
Last-modified: 2018-09-27 (木) 19:50:13


[dev test only]テスト版のみ
[dev test and development only]テスト版と開発版のみ
[all branches]安定版(特殊コマンドを入れていない人向け)
[APS rebalance v1]等既存システムに大きなメスが入った際に付くことが有る


V2.1 [dev test and development only]

V2.1 [dev test and development Only]


Hi all,
Excited to be releasing to the development and dev test branches v2.1. This release contains a lot of cool stuff such as pistons, spinners and turrets on other spinners and turrets, a lot of quality of life features, and a number of the "game engine updates" added to Forgotten Shores.
今回のアップデートは、ピストンの追加、サブオブジェクト(スピンブロックやタレット、ピストンの事)の上にサブオブジェクトを乗せる事や、いくつかの快適な操作を実現するための改善、そして、「Forgotten Shores」でサポートしたゲームエンジンのアップデート等、刺激的なものが多数あります。
Here is the full list
[added] Support for pistons
[added(追加)] ピストンの実装
[added] Support for spinners, turrets and pistons on other spinners, turrets or pistons
[added] サブオブジェクト上にサブオブジェクトを設置し、動作させることができるようになった
[improvement] It is now possible to manually control the SpinBlocks using their GUI
[change] ACBs can now be placed on SubConstructs
[change(変更)] ACBがサブオブジェクトに設置できるようになった
[improvement] ACBs input values now have different decimal places depending on the type of the input
[improvement] ACBの一部の入力タイプに小数点第二位以下の数値の入力ができるようになった
[improvement] ACB input for control key stimulus now display the actual key instead of a number
[improvement] ACB入出力にコントロールキーを割り当てるタイプの場合、数字の代わりに実際のキーを表示するようになった
[added] ACBs can now be turned on/off by using their GUI or another ACB (an ACB cannot turn itself on/off automatically)
[added] ACBは自身のGUIや他のACBによってON/OFFのコントロールができるようになった(自身のON/OFFを自動的に切り替えることはできない)
[improvement] GP PID altitude test values can now be set between -1000 and +3000
[improvement] GP PIDは高度-1000~+3000の間の値で設定できるようになった
[improvement] 'Clear clips' button added to the APS firing piece
[improvement] アドキャのFiring pieceのGUIに「クリアクリップ(砲塔内の保持弾薬全弾消去)」ボタンが追加された
[improvement] 'Access to intakes' button added to the APS firing piece (exiting that GUI will return to the APS GUI)
[improvement] アドキャのFiring pieceのGUIに「Intakes(Ammo input feederの事です)へのアクセス」ボタンが追加された(フィーダーのGUIを閉じた際には、元のFiring pieceのGUIへ戻ります)
[improvement] When clicking on the selected ammo controller in the ammo intake GUI, the ammo controller GUI is now displayed (exiting that GUI will return to the intake GUI)
[improvement]Ammo input feederのGUIで選択したAmmo Controllerをクリックすると、Ammo ControllerのGUIに飛べるようになりました(GUIを終了させるとAmmo input feederのGUIに戻ります)
[improvement] It is now possible to slow down the rotation speed of the turrets (using a percentage)
[change] Shields can now have their color changed using directly their GUI, no need to use the shield projectors anymore (but they still work)
[fix] When a shield projector is placed next to a shield color changer, it now connects the shield color changer automatically
[fix] シールドカラーチェンジャーをシールドプロジェクターの隣に設置すると自動的に接続されます
[fix] When loading a blueprint and after having taking hits, the shields are now returning to their specified color
[fix] BPから呼び出したビークルのシールドカラーは指定の色に戻ります(翻訳困難でしたので誰か翻訳お願いします)
[change] The Aimpoint card can now be configured, the maximum time before targetting another block can be configured, and it can be set to target Mainframes and ammo storage as usual or any random block
[change] Aimpointカードに設定GUIが追加されました。一度選択されたターゲットブロックを再抽選で変更するまでの最大時間が設定できます。また、今までの設定の他にランダムでブロックを狙う設定もできるようになりました。
[fix] The external venting of turbos is now displayed correctly in the cylinder's tooltip
[change] ターボチャージャーの外部排気がシリンダーのツールチップに正しく表示されるようになりました
[improvement] Optimization of the fuel engine power creation when using turbos or exahusts
[improvement] ターボ・排気を使用する燃料エンジン出力の最適化
[lua] Due to the extensive modification on the SpinBlocks, the functions related to the Spinners and turrets have been largely modified (old functions still there, but shouldn't work for stacked SubConstructs)
[Lua] サブオブジェクトにかかる一部命令形が変更されました(古い命令系も残ってはいますが、SubConstructsは本体に繋がったサブオブジェクトの1段目にしか使えません)
[lua] SubConstructs now have a unique Id, such an Id will never be reused in the same blueprint. The turrets, pistons and SpinBlocks are now accessed using that unique Id
[Lua] サブオブジェクトは設置時に固有のIDを持ち、同一のBP内ではそのIDは再利用されません。Lua上でサブオブジェクトを使用する場合、割り振られた固有IDを指定する事によりアクセス可能です。
[modders] The blocks array have been removed, blocks are now accessible in 'ElementStorage' using the Local Position coordinates
[modders(MOD製作者向けの変更)] ブロック配列が削除されました。ブロックのローカル座標は「ElementStrage」で保持されます
[modders] It is now possible to mod the constructs thanks to the introduction of 'Modules' that are attached to the constructs (most of the existing modules can be replaced)
[modders] 「Modules」の導入により、コンストラクトを改造することが可能になりました(殆どの既存モジュールの置き換えができます)
[modders] It is now possible to add new audio assets (they will now be loaded correctly even if not in the FtD directory)
[modders] 新しいオーディオアセットを追加できるようになりました(FtD本体のあるフォルダ外に置かれたデータであっても正しくロードできます)
The credit for the implementation of this goes to our team's newest member: Gladyon- an awesome first build for him and looking forward to the next one (^-^
Please post bugs and issues in this thread.

V2.03 [Dev Test] CONTENT Update


Fleet spawn timesをmaxに設定する前に、2回考えてください。


V2.02 [Dev Test] CONTENT Update(8/22)





Majyst - 今日 午後9時39分

V2.02 is a content update, I am not sure if it carriers over any work from Khaz or Nick.
I asked Nick to make a content update since I had amassed a large amount, so here it is.
Atmospheric Changes:
The new Atmo settings are done and if there are no problems will be final (for a while).


This includes the new Exponential Drag setting.
In Effect, as you go over 275 Altitude it will become exponentially more difficult to fly higher up to a point of about 800.
These are the exact setting for Air drag and Gravity.

[Image: e5cb167df0.png]

Onyx Watch
There has been a new HQ made for the OW (and RZ). This HQ is the "Black Powder Antiques" HQ Which Produces the Sail ships.
So now, This HQ will produce 60FP Sailship fleets at a 0.8 rate at all times of the game and the Iron Throne will produce all the Castle ships and Hybrids at a 1.0 rate for 60 FPs.
このHQは"Black Powder Antiques" と呼ばれ、帆船を作るためのものです
Garrison Fleets, I think will produce a Mixed fleet, but Sailships have a lower spawn rate. I hope this works out.
今は、このHQが60FP の帆船艦隊を 0.8倍の速度で生成し続け、Iron Throne は、城船とハイブリットの60FPの艦隊を1倍の速度で生成する。
Twin Guard
Twin guard have had their FPs re-valued per a new system we are putting in. All ships will Range in FPs from 1 to 50 instead of the old 1-80.
Now there should be more units per fleet.
All Factions will be done like this.
White Flayers
Half of WFs Torpedoes have had their depth limited so they cant hit Submarines.
Subs are meant to be a weakness for WF, but we have gotten carried away with the Torps in the past.
Lightning Hoods
They have had a major sensor upgrade and now their lasers should be much more accurate.
ALL Factions
All Designs have been updated to use Larger Turret bases.
Also, most Frag cones for APS and Missiles have been changed to a larger cone.
Designs broken from wing buff are now fixed. (Except SD velocity)
Plus, Usual Design updates and fixes.
Tile Garrisons
Many Tiles have been increased from the default 100 Max FPs.
The closer to a HQ the tile is the more it can hold.
Some SD Tiles can have 300 FP garrison tiles for example.
Replacements, New, Rebuilt (Gutted), and Deleted Designs From memory, so this may include stuff that was in 2.01.

New DWG Tortuga
New DWG Crossbones

Rebuilt OW Bulwurk

Rebuilt WF Martyr
Replaced WF Harrasser
Rebuilt Desecrator

Replaced TG Wasp Nest (Now in the drone category)
Deleted TG Hornets Nest
NEW TG Omen (Godly)
NEW TG Harbinger (Godly)

Deleted LH Surge
Replaced LH Firefly
Replaced LH Hydrovolt
NEW LH Terrawatt
NEW LH Orbit
NEW LH Chrysoprase

NEW SS Banshee
NEW SS Guernsey
NEW SS Defiance
NEW SS Chrysaetos
Deleted SS Arachnid
Deleted SS SMS Otter
Deleted SS Apache
Replaced SS Cinder
Replaced SS Forward Operating Base

NEW SD Laniakea

Dev Ver2.01 (8/6)


Balance changes and relevant fixes. 2.01
バランス調整と修正 2.01
RTG UI numbers are wrong. Its showing power/tick, rather then power/second. (Fixed)
RTGのUIの数字が間違っていた 出力/秒でなく出力/tickになっていた
Space – Gravity turns on after a certain altitude (1800-2500) and becomes increasingly intense.
Batteries – Density doubled (1000 for 1x1 to 2000 for 1x1)
Price per single block from 20 > 40
Wings – Force per speed from 0.1 > 0.8
Aileron – Force per speed from 0.2 > 0.4
Flak damage % from 30% to 20% of HE
CRAM – Shells start at 40 density/40% full and immediately 'load'
CRAM – HE box cost reduced to 70 from 100.
CRAM – Flash supressor : Velocity multiplier from 0.9 to 0.95
Accuracy before shooting option – max setting from 0.5 to 0.0/0.1
APS – Super cavitation underwater speed penalty from 0.9 to 1.00
(I wanted to make it 0.95, however, the fact is AI cannot compensate for this, and i think it would be preferable from a gameplay point of view for it to not slow down in water)
PAC – Input port systems now consume 250% the normal power.
Fragmentation – Damage range changed from 0.5 – 4.00 to 0.66 – 3.00

Ver2.0 2017/7/19


FTD has been updated to the latest version of the Unity3D game engine (Unity 5.6, we were on Unity 4.7) and we've also incorporated a HUGE balance patch and a lot of new features.
I know you've been waiting a long time for an update but hopefully this one will be worth the wait!
The migration to the new engine took a long time but opens up a lot of new doors for development and I believe FTD is running better than ever.
Change Log
Game Engine updated from Unity 4.6 to Unity 5.7
Added - 1m wood block variants that were previously only available by toggling F10 now available from build menu under wood block
Added - Mock wheel items
Added - Laser 3m laser pump
Added - APS 6m and 8m recoil absorbers
Added - APS EMP,HE,Frag APS shell heads
Added - Circular weather vane variant
Added - Circular propeller variant
Added - Jet and ion Circular variants added
Added - Aero rudder and Aero elevator components added to use with (or replace) the tail plane component
Added - 3mx3m and 5mx5m turret prototype sub-constructs added
Removed - Old engine items removed
Mechanic - Armor layering bonus changed from 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2,0.1,0.1 to 1.0,0.85,0.7,0.55, 0.4,0.25,0.1,0.1
複合装甲ボーナスが0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2,0.1,0.1 から 1.0,0.85,0.7,0.55, 0.4,0.25,0.1,0.1に
Mechanic - Maximum volume option (For battles) in campaign increased from 50k to 200k
Mechanic - Oil refineries now slightly more tolerant of altitude
Mechanic - Fragmentation (All variants) now results in the expected angle of fragmentation, not a distorted cone
Mechanic - Armour calculation for projectiles and hitscan weaponry changed from ((AP / AC) 0.45) + 0.05 = Effective damage multiplier To ((AP / AC) 0.50) = Effective damage multiplier
全ての射撃兵装における有効ダメージ係数の計算が((AP/AC)0.45)+0.05から((AP / AC) 0.50)に
Mechanic - Armour for Partial blocks (Slopes, Triangles) Apply partial reinforcement bonus (Equal to block type, triangles are 1/4, slopes are 1/2)
General - Many blocks visually re-modelled
General - Textures mid/part way reworked for better visuals
General - Fastest video quality setting will now display half texture resolutions and highest will turn on soft shadows
General - Some optimisation on simple projectile models
General - APS shells bugging out with no gunpowder and one of the player skills (railgun only shells) bug fixed
General - Wireless receiver ACB options fixed
General - Spinblock controller and fortress controller model updated
General - Simple weapons trails
General - Huge ion thruster realigned
General - Grenade launcher normal map
General - Pistol duplicate material removed and redirected to the original
General - Nuclear engine textures removed from resources and reference pointed to mod directory
General - Steam engine mesh normals fixed (improved quality)
General - Last of the texture import settings set (improved quality)
General - Light block now using distortion shader (same as aps fire distortion or warp effect distortion)
General - Wedge volume factor fixed
General - Various particle effect improvements
General - Shield visuals updated
General - CRAM models re-exported with smoothing groups for proper lighting with the shader
General - Minor mesh export fixes
General - Re-exported missile blocks to fix smoothing map issues (also large reduction in verts)
General - Missile parts excess vertices removed (some were 10x the required verts)
General - Ricochet chance curve evened out so armour vs penetration is taken more into account
General - Local weapon controller made more lenient for range of speed to engage
General - sailing blocks updated
General - spin block model/texture updated
General - 'Lasers' build menu tab renamed to 'Energy Weapons'
General - Min view distance from block decreased so you no longer look through walls walking around
Stats - Wood HP buffed to 180 (From 120)
Stats - Stone buffed to AC 7 (From 5). HP buffed to 300 (From 220)
Stats - Metal buffed to AC 15 (From 10). Health buffed to 350 (From 280)
Stats - Alloy buffed to AC 13 (From 7). Health buffed to 260. (From 140) Cost increased to 5 (From 4)
ステータス変更-合金強化 AC7から13へ、HP140から260へ、コストが4から5に増加
Stats - Heavy armour cost reduced to 25 (From 40)
Stats - Light block cost reduced to 20. (From 100) Health reduced to 50 (From 75)
Stats - Surge Protector cost reduced to 20. (From 25) Health increased to 250 (From 150) AC buffed to 5 (From 1)
Stats - Rubber cost reduced to 3. (From 5) Health buffed to 100 (From 75)
Stats - Glass cost reduced to 1. (From 2)
Stats - Lead cost reduced to 3 (From 5) Health buffed to 300 (From 200)
Stats - ERA Armour is now a structural component. (Full block only, not the slope)
Stats - Ram cost increased to 25. (From 15) AC buffed to 20 (from 10) Health increased to 1000. (From 400)
Stats - Standard Door AC buffed to 15. Health increased to 250. Now a structural block
Stats - Fuel Engine Hull Pipe AC buffed to 15. (Was 3) Health increased to 300 (From 160) Weight increased to 40. (Was 30) Cost increased to 10. (Was 1) Now a structural block
Stats - Steam Engine Hull Pipe AC buffed to 15. (Was 10) Health Increased to 300. (From 280) Cost increased to 10 (Was 6.5) Now a structural block
Stats - Deck Port Now has identical stats to 1x1x1 metal block. It is also now a structural block. Cost is (5), Same as metal
Stats - Smoke Generator Now has identical stats to 1x1x1 metal block. It is also now a structural block. Cost is (5), Same as metal
Stats - APS Firing Piece AC buffed to 20. (Was 15) Health buffed to 350 (Was 300) Weight reduced to 40. (Was 70)
Stats - APS Ammo Ejector Cost Reduced to 20 (Was 50)
ステータス変更-APSのAmmo Ejector(弾薬強制排出装置)のコストが50から20に下がりました
Stats - APS Belt Fed Autoloader Cost reduced to 35 (Was 40)
ステータス変更-APSのBelt Fed Autoloaderのコストが40から35に減少
Stats - Firing Piece – CRAM AC buffed to 20. (Was 5) Health buffed to 350 (Was 150)
ステータス変更-CRAMのFiring PieceのACが5から20に増加、HPが150から350に増加
Stats - EMP Pellet (CRAM) Cost reduced to 30
Stats - CRAM Gauge Increaser (All Variants) AC Increased to 15 (Was 10) Health Increased to 350 (Was 200) Cost reduced to 25 (From 35)
ステータス変更-CRAMのGauge Increaser(全種類)のACが10から15に増加、HPが200から350に増加、コストが35から25に減少
Stats - CRAM Autoloader (Both Versions) Cost reduced to 25 (From 35)
Stats - CRAM Hardener Pellets Cost reduced to 20 (From 25)
ステータス変更-CRAMのHardener Pellets(AP弾ですね)のコストが25から20に減少
Stats - Fragmentation Pellet (CRAM) Cost reduced to 30
ステータス変更-CRAMのFragmentation Pelletのコストが30に変更
Stats - Range Finder 5m AC Buffed to 10 (Was 7) Health Increased to 750 (Was 375)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Range Finder 5mのACが7から10に上昇、HPも375から750へ
Stats - Range Finder 7m AC buffed to 10 (Was 7) Health Increased to 1125 (Was 562.5)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Range Finder 7mのACが7から10に上昇、HPが562.5から1125へ上昇
Stats - Range Finder 9m AC buffed to 10 (Was 7) Health Increased to 1500 (Was 750)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Range Finder 9mのACが7から10に上昇、HPが750から1500へ上昇
Stats - Armoured Range Finder 5m AC Buffed to 20. (Was 12) Health Increased to 1500 (Was 600) Cost increased to 70 (was 50)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Armoured Range Finder 5mのACが12から20に上昇、HPが600から1500へ上昇、コストが50から70に増加
Stats - Armoured Range Finder 7m AC Buffed to 20. (Was 12) Health Increased to 2100 (Was 840) Cost increased to 100 (Was 70)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Armoured Range Finder 7mのACが12から20に上昇、HPが840から2100へ上昇、コストが70から100に増加
Stats - Armoured Range Finder 9m AC Buffed to 20. (Was 12) Health Increased to 2700 (Was 1080) Cost increased to 125 (Was 90)
ステータス変更-索敵装備Armoured Range Finder 9mのACが12から20に上昇、HPが1080から2700へ上昇、コストが90から125に増加
Stats - All standard Detection Equipment (Everything in the Detection tab except ; Wireless Snooper, Missile Radar Buoy Holder, Missile Sonar Buoy Holder) AC buffed to 15 (Was 10) Health increased to 300 (Was 200)
ステータス変更-すべての一般的な索敵装置(Wireless Snooper、Missile Radar Buoy Holder、Missile Sonar Buoy Holderを除く索敵タブのすべて)ACが10から15に上昇、HPが200から300に上昇
Stats - Spinblock, One Axis Turret, Two Axis turret; AC Increased to 15. (Was 10) Health Increased to 800 (Was 150)
Stats - Sky Fortress Turbine AC Increased to 15 (Was 10) Health Increased to 1000 (Was 500)
Stats - Missile Controller AC buffed to 12 (Was 10) Health increased to 300 (Was 100)
Stats - Missile Gantry AC buffed to 8 (Was 3) Health increased to 150 (Was 100)
Stats - Strategic Antenna + Dish Piece AC buffed to 15 (Was 10) Health increased to 250 (Was 150)
Stats - Docking Station AC buffed to 12 (Was 1) Health increased to 600 (Was 100)
Stats - Sub-vehicle spawner AC buffed to 12 (Was 1) Health increased to 250 (Was 100)
Stats - Vehicle blueprint spawner AC buffed to 12 (Was 10) Health increased to 250 (Was 150)
Stats - Small Propeller AC buffed to 15 (Was 10) Health increased to 300 (Was 150)
Stats - Huge Propeller AC buffed to 15 (Was 10) Health increased to 2700 (Was 600)
Stats - Small Jet AC buffed to 10 (Was 5) Health increased to 200 (Was 100)
Stats - Huge Jet AC buffed to 10 (Was 5) Health increased to 1800 (Was 600)
Stats - Small Ion Thruster AC buffed to 10 (Was 3) Health increased to 200 (Was 75)
Stats - Huge Ion Thruster AC buffed to 10 (Was 3) Health increased to 1800 (Was 450)
Stats - Wing + Aileron + Tailplane Health increased to 100 (Was 50)
Stats - Jet Stabilizer AC buffed to 12 (Was 5) Health increased to 250 (Was 150)
Stats - Heat Decoy AC buffed to 10 (Was 3) Health increased to 200 (Was 85)
Stats - AI mainframe Cost reduced to 50 (From 100)
Stats - Radiator AC buffed to 10 (Was 3) Health buffed to 200 (Was 100)
Stats - Large Radiator AC buffed to 10 (Was 3) Health buffed to 1800 (Was 900)
Stats - Ammo Storage + Ammo Parts box Weight reduced to 40 (From 45), volume factor reduced for same overall buoyancy
Stats - Laser Munition Defence – AC buffed to 10 (Was 4) Health increased to 300 (Was 100) Cost reduced to 30 (Was 100)
Stats - Laser Optics & Steering Optics – AC buffed to 8 (Was 4) Health increased to 250 (Was 100) Cost reduced to 20 (Was 50)
Stats - Tactical Nuke – Cost reduced to 50 (Was 100) Weight increased to 40 (Was 4)
Stats - RTG (All types) Cost reduced by 50%
Stats - Small turbine AC reduced to 6 (From 46)
Stats - APS Barrels (All types); AC buffed to 15 (From 12) HP increased to 350 (From 200/225/250) Weight reduced to 40 (Was 50)
Stats - CRAM Barrels (All Except bomb chute.); AC buffed to 15 (From 10) Hp increased to 350 (From 150)
Stats - Bomb chute; AC buffed to 15 (From 5) HP buffed to 350 (From 150) Weight unchanged (5)
Stats - CRAM - Recoil Suppression Barrel; Muzzle velocity factor increased to 0.95 (From 0.9)
Stats - Railgun Magnet Attaching Fixture Health increased to 300 (Was 200)
Stats - Railgun Barrel magnet AC Health increased to 350 (Was 200)
Stats - APS 3x3 Omni mantlet AC buffed to 28 (Was 20) Health Increased to 5000 (Was 3150)
Stats - APS 1x1 Omni mantlet AC buffed to 20 (Was 15) Health increased to 500 (Was 350)
Stats - APS 1x1 Elevation Mantlet AC buffed to 20 (Was 12) Health Increased to 500 (Was 300)
ステータス変更-APSの1x1 Elevation MantletのACが12から20へ上昇、300から500へ
Stats - APS 1x3 Elevation Mantlet AC buffed to to 20 (Was 15) Health increased to 1500 (Was 900)
ステータス変更-1x3 Elevation MantletのACが15から20へ上昇、HPが900から1500へ上昇
Stats - APS 1x2 AA Mantlet AC buffed to 20 (Was 12) Health increased to 750 (Was 450)
ステータス変更-1x2 AA MantletのACが12から20に上昇、HPが450から750に上昇
Stats - Drill (Controller) AC buffed to 15 (Was 5) Health increased to 500 (Was 300)
Stats - Extension AC buffed to 15 (Was 8) Health increased to 300 (Was 150)
Stats - Verical/Horizontal Splitter AC buffed to 15 (Was 8) Health increased to 300 (Was 150)
ステータス変更-ドリルVerical/Horizontal SplitterのACが8から15へ上昇、HPが150から300へ
Stats - Small Drill Bit AC buffed to 25 (Was 15) Health Increased to 700 (Was 200)
ステータス変更-Small Drill Bit のACが15から25へ上昇、HPが200から700へ上昇。
Stats - Large Drill Bit AC buffed to 25 (Was 15) Health increased to 6300 (was 1800) Cost increased to 100 (Was 60)
ステータス変更-Large Drill BitのACが15から25へ上昇、HPが1800から6300へ、コストが60から100に上昇
Stats - Power Input AC buffed to 10 (Was 4) Health increased to 300 (Was 150)
ステータス変更-ドリルPower InputのACが4から10へ上昇、HPが150から300へ
Stats - Torque Amplifier AC buffed to 10 (Was 4) Health increased to 300 (Was 150)
ステータス変更-ドリルTorque AmplifierのACが4から10へ上昇、HPは150から300へ
Stats - Wing force per speed increased from 0.05 to 0.1. Cost increased to 5
Stats - Aileron force per speed increased from 0.1 to 0.2. Cost increased to 5
Stats - Aero Rudder, Aero Plane, Tailplane force per speed increased from 0.2 to 0.4. Cost increased to 5
ステータス変更-Aero Rudder(尾翼のヨーのみ), Aero Plane(尾翼のピッチのみ), Tailplaneの揚力が0.2から0.4に上昇、コストは5に
Stats - Simple Laser cost from 40 to 100, Ammo usage from 10 to 40
Stats - Spinblock, One Axis Turret, Two Axis turret; AC Increased to 15. (Was 10) Health Increased to 800 (Was 150) (For 1x1x1)
Stats - 3x3 One Axis Turret; 7200 Health
Stats - 5x5 One Axis Turret; 20,000 health
Missile - Interceptor kill strike range increased and damage increased
Missile - HE warheads no longer detonate other missiles and instead push them away
Missile - Thumper head Effective AP 6 > 10
Missile - duration reduced to 30 seconds (From 1 minute)
Missile - Torpedo HE bonus damage reduced from 4x to 3x
PAC - Impact effective AP 10 > 15
PAC - Pierce effective AP reduced 20 > 15
PAC – Explosive Shock damage percentage changed from 10% to 100%
PAC - EMP, Damage reduced by 50%
Ram - (Simple Weapon) Frontal drag reduced to 0.3
CRAM – Duration before projectile deletion increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
APS & CRAM – “Heavy” Basic barrels added: AC 25, HP 900, Weight 200, Cost; 70
ヘビーバレルが追加AC 25, HP 900, 重量 200, コスト; 70
APS & CRAM – beamed(4m) barrels added, Heavy and normal variants
APS – Flak Radius increased to 6x HE Radius (Was 2x), Damage reduced to 30% of HE (Was 50%) (APS)
APS – Accuracy penalty removed from Disruptor shell caps
APS - HEAT and HESH now explode on impact, and cannot ricochet
APS - HEAT Air gap pen metric drain increased to 60. AP 6 from 10 (molten metal isnt known for its AP)
APS - HESH cone angle 60 from 30
APS - HESH will also create spalling at 5 other airgaps randomly selected from the forwards hemisphere
APS - Squash head thump effective AP is now 10
APS - Hollow Point Effective AP 6 > 10
APS - Hesh frag number divided by the square rooted AC of the armour it passes through instead of the raw AC. (HA=6.3,Metal = 3.6)
APS – All fuse module kinetic stats increased to; (Excluding Inertial Fuse)
APS – Shell health factor – 1.0 (Was 1.0), Kinetic damage factor – 2.5 (Was 0.5) , Armour Piercing factor – 1.5 (Was 0.2), Speed factor – 1.1 (Was 1.0)
APS – Stabilizer Fin Kinetic stats increased to; Shell health factor – 1.1 (Was 0.95), Kinetic damage factor – 3.0 (Was 0.7), Armour piercing factor – 1.5 (Was 0.5), Speed factor – 1.0 (Was 0.95)
安定翼 を強化、弾丸HP補正を1.1に、物理ダメージ補正を3.0に、AP補正を1.5に、速度補正を1.0に
APS – Super Cavitator Base Kinetic stats increased to; Kinetic damage factor – 1.5 (Was 0.6), Armour piercing factor – 1.5 (Was 0.4), Speed modifier – 1.0 (Was 0.9) Now has a maximum length of 100mm
スーパーキャビテーションベース を強化、物理ダメージ補正を1.5に、AP補正を1.5に、速度補正を1.0に
APS – Grav. Compensator stats increased to; Shell health factor – 1.1 (Was 1.0), Kinetic damage factor– 1.5 (Was 0.6), Armour piercing factor - 1.5 (Was 0.4), Speed modifier – 1.0 (Was 0.9) Now has a maximum length of 100mm
APS – Reduce propellant burn barrel length requirement from 12*(Shell length)^0.75 to 6*(Shell length)^0.75
適切な砲身長(初速)を短くした。計算を以下のように変更した。6*(Shell length)^0.75(要は前バージョンの半分)
APS - Autoloaders start loaded; inputs start at max count down so they immediately load
APS - Clips HEAT Vulnerability, 3m is now 33% (Was 0%), 6m is now 16% (Was 0%), 8m is now 13% (Was 0%)
APS - 8m Autoloader, removed health loss from HEAT penetration (To match the rest of them)
APS - New APS recoil absorber system; now has total recoil capacity which refreshes over time. Smaller absorbers refresh faster but have lower capacity
RTGS - Produce energy 5 times a second rather than once a second (same total per second)
Batteries - start full rather then empty
Lasers - less engine power usage while game is slowed down bug fix
Lasers - Wavefront no longer pierces multiple layers of smoke with its full potential, its now iterative per smoke as per the laser shields
Lasers - frequency doublers AP bonus now scalar with pumps: 0.5AP per pump at 10 pumps scaling to 0.005AP per pump at 100
Lasers - Storage Laser Cavity health loss from HEAT penetration reduced to 40% (Was 100%)
Lasers - Q Switch EMP Susceptibility Reduced to 40% (Was 60%), This now matches other laser components
Laser - Steering optics & regular optics, removed health loss from HEAT penetration
AI - General Purpose Processing Card, added EMP Susceptibility of 60% With protective drainage of 10
AI - Laser Warner EMP Susceptibility reduced to 40% (Was 60%) Health increased to 200 (Was 100)
AI - Smoke Dispenser – Removed health loss from HEAT penetration
Propulsion - Jet Engine (Small) & Jet Engine (Large) Removed health loss from HEAT penetration
Propulsion - Ion Engine (Small) & Ion Engine (Large) Health loss from HEAT Penetration reduced to 50%
Propulsion - Propellers speed cap increased to 100 (Was 50)

v1.97 [dev test]

v1.97 [dev test]

Released into dev test for testing (steam beta branch with password "onlymeonlyme".
It's a significant release as it's a port from Unity 4.6 to Unity 5.6. This comes with significant changes and so there is significant room for error in the following areas: multiplayer, lua, steam integration, rendering, physics.
If you want to test this beta then please be on the look out for the above issues and post them in this thread.
This update also comes with a number of significant goodies:
1) a 3m by 3m turret base
2) a 5m by 5m turret base
3) Aero rudder and Aero elevator which together can replace the "tailplane" with a more realistic looking tailplane.
今までのtailplaneより尾翼らしい見た目のAero rudderとAero elevatorが追加
All three can work together nicely and look good
4) Visual updates to many of the older blocks
5) A reduction to game loading of about 6 seconds or so (it no longer re-generates the Neter map which should already be in memory anyway).
6) A content update to vehicles / planets etc
7) some bug fixes to the simple laser and simple large/small cannon
シンプルウェポンのlaser large/small cannonのバグを修正
Let me know what you guys think.
Sorry it took so long to get a significant update out for FTD- changing the engine over was complicated and required reworking almost all of the graphical side of things.
Khaz edit
Khaz の追記
Known Bugs:
-Barrels and dedicated heliblades are duplicated due to the physical block mesh staying visible after the meshcombine makes the moveable barrel
Barrelやdedicated helibladeが増殖する(メッシュ生成により動く砲身を生成した後も元のブロックのメッシュが見えたままになっているせい)
-Lasers line renderer alpha is occluded by waters alpha
-Paint seems to have been knocked out as well damage darkening blocks (Works in editor but not steam version)

v1.969 [all branches]

v1.969 [all branches]

Sneaking in a small patch before the next step of Unity 5.6 and FTD 2.0
Unity 5.6とFTD 2.0の次のステップの前に小さなパッチで忍び寄る
[Bug fix] Multiplayer campaign time being reset on loading save fixed
[Bug fix] Game paused on instance load after crash bug fixed
[Bug fix] Missiles being offset occasionally on fast craft when using 'apply to all' bug fixed
[Improvement] Wireless transmitter now controllable via ACB
[改善] ACBで制御可能なワイヤレストランスミッタ
[Improvement] New models for turrets, rubber, Rams and simple weapons
[Improvement] New simple laser fire sound (should help everyones eardrums)
[Change] Simple weapons substantially improved. Stats for them will require testing and feedback
[変更]シンプルウェポンが大幅に強化されました。 それらの性能にはテストとフィードバックが必要です
The Unity 5.6 upgrade is on the way!
Unity 5.6アップグレードが進行中です!
Expect a bit of a performance boost initially, followed by the potential for more performance enhancements as well as better graphics with all sorts of gubbins in the future as we extract the precious potential of Unity 5.6.
Unity 5.6の貴重な可能性を引き出すために、最初はパフォーマンスの向上を少し期待してください。今後はあらゆる種類の装置?を使った優れたグラフィックスとパフォーマンスの向上が期待されます。
Whether FTD 2.0 or the Unity 5.6 upgrade hits first is still a race at this stage.
FTD 2.0及びUnity 5.6へのアップグレードのどちらが最初に行われるかは、まだこの段階では拮抗しています。

1.968 Content update only (Dev Test)

[1.968] Content update only (Dev Test)

This update is content only, so those hoping it includes the 2.0 stuff, im sorry to disappoint you, its not here. After making sure all units are working correctly this will go to the Stable branch. Let me know if you find a mistake in the designs. (Bullsharks back AA is already fixed)



This update is mostly about the Godly update, increasing the strength of most Godly units.



Here are the replaced/deleted units.




WF Scylla
SD Astroid


WF Valkyrie


TG Shock (by Lightning Foods) 強力なPACを搭載したドローン。
WF Langinus (By Hikari)    godlyのラムアタック野郎。(原文:A godly Ramming Ship)






1.966 Christmas Event [all branches]12/24

1.966 Christmas Event [all branches]

This Update contains the new Christmas Campaign called "A cold Loch Christmas"
Fun designs made by the community with a few rather strong beast in there.
In addition to this campaign the following things were changed
WF Desecrator Replaced
WF Perferator updated with better shells and a bit of armoring
SS Excalibur heavily updated
Many GT updates and a couple Unit replacements done by Vorpalim and Neekap
Deleted from game:
SS Benson
SS Cestus
SS Hammerhead (will be replaced)(そのうち置き換えるよ!)
SS Guernsey (Being replaced)(置き換えてるよ!)
LH PID stabilization put in
SS Bear Replaced with the correct new design
Plus the usual minor changes to various designs

1.965 [all branches]12/16{

1.965 [all branches]

Khaz will pop in later with the coding changes, I think it has to do with exhaust and Spinning barrels.
Content Update:
Mostly a bunch of Updates to AoTE tanks like OW craft and WF stuff.
Basically, if you saw a design horribly under-performing in a Lathrix video, then we fixed the mistakes (Rhino fixed and massively buffed)
LH also had their Hovercraft updated to use PID to keep them very stable like sliding on ice.
SE "Bear" replaced
WFs 2 Elites spawn rate decreased
WF Smite spawn rate increased
DW has had their planes updated some more
Neter has had the WF Veles Replaced


"A cold Loch Christmas" has been added to the built in section, you can now load the world and check over designs to work on them if you want but the campaign is unfinished (but technically playable).
A cold Loch Christmasが追加され、ワールドを読み込んでデザインを見ることが可能ですがキャンペーンは(一応プレイ可能ではあるものの)未完成です
This update was put through 12 hours ago so anything ive taken in the last 12 hours did not go in this patch.
Feel free to look over these designs and quality check them.


steam hull pipe
slight railgun particle update
barrels now rotate when RPM set and tickbox checked
railgun magnets can now be set to not rotate with tickbox
turbine fins double sided (probably not noticed at all by the public)
copperhead prefab updated
minor missile gui fix
updated EMP and smoke particles
APS beltfed now shows loading modifiers
jet and ion trail widths by block size
ion trail length added to the trail length options setting
General purpose PID, altitude over terrain setting added
ACB settings for patrol and fleet move added to mainframe options
graviton self propulsion bug fixed (you knew it as coming)

1.964 [all branches]

1.964 [all branches]

Post processing (much more vibrant)
Shields no longer cast shadows
Shield spike follows colour changers settings
Low level detail blocks no longer receive/cast shadows (fps boost)
ERA armour now reduces all explosive damage and radius to 20% of original
Tactical nuke damage increased significantly
Torpedo propeller thrust doubled, fuel use increased by 50%
Missile magnet range and force doubled
Material per second instead of fuel per second in v menu power tab for steam engines
Custom jet error that prevents spawning in campaign
Fleet manager error fix (probably not a noticeable difference for players)
Fuel engine NaN fuel information error fix
Torpedo buoyancy and depth (rather than one or the other)
Guage cooler particle system tied to firing piece instead of coolers (minor fps upgrade)
Fixed APS proxy bug that ignores shields for fragments (proxy EMP bug still exists)
Cram cannons taking ammo even if full bug fixed
APS barrels sometimes not returning to non fire position fixed
Exhaust and steam empty space bug fixed if node destroyed
Docking port rotation reapplys on docking after being undocked
Oil drills now use the same power as resource gathers
Missile underwater null reference error fixed
水中のミサイルがnull referenceエラーを起こしたのを修正
Inertial fuse defaulting to 10 bug fixed

1.96[all branches]

1.96[all branches]


Here is the full change log since the last stable release (give or take)

[Change] Prefabs and Sub objects are all loaded in a second thread (removes the delay before accessing the inventory screen). Load is done when profile loaded. Permanent inventory prefabs also loaded in second thread.
[Change] Textures are now loaded from resources to speed up game boot time. The textures the vanilla game uses are still available in the modding folders if you want to modify them and override them.
[Improvement] All in all the game should now be back to booting up in about 30 seconds or less and will not pause when you access the prefab or sub object inventory tabs or when you click the multiplayer button.
[Change] The naming convention for mod files has changed. They are no longer numbered (which led to a lot of annoying version control issues).
[New feature] Steam cloud activated for your entire From the Depths folder. Let me know if it creates any issues.
[Change] Tips of the day; spelling/grammar and general wording updated.
[Change] Vehicle select in qualification mode now has test vehicle height heading for altitude buttons
[Change] New campaign options text updated
[Addition] Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard difficulty preset buttons added
[Change] Notice that saved games are world specific on load game menu
[Change] Story missions default to 'Player' tab if nothing selected (looks really odd if nothing selected)
[Bug fix] Space designer platform now has required down thrusters
[Change] Adventure mode spawn height 50 instead of 100 (less chance of falling into the ocean, less awkward green from no heatstone)
[Change] Missile menu -left +right swapped to correct sides
[Change] Simple Tutorial now has a seat bit so players dont fall out
[Change] Tutorial vehicles now have seats for players to start on or spawn location lowered
[Bug fix] Tutorials updated for changes in game, some derps like GP cards on card slots instead of connectors etc (heli tutorial doesnt end)
[Bug fix] Heli tutorial never actually ended – fixed now
[Bug fix] 1m omni mantlet texture fix
[Addition] Copy/paste, copy to all Added to Missile winches, Belt Feb autoloaders, laser colorer
[Change] Laser colorer secondary return updated to say if connected
[Change] Laser wavefront secondary return updated
[Change] Missile carry across all settings on assign. Ejection angle etc.
[Change] Ammo processor sub meshes now carry with main block
[Addition] new light and smoke emitter deco blocks
[Change] APS trail set to diameter with a minimum of 150mm (the old default)
[Change] APS ammo component spelling fixed
[Improvement] APS trail shorter, wider and now scale with gauge from a minimum of 150mm (Easier to see, especially the light blue tracers)
[Change] Missile trail slider in options now
[Improvement] Particle effects redone for most emitter (missiles, jets,smoke etc) to not be so wasteful (and hopefully look better)
[Improvement] Pulse lasers now have the full effect set and a nice fade
[Change] Visible tracer color customise actually show colour in description
[Change] Inventory layout for structural blocks moved around a bit slightly so blocks no longer over checklist
[Change] Blueprint Spawner block max range now 100 from 30
[Improvement] Toon ramp and Outline standardised between all game materials (0.009 for components and 0.02 for structural blocks)
[New feature] Steam engines added
[New Feature] Active Radar Missiles are decoyed by Radar Buoys
[New Feature] Active Sonar Torpedo Seekers are decoyed by Sonar Buoys
[New Feature] Multithreading of many complex game calculations to improve frame rate
[New Feature] Fuel engine exhaust is bi-directional and can be fed combined from many engines.

v1.95991 [dev test only] 2016/11/9

Just released a little hot fix in here which fixes the bug someone posted in the last thread about leaving build mode in the "prefab capture phase" and entering it to trigger the bug.
Another little hotfix out. Ordering a fleet to follow another fleet should now be more intuitive and less annoying. There is a leaderboard for winning Quest for Neter on "Easy" so if you guys would like to try and attempt that then please do!

v1.9599 [dev test only] 11/9

v1.9599 [dev test only]

Campaign launcher has been reworked to have 4 fixed "difficulty presets" and a "custom" setting. If you select a preset you will, in future, be potentially eligable for a scoreboard. If at any point you change your difficulty (or game configuration settings) then you invalidate your difficulty preset and are thrown back to "custom" for the rest of your campaign.
Some more exhaust variants added and the green connection pegs are finally where they are supposed to be. I didn't test whether they place correctly when blocks are shrunk, now that I think about it....
Steam engines sort of work out of play. Not really a robust solution at the moment but they'll charge batteries and use materials to gather materials out of play. If you have some steam power it will use it instead of fuel engines. Eventually I may allow you control over whether you use fuel engines, electric engines or steam engines when out of play.

v1.9598 [dev test only] 11/9

v1.9598 [dev test only]

Fixed exhaust loop so that when there is no output, no exhaust is registered (no cooling, no drive to turbo chargers).

v1.9597 [dev test only] 11/9

v1.9597 [dev test only]

Hi guys, I'm going to be releasing some of the builds to help speed up development!
Fixed particle cannons and distinction between the exhaust used for turbo chargers and the exhaust for particle effects and heat creation.

v1.9596 [dev test only] 11/8

Changes to the turbo charge fuel engine mechanics so that the performance of an engine is stable frame to frame (last patch had a nasty feedback loop).
A number of other smaller bugs fixed in here as well.
Another hotfix will be out shortly addressing some other issues.

v1.9595 [dev test only] 11/7

v1.9595 [dev test only]

Fuel engine exhaust from a cylinder now leaves via the closest exhaust exit point. It will power any turbo chargers it passes along the way.
Also the maths for turbo chargers has changed a bit and now provides increasing efficiency bonus until "30 exhaust gas" is reached at which point efficiency is capped.
Also fixed a few bugs. Let me know if you find any more bugs.
Content update as well in this patch.

v1.9594 [dev test only] 11/5

v1.9594 [dev test only]

Fixed air pump buoyancy bug and a number of other bugs with the dev test.
I've also rewritten a lot of missile seeker code to create a universal configurable class for radar, sonar, IR and single pixel IR seekers. They should all behave more or less like they used to so look out for bugs and let me know about them in this thread please.
The sonar buoy is now targetted by sonar torpedos (it acts like a flare for IR missiles). The radar buoy has the same role for radar guided missiles.

v1.9593 [dev test] 11/2

v1.9593 [dev test]

Fixing some issues with the threading from the last release- and working more on the steam engines (and fixing some issues with fuel engines).
Steam engine pistons now take damage if they go above 1800 degrees per second, and the pressure release valves are active. ACB controls for steam boilers also added.
Fixed heliblades on spin blocks and floating structures

v1.9592 [dev test only] 10/28

v1.9592 [dev test only]

In this release particles have been significantly improved (although there is still some work to be done).
A lot of the more complex calculations have been shunted to a second thread so it runs (on my machine at least) about a third faster in the benchmarking scene
There is now a nice tutorial level for steam engines
In order to get the threading working a lot of fundamental changes had to happen which is why it has taken a while, and why there might be some significant bugs in this release
[bug fix] APS clips now load full, as they do in stable.

v1.9591 10/13


Mainly focusing on getting fuel engines working in an orderly manner...
Basically turbo chargers (inline and standard) are now very similar code wise...
if you inline them then you get TotalGas/NumberOfInlineTurbos for your carb...
if you don't inline them (and plug directly into cylinder) then you get the standard cylinder output volume of gas. More info is given when you look at turbos and look at carbs now.
Next goal is to add missing features to the steam stuff and get it up to snuff (and increase it's efficiency)... and add some finishing touches and balances to the detection stuff.
次の目標は蒸気関係の未実装の特徴を追加することと、排気音(?)を追加すること(と効率強化) それから仕上げをして、索敵系へのバランスを取ることです
I also want to add an AI system for countermeasure release so you don't have to mess with things like ACBs next to missile controllers- and so you can dispense radar and sonar buoys to combat radar missiles and sonar torpedos.
また、AIシステムの追加・改善をしようと思っているので、ミサイルコントローラの隣にACBを置く必要はなくなります レーダー・ソナーブイやレーダーミサイル・ソナー魚雷を発射できます。
The fix for adventure mode pathfinding will be in the next patch- not the one I just released.

v1.959 out now in dev test 10/11

v1.959 out now in dev test




v1.95888 [all branches] 9/26

v1.95888 [all branches]

Prefabs and Sub objects are all loaded in a second thread (removes the delay before accessing the inventory screen). Load is done when profile loaded. Permanent inventory prefabs also loaded in second thread.
Textures are now loaded from resources to speed up game boot time. The textures the vanilla game uses are still available in the modding folders if you want to modify them and override them.
All in all the game should now be back to booting up in about 30 seconds or less and will not pause when you access the prefab or sub object inventory tabs or when you click the multiplayer button.
Some small bugs are fixed
The naming convention for mod files has changed. They are no longer numbered (which led to a lot of annoying version control issues).
Steam cloud activated for your entire From the Depths folder. Let me know if it creates any issues.
Other khaz changes:


planetswapper buttons moved down 5 pixels to prevent bottom of text being cut off
Tips of the day; spelling/grammar and general wording updated.
"Progress, Community and Contribute" button changed to "Patch notes, Community and Bug reports"
Progress, Community ContributeボタンがPatch notes Community Bug reportボタンに変更
Whats changed bar in community section widened to cover the top evenly from left to right instead of starting in the middle and going right
Options Tabs made more descriptive and rearanged to be more intuitive
Qualification mode now has tooltip for what it does
Vehicle select in qualification mode now has test vehicle height heading for altitude buttons
New campaign options text updated
Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard difficulty preset buttons added.
Notice that saved games are world specific on load game menu
Story missions default to "Player" tab if nothing selected (looks really odd if nothing selected)
Story mission, mission select tab wider (prevent faction name text cut off)
Space designer platform now has required down thrusters
Adventure mode spawn height 50 instead of 100 (less chance of falling into the ocean, less awkward green from no heatstone)
Missile menu -left +right swapped to correct sides
Simple Tutorial now has a seat bit so players dont fall out
Tutorial vehicles now have seats for players to start on or spawn location lowered
Tutorials updated for changes in game, some derps like GP cards on card slots instead of connectors etc (heli tutorial doesnt end)
Heli tutorial never actually ended – fixed now
1m omni mantlet texture fix
1m omni防盾のテクスチャ修正
Copy/paste, copy to all Added to Missile winches, Belt Feb autoloaders, laser colorer
Laser colorer secondary return updated to say if connected
Laser wavefront secondary return updated
Missile carry across all settings on assign. Ejection angle etc.
Ammo processor sub meshes now carry with main block
Ammo processorのサブメッシュが主ブロックを伴うように
new light and smoke emitter deco blocks
APS trail set to diameter with a minimum of 150mm (the old default)
APS ammo component spelling fixed
APS trail shorter, wider and now scale with gauge from a minimum of 150mm (Easier to see, especially the light blue tracers)
Missile trail slider in options now (this may default to zero, make sure to apply it)
Particle effects redone for most emitter (missiles, jets,smoke etc) to not be so wasteful (and hopefully look better)
Pulse lasers now have the full effect set and a nice fade
Visible tracer color customise actually show colour in description
Inventory layout for structural blocks moved around a bit slightly so blocks no longer over checklist
Spawn block and Scrap/respawner block max range now 100 from 30
Toon ramp and Outline standardised between all game materials (0.009 for components and 0.02 for structural blocks)

v1.95885 [all branches] [detection view]9/2

v1.95885 [all branches] [detection view]

Heat sensor player item is now Detection Viewer and is unlocked and equipped for all new players (and new profiles).
I hope it allows you to view all necessary detection info but let me know if you need anything else (or anything less!).
Drag on the wedges changed.
Helium Pump now an "important block" for viewing "important blocks only" in build mode.

v1.95884 [All branches]9/2

v1.95884 [All branches]

Prefabs and sub objects show the blocks when you are placing them
New content updates (Majyst can tell you more)
コンテンツアップデートが行われた(Majyst氏によるもの) 敵船舶のアップデートかな?)
New prefabs for refineries, electric engines, cannons (APS and CRAM) and lasers
You can now mod Tips of the Day and loading screen tips in to the game

v1.95879 [all branches][bug fixes v3]8/15

v1.95879 [all branches][bug fixes v3]

AI Card slot left&right and forwards&back combined into a single rotateable card slot object. The idea is that nothing will be broken by this change.
Detection manual and build guide added and added to the list of tutorial content.
A method of copy pasting mod *things* has been added. Tested it for ItemDefinitions but should work for other things too.
A number of smaller bug fixes including the bug that appeared in the last patch regarding the rate of out of play resource gathering from fuel engines.

v1.95877 [all branches][bug fixes v2] 8/14

v1.95877 [all branches][bug fixes v2]

Some more multiplayer fixes
Vehicles with batteries but no fuel engines can now gather resource when out of play
バッテリーを持ち燃料エンジンを持たないビークルがout of playでも資源収集が行えるように
Vehicles on the receiving end of shared detections from other vehicles should now be filtering the speed correctly
Electric engines now 1) a little bit better (efficiency goes from 200% to 100% rather than 100% to 50%) and 2) Produce (when at full output) 1 power for one second for each unit of energy used.
A number of other bug fixes- see new replies in the bug reports forum.

V1.95871 [all branches] 8/8

V1.9587 [dev test and development for now]

There are three main areas of focus here:
1) Detection mechanics (radar, sonar, IR, visual, retroreflection, wireless signal detection). Vehicles must now detect and track each other and can be designed with stealth in mind. All the new components are AI components although missiles have got some new components too (radar active seekers, radar and sonar buoys).
2) Usability improvements: prefabs in the inventory to speed up building for new and old players alike. A checklist in the inventory to help new players get to grips with the game and help old players remember the basics. A new weapon aiming system that turns the avatar in to a serious threat and adds a lot of gameplay options for those wanting to control their own weapons.
3) A single raw resource (called Material) replaces the natural, metal, oil, scrap and crystal raw resources. This doesn't involve much, if any, redesigning of your vehicles but it makes the game far more streamlined, balanced and understandable. Scrap smelters and crystal farms are now for decoration only but fuel refineries and ammo production still works as usual. Spare parts are no longer in the game at all.
[Change] Detection equipment now available and necessary
[New Feature] Sonar Active / Passive added for detecting submarines and other ships
[New Feature] Radar Active / Passive added for detecting above water targets
[New Feature] Visible cameras and coincidence range finders added for detecting above water targets
[New Feature] IR Cameras added for detecting above water targets
[New Feature] Retroreflection sensors added for detecting targets with visible band optical systems
[New Feature] Wireless snooper added for detecting systems with wireless transmission and reception
[New Feature] Range finders added for tracking detected targets and delivering range estimates
[Change] Natural, Metal, Oil, Scrap and Crystal have been replaced with a single Material
[Change] A 'none' weapon slot has been added
[Change] a simple two slot weapon system is now the default for new players- you can select which you prefer in the options menu
[Bug fix] AI weapon control is no longer overrriden when you are using a UI
[Change] you can begin building on a force when it is out of play by using a new button on the UI or by looking at it and pressing B
[変更]out of play状態の艦隊に対しUIの新しいボタンを使ったり、対象を見ながらBを押すことでビルドモードに入れるように
[Change] You can begin building on a force or vehicle by looking at it from a distance of up to 1km, rather than 30 metres
[Change] the fleet info tooltip has been revamped
[Change] your player's position is clearly marked in the fleet control UI and the map UI
[Addition] new exhaust pipe added
[Addition] 2m and 3m beams/slopes added
[New Feature] Player aiming of weapons is now far more accurate and allows pin point accuracy of all weapons under your control
[New Feature] A checklist has been added to the inventory to help new players figure out what is needed
[New Feature] Prefabs are now in the main inventory tabs to help players quickly assemble fuel engines (more to come)
[New feature] Radar guided missiles added
[Change] Passive sonar can detect sonar torpedoes and LAMS can engage them
[Change] Passive radar can detect radar guided missiles and LAMS can engage them
[New feature] Missile radar buoy, Missile sonar buoy added
[New feature] Reverse fire missile launch pad added


  • 早い更新お疲れ様です&ありがとうございます -- GenbuST? 2016-09-27 (火) 08:04:29
  • 今更書いておきますがv1.9591はモッド調査の私にとって致命的・・・(エラーを吐くので) -- 黒触手重工業? 2016-10-26 (水) 14:22:36
    • 全体的に仕様変更が激しいんですよねぇ1.959系・・・Mod周りもどーやらファイルの名前が変わった臭いですし(日本語化で発覚 -- 管理人/びんせんとー? 2016-10-26 (水) 14:29:15
  • インラインターボ復活!とりあえずは以前のエンジンに戻しとけば良いのかしらん -- 棒人間ひろ? 2016-11-07 (月) 11:59:22