
Last-modified: 2023-07-18 (火) 00:36:45







  • Rockstar[トレート]
    • 新規:ヒロイックアビリティを使用すると60アーマーを2秒間得る


  • Lv1
    • Guitar Hero [E]
      • 通常攻撃による回復が50%から60%に上昇しました。
  • Lv4
    • Crowd Surfer [Q]
      • クールダウンの短縮が5秒から7秒に上昇しました。
    • Speed Metal [Trait]
      • 効果時間が2秒から2.5秒に上昇しました。
  • Lv7
    • Hammer-on [E]
      • ダメージボーナスが30%から35%に上昇しました。
    • Echo Pedal [パッシブ]
      • ダメージが15から18に上昇しました。
      • PvEのダメージボーナスが250%から200%に減少しました。
  • Lv10
    • Stage Dive [R2]
      • マナコストが100から70に減少しました。
      • スローの効果時間が3秒から4秒に上昇しました。

開発者コメント: E.T.Cはアルティメットの強さが売りでしたが、最近は強くなくなっていたので彼の全体的な強さを変更するのではなく、Stage Diveやトレートに変更を加えることにしました。




  • 体力
    • HPが2375から2275に減少しました。
    • HP回復量が4.95から4.74に減少しました。
  • Rock-it Turret [Q]
    • ダメージが38から36に減少しました。
  • Deth Lazor [W]
    • ダメージが180から175に減少しました。





Feral Spirit [W]
Mana cost reduced from 60 to 40.

Level 1
Echo of the Elements [Q]
Mana cost reduction increased from 15 to 20.
Level 4
Feral Resilience [W]
Frostwolf Resilience stacks increased from 3 to 4.
Level 13
Frostwolf's Grace [D]
Changed functionality: Frostwolf Resilience can be activated to instantly heal. This healing is increased by up to 100% based on Thrall's missing health.
Spirit Shield [Active]
Spell Armor duration increased from 2.5 to 4 seconds.
Level 20
(New) Elemental Momentum [Passive]
Basic Attacks reduce Basic and Heroic Ability cooldowns by 0.25 seconds, doubled against Heroes.
Developer Comment: Thrall has begun to struggle in solo lane matchups, often unable to sustain himself after trading blows. We feel his Mana costs are too high due his reliance on frequently casting abilities to charge Frostwolf Resilience, even if choosing to learn Mana Tide. There seems to be a demand for a strong auto attack talent at 20, with many Thralls choosing Nexus Blades, so we're adding Elemental Momentum to keep the tier exciting.




Level 1
Feel the Heat [Trait]
Additional functionality: While above 40 Energy, Zarya’s Basic Attack size is increased by 35%.
Level 4
I Am the Strongest [W]
Additional functionality: Damage absorbed by Zarya’s Shields contributes 20% more energy.
Level 7
Hit Me [Trait]
To the Limit [Passive]
(New) Deep Burn [Q]
Basic Attacks against Heroes hit by Particle Grenade in the last 3 seconds generate 1 Energy.
Level 10
Graviton Surge [R2]
Additional functionality: Deals 30 damage a second to affected enemies.
Developer Comment: Zarya's Basic Attack build is underperforming compared to her other options, so we're consolidating a few talents and giving her a new one in the form of Deep Burn. Historically, even slight buffs to Zarya have had a huge impact on her efficacy, so we're making light touches this time around. We'll be keeping a close eye on her performance and making more adjustments in the future if needed.




Level 1
Contact Healing [W]
Additional functionality: Biotic Grenade deals 30% additional damage per Hero hit.
Vampiric Rounds [Trait]
Stacking 5 Doses bonus Shrike healing increased from .75% to 1%.
Level 4
Biotic Enhancements [W]
Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Debilitating Dart [Active]
Additional functionality: If no Heroes are hit, reduce its cooldown by 8 seconds.
Level 16
Sharpshooter [Q]
Additional functionality: Bonus healing increased by 35% while at maximum stacks.
Concentrated Doses [Q]
Bonus healing increased from 10% to 12%.
Level 20
Deadeye [R2]
Bonus damage and healing per Hero hit increased from 4% to 5%.
Developer Comment: Ana has a grouping of talents that are becoming more and more popular, so we're helping their competitors. We hope Sharpshooter's additional functionality lets the best snipers truly shine.




Health reduced from 1450 to 1425.
Health regeneration reduced from 3.02 to 2.97.
Soothing Mist [Trait]
Heal amount reduced from 115 to 110.
Activation cooldown reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
開発者コメント:このフレンドリーなドラゴンは勝率が少し高かったので、 初期のステータスを下げることで他のヒーラーとのバランスを取りました。


Li Li(リリ)


Healing Brew [Q]
Missile speed increased by 20%.
Blinding Wind [E]
Missile speed increased by 20%.

Level 7
Let’s Go! [Active]
Range increased from 6 to 7.5.
開発者コメント: リリは肩を強くすることに挑戦し、スキルの確実性を少し上げることに成功しました。




Level 1
Fetid Touch [W]
Slow amount of Basic Attacks increased from 15% to 20%.
Reduction of Basic Attack damage while in Ranged Mode from 50% to 40%.
Reactive Ballistospores [W]
Search range of Talent activation reduced by 20%.
Bio-Kill Switch cooldown reduction while below 50% Health reduced from 150% to 100%.
Cooldown increased from 60 to 75 seconds.
Low Blow [E]
Bonus damage to Heroes below 50% Health increased from 100% to 125%.
Level 13
It Hungers [E]
Bonus cast range increased from 20 to 30%.
Hero damage instances needed to proc cooldown reduction and Mana refund decreased from 8 to 6.
Level 16
Universal Carrier [Q]
Healing Pathogen Healing reduction decreased from 40% to 25%.
Superstrain [Q]
Healing from being Stunned or Rooted increased from 250 to 300.
Developer Comment: Reactive Ballistospores is just too strong in its current form, completely dominating his tier 1 choices. We are making some adjustments to it in order to help level out the talent tier while also buffing some other under-performing Talents throughout his tree.




Vault of the Wardens [D]
Additional functionality: After reaching level 20, gain an additional charge.

Level 4
Pin Down [Q]
First quest reward damage bonus increased from 25% to 35%.
Level 7
Bonds of Corruption [W]
Armor reduction increased from 10 to 15.
Slow amount increased from 20% to 25%.
Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
Level 10
Containment Disc [R1]
Additional functionality: Heroes leaving Containment are Silenced for 1.5 seconds.
Level 16
Armored Assault [Passive]
Physical damage bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
Developer Comment: It can be hard for Maiev to outmaneuver her opponents late in the game, so we're excited to see what Maiev players will do with an extra charge of Vault of the Wardens. This is also the first time we're adding new functionality through a level unlock rather than converting a baseline quest or popular talent, so we're interested in your feedback. Additionally, Containment Disc has fallen quite a bit behind Warden's Cage at all levels of play, so we're adding a Silence to further isolate targets and to interrupt big moments.




Health increased from 1520 to 1595.
Health regeneration increased from 3.17 to 3.32.
Gravity Lapse [E]
Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds.

Level 4
Energy Roil [E]
Cooldown reduction for hitting and enemy Heroes reduced from 9 to 8 seconds.
Mana Tap [Trait]
Mana restore from activating Verdant Spheres increased from 4% to 5%.
Level 10
Phoenix [R1]
Damage increased from 78 to 84.
Splash damage increased from 39 to 42.
開発者コメント: 初期ステータスを変更し生存能力を上げ、性能の低かったタレントを強化しました。




Health increased from 1445 to 1490.
Health regeneration increased from 3.01 to 3.10.
Glacial Spike [1]
Damage increased from 60 to 70.

Level 7
Ice Cold [1]
Bonus cooldown reduction increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
Level 13
Icy Grasp [W]
Bonus cooldown reduction per Basic Attack increased from .5 to .75 seconds.
Developer Comment: ケイルサスと同様に、ケルスザードは環境的に氷河期にいたようです。初期ステータスを変更し生存能力を上げ、性能の低かったタレントを強化しました。




Plague of Toads [E]
Damage over 6 seconds increased from 119 to 125.

Level 1
Widowmakers [Q]
Slow amount decreased from 30% to 25%.
Slow duration decreased from 1.5 to 1 second.
Quest reward bonus damage decreased from 30% to 25%.
Pandemic [E]
Heroes needed to be hit to unlock Tier 1 quest reward decreased from 40 to 35.
Heroes needed to be hit to unlock Tier 2 quest reward decreased from 80 to 70.
Level 4
Blood Ritual [Trait]
Bonus Voodoo Ritual stacks per takedown decreased from 5 to 3.
Level 13
Guardian Toads [E]
Armor duration per Hero hit increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Level 16
Spider Colony [Q]
Cooldown reduction for Plague of Toads and Zombie Wall reduced from .25 to .125 seconds.
Developer Comment: The entire team has become extremely arachnophobic lately, and we believe its directly due to Nazeebo. We are trying to exterminate a few of the unholy critters while at the same time show his less bite-happy toads some love.




Multishot [W]
Damage decreased from 165 to 159.
Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds.

Level 1
Puncturing Arrow [Q]
Damage per enemy Hero hit decreased from 7 to 6.
Creed of the Hunter [Trait]
Maximum bonus damage from Basic Attacking enemy Heroes increased from 5% to 6%.
Gambit Attack Speed increased from 20 to 25%.
Developer Comment: While Multishot is actually being slightly outperformed by Hungering Arrow builds, we feel like its still too powerful for how safe of an option it is. We would also like to see a bit more auto-attack focused builds so we are going to start slowly increasing the strength of some of those Talents, starting with Creed of the Hunter.




Health increased from 1500 to 1550.
Health regeneration increased from 3.12 to 3.23.

Level 20
Broodmother [Q]
Additional functionality: Gain 20% bonus Attack Speed.
Developer Comment: 前に行った体力の減少はザガラにとって厳しすぎたため、少し緩和しました。レベル20タレントのBroodmotherは他のタレントに劣っていたため、少しスパイスを加えました。




Stage Dive.を発動後トレート「Rockstar」が発動するよう修正