
Last-modified: 2021-12-15 (水) 09:15:50

Rough Sammary

Do not salvage these (till you have enough Epic gears)

  • Lionfell(5) (You use them forever. Don't confuse them with other gears that appear the same.)
  • All Quality rank gears, Bird(5), Pracitce(10), Iron(13)
  • Sturdy(30) (and Hex-Iron(19)) are the candidates for upgrade when you don't have enough Epic gears.

Who should be equipped with What, a rough guide

  • Swordsman: Sword, Spear, Axe (Raise ATK for attack)
  • Archer: Bow (Raise ABL for attack)
  • Mage: Staff (Raise INT for total strength), Dagger (Raise SPD for quick casting)
  • Crelic: Light Armor (Raise DEF for long life), Staff (Raise INT for healing rate)
  • Scout: Spear (Raise ATK&DEF for attack and health to blow soldiers away)

Salvage Guide

A guide to salvage unnecessary gears without thinking. Salvage gears frequently because the gears you cannot hold are stored in the gift box only for seven days. The gears are shown as SeriesName(cost).

Do not salvage Lionfell series. Don't confuse them with other gears that appear the same. If you are lucky enough to get a Lionfell, you can refine it to max. You use it forever.

Iron Ores are just for refine points. They have no other use.

Before you have enough Epic gears

The table below lists the sets of gears that are in the following relation: in a given row, the gear on the left has higher status than those on the right. Plus, its cost is lower than or equal to those on the right. Thus you can salvage those on the right if you have the same kind of gears on the left.

Confusing? Compare Basic(7) and Training(10). If a hero can be equipped with a Training Sword, then (s)he can be equipped with a Basic sword too. And her/his status is higher with a Basic sword than with a Training sword. Thus you can salvage a Training sword if you have a Basic sword.

If you have this,Salvage these
Craftman’s(7)Basic(7), Antique(10), Training(10)
Practice(10)Antique(10), Training(10), Worn/Rusted(12)
Courage(17)Earth(17), PoorMan’s(20), Rookie’s(22), Bronze(23)

Actually, some gears on the left column fall in the right column in relation to other gears. Your gearbox would only have those in the bold face in the end, besides the Epic gears:
all Quality rank gears, Bird(5)Practice(10), Iron(13).

When you have enough Epic gears

You only need low cost gears to get the Fully Equipped effect with an Epic gear. E.g. Meteor(23)+Practice(10)+Craftman's(7) for Rank III(40) hero.

If your gearbox is full, salvege Quality rank gears and Iron(13) once you replace them with an epic gear, and only save Bird(5). Once you start refining Epic gears, Bird(5), Craftman's(7) and Practice(10) wouldn't make much difference. Bird(5) Light Armor is the best choice to save because it can be equipped with all the heroes.

Sturdy(30) (and Hex-Iron(19)) are the candidate to refine when you don't have enough Epic gears.


Who should be equipped with What

Pay attention to ATK, DEF, INT, ABL, and SPD status of gears. Each hero receives a different benefit from these statuses. This is a little complicated feature but one of the most interesting points of this game. Getting used to this at an early stage would help you a lot when you start considering refining gears.

If you don't want to be bothered, here are suggestions for an early stage:

  • Swordsman: Sword, Spear, Axe (Raise ATK for attack)
  • Archer: Bow (Raise ABL for attack)
  • Mage: Staff (Raise INT for total strength), Dagger (Raise SPD for quick casting)
  • Crelic: Light Armor (Raise DEF for long life), Staff (Raise INT for healing rate)
  • Scout: Spear (Raise ATK&DEF for attack and health to blow soldiers away)
"Sword", "Blade", and "Dagger"
There are two weapons whose general name are messed up. Here we call the one that an archer can be equipped with "dagger", the other one "sword". Japanese ver. has the same issue.

Detailed explanation

Caution: Too much information! If you don't like this kind of thing, please come back when you start refining your gears.


When you decide which hero should be equipped with which gear, pay attention to the levels of ATK, DEF, INT, ABL, and SPD (instead of the total level) and their effects on each hero. There is no "the final answer" and you will keep updating the combinations with what you get.

You can check the levels of each status and their effect on a hero by selecting change/refine a gear that a hero is equipped with.

&ref(): File not found: "Stats_Detail.png" at page "Gear";

For example, the status effect of the archer shown in the image above can be summarized like this: Attack increases by 2 for each level of ATK, by 3 for each level of ABL. Thus it is more effective to increase the level of ABL if you want to increase the Attack of your archer. In addition, ATK only increases Attack while ABL also increases Health of the archer. Therefore, between ATK and ABL, you should select a gear that increases ABL the most for the archer.

AttackSiegeHealthMovement SpeedAttack Ratioif no damage for n secn times more damage

You cannot easily check the status effects on the active skills. See the spreadsheet posted at the last of this page.


So, which kind of gear increases ABL the most? The Gears have a different balance of status. The table below tells you that the bow has the highest ratio of ABL. The fact that the bow's ratio of SPD is as high as the dagger also supports that the bow is an optimal choice for the archer, who receives many benefits from SPD (health, attack speed, and a skill effect).

Status ratio of each gear type


You can interpret the table like "Staff focuses on INT", "For DEF, H.Armor > L.Armor > Spear", or "Spear for ATK and some DEF". Here is a radar chart too (though it doesn’t display things nicely).

&ref(): File not found: "GearStatsRatio.png" at page "Gear";


All three gears can be bows for the archer. However, the threshold to the next level gets higher as the level gets high. So your archer may have a higher attack if you pick up the dagger for the third gear, or you might want to equip her with an L.Armor to cover the DEF for health that the bow doesn't really support. Welcome to the pond of refining gears:P
See 装備強化ガイド and 装備強化ガイドAlt.Ver. for refining gears.

The spreadsheet summarizes all the status effects of all the heroes.


Comments and Questions?

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