Ashes of the Empire

Last-modified: 2023-06-26 (月) 16:48:04




惑星Ashes of the Empireのマップ


Ashes of the Empire

White Flayersの裏切りが火種となり、誰もそれを止めることができなかった。Steel Empireは分裂した。一方は「皮剥の者」と「十三人の賢者」、現在は「Lightning Hoods」、もう一方は帝国の影武者「Steel Striders」、そのバックには人造の友「Twin Guardians」が控えていたのである。Onyx Watchは独立の立場を好み、誰とも手を組まず、要塞にこもって自分たちの土地に近づく者を潰そうとし、地獄のDustwind Gypsiesは彼らを領土の外に押し出し、隙を見ては襲撃し、死にゆく帝国の残骸を食い物にしている。



Ashes of the Empire
The Empire on Fire title was a fast thought, just something to put on the header while I thought it out more. To me its a bit generic, so I think ill re-title it. Any objections?
Unless im met with overwhelming resistance this campaign will be named "Ashes of the Empire"
Also, here is the Campaign Intro.
Feedback, and grammar checking, and suggested improvements welcome.

Ash, drifting, fluttering, driven by the wind. The ashes fall, the ashes drift, uncertain of their final resting place. This is the fate of the Empire, torn apart in the fire of civil war, burned and turned to ash, where will the winds of fate blow it? Where will it land?
The Betrayal of the White Flayers was the spark that lit the fires, and nothing could stop it. The Steel Empire has fractured, The Flayed ones and the Thirteen Sages, now known as the Lightning Hoods on one side, and the shadow of the Empire, now known as the Steel Striders backed up by their artificial friends the Twin Guardians on the other. The Onyx Watch, preferring a stance of independence refuses to stand with anyone and has holed up in their fortresses ready to crush anyone who comes near their lands, and the infernal Dustwind Gypsies, pushing outside of their territories are raiding and ambushing anywhere they see opportunity, feasting on the dying remains of the Empire.
Now, a new wind blows, ashes swirl, ashes fall, where will you drive the ashes of the empire?

Ashes of the Empire is the prequel to the entire Neter story line. Before the current factions there were empires, rebels and secret wars being waged. join in and make your make on history (wip)


Ashes of the Empire/登場勢力





だから、正確に何が書いて必要ですか?さて、まず最初に、キャンペーンが起こった島にはまだ名前がありませんので、私は提案することができます。唯一の面白さは、Neterのメインマップの外にある独立したエリアであり、少なくとも名目上、Steel Empireの一部であるということです。島は赤色でマークされた10の異なる地域に広がっています。この地域は、通常、独自の気象条件を持つ島の単一の生物群です。さらに、緑色でマークされた15のリソースゾーンがあります。各敵派には2つのゾーン(HQと通常の敵)があり、プレイヤーには有限の2つと無限の1つのゾーンがあります。これらは、彼らが住んでいる場所に関係なく言及されます。あなたが実際にどこにあるかを確認したい場合は、それらをマップエディタで見つけることができます。領域は、(驚くほど)領域の下にありますが、RZ:はインスタンス→リソースの下にあります。



DWG HQ:Ratmast:Ratmastのラゲージタウンは、Corsalの唯一の恒久的な居留地の1つです。砂漠全体の淡水の唯一の源の近くに位置するこの惨めな沼地は、砂漠から掘り出された珍しい軍事救助から珍しい遺物の購入が可能な有名なブラックマーケットビジネスの中心地です。帝国の覗き見から遠く離れて売られている。それを征服することは、疑わしい道徳の人に、妥当なものではない程の裕福な財源を与えるでしょう。

南部拡大:これらの広大な平野には、島の初期探査の間に誤った名前が付けられました。 季節的なモンスーンの雨といくつかのランドマークを除いて、全体の面積はむしろ目立たず、少数の農家や牧場経営者がまばらに住んでいます。

SE RZ:フォートファントム:ダストウィンズジプシーの絶えざる襲撃に対するレスポンスとして形成されたこの孤独な守備隊は、何らかの違法行為の後に再割り当てされた兵士によって大部分が乗組員となっています。 猛烈な雨が降り続いて絶え間なく襲いかかっているため、ここに駐留していた人たちは、敵のような敵の侵入を激しく扇動してしまいました。

DWG RZ:Riverbank Ruins:最近のモンスーンとその洪水の余波の後、珍しい発見が明らかになりました。泥の川辺に埋葬された古くからの図書館で、強盗に触れることなく、長く忘れられた言葉で書かれたタブレットでいっぱいです。 そのような宝物は、裕福なコレクターから小さな軍隊の装備に十分高い価格を引き出すことができます。


プレーヤーHQ:Stockpile 114:
少数の公式文書を半法的に取得し、右手にグリースを塗ることで、帝国によってほとんど忘れられた古い遠隔備蓄を購入することができました。 数え切れないほどの古代のAFV:奇妙なプロトタイプ、捨てられた部分やその他の奇妙な山々の山々は、何十年にもわたって谷間に入り、スクラップの商人やコレクターからかなりの金額を得るでしょう。 たぶんあなたはそれらのいくつかを稼働させることができます...





TG RZ:マグルデルタ


OW HQ:Raurosのピーク:元々それを見つけた有名な探検家にちなんで命名されたRaurosのピークは、Onyx Watchの神聖な土地と冗談に呼ばれています。 Neter全体の中には、すでに伝説的なCold Lochの富を凌駕する、大量の石油備蓄としての機能はありません。山中の豊かさを求めている多くの襲撃者や征服者たちは、このユニークな自然の不思議のために喜んで命を落とす腕時計の兵士たちが抱いている熱心な防衛によって完全に挫折しました。



南部選手RZ:Annaz Mines:放棄された鉱山を見つけることは、確かにあなたの努力に恩恵でした。結晶、高品質の鉄、その他の貴重な資源がここにたくさんあり、戦闘機械の始まりに完璧な始まりです。しかし、競争には注意が必要です。富を主張することに興味があるのはあなただけかもしれません。

LH RZ:Annaz Pass:この島の真ん中にある戦略的に重要なパスは、数千年前に起きた最も初期の戦いが数え切れないほどの戦いの場所でした。パスは山の両側を保護する優れたチョークポイントであるだけでなく、未開拓の資源で溢れていて、古代から新興の紛争から復興しています。


WF HQ:森林裁判所:島のネイティブの住民は、森を神聖なものとする異教の宗教に従いました。島に到着したFlayed神の教会の最初の宣教師は、これらの母国の儀式に特に感銘を受けませんでした。現在では、これらの古い森林の名前だけが残っています。巨大な森林は燃え尽きるか、細かく砕かれて鉄門の省の艦隊を建設します。

Copperwind Plateau

WF RZ:聖アルマの神殿:聖アルマの死は、教会内で数十年の分裂を終えた聖者の犠牲を記念して、フラエード神の教会の広範囲に祝われたイベントです。ほとんど知られていないのは、彼女の最後の言葉として、アルマは彼女が人生のためにハイ・フレイヤーに懇願し、彼女はまだ教会にとって役に立つと言っているということです。 High Flayerはこれらの事のうちの1つに合意しました。

Wisp Dancers 'Swamp

Shockray Coast:この島の東海岸は、観光には快適で理想的ですが、巨大な産業災害を理由として、帝国の当局者が過去一世紀にわたって完全に無人であり、隔離されています。人気のある陰謀論によると、最初の戦争ではスカーレット・ドーンの母船が浜辺で墜落し、奇妙な光と黒と緑色のUFOが近くの平原の住民に共通すると主張しています。

LH HQ:Shockray Peninsula:公衆の知る限りでは、この遠隔地は工業地帯であり、無差別の工場や同様の興味深い見所がいっぱいです。実際には、半島は13の賢者の秘密の研究施設であり、周囲の海は彼らのホバリング技術にとって理想的なテスト場となっています。大規模な掘り出し物のフードを襲撃することは確かに挑戦になるだろうが、大胆な征服者は、不正な科学者たちによって残されたあらゆる種類の知識と資源にアクセスできる可能性がある。


Now that most of the crunch of the campaign is starting to be in order, it's time to turn our attention to the lore. This thread is, as the clever among you have guessed, about the areas and resource zones of the campaign. Both need some sort of descriptions, whether it be history, backstory, environment or whatever else floats your boat, so something like the stuff I've posted or the Neter ones found in this thread. So if you have a need for speed to write some fluff, this is your chance to do so.

So, what exactly needs writing? Well, first things first the island where the campaign happens doesn't have a name as of yet, so I'm open to suggestions. The only fluff on it is that it's a separate area that is outside the main Neter map and that it's a part of the Steel Empire, at least nominally. The island is spread into ten different Areas marked with red color. The areas are usually a single biome of the island with its own weather conditions. In addition there are 15 Resource Zones marked with green color. Each enemy faction has two zones (a HQ and a regular one) and the player has two finite and one infinite one. These will be mentioned under whatever area they reside in. If you want to check where the stuff actually is, you can find them in the map editor. Areas can be found under (surprisingly) areas, whereas RZ:s are under Instance -> Resource.

Here's the list itself. I've written some of the descriptions already, but if you think you have a better one for any of them feel free to post it. Spellchecking is also appreciated, especially as I'm not a native speaker and I presume most of us aren't either.

Corsal Dunes: The sun-baked desert of Corsal is a truly inhospitable place. Water is far and few between with almost all bodies of water are either salt lakes or long since dried up whereas flora and fauna are almost mythical sights in their rarity. Still this barren wasteland has its own inhabitants: Raiders of the Dustwind clan claim the wastes as their own, striking from the heart of the desert where the armies of the Empire dare not to follow them, and foolhardy seekers of fortune scour the dunes in search of artifacts of long-dead civilizations.

DWG HQ: Ratmast: The ragtag Town of Ratmast is one of the only permanent settlements in Corsal. Situated near one of the only sources of fresh water in the whole desert, this wretched hive of scum and villainy is a well-known hub for black market business where everything from illegal military salvage to rare artifacts dug up from the dunes can be bought and sold far from the prying eyes of the Empire. Conquering it would grant a man of dubious morals a great if less-than-legal source of wealth.

Southern Expanse: These vast plains were given a rather misplaced name during the early exploration of the island. Apart from the seasonal monsoon rains and a few landmarks the whole area is rather unremarkable and only sparsely inhabited by a few farmers and ranchers.

SE RZ: Fort Phantom: Formed as a response to the constant raids of the Dustwind Gypsies, this lone garrison is mostly crewed by soldiers who have been reassigned there after some form of misconduct. Endless pelting by heavy rain and living on a constant state of alert due to their raider neighbors have rendered the men stationed here remarkably mean-spirited and quick to vent their frustration on anything vaguely enemy-shaped encroaching on their territory.

DWG RZ: Riverbank Ruins: Aftermath of the recent monsoon and the floods that followed have revealed a rare find: An ancient library buried in the muddy riverside, untouched by robbers and filled with tablets written in a long-forgotten language. Such treasures could fetch high enough prices from wealthy collectors to outfit a small army.

Northern player RZ

Player HQ: Stockpile 114:
Through a semi-legal acquisition of a few official documents and by greasing the right palms you have managed to buy an old and remote stockpile that was nearly forgotten by the Empire. The countless ancient AFV:s, curious prototypes, towering mountains of discarded parts and other oddities will take decades to shift trough and will certainly fetch a hefty price from scrap merchants and collectors. Maybe you could even get a few of them up and running...

Gemini Lakes: These twin lakes were one of the most visited tourist traps in the Neter, owing to their uniqueness and year-around perfect weather. Recent tensions and the increasingly dangerous waters surrounding the island have however resulted in the resorts becoming abandoned ruins with even the most stubborn idle rich avoiding them like plague.


Coldwell Plains


TG RZ: Magru Delta
A few centuries ago the Magru river was the home of one of the biggest gold rushes seen on Neter. Thousands of prospectors and other seekers of fortune congregated to pan the river and mine the surrounding countryside in a mad dash for riches which lasted for two decades and resulted in the finding of the single biggest gold nugget in the world, nicknamed "The Heart of Magru." Nowadays the the riverside is mostly inhabited by ghost towns and stubborn adventurers still seeking to find long-lost abandoned mines, though recently Twin Guard mining drones have been sighted mining the mouth of the river.

The Titan's Tundra

OW HQ: Peak of Rauros: Named after the renowned explorer who originally found it, the Peak of Rauros is jokingly referred to as the sacred ground of the Onyx Watch. No other location in whole Neter that features as massive reserve of oil, which surpasses even the already legendary wealth of the Cold Loch. Many would-be raiders and conquerors seeking the riches within the mountain have been utterly crushed by the zealous defence mounted by the soldiers of the Watch, who will gladly lay down their lives for this unique natural wonder.


Annaz Mountains

Southern Player RZ: Annaz Mines: Finding the abandoned mines was certainly a boon to your efforts. Crystals, high-quality iron and other valuable resources are plentiful here, presenting a perfect beginning to a budding war machine. However one must be wary of competition – you might not be the only one interested in claiming their wealth.

LH RZ: Annaz Pass: This strategically important pass in the middle of the island has been the location of countless battles, with the earliest recorded skirmish happening over two millennia ago. Not only is the pass an excellent choke point to protect either side of the mountain, but it's also brimming with untapped resources and salvage from conflicts both ancient and new.

Whispering Wind Plains

WF HQ: The Forest Court: Native inhabitants of the island followed a pagan religion that held forests as sacred, with gods themselves holding court in their hearts. The first missionaries of the Church of the Flayed god arriving on the island weren't particularly impressed by these native rites. Nowadays only the name of these old forests remains, with the massive woods either burned or chopped down to build the armada of the Iron Thorn Ministry.

Copperwind Plateau

WF RZ: Shrine of St. Alma: The death of St. Alma is a widely celebrated event of the Church of the Flayed god, commemorating the sacrifice of the saint that ended a decades-long schism within the church. What most don't know is that as her last words Alma begged the High Flayer for her life, saying that she could still be useful to the church. The High Flayer agreed to only one of these things.

Wisp Dancers' Swamp

Shockray Coast: The east coast of the island, though pleasant and ideal for tourism, has been completely uninhabited and fenced off for the past century with the officials of the Empire blaming a large-scale industrial accident as the reason. A popular conspiracy theory claims that a Scarlet Dawn mothership crashed on the beach during the first war, and sightings of odd lights and black-and-green UFOs are common among the denizens of the nearby plains.

LH HQ: Shockray Peninsula: In public knowledge this remote area is an industrial zone, filled with nondescript factories and similar uninteresting sights. In truth the peninsula is a secret research facility of the Thirteen Sages, with the surrounding waters being an ideal testing ground for their hover technology. Though assaulting the heavily dug-in Hoods will certainly be a challenge, a daring conqueror could gain access to all manner of knowledge and resources left behind by the rogue scientists.