
Last-modified: 2024-04-27 (土) 10:52:55
このページはアドオン Lua のヘルプドキュメントの翻訳です。原文のバージョンは Stormworks v1.10.10(リリース日:2024/4/25)です。アドオン Lua はたびたびアップデートされています。正確な情報は公式のアップデート情報から確認してください。



Attempts to spawn a tsunami epicentered at the target transform, only one tsunami/whirlpool can be active at a time; stronger events will override weaker ones. Magnitude ranges from 0-1.

is_success = server.spawnTsunami(transform_matrix, magnitude)

Attempts to spawn a whirlpool near to the target transform, can fail based on ocean depth, only one tsunami/whirlpool can be active at a time; stronger events will override weaker ones. Magnitude ranges from 0-1.

is_success = server.spawnWhirlpool(transform_matrix, magnitude)

Cancels the active ocean gerstner wave event (tsunami or whirlpool).


Spawns a tornado at the target transform.

is_success = server.spawnTornado(transform_matrix)

Spawns a meteor to land at the target transform. Magnitude ranges from 0-1 and scales the main meteor up to 20x default size.

is_success = server.spawnMeteor(transform_matrix, magnitude, is_spawn_tsunami)

Spawns a meteor to land at the target location, preceded by several smaller meteors. Magnitude ranges from 0-1 and scales the main meteor up to 20x default size, this magnitude also increases the number of secondary meteors spawned.

is_success = server.spawnMeteorShower(transform_matrix, magnitude, is_spawn_tsunami)

Activates the closest volcano if the volcano tile is in simulation range.

is_success = server.spawnVolcano(transform_matrix)

Get a list of volcano data.

VOLCANOS = server.getVolcanos()

		x = volcano world x
		y = volcano world y
		z = volcano world z
		tile_x = tile grid x
		tile_y = tile grid z

Gets the blended oil amount at the target location.

oil_amount = server.getOilSpill(transform_matrix)

Sets the oil spill amount at the target location, this amount is blended across nearby tiles.

server.setOilSpill(transform_matrix, amount)

Completely resets the oil in the world.


[Requires Search and Destroy DLC to be enabled] Spawn an explosion at the specified world position matrix.

server.spawnExplosion(transform_matrix, magnitude)

Set a game setting.

server.setGameSetting(GAME_SETTING, value)

Returns a table of the game settings indexed by the GAME_SETTING string, this can be accessed inline eg. server.getGameSettings().third_person

{[GAME_SETTING] = value} = server.getGameSettings()

	"clear_fow", -- clear fog of war
	"despawn_on_leave", -- despawn player characters when they leave a server

Set game money and research points.

server.setCurrency(money, research_points)

Get game money.

amount = server.getCurrency()

Get game research points.

amount = server.getResearchPoints()

Get number of days since game start.

days_survived = server.getDateValue()

Get the current game date.

d, m, y = server.getDate()

Get the current game time.

CLOCK = server.getTime()
	CLOCK = {
		["hour"] = hour (24),
		["minute"] = minute (60),
		["daylight_factor"] = midday factor (0-1),
		["percent"] = day_cycle_percent (0-1),

Get the current game weather at a location.

WEATHER = server.getWeather(transform_matrix)
		["fog"] = fog factor (0-1),
		["rain"] = rain factor (0-1),
		["snow"] = snow factor (0-1),
		["wind"] = wind factor (0-1),
		["temp"] = temp factor (0-1),

Sets the custom weather override values (0-1).

server.setWeather(fog, rain, wind)

Sets the target audio mood. Mood tracks naturally decrease over time. -1 for all peers.

server.setAudioMood(peer_id, AUDIO_MOOD)
		0 = none,
		1 = main_menu,
		2 = mood_normal,
		3 = mood_mission_mid,
		4 = mood_mission_high,

Returns the world position of a random ocean tile within the selected search range.

transform_matrix, is_success = server.getOceanTransform(transform_matrix, min_search_range, max_search_range)

Returns the generated ocean floor height offset of a tile. This is not terrain height and does not include mesh height. It is advised to only use this for ocean tiles. Example return value: -375

height = server.getOceanFloor(transform_matrix)

Returns the world position of a random tile of type tile_name closest to the supplied location. Optional search radius defaults to 50000.

transform_matrix, is_success = server.getTileTransform(transform_matrix, tile_name, [search_radius])

Returns the data for the tile at the specified location.

TILE_DATA, is_success = server.getTile(transform)

		["name"] = tile_name,
		["sea_floor"] = sea_floor_height,
		["cost"] = purchase_cost,
		["purchased"] = is_purchased,

Returns the data for the tile selected as the start tile in the game settings.

TILE_DATA = server.getStartTile()

		["name"] = tile_name,
		["x"] = tile_x,
		["y"] = tile_y,
		["z"] = tile_z,

Returns whether the tile at the given world coordinates is player owned.

is_purchased = server.getTilePurchased(transform_matrix)

Returns the current inventory amounts for the tile resource depot.

coal, uranium, diesel, jet_fuel, solid_propellant = server.getTileInventory(transform_matrix)

Sets the inventory amounts for the tile resource depot.

server.setTileInventory(transform_matrix, coal, uranium, diesel, jet_fuel, solid_propellant)

Returns whether matrix_object is within zone_size of matrix_zone.

is_in_area = server.isInTransformArea(matrix_object, matrix_zone, zone_size_x, zone_size_y, zone_size_z)

Returns a table of waypoints that form a path from start to end, matching the required tags, tags should be separated by commas with no spaces.

{ [i] = {x = world_x, z = world_z} } = server.pathfind(matrix_start, matrix_end, required_tags, avoided_tags)

Returns a table of waypoints tagged with ocean_path, that form a path from start to end. This function is the same as passing 'ocean_path' to the function above.

{ [i] = {x = world_x, z = world_z} } = server.pathfindOcean(matrix_start, matrix_end)

Returns a table of underground oil deposit positions.

{ [i] = {x = world_x, y = world_y, z = world_z, r = radius, oil = current_oil} } = server.getOilDeposits()

対象座標を中心とした津波をスポーンさせようと試みます。津波・渦潮は一度に 1 つしか発生しません;強いイベントは弱いイベントより優先されます。マグニチュードの範囲は 0 ~ 1 です。

is_success = server.spawnTsunami(transform_matrix, magnitude)

対象座標の近くで渦潮をスポーンさせようとします。海の深さによっては失敗することがあります。津波・渦潮は一度に 1 つしか発生しません;強いイベントは弱いイベントより優先されます。マグニチュードの範囲は 0 ~ 1 です。

is_success = server.spawnWhirlpool(transform_matrix, magnitude)




is_success = server.spawnTornado(transform_matrix)

メテオをスポーンさせて、対象座標に着弾させます。マグニチュードは 0 ~ 1 の範囲で、メインのメテオはデフォルトの 20 倍まで拡大されます。

is_success = server.spawnMeteor(transform_matrix, magnitude, is_spawn_tsunami)

メテオをスポーンさせて、目標地点に着弾させます。その前に、いくつかの小さなメテオが発生します。マグニチュードは 0 ~ 1 の範囲で、メインのメテオはデフォルトの 20 倍まで拡大されます。このマグニチュードはスポーンさせる副メテオの数も増加させます。

is_success = server.spawnMeteorShower(transform_matrix, magnitude, is_spawn_tsunami)


is_success = server.spawnVolcano(transform_matrix)


VOLCANOS = server.getVolcanos()

		x = volcano world x
		y = volcano world y
		z = volcano world z
		tile_x = tile grid x
		tile_y = tile grid z


oil_amount = server.getOilSpill(transform_matrix)


server.setOilSpill(transform_matrix, amount)



[Search and Destroy DLC を有効化する必要があります] 指定されたワールド座標行列で爆発をスポーンさせます。

server.spawnExplosion(transform_matrix, magnitude)


server.setGameSetting(GAME_SETTING, value)

GAME_SETTING 文字列でインデックス化されたゲーム設定のテーブルを返します。これはインラインでアクセスすることができます。例:server.getGameSettings().third_person

{[GAME_SETTING] = value} = server.getGameSettings()

	"clear_fow", -- clear fog of war(マップの未開放領域を解放する)
	"despawn_on_leave", -- サーバーから退出したときにそのプレイヤーキャラクターをデスポーンさせる


server.setCurrency(money, research_points)


amount = server.getCurrency()


amount = server.getResearchPoints()


days_survived = server.getDateValue()


d, m, y = server.getDate()


CLOCK = server.getTime()
	CLOCK = {
		["hour"] = hour (24),
		["minute"] = minute (60),
		["daylight_factor"] = midday factor (0-1),
		["percent"] = day_cycle_percent (0-1),


WEATHER = server.getWeather(transform_matrix)
		["fog"] = fog factor (0-1),
		["rain"] = rain factor (0-1),
		["snow"] = snow factor (0-1),
		["wind"] = wind factor (0-1),
		["temp"] = temp factor (0-1),

カスタム天候オーバーライドの値(0 ~ 1)を設定します。

server.setWeather(fog, rain, wind)


server.setAudioMood(peer_id, AUDIO_MOOD)
		0 = none,
		1 = main_menu,
		2 = mood_normal,
		3 = mood_mission_mid,
		4 = mood_mission_high,


transform_matrix, is_success = server.getOceanTransform(transform_matrix, min_search_range, max_search_range)


height = server.getOceanFloor(transform_matrix)

与えられた位置に最も近い tile_name 型のランダムなタイルのワールド座標を返します。任意の検索半径はデフォルトで 50000 です。

transform_matrix, is_success = server.getTileTransform(transform_matrix, tile_name, [search_radius])


TILE_DATA, is_success = server.getTile(transform)

		["name"] = tile_name,
		["sea_floor"] = sea_floor_height,
		["cost"] = purchase_cost,
		["purchased"] = is_purchased,


TILE_DATA = server.getStartTile()

		["name"] = tile_name,
		["x"] = tile_x,
		["y"] = tile_y,
		["z"] = tile_z,


is_purchased = server.getTilePurchased(transform_matrix)


coal, uranium, diesel, jet_fuel, solid_propellant = server.getTileInventory(transform_matrix)


server.setTileInventory(transform_matrix, coal, uranium, diesel, jet_fuel, solid_propellant)

matrix_object が matrix_zone の zone_size 以内にあるかどうかを返します。

is_in_area = server.isInTransformArea(matrix_object, matrix_zone, zone_size_x, zone_size_y, zone_size_z)


{ [i] = {x = world_x, z = world_z} } = server.pathfind(matrix_start, matrix_end, required_tags, avoided_tags)

ocean_path でタグ付けされた、始点から終点までの経路を形成するウェイポイントのテーブルを返します。この関数は、上記の関数に "ocean_path" を渡すのと同じです。

{ [i] = {x = world_x, z = world_z} } = server.pathfindOcean(matrix_start, matrix_end)


{ [i] = {x = world_x, y = world_y, z = world_z, r = radius, oil = current_oil} } = server.getOilDeposits()