- レベル25
「Well hello there, warrior! How are you? Doing good? Listen, I've got an unusual task to do, Mechanic asked me to make one special thing for his home, and this "thing" is such a complicated one that it requires some advanced electronics. And there's no place in the city where these things could be found, damn it. But there are rumors that somewhere around here is the TerraGroup laboratory. It might have the details we need. The Laboratory is too dangerous to send you there alone, but at least bring me the access cards. Will you help? And yes, the cards should be new, not the ones you could just buy from those shady traders.」
「You got them? Good work, fellow. Now we just have to figure out how to find this laboratory. Well, I'll deal with this matter myself, don't worry.」
- TerraGroup Labs access keycardをレイド内で2枚見つける。
- 引き渡す。
アイコン | アイテム名 | 必要な数 | 要求事項 | FiR | 備考 |
TerraGroup Labs access keycard | 2 | 引き渡す | 必要 | - |
- 経験値+18,000
- Jaeger親密度+0.02
- 資金+40,000₽
- 資金42,000₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 1
- 資金46,000₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 2
- 「Remington Model 700 7.62x51 bolt-action sniper rifle AAC SD」 x1
- 「FORT Redut-M body armor」 x1
- キャビネット(低確率)、プレイヤー・NPCSCAV(低確率)、SCAVボス(高確率)、護衛SCAV(中程度)、レイダー(中程度)など。
- 特にSCAVBOSSのポケットに高確率で入っているので、簡単に回れる「Tagilla」を狙ってみるのがいいだろう。
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