
Last-modified: 2018-10-16 (火) 08:54:41


[dev test only]テスト版のみ
[dev test and development only]テスト版と開発版のみ
[all branches]安定版(特殊コマンドを入れていない人向け)
[APS rebalance v1]等既存システムに大きなメスが入った際に付くことが有る


v2.2.26[all branches]

v2.2.26 [Add] <Blocks>: Added a 'mimic' block that is a decorate block that can take the mesh of any of the blocks in the game. It can also orientate it, position it and scale it. [FTD-251]
v2.2.26 [Change] <Modding>: Refactored construct module code and the attributes that put a module into the game[FTD-42]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Ocean>: Fixed the flickering of the water pumped effect when the camera moves
v2.2.26 [Add] <GT Easy>: Hummingbird widgets removed.
v2.2.26 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Marauder given more fuel
v2.2.26 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Sea Adder switched to fill paddle power, and 100% more grenades!
Sea Adderは完全にパドルパワーで動くようになり、100%以上のグレネードを手に入れました(最後の意味が訳せていません)
v2.2.26 [Change] <GT Easy>: Iron Juggernaut perforamnce increase.
Iron Juggernautのパフォーマンスが向上しました
v2.2.26 [Change] <GT Regular>: Aardsterk perforamnce increase.
v2.2.26 [Change] <LH Easy>: Firefly performance increase.
v2.2.26 [Change] <LH Easy>: Volta performance increase.
v2.2.26 [Change] <LH Regular>: Eclipse performance increase
v2.2.26 [Change] <LH Regular>: Flash perforamnce increase.
v2.2.26 [Change] <SD Regular>: Archangel improved to prepare for new missiles.
v2.2.26 [Change] <TG Expert>: Pixy given more lunch from Mother Eros
Pixyはより多くの食事をMother Erosから与えられました
v2.2.26 [Fix] <LH Regular>: Polarity taught that it is not Superman.
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regression>: Jet particle trails no longer get stretched when the reference frame jumps
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regression>: Mass slider in game config panel now works again [BUGS-267]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regression>: Missiles resettting to default missiles fixed [BUGS-290] [BUGS-269]
v2.2.26 Revisions 9
v2.2.26 [Add] <Blocks>: Rudder, jet(s) and propeller(s) now have smoothly increasing force outputs so they cannot go from +1 to -1 in one frame
v2.2.26 [Change] <Blocks>: Sail attachments, blocks and weather vanes now have reduced drag
Sail attachmentブロックやweather vanesの抵抗を減らしました
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Blocks>: ACB complex key various bugs fixed
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Blocks>: ACB enemy/target altitude bounds fixed [BUGS-195]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Blocks>: ACB range not shared in MP fixed [BUGS-243]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Blocks>: Mimic block when loaded as part of a sub object now works [BUGS-301]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regressions>: Air balloons now function correctly for client in multiplayer [BUGS-258]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regressions>: All new wheel settings are correctly applied to the physical wheel model after load now [BUGS-238]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regressions>: Explosions now make visuals and sound on the client in multiplayer [BUGS-278]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Regressions>: Qualification mode no longer crashes when a missile is fired [BUGS-298]
v2.2.26 [Change] <Physics>: Vehicles now have high friction on terrain [BUGS-335]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Multiplayer>: Mouse based shift to replace in build mode now works on clients [BUGS-317]
v2.2.26 [Fix] <Multiplayer>: Rubber-banding of client vehicles when frame shifted in multiplayer fixed [BUGS-338]


Dev Only(v2.2.25.1)
v2.2.25 [Change] <Missiles>: One turn disables perminently once a 'real' seeker makes it's first detection [BUGS-260]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Fast shells fly through vehicles at edge of play area [BUGS-241]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regressions>: Building structures places them in the wrong place [BUGS-255]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regressions>: Sloped block hit recognition is annoying in mouse build mode- behaviour reverted.
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regressions>: The reflection intensity of the default basic cubemap is now controlled by the reflection intensity slider, allowing you to turn it off as well. [BUGS-264]
デフォルトキューブマップにおける反射の強度をreflection intensityのスライダーで調節できるようになりました
v2.2.25 [Fix] <UI>: Issues with fleet / force selection across the three levels of strategic control now fixed [BUGS-257]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Wheels>: You can no longer set the suspension spring length to be zero, which causes issues [BUGS-240]
suspension springの長さを0することはできなくなりました(訳者注:戦車で報告されていた亜空間飛びの解決策と思われます)
v2.2.25 Devtest
v2.2.25 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Falkenheim has new railings.
v2.2.25 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Marauder has its paddle upgraded to new articulated paddles, moved back to original position.
v2.2.25 [Change] <SD Regular>: Archangel some minor adjustments.
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Merged multiple function calls to single function and fixed rare case of shells flying through vehicles from outside area of play [BUGS-241]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <LH Regular>: Thunderbird has been stripped of repair blocks and touch ups.
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed an issue where the first patrol order would automatically be treated as being completed, instantly
v2.2.25 [Add] <Blocks>: 1m, 2m, 3m, and 4m Poles added for each structural material.
v2.2.25 [Add] <Blocks>: Added a 'mimic' block that is a decorate block that can take the mesh of any of the blocks in the game. It can also orientate it, position it and scale it. [FTD-251]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Physics>: Fixed an issue which appeared to make dead blocks still count in the drag calculation
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regression>: Changed advanced cannnon shell drag calculation to also work at high velocities [BUGS-268]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regression>: Fixed an issue trying to load a vehicle where certain blocks should not be placeable [BUGS-216]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regression>: Fixed an issue where inertial fused cram shells would not deactivate after skimming and exploding
v2.2.25 [Fix] <Regressions>: Paddle wheels no longer break the vehicle when undergoing the frame change [BUGS-242]
v2.2.25 [Fix] <SS Regular>: Sacrilego has had a tuneup.

v2.2.24[all branches]

Here is the change log from 2.2.4 to 2.2.24.
The last stable release was 2.2.16. 2.2.17 through to 2.2.24 have been done in the dev test beta's branch. It's all live now in the main branch.
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Custom flags download when game starts, like they used to [BUGS-37]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>: 以前のようにカスタムフラッグをゲーム開始時に読み込むようになりました [BUGS-37]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fix for RTG bug allowing infinite material in campaigns [BUGS-31]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンにおける、無限マテリアルの原因になるRTGバグを修正しました[BUGS-31]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Improved buoyancy for vehicles with over 2K blocks [BUGS-26]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:2000ブロック以上のビークルの浮力を向上しました[BUGS-26 ]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer speed of time syncronisation issue fixed [BUGS-35]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレイ時のスピードの同期化問題が修正されました[BUGS-35]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Ocean colors slightly updated for some weathers
v2.2.5 [修正] [回帰]:いくつかの天候における海の色を更新しました
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Various fixes to drop down menus [BUGS-29] [BUGS-32]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:ドロップダウンメニューのためのさまざまな修正を行いました[BUGS-29] [BUGS-32]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: White highlighting now only for blocks with a tooltip to display [BUGS-30]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:白く強調表示されるブロックのみツールチップが出るようになりました[BUGS-30]
v2.2.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Various plotting problems fixed [BUGS-24]
v2.2.6 [修正] <回帰>:さまざまなプロットの問題が修正されました[BUGS-24]
v2.2.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Vehicles saved with 'Nan' position can now be loaded at [BUGS-14]
v2.2.6 [修正] <回帰>:[NaN]座標で保存された車両もロードできるようになりました[BUGS-14]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Mods>: Fixed 'mostly-black screen' when loading some old incompatible mods
v2.2.7 [修正] <mod関係>: いくつかの古いmodを使用した場合真っ暗になるバグを修正しました
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed a bug causing world to go orange / purple [BUGS-42] [BUGS-20]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:世界がオレンジ/パープルになるバグを修正しました[BUGS-42] [BUGS-20]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed battle deployment limits [BUGS-40]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:戦闘時のビークル展開における制限を修正しました[BUGS-40]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer client vehicle spawning fixed [BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーヤーでの、クライアントのビークルスポーンに関する修正をしました[BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer transfer blueprints no longer reporting as corrupt [BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーヤーで転送されたblueprintが壊れたと報告される事はなくなりました[BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Weapon slot 10 now functions again [BUGS-25]
v2.2.7を[修正] <回帰> :武器スロット10が再び機能するようになりました[BUGS-25]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Block IDs once again converted to GUID before being sent across network to fix multiplayer bug [BUGS-59]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレイヤーでのを修正するために、ネットワーク経由でデータを送信する前にブロックIDをGUIDに変換するようになりました[BUGS-59]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Bug with barrels loading in incorrect position on pistons fixed [BUGS-53]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>: ピストン上のバレルが正しくない位置でロードされるバグを修正しました [BUGS-53]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Default designer vehicle should now be saved when changed [FTD-130]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:デフォルトのビークルを変更した際、保存されるようになりました[FTD-130]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Exploding text no longer splits over multiple lines as it grows [BUGS-54]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:爆発的に増えるテキストが複数行に渡ることはなくなりました[BUGS-54]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Speed factor now affects spin block visual rotation and helicopter blade force [BUGS-56]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:速度係数は、スピンブロックの見た目とヘリコプターブレードのちからに影響を与えるようになりました[BUGS- 56]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Stabilisation level of wireless camera now saved [BUGS-58]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:ワイヤレスカメラの安定化レベルが保存されました[バグ58]
v2.2.9 [Add] <UI>: Highlighting of blocks is now optional, controls are in the UI panel of the menu [BUGS-30]


v2.2.9 [Fix] <Block>: Condition and action value ACB sliders linked together [BUGS-44]
v2.2.9 [修正] <ブロック>:ACBにおけるConditionとactionのスライダが同時に動いてしまっていたのを修正[BUGS-44]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Block>: Fixed physics crash when placing a SubObject containing a wheel
v2.2.9 [修正] <ブロック>: 車輪を含むサブオブジェクトを設置した際に発生する物理演算のクラッシュを修正しました
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Centre of mass changes no longer affect vehicle speed estimates [BUGS-78],Tutorial completion metre is updated correctly now [BUGS-74]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>: 重心の移動がビークル速度の計測に影響を及ぼさなくなった [BUGS-78] チュートリアルの進度が正しく更新されるようになった[BUGS-74]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Coordinate frame now updated in multiplayer- fewer graphical glitches and shaking. [BUGS-70]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>: マルチプレーでのフレーム座標を更新しました、グラフィック状のグリッチや揺れ動くことが少なくなりました[BUGS-70]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer saves now send correctly [BUGS-71]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーでのセーブデータが正しく送信されるようになりました[BUGS-71]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: APS and CRAM frags should now detonate from the correct point [BUGS-18],Jets now use the real water level, rather than 0, to determine whether or not they should run. Useful in storms. [BUGS-91]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:アドキャとCRAMの破片は正しい点[BUGS-18]から爆発するようになりました。ジェットは実際の水位を使用して、実行する必要があるかどうかを判断します。嵐の際に機能します。 [BUGS-91]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Campaign options are once again customisable from the options menu [BUGS-88]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンのオプションは、オプションメニュー[BUGS-88]から再びカスタマイズできます。
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Lensed particle cannon shots no longer use twice as much energy as they should [BUGS-12]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:レンズを使った粒子砲は、もはや2倍のエネルギーを使用しなくなりました[BUGS-12]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Loops fixed for fleet movement orders [BUGS-97]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:艦隊の移動命令でループする問題を修正しました[BUGS-97]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Particle cannon effect is more colourable now [BUGS-94]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:パーティクル・キャノン・エフェクトはより簡潔になりました[BUGS-94]
v2.2.11 [Add] <Modding>: Poster holders and projectors can define a #hashtag in their URL to load images from Texture Definitions in the mods (which can also define a hashtag for themselves). Try #Cezar for an example. [FTD-167]
v2.2.11 [追加] <mod関係>: ポスターホルダーとプロジェクターで、ハッシュタグを使ってmod内のURLを指定することができるようになりました。#Cezerを試しに使ってみましょう[FTD-167]
v2.2.11 [Fix] <Regressions>: Bug fixed in inertia tensor calc that made vehicles often very wobbly [BUGS-96]
v2.2.11 [修正] <回帰>:慣性テンソルの計算が不安定な問題を修正しました[BUGS-96]
v2.2.12 [Fix] <Regressions>: Adv Ammo UI displays the correct average frag damage now [BUGS-107]
v2.2.12 [修正] <回帰>:アドバンスドキャノンの弾薬UIでfragダメージ平均が正しく表示されるようになりました[BUGS-107]
v2.2.12 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed 'exploding suspension' on the new wheel system [BUGS-22] [BUGS-57] [FTD-145]
v2.2.12 [修正] <回帰>:"爆発的なサスペンション"の問題(やたらと戦車が跳ねる件)の修正を行いました。[BUGS-22][BUGS-57][FTD-145]
v2.2.13 [Add] <Blocks>: Blocks now connect using a stack, rather than recursion. Should avoid all crashes when making, for example, long PAC arms. [BUGS-88] [FTD-183]
v2.2.13 [Add] <ブロック関係>: ブロックは以前の再帰式ではなく、スタック構造で保持するようになりました。これにより様々なクラッシュ、例えば長いPACを設計した際に発生するものなどが発生しなくなるでしょう [BUGS-88] [FTD-183](編集済)
v2.2.14 [Add] <UI>: When you defocus a slider's text input box, it will apply the text now. [BUGS-121]


v2.2.14 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed laser coupler connection issues of 2.2.13 [BUGS-123]
v2.2.14 [修正] <回帰>:2.2.13で発生したlaser couplerの接続問題を修正しました[BUGS-123]
v2.2.14 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed PAC arm issues of 2.2.13 with more than one arm [BUGS-125]
v2.2.14 [修正] <回帰>:2.2.13で発生したPACのアーム(チューブのこと)に関わる問題を修正しました[BUGS-125](チューブ認識障害)
v2.2.15 [Add] <Avatar>: Head torch added to camera for building / exploring in the dark [REQ-46]


v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Cooling time is now properly reflected in the APS ammo UI. Cooling time is now 50% of 2.1.6 cooling time, rather than the 2.2.4 tweak of adding 10 imaginary gauge coolers, which takes overall cooling time down to 42% of 2.1.6 values. [BUGS-77]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: アドキャのクールタイムをアモカスタマイザのUIと一致させました。砲弾のクールタイムは一律で2.1.6のものから半分にされています。(以前devでFPにクールユニット*10の効果が付いていましたが、そっちは削除されてます)[BUGS-77]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Loading a campaign with custom difficulty now shows the custom difficulty sliders without asking once again if you are happy with custom difficulty [BUGS-112]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンモードでカスタム難易度を使う場合、二度スライダーを表示することはなくなりました。[BUGS-112]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Passive regeneration of ammo out of build mode has been added [BUGS-126]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:ビルドモード外での弾薬の自動回復を追加しました
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Spin block in rotation mode no longer uses motor power. [BUGS-127]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:rotation modeのスピンブロックはもはやエンジン出力を使うことはなくなりました[BUGS-127]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Wheel force requests go via the vehicle, so you can now visualise them in build mode [FTD-185]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:車輪 の力の要求ををビークル経由で伝えます、ビルドモードでビジュアル化できます[FTD-185]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Wheels exhibit less side ways jitter [BUGS-128]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>: ホイールは左右に揺らぎにくくなりました[BUGS-128]
v2.2.16 [Add] <Campaign>: Added Medium/Hard/Very Hard Quest for Neter campaign scoreboards. Results should be posted properly.
v2.2.16 [追加] <キャンペーン>: Quest for NeterのMedium/Hard/Very Hardのスコアボードを追加しました。リザルトは正しく投稿されます
v2.2.16 [Add] <Modding>: Material replace and mesh replace are now functional for the first time [BUGS-140]
v2.2.16 [追加] <mod関係>: マテリアルおよびメッシュの置換がより実用的になりました[BUGS-140]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Campaign>: Fixed the Easy Quest for Neter campaign scoreboard. Results are now posted properly.
v2.2.16 [修正] <キャンペーン>:EasyのQuest for Neterのスコアボードを修正しました。リザルトは正しく投稿されます。
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: AI components report connection to the mainframe using the correct name now [BUGS-133]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:AIコンポーネントは接続判定を出すときにメインフレームの正しい名前を出すようになりました[BUGS-133]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Batteries spawn full in designer mode now, and for 'fresh' constructs [BUGS-130]


v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Custom difficulty damage difficulty no longer resets to 1 if modified mid campaign [BUGS-112]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:カスタム難易度のダメージはキャンペーン中に設定を弄っても1に戻ることはなくなりました[BUGS-112]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Explosion force no longer has the ability to send vehicles immediately off into space due to a bug [BUGS-137]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:爆発の力が直接ビークルに影響を直ちに及ぼす事はなくなりました(バグ起因のみ)[BUGS-137]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Feedback UI message now allows multiple lines [bug reported by email]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>: フィードバックUIメッセージは複数行に渡って記載されるようになりました[メール経由で報告されたバグ]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Missile warner no longer disables when in the dip of a big wave, but above water [BUGS-91]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>: ミサイルワーナーは大きな波で沈んだときに機能しなくなることはなくなりました、ただし水上である必要については変わりません[BUGS-91]
v2.2.17 [Add] <Effects>: The reflection probe can now be disabled entirely, as well as being set to an infrequent update or a full frame update
refrection probeを完全に無効化できるようになりました。同様に低頻度の更新モードや全フレーム更新モードも可能になりました
v2.2.17 [Add] <Environment>: It is now possible to adjust the CPU ocean colours independently of the GPU ocean colors. CPU ocean colours updated for Neter. [FTD-193]
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Fuel tanks use the body component's model
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Launchpad and missile logic completely revamped
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Launchpads/controllers/gantries display reload information
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile components of the same type are now merged into a single model(visual only)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile trail length changeable from the options menu (misc tab)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile trails improved
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missiles and downward facing bombs with 0° ejection elevation/azimuth won't move or rotate away from the gantries until they clear them
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missiles can only have one thruster or torpedo propeller, in the back
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: New missile building UI that also provides detailed stats
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Pressing fire will only launch 1 staggered missile, holding the button continuously fires missiles(unstaggered behavior unchanged)
staggerd fire addonつきのミサイルで、発射ボタンを押した際に一発ずつ打つようになりました、押しっぱなしで連続射撃します(つけてない場合は今までと同じです)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Variable propellers are removed, plain Propellers take their functionality
variable propellersは削除されました。普通のプロペラがその役目を果たします(魚雷プロペラにスラスタ調整機能が追加)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Variable thruster max thrust down to 3000, propeller thrust limit is 2000
Variable thrusterは最大出力を3000に下げました。プロメラ出力の限界は2000です。
v2.2.17 [Fix] <Regressions>: APS ammo customisation UI now presents the correct barrel length needed for accuracy factor of 1, and displays the correct equation for barrel length needed for propellant burn. [BUGS-135]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <ACB>: ACB piston extension in now in meters and in percent [BUGS-115]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <ACB>: An ACB executed by another ACB (directly or via a complex control) will be execute in the same frame or in the next frame, depending on the ACBs execution order [BUGS-52] [BUGS-101]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Gameplay>: Victory conditions now latch to a pass state, when appropriate [BUGS-182]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile editor UI made to fill the screen [BUGS-177]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile torpedo propeller now applies the initial launching boost once again
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Torpedos will 'sea skim' without an altitude preference, but no higher than -1m altitude. But if a running depth is defined 'sea skim' torpedos will use it
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Various ballast tank regressions from 2.2.17 fixed [BUGS-178]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Vehicles>: Recursive air pump calculations replaced with stack based. This will stop (potential) crashes when penetrating high volume hulls [BUGS-172] [FTD-31]
v2.2.19 [Fix] <Missiles>: Ballast tank buoyancy adjust now works as expected. And buoyancy once again overcomes gravity for standard missiles [BUGS-178]


v2.2.19 [Fix] <Missiles>: Saving and loading of missible blueprints now reimplenented


v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: If a copper jet runs out of metric before reaching air/non-structural components it won't do anything
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Penetration factor slider goes from 0.5 (half metric, double frag count) to 2 (double metric, half frag count)
Penetration Factorのスライダーが0.5(半分のmetric、フラグは2倍)から2(metric2倍、フラグは半分)までになりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Penetration metrics reduced across the board, lower calibers are in the 5-20-ish range, higher 8-36 (very rough guidelines)
Penetration metricは全体的に削られました。小口径では5~20、大口径では8~36くらいです(大雑把ですが)
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Shaped charges now spawn all their frags on hitting the first airgap
Shaped Chargeは一番最初の空間に当たった際そのフラグをすべて発生させます
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: The distance between shields and first contact doesn't affect penetration metric
シールドとコンポーネント間の距離はpenetration metricに影響を及ぼさなくなりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: When a shaped charge's jet hits a non-structural block it uses up as many particles as necessary to kill it, then spawns the rest in the newly created hole
shaped chargeが、非構造コンポーネントに当たった際、破壊するのに十分なパーティクルを生じ、穴を生じます
v2.2.20 [Change] <Balance>: APS HE/frag/EMP/flak warhead kinetic damage multiplier down to 2.5 from 3.5. HE/frag AP modifier up to 1.5 from 0.4. This means APHE is mostly unchanged, HP/HE/frag brought in line a bit.
HE/Frag/EMP/Flak/弾頭のKD乗数が2.5に下がり、HE/FragのAP modifierが1.5に向上しました。これはAPHEには変化はほとんどないです、ホロポ/HE/Fragと一致させました
v2.2.20 [Change] <Balance>: Frag cone angle damage multiplier changed from 0.66-3 at 1-180° to 0.66-2.5. 180° should be a less obvious choice now.
v2.2.20 [Change] <Blocks>: Blocks like 3m turret bases should be able to repair if any of their base touches a valid block now [BUGS-200]
v2.2.20 [Change] <Gridcasting>: Grid casting for FTD has been separated from the rest of the codebase and made more testable/tested
FTDにおけるGrid castingはコードベースで分離され、よりテストしやすくなりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <Gridcasting>: Structural sloped blocks now use a full mesh collision detector to return the correct normal angles and thickness
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Blocks>: the ACB is now checking the enemy speed instead of the ACB vehicle's speed [BUGS-98]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: EMP algorithm improvement, charges won't lose up to 18K damage in Heavy Armor beams
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: HUD damage display in the upper right won't stay indefinitely if lots of damage instances happen in a short time
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: HUD damage display only shows actual kinetic damage done (a 15K damage projectile hitting a metal beam will now only report 2100)
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: All wheels moved into 'main' propulsion mode to avoid bug where those on a sub construct do not work [BUGS-161]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: Explosions can now be visually very large, when the explosion radius is very large [BUGS-155]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: left/right/centre mouse no longer called mouse0, mouse1,mouse 2 [BUGS-193]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: Saving an unconnected missile gantry no longer stops the saving of the vehicle [BUGS-190]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: You can no longer fire radar buoys without adequate radar buoy holders [BUGS-196]
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: ACB water, air, primary, secondary and tertiary commands
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: Added a railing block, same as the paddle wheel but with no executable code
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: Paddle wheel is now affected by the subconstruct's motor buff from motor drive of spin block.
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: Adjustable HEAT factor range is now 0.5-1 instead of 0.5-2
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT cone angle to 30° from 15° (more consistent damage that's a bit worse on a perfect 90° hit)
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT frag count rescaled so max is lower/min is higher
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT penetration metric scales with the square of HEAT factor (0.5 has 1/4 the metric of 1), metrics increased by 25% across the board
HEATのpenetration metricスケールはHEATファクターの平方に比例します(ファクターが0.5の際、metricはもとの1/4になります)全体的にmetricsは25%上昇します
v2.2.21 [Change] <Balance>: Dediblades got a soft speed limit of 50m/s
v2.2.21 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Marauder now 100% paddle powered.
v2.2.21 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Vangaurd stability improved and with a new shiny gun.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <Blocks>: ACB propulsion command now works in manual, not only under AI control
v2.2.21 [Fix] <GT Godly>: Achievement some minor missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <GT Godly>: Nimbus missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <SS Godly>: Cezar Missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Removed] <DWG Easy>: Vanguard transformed into a 404 sign because I am a derp.
v2.2.22 [Add] <Sound>: Repetative / continuous sounds (engines, sea creak, turrets) now attenuate over time so you don't have to listen to at max/any volume forever. Customisable in sound options menu. [BUGS-221] [FTD-218]
v2.2.22 [Add] <Technical>: Content change logs automatically imported into the main change log [FTD-217]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Blocks>: Dediblade spiners once again listen to the motor drive (regression from 2.2.15) [BUGS-153]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Blocks>: Wings that are placed upside down now also provide lift [BUGS-218]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile maneouver axis system fixed- missiles (especially one turns missiles/torpedos) should have less problems now. [BUGS-191] [BUGS-242]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile thrusters work when underwater if in a dry space- this includes all missile gantry blocks. This fixes a regression from 2.2.17. [BUGS-211]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <System>: Less memory footprint for explosions [BUGS-198]
v2.2.23 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Shrike bombs now more reliable.
shrike の爆弾はよりリアルになりました
v2.2.23 [Change] <LH Godly>: Hydrovolt minor rearrangements.
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Easy>: Buriser got some fresh ACbs
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Easy>: Perdition got a real lesson on the difference of boat and plane.
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Regular>: Matyr now actually a boat instead of thrustercraft pretending.
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Drive wheels can now be configured in 'Tank mode' in order to be able to turn like a tank (off by default)
Drive wheelに「Tank mode」が追加され、戦車のような旋回ができます
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: It is now possible to copy the current wheel configuration on all the wheels on the same side
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Turning wheels can now be configured to turn in the opposite direction if placed on the rear of the vehicle (default setting)
Turning wheelをリア側においた際逆に傾けられるようになりました
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Wheel suspension can now be configured
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Block stats>: Issues of ticket [BUGS-212] addesssed, with exception of CRAM heavy barrel costs
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Blocks>: Decorative railing now placeable on fortress / structure [BUGS-215]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <DWG Easy>: Walrus paddle wheel no longer spins the entire craft.
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Explosions on the very extreme edge of the vehicle work properly again [BUGS-108]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Grid casting has a better approach to air interface calculation [BUGS-205]
Grid castingはair interfaceにより良い形でアプローチするようになりました
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: HEAT correctly recognises air gaps between spaced armour [BUGS-204]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Number of hit elements now limited correctly, when sub constructs are involved [FTD-13, FTD-51
サブオブジェクトが関与するとき、hit elementの数を正しく制限しました
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Regressions>: Subobject repairing regression fixed [BUGS-208]
v2.2.23 [Remove] <DWG Easy>: Vanguard Retrofit removed from the lineup, DWG Muddywaters, WF Speed Bumps, MP Tower Defense all adjusted accordingly to the change.
Vanguard Retrofitはラインナップから外されました、Muddywaters、Speed Bumps、MP Tower Defenceは調整されましたと
v2.2.24 [Add] <Blocks>: Added an articulated paddle that only applies force in the vehicle's forwards direction
v2.2.24 [Add] <Pathfinding>: Pathfinding codebase for FTD combined with that of FS. FTD pathfinding for naval AIexpected to improve [FTD-221]
FTDの経路探索コードをFSのものと組み合わせました。Naval AIの経路探索が改善されました。
v2.2.24 [Add] <Technical>: An automatically incrementing 'build revision' number has now been added to handle hot fixeswithout version changes. [FTD-224]
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Avatar>: Avatar has rudimentary ability to walk up slopes now
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Blocks>: Dediblade max speed set to 100m/s, not 50m/s
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Multiplayer>: Spawning subconstructs like the prefabs in the inventory now works across multiplayer games without causing a desync [BUGS-68]
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Regressions>: Stacking many SubConstruct do not freeze FtD anymore [BUGS-225]
v2.2.25 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Javelin now more ship than rocket ship.
v2.2.25 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Kalmar now fully paddlewheel powered.
v2.2.25 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Ocelot slowly backs itself back into the bush.
v2.2.25 [Change] <SS Expert>: Aerotyrant received a new nose paint job.
v2.2.25 [Fix] <DWG Easy>: Vanguard crew removed the reverse gear after a few accidently wrong shifts.


v2.2.24 Devtest
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Multiplayer>: Spawning subconstructs like the prefabs in the inventory now works across multiplayer games without causing a desync [BUGS-68]
v2.2.24 [Fix] <Regressions>: Stacking many SubConstruct do not freeze FtD anymore [BUGS-225]


v2.2.23 Devtest
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Drive wheels can now be configured in 'Tank mode' in order to be able to turn like a tank (off by default)
Drive wheelに「Tank mode」が追加され、戦車のような旋回ができます
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: It is now possible to copy the current wheel configuration on all the wheels on the same side
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Turning wheels can now be configured to turn in the opposite direction if placed on the rear of the vehicle (default setting)
Turning wheelをリア側においた際逆に傾けられるようになりました
v2.2.23 [Change] <Wheels>: Wheel suspension can now be configured
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Block stats>: Issues of ticket [BUGS-212] addesssed, with exception of CRAM heavy barrel costs
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Blocks>: Decorative railing now placeable on fortress / structure [BUGS-215]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Explosions on the very extreme edge of the vehicle work properly again [BUGS-108]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Grid casting has a better approach to air interface calculation [BUGS-205]
Grid castingはair interfaceにより良い形でアプローチするようになりました
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: HEAT correctly recognises air gaps between spaced armour [BUGS-204]
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Gridcasting>: Number of hit elements now limited correctly, when sub constructs are involved [FTD-13, FTD-51
サブオブジェクトが関与するとき、hit elementの数を正しく制限しました
v2.2.23 [Fix] <Regressions>: Subobject repairing regression fixed [BUGS-208]
v2.2.23 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Shrike bombs now more reliable.
shrike の爆弾はよりリアルになりました
v2.2.23 [Change] <LH Godly>: Hydrovolt minor rearrangements.
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Easy>: Buriser got some fresh ACbs
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Easy>: Perdition got a real lesson on the difference of boat and plane.
v2.2.23 [Change] <WF Regular>: Matyr now actually a boat instead of thrustercraft pretending.
v2.2.23 [Fix] <DWG Easy>: Walrus paddle wheel no longer spins the entire craft.
v2.2.23 [Remove] <DWG Easy>: Vanguard Retrofit removed from the lineup, DWG Muddywaters, WF Speed Bumps, MP Tower Defense all adjusted accordingly to the change.
Vanguard Retrofitはラインナップから外されました、Muddywaters、Speed Bumps、MP Tower Defenceは調整されましたと


v2.2.22 [Add] <Sound>: Repetative / continuous sounds (engines, sea creak, turrets) now attenuate over time so you don't have to listen to at max/any volume forever. Customisable in sound options menu. [BUGS-221] [FTD-218]
v2.2.22 [Add] <System>: Less memory footprint for explosions [BUGS-198]
v2.2.22 [Add] <Technical>: Content change logs automatically imported into the main change log [FTD-217]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Blocks>: Dediblade spiners once again listen to the motor drive (regression from 2.2.15) [BUGS-153]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Blocks>: Wings that are placed upside down now also provide lift [BUGS-218]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile maneouver axis system fixed- missiles (especially one turns missiles/torpedos) should have less problems now. [BUGS-191] [BUGS-242]
v2.2.22 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile thrusters work when underwater if in a dry space- this includes all missile gantry blocks. This fixes a regression from 2.2.17. [BUGS-211]


v2.2.21 Devtest
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: ACB water, air, primary, secondary and tertiary commands
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: Added a railing block, same as the paddle wheel but with no executable code
v2.2.21 [Add] <Blocks>: Paddle wheel is now affected by the subconstruct's motor buff from motor drive of spin block.
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: Adjustable HEAT factor range is now 0.5-1 instead of 0.5-2
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT cone angle to 30° from 15° (more consistent damage that's a bit worse on a perfect 90° hit)
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT frag count rescaled so max is lower/min is higher
v2.2.21 [Change] <APS>: HEAT penetration metric scales with the square of HEAT factor (0.5 has 1/4 the metric of 1), metrics increased by 25% across the board
HEATのpenetration metricスケールはHEATファクターの平方に比例します(ファクターが0.5の際、metricはもとの1/4になります)全体的にmetricsは25%上昇します
v2.2.21 [Change] <Balance>: Dediblades got a soft speed limit of 50m/s
v2.2.21 [Fix] <Blocks>: ACB propulsion command now works in manual, not only under AI control
v2.2.21 Content Changes
v2.2.21 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Marauder now 100% paddle powered.
v2.2.21 [Change] <DWG Easy>: Vangaurd stability improved and with a new shiny gun.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <SS Easy>: Iron Maiden map updated.
Iron Maidenのマップを更新しました
v2.2.21 [Fix] <SS Godly>: Cezar Missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <GT Godly>: Achievement some minor missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Fix] <GT Godly>: Nimbus missile fixes.
v2.2.21 [Removed] <DWG Easy>: Vanguard transformed into a 404 sign because I am a derp.


v2.2.20 [Fix] <Blocks>: the ACB is now checking the enemy speed instead of the ACB vehicle's speed [BUGS-98]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: EMP algorithm improvement, charges won't lose up to 18K damage in Heavy Armor beams
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: HUD damage display in the upper right won't stay indefinitely if lots of damage instances happen in a short time
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Gameplay>: HUD damage display only shows actual kinetic damage done (a 15K damage projectile hitting a metal beam will now only report 2100)
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: All wheels moved into 'main' propulsion mode to avoid bug where those on a sub construct do not work [BUGS-161]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: Explosions can now be visually very large, when the explosion radius is very large [BUGS-155]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: left/right/centre mouse no longer called mouse0, mouse1,mouse 2 [BUGS-193]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: Saving an unconnected missile gantry no longer stops the saving of the vehicle [BUGS-190]
v2.2.20 [Fix] <Regressions>: You can no longer fire radar buoys without adequate radar buoy holders [BUGS-196]
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: If a copper jet runs out of metric before reaching air/non-structural components it won't do anything
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Penetration factor slider goes from 0.5 (half metric, double frag count) to 2 (double metric, half frag count)
Penetration Factorのスライダーが0.5(半分のmetric、フラグは2倍)から2(metric2倍、フラグは半分)までになりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Penetration metrics reduced across the board, lower calibers are in the 5-20-ish range, higher 8-36 (very rough guidelines)
Penetration metricは全体的に削られました。小口径では5~20、大口径では8~36くらいです(大雑把ですが)
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: Shaped charges now spawn all their frags on hitting the first airgap
Shaped Chargeは一番最初の空間に当たった際そのフラグをすべて発生させます
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: The distance between shields and first contact doesn't affect penetration metric
シールドとコンポーネント間の距離はpenetration metricに影響を及ぼさなくなりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <APS>: When a shaped charge's jet hits a non-structural block it uses up as many particles as necessary to kill it, then spawns the rest in the newly created hole
shaped chargeが、非構造コンポーネントに当たった際、破壊するのに十分なパーティクルを生じ、穴を生じます
v2.2.20 [Change] <Balance>: APS HE/frag/EMP/flak warhead kinetic damage multiplier down to 2.5 from 3.5. HE/frag AP modifier up to 1.5 from 0.4. This means APHE is mostly unchanged, HP/HE/frag brought in line a bit.
HE/Frag/EMP/Flak/弾頭のKD乗数が2.5に下がり、HE/FragのAP modifierが1.5に向上しました。これはAPHEには変化はほとんどないです、ホロポ/HE/Fragと一致させました
v2.2.20 [Change] <Balance>: Frag cone angle damage multiplier changed from 0.66-3 at 1-180° to 0.66-2.5. 180° should be a less obvious choice now.
v2.2.20 [Change] <Blocks>: Blocks like 3m turret bases should be able to repair if any of their base touches a valid block now [BUGS-200]
v2.2.20 [Change] <Gridcasting>: Grid casting for FTD has been separated from the rest of the codebase and made more testable/tested
FTDにおけるGrid castingはコードベースで分離され、よりテストしやすくなりました
v2.2.20 [Change] <Gridcasting>: Structural sloped blocks now use a full mesh collision detector to return the correct normal angles and thickness


v2.2.19 Devtest
v2.2.19 [Fix] Campaign Fleet height issued fixed! SD pilots learned not to wait in the water.
v2.2.19 [Fix] Missile loading and savving is operational.
v2.2.19 [Regression] Ballast tanks and missile buoyancy.
v2.2.19 Content Updates
Minor Changes(small tweaks and aesthetics stuff)
East DWG Riverhome
Easy GT Morningstar
Easy GT Iron Pelican
Easy GT Iron Juggernaut
Easy GT Cirrus
Easy SD Deimos
Easy SD O.C.P.L.A.C
Regular GT Endeavour
Expert SD Sagittarion
Easy SD Eridanus - Streamlined to difficulty standards.
Easy SD Eridanus 難易度相当の合理化をしました
