Jaeger/The Huntsman Path - Secured Perimeter

Last-modified: 2024-07-26 (金) 22:00:58



  • 無し



「Well, fighter, it's time to start cleaning Tarkov from all this trash. You and I have come a long way and you still have a lot to learn. Well then, let's start with the area of ​​the chemical plant? A lot of useful things were being produced there, I had been working there for half a year as the security chief until the TerraGroup arrived. Since then, weird shit started happening there, I'm telling you, they gave up on producing cleaners and went on for something different, something dark. And as the lawlessness began and they left, the marauders began tearing the factory apart. It's sad to see it like this, I still remember every nook and cranny there. Long story short, it’s wrong. So go teach the bandits a lesson. If something useful still remains there, it would definitely be in the office area, you won’t miss it. Make the looters forget the way there, at least for a while.」


「Good job! Of course, there is enough scum in Tarkov, others will come for sure. But at least they will think twice before tearing the place apart.」


  • FACTORYのオフィス内でPMCを6人倒す。


  • 経験値+5,900
  • Jaeger親密度+0.02
  • 資金+35,000₽
    • 資金38,850₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 1
    • 資金42,550₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 2
  • Pliers Elite」 x2
  • Toolset」 x1
  • Nippers」 x2
  • Corrugated hose」 x2


  • 三階建ての1階、2階のロッカールームと3階のオフィス部屋、階段や踊り場にいる敵のキルのみがカウントされる。
    • 自身は3階や2階、敵が1階の地面(ゲート0や薬品タンクのある広場、ゲート3の方面などを見下ろすような位置)にいて撃ち下ろすような条件ではカウントされない。




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