Gnomon School 講演資料

Last-modified: 2023-02-07 (火) 22:07:49

Gnomon School「The Art of Sky: Children of the Light」(英語)


Cecil:When we design our game we always look at these three things(画面に「Timeless・Positive emotional experience・All ages(後で下に「Develop timeless interactive entertainment that connects players worldwide through positive emotional experience and appealing to all ages(非公式和訳:ポジティブな感情的体験を通じて世界中のプレーヤーを結びつけ、あらゆる年齢層にアピールする、時代を超越したインタラクティブ・エンターテイメントを開発する)」)」と表示される) as a starting point. We always go back to the drawing board and keep reminding ourselves these are core pillars. You need to have a strong pillars to have your base for your game.Timeless classic, this is whether it's a visual style or the message or story you want to try to convey to your game, even extend to a music score, we always wanted to have a game that can stand alone besides whatever going outside the world. This is very important point. And then secondly our games are designed to bring more positive emotional experience every human being has. This is also quite challenging because there are enough games out there fulfill our wild nature comparative nature in the guns and explosions and little wars and stuff, so when we really stripped down all these things exciting things about game play we pretty much left with pretty basic human emotion. So that automatically touches upon third pillar which is like our game has to be accessible to all ages. Whether you're a young kid or you're an old grandma, they should be able to pick up a game easily. An entry barrier, I'm talking about learning curve needs to be very moderate. This is very important message for us for you, because, TGC will, our company will continue to make games with this core philosophy and that's what separates us and this philosophy is also pretty much you're going to answer why we did certain things in a certain way if you remember these things and you can see why our games are feel a certain way and place certain ways.

Yui:We ended up splitting our levels into six big major sections and then within those six levels we came up with three basic themes to skin over. One is a time of a day, another is a human life and then last is a progression of civilization. What do I mean by that is, time of day is pretty straight forward, each levels are based setting on a time of the day. First level is dawn. The Sun is just right about to rise. Second level is day when the Sun is up high and the bright light is hitting you and everything's warm and happy. Rain is rainy level. And then sunset. The Sun is about to set it's a golden hour everything is pretty and gorgeous and juicy. And then dusk is when the Sun is setting, and you are losing the sunlight things that are looking scary and dark. And then in the night. The Sun has already set and it's time for you to reflect on all the experiences you had in the day, and then to expect that new day to come. The night is a special moment where like you lost the light but you're expecting another light to come. This is a cool time of the day. As you can see we mapped a time of day to each of the six levels. There are more levels to come after this but I'm just going to talk about the basic six.
So on top of this another layer of theme we're placing is a human life so similar to a time of day, we are also mapping a human life as a theme across these six levels. Dawn level, it has a secondary theme of a birth. It's a time when you're just born into the world. And then the second level is a childhood. You're a little kid running around happy. Everything is cool, everything is nice to you, bright, great. And then comes to your teenage, emo moment of the life. You're about to grow out of the childhood. You're not as big as adult, not as capable as adult here so your emotion is so complex. I think this maps pretty well with the environment of rain like it's cold, it can be scary, it can be lonely but also could be cozy and there's like interesting mixture of emotion. And then when your life is at the peak when you're mature and everything is great. You're capable physically and mentally. You have resources. You have money. This is the time when you're like at the prime time of the life and it maps pretty well with the sunset. And then after that phase is over, it comes the midlife crisis where you're aging and this is starting to become a real sound in your brain and you're gonna face challenges and you're gonna start to to see the negative sides of the world and you're gonna start to lose a health. It's a difficult time of the life.And then after you've gone through that and you've accepted your own death, you reach old age where you are somewhat enlightened. You are prepared to die, you are looking back at the life and you're accepting everything you've done then preparing yourself for the coming generation what you can offer.
(中略)This theme can apply into shape languages and colors and lighting's in the birth it's pretty obvious that the Sun is about to rise it's very hopeful you're gonna fly into the light. Everything is mysterious. And then in the childhood, everything is round and soft and welcoming warm. And rain level is cold everything is rigid but there's also warm pockets. Sunset is all about directionality. Everything is dynamic and powerful in exciting and lighting is a strong and vibrant. Midlife crisis, the dusk is obviously lacking light, and dark, and difficult, and there are more challenges to overcome.
I want to share about the the human life theme is that we apply this theme into what we call elders. It's like the boss or the the final guiding figure to each levels. This concept is actually slightly outdated but this describes what I'm talking about pretty well. We're using a theme to as a inspiration to design these characters. Obviously we want each of the characters to look unique to each other but how do we determine the shape and the characteristic and what we come up with is that. What does a baby see an adult like? What's an adult look like from a baby's perspective? So a very first elder is a super tall old man. Compared to a baby, all the adults are old and giant and this is the guiding figure who leads you into the journey. And then when you're a child all the adults are big and fluffy and playful and warm welcoming. So this guy is a chubby giant. This guy's actually one of my favorite.Because these are guiding figures we try to get more positive side of humanity, so when you're in teenage adults are slightly more capable than you are. So this is like inspired by what we call the cool and there's like a slightly older on who's always capable and more knowledgeable than you are and but she's cool and sometimes not, sometimes can be mean. And then sunset is when you're at the prime. When you're at the prime all the adults around you are your competitors. So these are like two twins who are always competing to each other and we also challenge you to compete. And then dusk is the moment when you feel the loss. So we try to characterize this guy as soldier who has lost in pain now who used to be strong but now suffering. And then in the night you're more neutral or enlighten a little so you there's not as much characteristic but it's more serene.
Lastly the theme that we applied through the levels is the civilization. So it's also similar to human life. This is a life of a civilization. So dawn is the level where everything is primitive. Things have just established. So all the elements you see in dawn level are supposedly primitive. It's like a stone carved things and there's no technology. Day is a level where civilization is still living in harmony with nature. So everything is living well with the green and creatures. Rain is where the industrialization just has begun. So you're going to start to see more development of technology. And then sunset is at the peak of the civilization. So you see more they're using abundant resources and hoarding a lot of things and building lots of things and having fun. And then dusk is when you did it too much and then now the civilization is a falling. And then night is after the civilizations fall people gather whatever they can and try to survive or try to leave something behind for the coming generation.

Yui:This is one of the early prototypes. We did realize that even though this looks pretty cool it's not a feeling design for our game because our game is about human connection. It's about player connection so yourself looking cool and awesome and strong heroic is not the point of this game. So even though this looks pretty cool we've decided that this is not the point of our game. So we dialed back in the coolness and try to design a more mundane a child.
(中略)This was a game about flight so this character will be flying and we wanted these characters to be our children. So with all these options ultimately we came down to defining these character as a more humble design where there's nothing too special going on about this character. It's not about how quote this character looks but it's more about the experience you get through interaction with other players you meet and it is also crucial that these characters look there's no harm in the visual of these characters at all because encountering another character in our game should mean positive. We cannot hint that this other player is gonna start shooting me or start punching me or harassing me. So the design of this character should feel rather mundane maybe you have been boring but safe.
This is a phase where we're debating whether we should have a face on these characters or not. Face is very relatable but we ended up deciding not to make a face on these characters because having a face means this face is gonna have to have an expression otherwise it's gonna look like a robot but having an expression means it needs to have the source of the expression but in a game characters are supposed to be, you're supposed to be you. So you need to be, able to be the source of the expression but there's no way we're gonna be able to know this. So we're gonna end up having these characters to be smiling while you don't feel like smiling. Then it's not going to represent you. So with this we decided not to go too specific with the face.
(中略)So in the end we're coming close to this is a later half of the development where we decided like maybe a mask can be a good way to mediate between like having a face but not having a face. So the mask itself can be a mean to express yourself. You can choose to wear a mask to represent your emotion without having the computer to tell you're having this face at the moment.
We were also pretty sure that we're gonna have on NPC characters and by then we were pretty clear that our color of the NPCs are to be kept in a blue hue so the only warm element in the game should be the character. The character is the one who spreads the light. Each charactor should feel the warmest. So the warm color is a kept for the player characters and that color makes that mundane character special in this world.
Another important aspect of our character design is that character is supposed to feel small in a huge world. This is so that you're not a hero. You're not destroying anything. You're not killing anything. You are just surviving. And being small in a large world means encountering another kind like you make you feel positive. I just found another one like me. It must mean something positive because you're both trying to survive in this big world. So the character design is a kept to be children, kept to be small, kept to be minimal, kept to be humble. And the world is supposed to feel much bigger than you. It's bigger than you can handle by yourself.
And this is where it came to be in the in the current game. I don't think this is perfect design yet but this is where things are at now and the Sky is a living game so we're gonna continue to make improvements in the game as we hear more from the fans and get feedbacks but this design so far working pretty well.
One of the challenges we still have with this simple mundane character is that because this is an online multiplayer game you still want to express yourself, you still wanna have fun with how you dress yourself and this is a very difficult balance to make. We do want to restrict the design so that we have a more control over really how everybody looks within the world but we still want players to have fun expressing themselves.
(中略)We don't want people to be defining specific groups of people from the real world in the world of Sky because we want everybody in the Sky to be a Sky children. So we keep the color of the the hair and skin to be neutral. So you can still express yourself and feel like you're designing your own character but there's no gender. Gender is the difficult one but we're trying to keep gender as neutral as possible and race nationality as neutral as possible. So everybody's in the equal field and everybody's looking like a one race where they're trying to have fun or survive together.