Gas Powered Automail Forearm

Last-modified: 2024-03-24 (日) 15:50:47

名称 Gas Powered Automail Forearm

読み: ガス・パワード・オートメイル・フォアアーム   略称:    意訳: ガス駆動式オートメイル前腕部


Set Gloves
42 - 55

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
* +[626 - 750] Strength
* +[626 - 750] Dexterity
* +[626 - 750] Intelligence


Critical Hit Chance Increased by [8.0 - 10.0]%


+4 Random Magic Properties


Gears of Dreadlands
Antique Vintage Boots
Cold Cathode Trousers
Dystopian Goggles
Galvanized Vest
Gas Powered Automail Forearm
Mechanical Pauldrons


(2) Set:
Gain 4 seconds of Momentum when attacking with a Primary skill, at a maximum duration of 20 seconds. This duration begins counting down after a delay of 5 seconds after each application. Your Primary skills deal 10% increased damage per second of Momentum.

(4) Set:
Strafing against enemies will automatically shoot your last used primary skill, and also give 60% damage reduction while strafing and for 5 seconds after. While Strafing, you gain 8% increased movement speed for each second of Momentum.

(6) Set:
Your primary skills deal 27,500% increased damage.


“These can augment the wearer's fighting strength by providing greater power and motion with their arms. However, this may ache the joints whenever it gets cold."


Crit Chanceが確定しているので、Crit Damageも狙いたい。
クラス自体の傾向としてCooldown Reductionはそれほど高い値を要求しないのでArea Damage優先。
Flavor Textによれば寒冷地で使うと関節痛を伴うらしいが、ゲーム中での性能としては他セットのGloveと全く変わり無く、当然ながら装備者がダメージを負うタイプのデメリットも無い。

