Cold Cathode Trousers

Last-modified: 2024-03-25 (月) 22:23:43

名称 Cold Cathode Trousers

読み: コールド・カソード・トラウザーズ   略称:    意訳: 冷陰極のズボン


Set Pants
33 - 37

One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
* +[416 - 500] Dexterity
* +[416 - 500] Intelligence
* +[416 - 500] Strength


Sockets (2)


+4 Random Magic Properties


Gears of Dreadlands
Antique Vintage Boots
Cold Cathode Trousers
Dystopian Goggles
Galvanized Vest
Gas Powered Automail Forearm
Mechanical Pauldrons


(2) Set:
Gain 4 seconds of Momentum when attacking with a Primary skill, at a maximum duration of 20 seconds. This duration begins counting down after a delay of 5 seconds after each application. Your Primary skills deal 10% increased damage per second of Momentum.

(4) Set:
Strafing against enemies will automatically shoot your last used primary skill, and also give 60% damage reduction while strafing and for 5 seconds after. While Strafing, you gain 8% increased movement speed for each second of Momentum.

(6) Set:
Your primary skills deal 27,500% increased damage.


“These trousers were originally created to handle vertical maneuvering in the air. However the equipment to accommodate this never came to fruition."


GoD DHは実質Generatorビルドなので、この部位にはダメージボーナスが欲しい。
DEX・Vit/All Resist・Socketと防御的なmodに主砲 +15%が理想的。



  • フレーバーテキスト見て今更思ったけど、これもしかして進撃の巨人ネタじゃないだろうか?垂直操縦って立体機動のことでは… -- 2024-03-25 (月) 08:58:41
  • 無くはないかもですね。どう見てもX-MENなLogan's Clawとか、どう見てもSharknado(B級サメ映画)の影響受けてるPrannhas/Piranadoとか色々ネタが入ってるゲームなので。 -- 2024-03-25 (月) 22:23:43