- 新たなランダムイベントとして、隕石落下が発生
- 落下してきた隕石に近づいて破壊処理をする必要がある。
- 成功報酬はPlague Heartsというもので、6個集めればシーズンターミナルでスクリップ1つと交換が出来る。
- なお、1ミッションで2回以上発生する場合もある。
- 破壊処理用の装置を呼び出し
- 呼び出した装置からケーブルを伸ばして隕石へ繋ぐ
- 装置は2つ落ちてくるので2箇所繋ぐ
- 繋いだら破壊されるまで防衛ウェーブが開始
- 防衛中に装置がクリーチャーの攻撃を受け続けると破損してしまうため、装置に近づいて(隕石側では無くケーブル出てる側)修理が必要になる
- ゲージが全て無くなると破壊終了
- 隕石の中央にPlague Heartsが3~4個出てくるので、M.U.L.E.に積んだら終了
- 岩石病の感染拡大を防ぐイベント。
- R&Dの新しい汚染防止ツールを使い、広がっている腐敗箇所を消毒する。
- 感染した地域から発生する幼虫(Plague Larvae)に注意しつつ、周囲の消毒を行う
- 感染したエリアへ近づいて汚染防止ツールを呼び出す。
- 汚染防止ツールには「LithoFoamer」と、「LithoVac」が積んであるのでいずれかを装備することになる。
- 汚染されている見た目が黄色いところに向って「LithoFoamer」を噴射して汚染部分に泡をつける。
※一番刺々しい見た目の黄色い部分は判定無い。外周側に広がっている部分に泡をつけよう。 - 「LithoVac」を使って、泡を吸引する。
- これを繰り返し行う。途中でPlague Larvaeの妨害はあるが「LithoFoamer」を吹きかければダメージを与えられる。
- ゲージを全て減らしたら終了。
- 武器切り替えやら投げるボタンでツールを落とせる。他のクリーチャーに襲われた場合は、対応した後に再回収しよう。
When you play a mission with a LITHOPHAGE OUTBREAK Warning you will encounter an area in which the Plague Hearts have grown into full Contagion Spikes, rapidly spreading across the cave.
All missions with this warning come with two main objectives:
LITHOPHAGE OUTBREAK OBJECTIVE: First, you will need to destroy the Rockpox Contagion Spikes and the spreading corruption with R&D’s brand-new anti-contaminant tools. Be extra mindful of the creeping tide of Plague Larvae erupting from the infected area as you work, and be prepared for swarms of Glyphids that have already been struck by the Rockpox and seek to disrupt your endeavours.
NORMAL MAIN OBJECTIVE: Second, you will still need to complete the normal mining objective. Fighting the Rockpox is critical, but it does not pay the bills! The order in which you tackle these tasks is entirely up to you.
- 病原体は足元の岩を食い荒らすだけでなく、伝染棘が成熟すると、岩石病を持つ幼虫が入った脈動するポッドを成長させ始めます。
- 感染した虫
- 岩石病はクリーチャーにも感染することが判明している。感染したクリーチャーは犠牲者を増やそうと集団で襲ってくるようになる。
- 感染箇所は弱点にもなっており、狙えば倒しやすくなる。
- 直接攻撃を行うとドワーフにまで感染してしまうので注意が必要だ。
As if it’s not bad enough that the Lithophage is devouring the very rock beneath your feet, once a Contagion Spike matures it begins to grow pulsating pods, filled with Rockpox Larvae!
These squirmy little devils seek out victims en masse in an attempt to take them over. Shoot on sight and watch your backs. So far both Grunts and Praetorians having been sighted stumbling around covered in Rockpox growths.
If you happen to come across a Rockpox Glyphid do not bother attacking it directly as the affected creatures can take a tremendous amount of damage and still keep going, we are not even sure if they are still really alive. However, if you aim for the glowing Rockpox boils covering their bodies, you can even take a Praetorian down in just a few shots.
感染とContagion Spikesの無効化のために、R&DではLithoFoamerとLithoVacという道具を開発しました。
周囲のRockpoxを十分に取り除くと、Contagion Spikeが崩壊し、周辺に残っているRockpoxも一緒に取り込んでしまいます。
- ドリラー:スプリングローデッドリッパー(SPRINGLOADED RIPPER)
- ガンナー:タクティカルリードバースター(TACTICAL LEADBURSTER)
- スカウト:ボルタイックスタンスウィーパー(VOLTAIC STUN SWEEPE)
The Scout has gotten his hands on an Electric Boomerang that bounces from target to target, electrocuting anything hostile on the way. No mentions of shrimps or barbies, please.
The Driller has seen fit to repurpose one of his favorite power tools. He is now in possession of a motorised saw that powers along the ground and even up sheer walls, slicing and dicing anything it hits.
The Engineer has worked closely with R&D, and they have successfully made a portable robotic swarm from captured and reprogrammed Shredder Drones. Throw it on the ground to activate your very own posse of hacked drones that attack anything hostile on sight.
And the Gunner gets a grenade with a gun on it - because of course it is. Throw and attach this device to any surface, and it will saturate the surrounding area with a blistering hail of lead.
On top of all that, a brand new Performance Pass with another 100 levels of unlocks will be activated, alongside an all-new Cosmetic Tree loaded to the gills with Cosmetics.
This of course means Season 02 is coming to an end, but don’t fret. Anything you’ve yet to unlock will simply be added to the ordinary loot pools in the game - nothing goes away.
- 妨害工作ミッションが簡素化され、ディープダイブでも発生するようになりました。
- パトロールボットの性能調整
- 「ライバルの存在」が標準的な警告ローテーションの一部となり、ミッションマップ上に常に存在することが保証されなくなりました。
With Season 3 focusing on the Lithophage we have modified the various Rival Events, Rival Presence Warning and Industrial Sabotage Mission.
The INDUSTRIAL SABOTAGE MISSION is now treated as any other mission, including a slightly more streamlined lower-complexity version now also available on the Mission Map and in Deep Dives. On top of this we have also tweaked the mission a bit:
Reduced minimum time to hack a generator
Increased Transmitter Node connection Range a bit
We have also tweaked the RIVAL PATROL BOTS based on what we’ve been hearing on the grapevine.
Reduced bot acceleration/deceleration a bit so the bots are now a little easier to track
Reduced damage of burst shots
Reduced damage of sniper shots
Reduced the speed and manoeuvrability of the homing missiles
While the patrol bots can't be frozen solid, "freezing" them will still make their metal brittle and impart the standard damage bonus applied to frozen enemies but with all those hot electronics inside they warm back up quite quickly
Increased the amount of heat damage required to set Patrol Bots on fire
The RIVAL PRESENCE WARNING is now also part of the standard warning rotation and is no longer guaranteed to be present on the mission map at all times.
Lastly, the 3 RIVAL EVENTS have been added to the general event pool with probabilities similar to the other events. The Data Cells which you can get from these events no longer will grant you scrip or bonus Performance Points but instead will give Credits and XP similar to the Korlok Tyrant Shards.
- 昇格任務のような定期的に発生するものにバリエーションが追加されました。これにより同じ種類のミッションを繰り返すことは少なくなりました。
- シーズン3のアサインメントは短いものを2パートに分けて実施するようにしました。
We have added mission variety to all recurring assignments such as the promotion assignments. This way you no longer need to do the same missions every time you promote. Additionally the Industrial Sabotage mission will now also be available for selection in assignments.
We are also doing something a little different for the season assignment this time around. Instead of one long assignment, we are breaking it up into two shorter parts. Also, we have added Performance Points as a reward from these new season assignments.
Get the new Biohazard DLC now and deal with the Rockpox in style!
This new DLC pack includes 4 new suits of armor (one for each class), a unique helmet with Full Face & Half Face variants, alongside the usual new paintjobs for other armors, weapons, Bosco, and your pickaxe.
- T5MOD「対マクテラ神経毒コーティング」を実質削除。
- 腐食ダメージボーナスが付与される「Acid-Coated Bullets 」に効果変更。
Tier 5 Mactera Toxin-Coating upgrade now adds corrosive damage. Changed name to Acid-Coated Bullets.
- T5MOD「空飛ぶ悪夢」と「プラズマバーン」を統合し「Burning Nightmare」に名称変更。
- ダメージボーナスの削除
- 効果範囲ペナルティをわずかに増加
- T5MOD「Plasma Splash」新規追加
- このMODは直接ダメージの一部が、範囲ダメージに変換される
T5 Flying Nightmare upgrade
Removed the damage bonus
Converted a large part of charged shot damage to fire damage
Increased the radius penalty slightly
Merged the T5 upgrade Hot Plasma into this upgrade
Renamed to Burning Nightmare
New T5 Plasma Splash upgrade
Normal shots have some of their damage changed from direct to area damage
- T1MOD「コンケープレンズ」の効果が無かった不具合の修正
Convex Lense upgrade now works correctly actually increasing the microwave beam width significantly
- 投げる前に手榴弾を「調理」する機能を追加。
- 持った時点でタイマーが見えるようになった。これにより投げてから爆破させるタイミングを測りやすくなった。
- 信管タイマーをわずかに増加
- 手榴弾がフルダメージを与える半径を拡大
Added ability to “cook” the grenade before throwing it, just don’t hold on to it for too long
Increased fuse timer slightly
Increased radius at which the grenade deals full damage
- 本体調整
- 基礎ダメージ増加
- 弱点ダメージボーナス削除
- 弱点命中時のスタン確率上昇
- マガジンサイズ増加
- マガジンサイズ増加に伴い最大弾薬数調整
- T1MODにリロード速度向上の「速射エジェクター」新規追加
- T1MOD「過給装填機構」の連射速度上昇効果の一部を基礎化
- T2MOD「口径の大型化」のダメージボーナス増加
- T2MOD「拡張弾薬バッグ」の弾薬数増加
- T3MOD「改良型推進薬」削除
- T4MOD「ガスシステムの改善」をT5に移動
- T5MOD「戦闘狂」と「冷静沈着」を統合。名称は「戦闘狂」を維持。
- T5MOD「スタン」のスタン確率上昇効果増加
- OC:慈悲の弾丸
- マガジンサイズのペナルティを増加
- ダメージボーナス増加
- 状態異常ダメージボーナスが、電気アーク・フェロモン・腐食・プラズマフィールド・スティッキーフレーム・環境放射線で発動するように修正
- Rockpoxに感染した敵を撃った場合にもボーナスが発生するようになりましたが、実際には水疱を狙うだけにしてください。
- OC:電化リロード
- マガジンと弾薬のペナルティを調整
- 感電状態時のダメージ増加
- 効果発動時に着弾した弾の数だけ感電ダメージが発生するようになった
- OC:AI安定性エンジン
- ダメージペナルティを軽減
- 弱点ダメージボーナスの増加
Increased the base weapon damage
Removed the base weakpoint damage bonus
Increased base weakpoint stun chance
Increased base magazine size
Adjusted base ammo to match new mag size
Added a new reload speed upgrade to T1
Moved some of the RoF bonus from the T1 Supercharged Feed Mechanism upgrade to the base weapon
Increased the T2 Ammo upgrade bonus
Increased the bonus of the T2 damage upgrade
Removed the T3 damage upgrade
Moved T4 RoF Upgrade to T5
ncreased the bonus of the T5 Stun upgrade
Combined the T5 Battle Frenzy and Battle Cool upgrades into one and kept the Battle Frenzy name.
Adjusted the magazine and ammo penalty to match the new base
Increased up the damage of the electrocution effect
Made it do a bit of extra electric damage for every bullet that is in the enemy when you trigger the effect
Increased the magazine size penalty
Increased the damage bonus
Fixed the damage bonus not triggering on: electric arcs, pheromones, corrosion, plasma fields, sticky flames and environmental radiation. The bonus will also trigger when shooting enemies infected with Rockpox, but you really should just aim at the blisters.
Reduced damage penalty
Increased WP bonus slightly
M1000 クラシック
- OC:感電フォーカスショット
- 感電のダメージと効果時間を増加
- OC:過冷却薬室
- フォーカスショットのダメージボーナス増加
- マガジンサイズのペナルティを追加
- 最大弾薬数ペナルティ軽減
Increased the damage and duration of the electrocution effect
Increased focus damage bonus
Added a large focus weakpoint bonus multiplier
Added a magazine size penalty
Reduced the ammo penalty slightly
- OC:ガス再循環
- アーマー破壊ダメージの追加
Added a significant Armour Breaking bonus
- レーザーポインターでのシャウトにバリエーション追加
- お気に入り装備スロット枠を1つ追加
- 各キャビンにMiner's Manual Terminalを追加。
- Steamに特定のプレイヤーをゲームからブロックするローカルブラックリストを実装。
- キックする際に「BAN」ボタンで実施出来る
New shouts on the Laserpointer
Added an extra Loadout Slot in the Equipment Terminal
Added a Miner’s Manual Terminal in each of the cabins on the Space Rig
Implemented Local Blacklists on Steam: We have now added the ability to block specific players from your games. If you encounter a player who for some reason you never want to play with again, you can go into the kick menu in-game and click the “Ban” button. This will kick the specific player from your game and also send you to their steam profile, from where you can choose to block all communication. Doing this will prevent that player from joining any games that you host.
Made fixes to improve game performance
Implemented more game optimization
Vanity Items in the Wardrobe are now sorted, DLC first, then by name. Before the items would appear in the order loaded and could change between each run of the game. Pickaxe parts are also sorted in the same way.
Added a Balaclava that takes colour from the armour paintjob to the shop
BOSCO can now carry the Oil Extractor
Added description to GINGER hair color
Added proper messaging to clients in cases where the host disbands the team or exits to the desktop.
Improved cashing of certain particles that before would cause the game to stutter the first time you would encounter them.
Improved the subtitles to make them more readable.
Small visual tweaks on season challenges, milestone images and the miners manual menu background.
Increased pick up range on some carriables
Glyphids who are burned / corroded no longer block shots while playing the death animation
The orange border on the assignment description box is no longer in front of the mission indicator in cases where assignments have a lot of missions
The dwarves no longer think the Harvester is an enemy when pointing at it with the Lazerpointer.
Drilldozer Drop Cage will now kill any leeches in its way on the way down
Fixed issue with Minimule, Treasure Crate, Lost Pack and old Supply Pod, where they could end up in weird locations because of issues with logic of falling down when terrain is removed below them
Added Leaf Lovers special beers to the Trash Compactor
Fixed a crash related to beards
Fixed a crash related to the crossbow
Fixed a crash related to status effects on enemies
Fixed a crash related to the coilgun
Fixed a bug resulted in push to talk being ignored for Hosts in some cases
Fixed that clients could not see impact effects on terrain
Fixed letters not appearing correctly in the Mission Terminal and in the Bar if the game language was set to Ukrainian
Fixed the dwarf voice to match the class currently selected when buying upgrades for Bosco in the Drone Terminal
Fixed Lazerpointer shouts on Ommoran Beamers and Liquid Morkite Wells
Fixed a minor clipping issue in the Milestone Menu
Fixed a bug that caused Boscos Armor Breaking and Fear Factor upgrades to not apply to its Rockets
Fixed that fragile salt platforms in Salt Caves did not have a name when pinging them with the laser pointer
Fixed a bug that caused the temperature icon not to show for the host when hit by instant temperature change
Fixed a bug in the Promotion logic where players could enter a bad state that made them unable to promote and/or start the Promotion Assignment
Fixed a bug that made the crossbow fire without ammo in some cases
Fixed a bug that caused Refinery pipes and Fuel Pod Cords to be unbuildable for anyone if a client disconnected while they were building a segment
Fixed a bug that made reverting direction on a zipline impossible when multiple ziplines were close together
Fixed a bug that caused you to get softlocked if you entered a terminal before a pop up appeared
Fixed a bug that made a red outline and blinking lights on the dwarf in terminals if you spent extended time there while having a mission with Low O2 warning selected
Fixed a bug where clients crossbow bolts would not stick to terrain
Fixed a bug in the Shop where a purchase on the 'Do you want to equip this now' view, pressing space would repurchase that item again and again, deducting resources each time
Fixed an ancient bug with pickup on certain beers not being translatable
Fixed a visual bug where the wrong number of performance points would be displayed when completing more than one Season Challenge at the same time
Fixed a bug that caused burrowing enemies AI to break if they got stunned while burrowing
Added an event to the UGCRegistry that is broadcasted when modded blueprints are spawned
Fixed an issue with weapon paintjobs for DLC frameworks not being consistent when changing the framework.
Fixed a bug where Flares and Grenades did not collide with the Ommoran Heartstone
Actually fixed the bug where Pickaxing the Ommoran Heartstones outer layer made no sound
Fixed Cryo Cannon OC Snowball & Ice Spear displaying incorrect values in gear modification stats.
Fixed ricochet triggering incorrectly on revolver Magic Bullets OC
Fixed grameticle errur and spelld more bettr strings
Fixed the Volatile Guts Explosion being painfully bright
Dreadnoughts are no longer allowed to shoot fireballs at crazy angles
Fixed the incorrect Damage Resistance bonus of the Autocannon T5 Damage Resistance upgrade.
パッチ1 2022/11/04
- Reduced the possible max amount of Contagion spikes in missions with Lithophage Warning from 4 to 3.
- Fixed a “bug” in the Point Extraction enemy spawning that resulted in constant waves
- Fixed a bug that caused players who had started the assignment Breach the Core, before unlocking the Industrial Sabotage Mission to be locked in the assignment after changing to Season 03.
- Fixed that Lithophage Warning and Description were not marked to be translatable
- Fixed a crash related to cooking grenades
- Fixed a crash related to late-joining Lithophage Warning missions
- Fixed some misc crashes
- Excessive amounts of mineral veins are spawned in caves (is fixed in next patch - until then, you're rich!)
パッチ2 2022/11/08
- Added new Plague meteor warning effect
- Extended the delay before player infection buildup begins to drop
- Added a small amount of damage to the infected praetorian spit attack
- Fix outlines not being correctly disabled on HoldTab functionality for Cleanup Pod, Minimules, Battery Crate, Broken Supply Pod, SupplyPods
- Removed beer can from character selection screen
- Added better collision to Meteor Top
- Decreased priority of meteor "calldown rock cracker" usable, carriables can no longer get stuck inside the usable collision
- Fixed maggots not animating
- Made the simple version of the Industrial Sabotage mission even more compact and simple reducing mission time some more
- Reduced max vertical spawning angle of Contagion Spike
- Improved Meteor spawning in escort missions
- Fixed code counting missing minerals spawned in veins always reporting 0 in shipping builds. Resulting in the game trying to spawn in way too much missing minerals
- Shieldtank/oppressor sound turned down a bit
- Burst pistol volume tweak+assault rifle volume tweaks
- Bosco can now carry doretta's head again
- Dwarf should no longer get stuck behind medbay biotank
- Lowered Ripper friendly fire collider radius making it easier to dodge
- Added fixed glowing light materials for dlc helmets
- Minor bugfix for intersections on spacerig
- Boomerang Grenade: Fixed up look of trail + movement when no target is found, clients targeting stuff in the ceiling is now better
- Springloaded Ripper: Added aim reticle
- Attempt to reduce lag when Contagion Spike is cleaned
- Fixed Shellbacks killed while frozen will not play their death animation
- Plague removal tools now also go away on terrain scanner when objective is complete
- Fixed Friendly Shredders targets dread twins while they healing
- When playing with gamepad, aim assist is no longer triggered by looking at Rock Pox, and a bug was fixed where aim assist was triggered by enemies behind walls
- Fixed that Friendly shredder drones seem to fly to the host or existing shredder swarms, even when far away from them
- Add support for headwear to use the "slim" armor version to prevent clipping
- Make Full Plague DLC headwear use "slim" armors
- Fixed weapon ammo displays not animating
- Fixed Meteor landed next to the Drilldozer lander, preventing rockbreaker attachment
- Fixed bug, where robot rebellion and roughnecks paintjobs didn't glow enough on the neonskin frameworks
- Fixed Unlocking the Milspec framework for one weapon, shows a permanent red exclamation mark for all weapons in the equipment terminal
- Fixed Status effects blocking Dreadnought health bar
- Fixed Escort doretta going back and forth bug
- Fixed debri lights on Plague areas
- There is a 25% chance that the Contagion Spike UI will not appear on subsequent Contagion Spikes after clearing the first Contagion Spike in a mission
パッチ3 2022/11/10
Hello Miners,
This patch contains changes to how Lithopage missions spawn, especially when doing assignment missions, as well as a host of other fixes, tweaks to the Ripper and Leadburster grenades and forcibly programming Bosco to improve his cleaning AI - there is no I in team Bosco!
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Attempt to fix Hiveguard not activating
- Fixed Dropping a Fuel cannister equips your 'previous weapon', not the one you had as you picked up the cannister
- Fixed Electric SMG Magazines did not have skin applied in game
- Fixed Scout flares has no gravity for clients
- [Modding] Caching of mod dependencies is now a thing + a visual dependency loading guide on the modding menu
- Fix/workaround for light function bug exposed by bullet grenade
- Increased springloaded ripper light radius to make it easier to track
- Fixed Immortal cave leech
- Fix triggershere on contagion spike not triggering UI within the correct distance
- Bosco will now seek out foam and clean it up automatically when he is in following mode
- Fixed promotion campaigns having a very high rate of lithophage warning
- Fixed Music from the DLC videos continues after you quit the ESC menu
- Fixed Bosco tutorial hint appearing after player joined game
- Fixed issues when telling Bosco to clean foam from far away
- Leadburster: Can no longer get stuck and deployed on enemies
- Aquarqs is now marked as an important location with 2m radius - should help with plague covering the aquarqs making them hard to find
- Fixed Unable to shoot when holding Shift+W
- Fixed Bosco's rocket upgrades not working
- Fixed Bosco's rocket cooldown reduction upgrade making the recharge time longer instead of shorter
- Fixed dwarves no longer saying a voice line when calling for Bosco to fire a rocket
- Fixed Bosco not being able to carry plague hearts
- Point extraction minehead now prioritizes positions that are not close to important locations
- Fixed bullet hell ricochettes not getting the damage bonus from Variable chamber pressure
- Fixed ricochettes sometimes choosing to ricochet towards the original target causing bullets to fly in not so helpful directions
- Fixed bug causing leadburster to occasionally deploy when hitting enemies
- Fixed that resupply can land on top of Fuel pod in Salvage missions
- Fixed crash when joining game related to boomerang
- A tad bigger collider on biotanks
- Plague clean effect optimizations
- Fixed the driller's primary weapons ( especially the Sludge Pump and Cryo Cannon ) doing too little damage to the Rival Caretaker
- First person foamer muzzle effect tweaked
- Bosco now starts cleaning close to where you pinged when ordering him to clean foam
Greatly increased range and velocity for Voltaic stun sweeper - Lead burster: lines to catch far away enemies were not starting further away
- [Modding] Making Bosco moddable for multiplayer
- Fixed Flares expire when solo game is paused
- Fixed some cases where "slim" armor was chosen when wearing headwear that hid most facial hair
- Fixed caretaker being immune to explosive damage
- Adjusted lithophage warning probability on mission map + ensured that all biomes in the infection zone has at least 1 Lithophage warning
- Improved hack-c landing locations a bit reducing the chance of him landing too far away
- Adjustments to meteor spawn - can no longer spawn during machine events
Ripper Grenade friendly fire reduced to 70%
- Fixed shot origin bug, bullets now originate from closer to the grenade
- Reduced extreme damage variance and unnecessary damage
- Base damage reduced slightly
- Shots at longer range now deal slightly less damage
- Shot damage increased at short range
- Friendly fire damage reduced
— Known Issues —
- Voltaic stun sweeper doesn't always prioritize looked at enemy
- Bosco can be somewhat unreliable at cleaning rockpox
パッチ4 2022/11/15
Hello Miners,
The guys at R&D have been cracking away at solving important issues, such as how many pieces can be cut from one extra large chocolate space cake. The answer is 42.
Also they have spent some time fixing bugs and issues. Most notably the Voltaic Stun Sweeper now have improved targeting. The APD-B317 unit has been reprogrammed to do a better job at cleaning and Plague Hearts now give the right amount of XP as concluded by the official agreement between the miners unions and DRG management.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Fixed Bosco/APD-B317 not automatically cleaning plague
- Fixed targeting for boomerang
- Fixed season overview string. "250 PP" to "300 PP"
- Fixed Contagion indestructible terrain blocking the button in point extraction and causing softlock
- Meteor will now be destroyed if it lands on unfinished refinery pipes - preventing softlock of the mission
- Fixed missing neck with light configuration helmet from Biohazard DLC
- Decreased Naedocyte Breeder freeze point temperature
- Reduced amount of plague clean "scream" audios, but placed them better
- [Gamepad] Assignments can now be accepted with Y/Triangle
- [Gamepad] Perk Window: Remapped Buy Perk to Y/Triangle
- [Gamepad] Assignments can now be aborted with X/Square
- [Gamepad] Assignment terminal added shortcuts to popup window
- [Gamepad] Added missing gamepad shortcuts to Forge menu
- [GamePad] Season Challenge Info box can now be opened with B/Square
- [Gamepad] Removed Y/Triangle open Season Challenges, Y/Triangle/Enter now Confirms mission selection
- Fixed that the scrollbar on the pickaxe paintjob sidebar could not be dragged with the mouse, but only with the scroll wheel
- [Modding] Fixed that sometimes modded games could not be joined
- Fixed Boltshark Crossbow infinite ammo with Bodkin Points overclock
- Fixed Plague Hearts not giving XP for each individual heart
- Fixed visual bug on mission complete screen already counting assignment PP, even though it is visually being counted at the space rig
- The full Biohazard DLC helmet will no longer use the slim version of the Biohazard DLC armor
- There are too few Lithopage warning challenges to get the intended amount of scrips to complete cosmetic tree - more will be added soon!
パッチ4.1 2022/11/16
Hello Miners,
Management hopes you enjoyed our smol 1 day event, everything is back to normal now… whatever normal is for the Hoxxes miners.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Removed some unintended meteors
- There are too few Lithopage warning challenges to get the intended amount of scrips to complete the cosmetic tree - more will be added soon!
- Some bugs have appeared with keybindings being changed, this will be reverted next Patch
パッチ5 2022/11/17
Hello Miners,
Scrip incoming! This patch brings the missing Plague Warning Challenges that only the most prestigious of miners may have noticed. Additionally, the Omen tower is now mortal once again and the keybinding changes from last patch have been reversed.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Fixed pickaxe making noise and particles as if you had hit an enemy when outside of the melee attack range but inside of the mining range
- Added the 3 Plague Warning Challenges that were missing from the season
- Fixed Infinite Flamethrower ammo case
- Fixed banshee pulse effect not being shown for fire arrow, fixed banshee pulse on arrows in air
- Fixed S.S.G spelling and grammatical errors
- Fixed missing text in mission control speech in regards to fixed rock crackers
- Reverted changes to DefaultInput.Ini, hopefully fixing issues with Tab/Esc
- Fixed Loading Tips not showing
- Fixed Caretaker tentacles not always respecting objects and stabbing through things like supply pods
- Caretaker Tentacles will no longer stab into the gunner's shield but will shoot at it instead
- Fixed Omen Modular Exterminator not dying
パッチ6 2022/11/22
Hello Miners,
Patch containing various minor fixes and a fix for B.O.S.C.O. Egg/Arquaq Stealing tendencies - He should be safe to bring on missions again.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Fixed the Subata 120 overclock “Explosive Reload” not affecting one of the hiveguard’s weak spots
- Fixed Huuli Hoarder not reacting to dwarves being nearby or attacking it
- Fixed Lithofoamer and Lithovac breaking hacking pod connection
- Fixed cosmetic tree not showing the name of the weapon for all skins
- Fixed unused strings for crowdin
- Added missing objective description for Industrial Sabotage
- Fixed Naedocyte Breeder scaling in size when shot with arrow
- Added tweaks on shouts, meteor timer and misc audio
- Added a longer indication for when a Caretaker Appendage will burrow and pop out of the ground
- Added collider on top of Cleansing Pod for pipelines
- Made sure that the player count is reset on reload of worlds
- Fixed the "Weapon Licence Assignments Completed" tab not counting correctly
- Fixed a bug that caused Worm pod remains to not be destroyed after 10 seconds
- Added missing names for Rival Tech and Lithophage enemies in the Bestiary
- Removed unnecessary comma from earned currency for the secondary objective
- Fixed meteor latejoin sound and drop issues
- Adjusted movement settings of Fester Fleas
- Reduced the space electric crystals take when trying to spawn other things in the cave
- Plagueheart now looks like a plagueheart on the terrain scanner
- Fixed Bosco consuming carryables in some cases
パッチ7 2022/11/24
Hello Miners,
Fine, you win - the S.M.O.L Meteor is back!
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Meteor Showers are being observed all over Hoxxes, even in Lithopage areas! Make sure not to stand in their path when they drop and crack them to collect Plaguehearts to progress your Season Performance and keep Mission Control happy
- Fixed the impact axe giving damage when passing through triggers such as those of the Poison Spores Fungus (You can still kill multiple of these with one axe throw, but the axe will need to come reasonably close to the fungus)
- Fixed electric crystals not electrocuting you when pickaxed
- Adjusted electric crystal resistances so that they can be destroyed with one powerattack
- Made the Impact Axes deal similar damage to electric crystals as a normal pickaxe hit
- Reverted spawn space reduction on electric crystals from last patch
- Fixed Contagious being misspelled in the MC line
- ランダムイベント追加
- いままでの流れと同じで、隕石が落ちてくる。ただし以前のより小さいのが複数落ちる。
- 隕石片はつるはしやパワーアタックで破壊することができ、Plague Heartsが一つ入っている。MULEに納品しよう。
During any mission you play, there will be a chance for a meteor shower to perforate the caves of Hoxxes. Smaller Lithophage Meteorites will come hurtling down on you and your team, so make sure to stand clear of the impact zones. This new danger also provides a lucrative opportunity, as the meteors can contain Plaguehearts. Their size and density make it possible to break them down with your regular pickaxe. No need for special equipment.
Meteor showers will start raining down on Hoxxes with today’s patch - so get cracking, miners!
And thanks to everyone who has nominated DRG for ‘Labor of Love’ in this year's Steam Awards so far. Your support and encouragement make this labor easy to love - which is part of the reason we can't stop ourselves from letting new features creep into the game, like this meteor shower. Now, let’s all get back to work.
Rock and Stone!
With Love
The Ghost Ship Crew
パッチ7.1 2022/11/25
Hello Miners,
Smol hotfix.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Removed some unintended meteors
— KNOWN ISSUES — - Fixed a crash that happened quite often related to meteors (both big and smol)
- Fixed some particles that caused the game to freeze first time you (or anyone on your team) encountered them
- Fixed a bug that caused plaguehearts to be invisible for hosts and non-interactable for clients in cases where two S.M.O.L.s have plaguehearts in them.
パッチ8 2022/11/29
Hello Miners,
Your prayers have been heard, you can stop running now.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Tweaked sounds for enemies out of sight
- Fixed Sludge Pump not destroying blisters on rockpox infected bugs
- Fixed plague bladder burst ducking
- Fixed See You in Hell perk UI bug
- Fixed "Ski Mask" wrong headwear name
- Fixed crash that could happen when a meteor landed in a refinery mission
- Fixed sentry gun “use” text not being localized
- Fixed player characters locked in running animation
- Fixed damage bonus on contagion transmitter not being triggered by goo cannon corrosive dot
- Fixed a bug that caused the Caretaker not to spawn in Industrial Sabotage Mission.
パッチ9 2022/12/08
Hello Miners,
After a lot of convincing B.O.S.C.O. finally agreed to go to anger management therapy. He will not throw large gems and eggs through the map anymore. Additionally, the Huuli Hoarders should no longer scream your ears off from the afterlife and the crew has learned how to spell “catalyst”.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
- Added new pass for procedural setup to prevent issues when generating objects in caves
- Fixed a bug where plaguehearts deposited in the drop pod triggered tentacles to come out of Molly
- Fixed a bug with the Assignment Board not showing the correct mission icons
- Fixed Huuli Hoarder screaming after dying
- Fixed being able to carry objects and fly on the cave angels at the same time (The prompt to ride it should no longer show, if you are carrying an item)
- Fixed a bug with The Abyss headwear not showing any eyebrows
- Fixed some translated strings
- Fixed some spelling and grammatical errors
- Fixed the % number on the minigun ammo display not updating directly after resupplying, but only after firing the gun
- Fixed inconsistent comma separator when using mineral trade terminal
- Fixed the heat/ammo counter on the Cryo Cannon Milspec framework
- Fixed Party Hat - Year Two headwear changing hair color depending on skin color selection
- Fixed player characters rolling eyes when reloading
- Attempted to fix biotank stuck bug
- Fixed debris lights on Plague areas
- Improved small meteorite carving when falling through terrain multiple times
- Fixed plaguehearts having the wrong icon
- Fixed carving for facility data vault
- Fixed a bug when trying to shoot while using Hold to Sprint for clients
- Hot rock no longer shows up as a status effect (No red lighting icons on enemies)
- Added logic for the rock cracker pods to avoid refinery pipes
- Fixed Bosco ending up in a weird state when picking up pinged things before Bosco can get to them
- Fixed Bosco sometimes making large items fall out of the map
- Fixed bug where Deep Dives with Industrial Sabotage could be ended before completing both missions causing the Deep Dive to fail
- Controller Options: 1. Moved 'Swap Left/Right', 'Turn 180 Degrees', 'Previous Item', 'Open Chat' from Controller Bindings to Controller. 2. Turn 180 Degrees is now off by default