Arachyr's Stride

Last-modified: 2022-02-09 (水) 01:01:09


読み:   略称:   意訳:


Set Boots
30 - 34

+[416 - 500] Vitality
One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
* +[416 - 500] Dexterity
* +[416 - 500] Intelligence
* +[416 - 500] Strength


+4 Random Magic Properties


Spirit of Arachyr
Arachyr's Carapace
Arachyr's Claws
Arachyr's Legs
Arachyr's Mantle
Arachyr's Stride
Arachyr's Visage


(2) Set:
Summon a permanent Spider Queen connected to you by an infested thread. Enemies caught in the thread are infested. Corpse Spiders attacks against infested enemies inflict the same damage to all infested enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders. Corpse Spiders now spawns with health.

(4) Set:
The Spider Queen now leaves behind webs that lasts for 15 seconds and slows enemies. Infested enemies remain infested while on the web. You take 75% reduced damage while in the web and for 4 second after.

(6) Set:
The damage of your creature skills is increased by 25,000%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm, Hex, and Piranhas.


“Contrary to popular belief, his actions are not capricious or spiteful - they always have a purpose. And that purpose is simply to amuse him.” -The Tomes of Creation


(2) Set:
 Summon a permanent Spider Queen connected to you by an 
infested thread. Enemies caught in the thread are infested.
Corpse Spiders attacks against infested enemies inflict
the same damage to all infested enemies.
The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast
your Corpse Spiders. Corpse Spiders now spawns with health.

時間制限無しのSpider Queenを召喚する。
自分とSpider Queenの間に糸が張られ、糸に絡まった敵は全てCorpse Spidersからのダメージを受ける。
Spider QueenはCorpse Spidersを詠唱した地点へと移動する。
Corpse Spidersにライフが付く。

(4) Set:
 The Spider Queen now leaves behind webs that lasts for 15 
seconds and slows enemies. Infested enemies remain infested
while on the web. You take 75% reduced damage while in the
web and for 4 second after.

Spider Queenは敵の移動速度を低下させるクモの巣を残す。

(6) Set:
 The damage of your creature skills is increased by 25,000%. 
Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats,
Locust Swarm, Hex, and Piranhas.



