
Last-modified: 2023-07-03 (月) 03:03:32



The Janwall Archipelago is the home of the fleets of the Pirate-Lords. Small fortresses and gantries dot the islets, each owned by a well-off captain or other who has driven its previous owners away with fire and sword. The rather stained jewel of the sandy banks is the Davy Jones' Locker, a massive shipwreck-fortress where the Deepwater Lords hold council.

The barren islands of Eriwick have long been home to great clans and tribes of scavengers, raiders and other survivalists who slowly migrated there to escape the growing power of the non-broken Steel Empire. Nowadays the islands, though still hostile places to live in, are enjoying their golden age: The wealth brought back by the ever-growing number of pirate fleets and the frontier justice instilled by the pirate-loads and their Deepwater Guard have brought some quality of life to the area. Still, the land is far from a paradise: Might is the only right here, and those who aren't part of the violent pirate or sky-raider crews have no power whatsoever over their lives. Most fishermen and scavengers live in constant fear of raiders who are just as willing to loot a fishing village as they are about attacking Onyx Watch trading fleets.

Cauldron of Eriwick
The Eriwick Cauldron is one of the deeper parts of the planet. Storms brew up in here creating trecherous sailing in comparison to the islets to the East that pave the way from Eriwick to Cold Loch.
エリウィック コールドロンは、惑星上で特に深い場所のひとつです。ここで発生する嵐は、エリウィックからコールドロッホへの道を開いている東側の小島よりも困難な航海を強います。

Orhurst was an old and underdeveloped colony of the Steel Empire for decades. Indeed many considered those who would settle the untamed frontier mad, as the land barely held any workable farmland or resources in general. Even after the flight of the Lightning Hood the area remains mostly uninhabited, with the only signs of civilizations being the scattered mega-cities of the Hoods and crumbling ruins allegedly left behind by ancient Gray Talon inhabitants.

Fishbone Island
The haggard men of Fishbone Island have a long history of fending off would-be raiders from the continents to the south. It wasn't much of a wonder that these born warriors so quickly embraced the bloodthirsty religion of the Flayed God as its creed spread from the north. Most Deepwater pirates have learned to avoid the islands and look for easier prey somewhere else, as the shores are now littered with bloody totems and fetishes crafted from the flayed corpses of the more foolhardy invaders.

Cold Loch
The permafrozen mountains of Cold Loch have been the home of the Onyx Watch for centuries. Due to the inhospitable weather most of the natives spend their lives underground, with tunnels and mineshafts connecting otherwise isolated fortress-cities. Blessed with massive reserves of iron and oil but barely capable of supporting agriculture, the Watch has relied on trading as a mean to survive since the age of the sail. Countless tons of grain and meat are traded for oil and steel each year, and the great harbors of the Onyx Throne bustle with numerous trading vessels from faraway lands.

The Able Strait
"The Able Strait is known as the safest point of crossing when heading to the Onyx Throne but what it is most famous for is the large tavern that lies on the shores. Once known as the Safe and Able Tavern it was a beacon for sailors to get their feet on dry land and grab a pint. When a watch captain announced that the crew would be making port there the crew would cheer, "Able, Yay!" Over time the cheer was compressed to the crews simply cheering “Abyay!” in rapid succession as they were so riled up and ready to drink!”

High Lorham
High Lorham has been the trading hub of Neter for hundreds of years, its densely packed islands providing shelter to large fleets. The rise of the church of the Flayed God has recently made the islands a rather dangerous place to visit for an unbeliever, and most merchants avoid its spike-adorned harbors out of fear of an untimely end.

The Ash Barrens

Sea Of Cordale
Commonly known as the Land's End, the sea of Cordale is so vast that even in perfect weather one can't see land for days when traversing it. Of course the weather in Cordale is never perfect, and the area is renowned for its horrible storms.


Sea of Cordale dead zone

The Dreadfog
A vast, dark fog surrounds the lands of Morgant. The terrible visibility, perilous crags, roaming Talon patrols, and the strange frequency-blocking properties of the fog itself make for some of the most perilous waters on Neter. Most ships which enter are never seen again, those that do may reappear years later, their crews telling stories of ancient sea leviathans, forgotten ruins on blasted isles, and great black airships the size of skyscrapers descending through the bleak skies and opening fire.....
And yet, some still sail willingly into the Dreadfog, fuelled by rumours of lost riches and arcane technologies from ages past, waiting to be found, hidden away within the dark, forgotten ruins of the ancient tribes.

Zagskrag Islands
During the War of the Steel Empire, Captain Zagskrag, commander of a small fleet of out dated Rapromium warships waged hit and run attacks from these islands. Striking as the sun set he would then disappear amongst the islands at night only to strike again the following day. He met his demise when a Lightning Hoods laser pierced through the command bridge and straight though his heart.
These Islands were renamed for his sacrifice.

The last loyal land of the old empire, the continent of Normont has suffered much during the war. After losing most of their farmlands and sources of fuel, the remaining loyalists have suffered from famine and lack of resources since the civil war. Still, their loyalty remains unbroken, and all of them would rather die than to let a filthy traitor take even an inch of ground more. With the help of their Twin Guard allies, the Steel Striders are slowly gathering their strength, biding their time until they will reclaim Neter once again.

Fox mere
The ancient homeland of the Scarlet Dawn, now scorched and blasted by the cataclysmic destruction of the Devil’s Curse.
A behemothic flying fortress constructed centuries ago to fight in the Old War. The Scarlet Dawn’s vanguard fleet stood no chance, mere hours after the Curse emerged from the Dreadfog, the entire fleet was reduced to ashes. The victory was however, short lived, as shortly after a huge meteor, came crashing down onto the Curse. The explosion could be heard from the Cold Lock highlands, and in mere moments the once pristine jungles of Fox mere were turned into smouldering, carbonised wastes. If the war continues, could all of neter one day look like this?
スカーレットドーンの古代の故郷は、Devil's Curse - 悪魔の呪いの大破壊によって、今では焦土と化していました。スカーレットドーンの前衛艦隊に勝ち目はなく、悪魔の呪いがドレッドフォッグから出現してからわずか数時間後には、全艦隊が灰燼に帰しました。しかし、その勝利も束の間、巨大な流星が「呪い」の上に落下してきました。その爆発音はコールドロッホ高地からも聞こえ、一瞬にしてフォックスメアの原始的なジャングルは炭化して燃え尽きた荒野と化しました。このまま戦争が続けば、ネター全土がこのようになる日が来るのでしょうか。

QfNとRiver Rat

QfNの舞台は灰塵戦争終結直後の惑星Neter。Rambots(Remote Aid Mobile Bot suit)を操作しNeterに蔓延る8つの勢力のHQを破壊するのが目的です。


ようするにRiver Ratの母親をさらった男Rugerは実は父親で、Captain Salに騙され目の前で惨殺された。
それにRiver Ratは復讐を誓い、SalだけでなくDWGを滅ぼすことを決めた...という内容。
若干内容に齟齬があるものの、Story Missionでも大体似たような感じで