19:24:13



原文: https://www.avorion.net/about/




Avorion の宇宙船やステーションは、スタイルに基づいて手順通り生成されます。同じスタイルから生成された船は、見た目が似たものになります。

宇宙サンドボックス - 探検、建築、交易、戦闘

やりたいことは何でもできます: 探検、採掘、交易、人助け、軍隊の作成、戦争、海賊行為、無力な貨物船の略奪。お好みのプレイスタイルを実現しましょう!






Avorion は Co-op マルチプレイヤーで協力プレイが可能です。友人と一緒に同盟を結び、ステーションを造ったり、敵の派閥や海賊を倒したり、大規模な PvP バトルで新たな仲間と出会いましょう!







Steam Workshop

デザインした船やステーションは Steam Workshop でシェアしましょう。作るのには興味がない?それなら ほかのプレイヤーが作った素晴らしいデザイン を手に入れましょう!

Avorion の歴史

Konstantin 'koonschi' Kronfeldner は、趣味で Avorion をゼロから作り始め、4年以上に渡って開発していました。最初の数年間に何度か無料デモをリリースすると、ゲームのコミュニティーが形成されていきました。

開発から2年後、Konstantin はアンビエントミュージック愛好者の Hannes Kretzer と出会いました。彼は Avorion にピッタリな作曲家で、喜んでそのスキルをゲームに注ぎ込みました。

1年間の沈黙期間中、緊急のリファクタリング、リワーク、修正、グラフィック強化が行われ、トレイラー版が2015年12月の Steam Greenlight で公開されました。ゲームが青信号(リリース可能)になったわずか9日後のことでした。

Steam Greenlight でゲームは好評を博し、次のレベルの開発が決まりました。ワンマン体制は解消され、Philipp (通称 Qui_Sum) が新メンバーとして参加しました。

2016年春には Kickstarter キャンペーンを行い、17,000 € もの支援が集まりました。出資者の皆さん のおかげで、2017年1月には Steam でのアーリーアクセス配信が始まりました。

アーリーアクセスの成功を受け、Konstantin は Boxelware 社を創業し、チームを拡大しました。彼らと一緒に、完全リリースに向けて開発が続けられました。

2020年3月9日、ついに運命の日が訪れました。Avorion 1.0 のリリースです!


原文: Story - Official Avorion Wiki

Steam の紹介文


この「事件 (The Event)」以来、銀河の中心に近づくものはいない。人々が知っているのは、「事件」が通過不能な裂け目を銀河のあらゆる場所にも生み出したこと、そしてその中心には謎のエイリアンの種族・エクソタン (Xsotan) が現れたことだけだ。エイリアン達は裂け目を飛び越える手段を発見したようだが、彼らとコンタクトできた者はいない。

またある噂では、エクソタンの出現と同時に、「アヴォリオン (Avorion)」と呼ばれる未知の金属が現れたらしい。エイリアン達の船はどうやらこの素材から建造されているようだ。


Avorion は "X" や "Freelancer" といったゲームのように、サンドボックスシステムがあり、 Co-op マルチプレイヤーに対応し、自分の船を築くことができる。船を構築するブロックは自由に拡大縮小で、プロシージャルに生成されている。戦闘で被弾すればバラバラの欠片になるだろう。

Xsotan (エクソタン)




君が巨大なバリアーを越えた時、レジスタンス (The Resistance) と称する人々と遭遇し、エクソタンのさらなる情報を与えられるだろう。彼らが言うには、エクソタンはこの銀河の者ではなかったが、「事件」と同時にやって来たらしい。「事件」は空間を破壊し、ハイパースペースの溝を生み出した。破壊により「ブリーダー」が生まれ、ブリーダーがエクソタンを生み出した。


History of the Galaxy 全文

  • Secret Stash にときどき書かれている "History of the Galaxy" (銀河史) 全6章
  • "data/entity/story/historybook.lua" に全部書かれている

Chapter 1

The colonization of the galaxy began 600 years ago.
The alliances had committed centuries of research to the technologies that allowed settlement in space.

Those that had not managed to acquire the necessary knowledge received help from other factions.
Peace and prosperity reigned all throughout the galaxy.

The alliances aided each other in battling epidemics, natural catastrophes and inner conflicts.
But ever so slowly it became apparent that this peaceful galaxy was not meant to last...

Chapter 2
The arrival of the Xsotan

About three centuries ago, the first Xsotan ships were sighted in our peaceful galaxy.
At that time, all factions had come together to found the United Alliances (UA) and life was good.

There were only few that dared to act against the common laws, and everybody worked together to subdue those individuals.
But all of that changed when the Xsotan arrived.

At first, the UA were willing to treat the newcomers with the same respect and friendliness they offered all life forms in the galaxy.
They attempted to contact them, to invite them to assemblies and conferences.

But no matter which means of communication was tried, an answer was never received. More and more Xsotan ships arrived, and then it began.

The Xsotan attacked, destroyed and plundered anything that came close to their crafts. Ships, stations, asteroids, nothing was safe from them.
Rumors started to spread that they annihilated entire planets and even suns!

The UA were shocked and helpless.
But then they decided that they had to defend their galaxy. They becan researching new war technologies and they were ready to stand their ground.

Chapter 3
The Great War

The Great War between the United Alliances (UA) and the Xsotan was the most brutal in history.
For seven decades the two parties fought 38 battles and uncountable skirmishes for power and territory.

Neither had any technological advantages or larger numbers to allow them to get the upper hand.
But it was only the 39th battle that the UA lost for good.

Even though their numbers were reduced and their soldiers weak, they entered the battle with hopeful fervor.
They were led by the Haatii, the most powerful faction of that time with the most battle experience.

They fought fiercely and while they didn't manage to break the Xsotan lines, they still forced the enemy to give up one sector after the other.
All of a sudden, the Xsotan army decided to pull back.

Drunk with happiness over their presumed victory,
the army of the UA did not chase the Xsotan but remained where they were to care for their wounded and burn their dead.
This was their undoing.

Chapter 3
The Event

At the end of the Great War, the United Alliances (UA) had mounted one last battle against the Xsotan.
This battle ended with the Xsotan fleeing.

The UA warriors believed they had defeated the Xsotan for good and celebrated.
But it did not take long for them to realize that this had been a fatal error. The Xsotan had one more ace up their sleeve.

They had invented a method to cause rifts in the space-time-continuum which could destroy entire sectors.
Suddenly, the galaxy as it was known before ceased to exist.

Instead, the entire center of the galaxy was separated from the outer sectors by a huge, impassable Barrier.
This not only caused huge confusion among the UA, it also annihilated their army.

In chasing the Xsotan, a large part of the army had been in exactly those sectors that the rift was created in.
To this day nobody knows the fate that befell those unlucky enough to have been caught there.

Chapter 4
Operation Exodus

After the Great War was lost, most of the remaining inhabitants of the galaxy moved to the outer sectors where the chances of Xsotan attacks were considered to be lower.

The United Alliances (UA) were hesitant to leave such a large part of their fleet behind on the other side of the Barrier, but they could not see any way to save them at that moment.

On their trek to the outer sectors, they left behind encrypted messages in case the survivors from beyond the rift would manage to escape and try to find them in their hiding places.
But nobody ever returned from the other side of the Barrier.

Chapter 5
The Barrier

There are no reports that anyone has managed to enter any of the sectors inside the Barrier since the Event, although countless have tried.

In the beginning, when there was still hope that the ships cut off from the outer sectors might be saved, many tried to research a way to cross the rift.
But all of them gave up sooner or later. Nowadays, only odd adventurers in search of Xsotan riches attempt to find a way into the center.

The only ones who can freely cross the Barrier are the Xsotan themselves.

Even though they rule the entire center of the galaxy, there are still countless Xsotan in the outer sectors, attacking innocent ships and stations and causing everybody to live in constant fear.

Chapter 6
The Future

For a long time the United Alliances (UA) discussed what to do after the Xsotan had created the Barrier around the center of the galaxy.
Some factions wanted to flee to another galaxy and start a new life there.

Others wanted to spend all their time and energy on researching how to remove the Barrier and defeat the Xsotan once and for all.
Many simply wanted to go on living their lives at the far reaches of the galaxy. Soon it became clear that no consensus would be reached.

The UA disbanded, some factions left the galaxy never to be heard from again.
Others, like the Haatii, built up their defenses and remained in the outer sectors, never losing hope that one day they would be able to expel the Xsotan from the galaxy.