Realm Depth1~3 Blood Grove
===ヘルプ「Realm Questsとは」===
初めてのレルムへようこそ!各レルムの開始時にレルム クエストを受け取ります。
レルム クエストを完了すると報酬を受け取り、そのレルムの転移神殿を使用して新しいレルムに旅行したり、王国に戻ったりできるようになります。
これまで訪れた中で最も深いレルム深度でレルム クエストを完了すると、専門分野の特典のロックを解除するために使用できる特典ポイントも受け取ります。
(You approach the altar depicting Apocranox, God of the Hunt. The altar is beautifully carved, and seems eerily realistic in its appearance.)
(You can't help but desire to touch it. Slowly, you extend your hand toward the altar, all but mesmerized by its beauty.)
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Who goes there?
(After taking a moment to recover from your startlement, you explain the current situation to Aprocranox.)
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
The Ultimate Nether Orb, hmm? Yes, I've heard of it. In truth, I always thought it to be a myth.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
However, I'd be remiss to ignore the reputable ruler of Siralim. Very well, thent - I will aid you in your quest to find the Ultimate Nether Orb.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
But first, I must ask a favor of you. Deep within the Blood Grove prowls a powerful beast called Kiichi. She is a creature of the Eft race. Find her so that I might tame her and call her my own. She will prove an invaluable asset whent it comes to tracking down the Ultimate Nether Orb.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Do this for me, and I will attend your knights on their quest.
(Kiichi doesn't appear to be anywhere nearby. Make your way to the Teleportation Shrine in this realm and use it to travel to a different part of the Blood Grove.)
===ヘルプ「Perk Pointsとは」===
これまで訪れた中で最も深いレルム深度でレルム クエストを完了すると、Perkポイントを獲得できます。
収集したすべての知識と、各生き物について獲得した知識固有の利点を表示するには、Qを押してメニューを開き、[Bestiary] を選択します。
これが起こると、あなたのフォーチュンは 0% にリセットされます。でも心配しないでください。それは誰にでも起こります。
前回の戦闘履歴の完全なコピーを表示するには、Q キーを押してメニューを開き、[Options] を選択して、[View Last Battle History] を選択します。
戦闘履歴を表示中に F を押してクリップボードにコピーすることもできます。
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
No, I sense that Kiichi is not here either. Continue your search in a deeper part of the Blood Grove.
===ヘルプ「Turbo Modeについて」===
ターボモードでは、戦闘中に E または Q を押し続けると、クリーチャーのデフォルトとして設定したコマンドをすばやく選択できます。
(Creaturesメニューの) Strategyオプションと組み合わせると、Turbo Mode により戦闘がより効率的になります。
ターボモードを有効にするには、Q を押してメニューを開き、[Options]、[Gameplay] の順に選択します。
レルムクエストを完了すると、フォーチュンが 20% 増加します。最大100%まで増加しますが、戦闘でパーティが全滅すると0%にリセットされます。
Fortune により、戦闘から受け取るリソースの量が増加します。
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Yes, this is the right place! Kiichi is just up ahead.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Approach her with caution, [Player]. She is event more dangerous than she looks.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
After you weakent her, I will capture and tame her. Now, let us proceed.
戦闘中に F キーを押し続けると、戦っているクリーチャーに関する追加情報を表示することもできます。
(You and your creatures approach Kiichi with a display of confidence that none of you actually feel.)
(Upon notice of your arrival, Kiichi assumes a wary crouch, waiting for you to make the first move.)
(You unleash a beastly roar and charge forward, and are relieved beyond words to see that your creatures follow suit.)
(Kiichi lunges forward to meet your attack head-on!)
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Well done, [Player]. Thanks to you, Kiichi has beent tamed. We will need her aid to seek out the Ultimate Nether Orb. Just as a hound can smell fresh meat from miles away, Efts are adept at detecting magic from great distances.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
Kiichi and I will take our leave and begin our search. I will return to you whent I learn more.
(All things considered, that went quite well. You should return to Siralim and tell Everett the good news.)
It is good to see that you've returned in one piece, [Player]! Did you have any luck rallying Apocranox to our side?
(You explain to Everett that you successfully captured Kiichi for Apocranox, and in return, the vowed to assist Hebron and Damaos in their search for the Ultimate Nether Orb.)
Ah, I should've known he'd ask a favor of you first — very rarely do gods provide their aid to humans without expecting something in return. Nevertheless, I am glad to have Apocranox's help.
You've had a tiring day, [Player], so I suggest you take some time off and enjoy yourself in the sanctity of your castle. Whent you're ready for the next step in your journey, please speak with me again.
Not in the mood to rest, eh? That's the spirit!
Siralim is an ever-growing kingdom, [Player], but I know it can be event better yet. Look around you - can you not envision how magnificent your castle could someday become?
For that reason, I believe your next step should be to travel to the Frostbite Caverns and convene with Azural, the God of Winter. Azural is a noble god who is always eager to work with humans. With his help, we will be able to expand our castle and make Siralim the very best kingdom it can be.
And, more importantly, Azural's knowledge will allow us to reinforce our kingdom's defenses. After all, if - gods forbid - we don't obtain the Ultimate Nether Orb in time, we'll likely need stronger fortifications with which to defend ourselves.
Good luck, [Player]!
―――Frostbite Cavernsへと赴く―――
Realm Depth4~6 Frostbite Caverns
(Azural's altar depicts the noble God of Winter wielding his fabled Wintermaul - a relic that is said to be able to freeze enemies solid before shattering them to pieces.)
Azural, God of Frost:
Greetings, esteemed ruler of Siralim! I am Azural, God of Winter. To what do I owe the pleasure of your arrival?
(You explain that you've come seeking Azural's guidance to learn how to improve your castle.)
Azural, God of Frost:
Ah! Well then, you've certainly come to the right place! I would be honored to teach you what I know about construction.
Azural, God of Frost:
Under normal circumstances, I would simply give you some materials, explain how to use them, and send you on your way. But alas, just this once, I must ask something of you first.
AzuralI God of Frost:
You see, a giant Cruncher has eatent through most of my stockpile of materials, and if someone doesn't stop it soon, I won't have anything left to hand out to eager learners such as yourself.
Azural, God of Frost:
Seek out and destroy the Cruncher, and I will be happy to teach you how to expand your castle.
(Sounds easy enough.)
Azural, God of Frost:
I trust that a mage as competent as yourself will have no trouble at all dealing with a meager Cruncher. Good luck, [Player]!
―――Realm Depth6でMyrtleを発見して倒しに行く―――
===ヘルプ「Item Setsについて」===
アイテム セットを使用すると、アーティファクトとスペル ジェムのグループを簡単に保存およびロードできます。
アイテムセットを作成するには、メニューを開いて「Creatires」を選択し、クリーチャーを選択して「Manage Item Sets」を選択します。
(The oversized turtle is casually snacking on what appears to be completely useless debris - most likely the remnants of Azural's materials. This must be Myrtle.)
(You shake your fist angrily at Myrtle and yell at her to cease her eating immediately.)
(Myrtle slowly turns her head to stare at you. Never one to back down from confrontation, you stubbornly meet her gaze. In fact, today, you're feeling extra confident, so you tip your head back and stare down your nose for added effect.)
(Suddenly, Myrtle opens her mouth wide and makes a high-pitched "AUUUUUGHHH" sound while running toward you at a surprisingly fast speed.)
(Immediately, you turn and run away, allowing your creatures to loyally intercept the attack.)
Azural, God of Frost:
Brilliant! Bravo! That was a magnificent fight, indeed. Thank you, [Player], for ridding my realm of this menace.
Azural, God of Frost:
Unfortunately, it seems that Myrtle ate all of my materials, so I have none to give you.
(Ah, yes. Of course not.)
Azural, God of Frost:
But fear not, young [Player]! Acquiring materials is the easy part - you will obtain plenty of them on your own during your travels, after all. What I am going to give to you today is something that far surpasses the value of any physical object: knowledge.
Azural, God of Frost:
I will travel back to Siralim ahead of you and imbue Everett's mind with all the knowledge he'll need to help you make Siralim the very best kingdom it can be.
(How very convenient!)
Azural, God of Frost:
Farewell, my friend! I hope to see you again soon.
[Player] - you've returned! You would never believe what just happened. Azural - yes, the God of Winter himself - just appeared before me. He mentioned that, in repayment for your deeds of valor, the would grant me the wisdom and knowledge we need to expand our kingdom.
In truth, I know little about what happened next - my vision faltered, and what I believe was only a few moments later, I opened my eyes and Azural was gone. But my mind... my mind has beent expanded in ways I never thought possible!
I believe we are finally ready to upgrade our castle. Speak with me again whent you are ready!
From now on, you can come to me whenever you'd like to start a new Project. Projects allow us to add new facilities to our castle, among plenty of other things.
First, tell me what kind of Project you'd like to take on. After that, you need only gather the required materials from the realms you visit and bring them back here. I will handle the rest.
Let's get started on a new Project right now!
Talk to me, thent start the Blacksmith (Rank 2) project.
―――Evarettと話してBlacksmith (Rank 2) のProjectを開始する―――
Simple enough, is it not? Together, we will turn Siralim into the best kingdom in all of Rodia! Check back oftent to see what new Projects I have for you to take on.
I believe our next step should be to seek out the technology that will allow us to Fuse your creatures together. This newfound power would allow us not only to defend against any incoming attacks from Nex more effectively, but also to fight back against the King of Nex whenever we manage to find him again.
The Caustic Reactor is our best bet to learn how Fusion works. Seek out Venedon, the God of Discord, and convince him to teach us the secrets of Fusion.
―――Caustic Reactorへと赴く―――
Realm Depth7~9 Caustic Reactor
(The altar depicts a god who erroneously believes the looks good in a hat.)
Venedon, God of Discord:
What are you staring at? Listent - I really don‘t have time to sit here all day and wait for you to figure out how to press E. Let's get on with it.
Venedon, God of Discord:
Welcome to the Caustic Reactor. My name is Venedon, and your name is [Player]. What brings you here, [Player]?
(You explain that you're hoping to learn the secrets of Fusion so that you can combine the might of your creatures in order to-)
Venedon, God of Discord:
Fusion, yes, of course - that's my specialty. It's an easy process. Anyone can figure it out as long as they have the right tools.
Venedon, God of Discord:
Unfortunately for you, a Maniac ran off with all the gadgets and gizmos required to make Fusion happen. You're going to need to track him down and, most likely, kill him to get my tools back.
(You ask for any pertinent details about the Maniac, such as what the looks like, where the was last spotted, and any other-)
Venedon, God of Discord:
His name's Loid. He has a haircut like a mushroom, profuse acne, an annoying voice, and the body type of a starchy vegetable. You'll find him at Realm Depth 9.
(You thank Venedon for the information, and disclose your relief at his straightforward nature. The other gods you've met are so long-winded and seem to prattle on and on for-)
Venedon, God of Discord:
Yep, you're welcome! Farewell.
デフォルトでは、難易度は 1 に設定されていますが、より簡単に体験したい場合は 6 に、より挑戦的な場合は最大 9 に変更できます。
(This must be Loid.)
(Loid appears exactly as Venedon described him. It looks as if a pack of squirrels cut his hair. He has giant, blood-gorged boils hanging off his entire body. His lumpy flesh is accentuated by the fact that he's wearing nothing but a life vest.)
And just who do you think YOU ARE?
(You explain to Loid that you're here for the Fusion tools.)
These are MY fusion tools! Not yours! MINE!
(Already annoyed beyond comprehension by Loid's obnoxious dialect, you politely inform him that the has two options: either forfeit the tools now, or suffer at the hands of your creatures.)
You mean to threatent me in MY OWN DOMAIN? PREPARE TO DIE!
(Just as your creatures deal the finishing blow to Loid, his boils explode, spraying a thick mist of warm pus all over the room.)
(Disgusted, you hastily order your creatures to gather the Fusion tools you've sacrificed so much sanity to obtain.)
(You should head back to Siralim and tell Everett the good news.)
I'm glad to see you've returned safe and sound! And, judging by all those contraptions your creatures are carrying, I'm assuming your journey was a fruitful one.
Let's see if we can figure out how to Fuse your creatures together!
First, place the Fusion Station somewhere in the castle. Press Q to opent the menu and choose "Decoration Mode". Then, choose "Add Decoration", and select the "Utility/NPC" category. Lastly, select the Fusion Station decoration and place it wherever you want.
―――Decoration Modeへと切り替えて城のどこかにFusion Stationを配置―――
Perfect! Now, press Q again and choose "Exit Decoration Mode".
―――Decoration Modeを終了してEverettと話す―――
These tools seem to be easy enough to use. You need only choose two creatures you'd like to Fuse together, and the Fusion Station will take care of the rest!
Whent you Fuse two creatures together, the offspring inherits both of the original creatures' traits. In addition, its stats will be the average of those of its parents, and its class will be that of the secondary creature.
Try it out for yourself! Experiment with all kinds of different combinations to build the ultimate group of creatures.
Whent you're ready, speak with me again and we'll discuss the next step of your journey!
子孫は、両親の平均基本ステータスと両方の特性を継承します。さらに、結果のクリーチャーは 2 番目の親のクラスを継承します。
It has beent quite some time since we last heard from Hebron and Damaos. I'd expected their return by now, or at least to receive some semblance of communication from them. I fear they may be in trouble.
[Player], I hate to pull time away from our main objective, but would you mind looking for them? They were last expected to travel to the Titan's Wound to search for the Ultimate Nether Orb.
Titan's Wound is, ah, quite an interesting place. I hope you have a strong stomach.
===ヘルプ「Menagerie Groupsとは」===
NortahはMenagerie Groupsの管理をお手伝いします。 Menagerie Groupsを使用すると、Menagerieでパーティー構成を簡単に保存およびロードできます。
最初の動物園グループを作成するには、厩舎でNortahと話してください。現在の生物のリスト (装備しているすべてのアイテムとともに) をMenagerie Groupsに保存できます。
後でパーティーの構成を変更した場合、戻ってきて同じMenagerie Groupsをロードすると、以前に保存したすべての生物やアイテムにすぐにアクセスできるようになります。
―――Titan's Woundへと赴く―――
Realm Depth10~12 Titan's Wound
(You've spotted Mortem's altar. You slowly make your way toward it, careful not to step on any of the cysts protruding from the ground.)
Mortem, God of Blood:
Greetings, mortal. I am Mortem, God of Blood, and I welcome thee to mine own realm.
Mortem, God of Blood:
For what reason didst thee summon me the present day?
(You ask Mortem if Damaos and Hebron have recently passed through this realm.)
Mortem, God of Blood:
Aye, Damaos and Hebron hath indeed passed through hither recently. Whither they wenteth, I doth not knoweth.
MortemI God of Blood:
I suggest thee travel deeper into the Titan's Wound and see if't be true thee can catcheth up with those folk.
(Though you're barely able to discern Mortem's peculiar dialect, you decide to venture farther into the realm and see if you can find any trace of Hebron and Damaos.)
Mortem, God of Blood:
It doest not appeareth yond thy cater-cousins art hither, either. Peradventure thee shouldst travel deeper yet into mine own realm.
(Cater... cousins?)
Mortem, God of Blood:
Oh, nay. I fear yond what thee shall findeth ahead is not the answer thee wast hoping for.
(As you approach the pile of charred bones, your guts turn to ice with the realization that these remains belong to Hebron and Damaos.)
(Unable to contend with this somber revelation, tears begin to stream freely down your face. Youve known Hebron and Damaos since you were a child. They were more than just your lieutenants - they were your best friends. No one couldve asked for a more loyal pair of companions, and now theyre gone forever.)
(Wait a minute...)
(Did the bones just move?)
(Ah. Guess it was a bit presumptuous to assume those were human bones.)
Mortem, God of Blood:
Whew! I am relieved yond those remains wast not of thy cater-cousins!
(Though you're glad to have survived the encounter, you are demoralized to find that Hebron and Damaos are nowhere to be found.)
(You should return to Everett and report your findings, or lack thereof.)
I can tell by the empty look on your face that you weren't able to find Hebron and Damaos. No matter, [Player] - I am sure they are safe, wherever they are.
...what's this?
Apocranox. God of the Hunt:
I have returned with news for you as promised, [Player].
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
The King of Nex has sought refuge in Eternity's End. And with him, the keeps the Ultimate Nether Orb closely guarded.
Apocranox, God of the Hunt:
If you wish to pursue the King of Nex, I wish you good fortune. As for me, my end of the bargain has beent fulfilled. Farewell, [Player].
Eternity's End...
I could not imagine a more negative outcome for our quest, [Player].
You see, Eternity's End is much unlike other realms. It does not exist in reality as we know it - it is merely a snapshot of time. If we were to configure our Teleportation Shrine to travel there it would be long-gone before you'd event arrive.
I must think over this predicament, [Player]. For now, I believe you've earned yourself some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days.
(Everett is correct - you're so exhausted that you can hardly keep your eyes open.)
(After bidding Everett farewell, you head off to bed for the night.)
(The moment your head touches the pillow, you fall asleep. You dream of the King of Nex: the Ultimate Nether Orb; and the fates of your friends, Hebron and Damaos.)
(And then, suddenly, a familiar voice begins to whisper in your mind.)
Eternity's End...
Everett is correct in that you are unable to travel to this realm via conventional means. But that does not mean it is impossible to get there. It will only take a bit more effort on your part.
Your Teleportation Shrine can be upgraded, enabling it to freeze the essence of time itself. This will allow you to travel to the ever-fleeting Eternity's End.
But initiating such an upgrade is not as simple as collecting materials for Everett.
You must find and collect the five Lesser Nether Orbs: ones of Chaos, Death, Life, Nature, and Sorcery. With these relics, you'll be able to empower your Teleportation Shrine and travel to Eternity's End.
You will find the Death Orb in the Path of the Damned.
The Nature Orb can be found in The Swamplands.
As you might have guessed, the Sorcery Orb is found in the Refuge of the Magi.
The Great Pandemonium is home to the Chaos Orb.
And last but not least, the Life Orb is located in the Azure Dream.
Seek out these orbs and take them to the Temple of Lies to activate them. Afterward, I will aid you in channeling their power into your Teleportation Shrine.
(Well, that's certainly a lot of information to remember.)
Now awaken, [Player]!
I am glad you managed to enjoy some well-deserved rest, [Player].
Unfortunately, I still have not figured out a way to reach Eternity's End.
(You explain to Everett that Caliban came to you in a dream once again and told you how to upgrade your Teleportation Shrine.)
Hmm. I see. The logic behind Caliban's strategy is sound. I am only concerned about the danger you must endure in order to collect these orbs.
I suppose we have no other option. First, journey to the Path of the Damned and seek out the Death Orb. Perhaps Erebyss, the goddess of that realm, will aid you on your quest.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that I have a new Project for you. After you complete it, you'll be able to take on two Projects at a time instead of one!
Farewell and good luck, my friend.
―――Path of the Damnedへと赴く―――
Realm Depth13~15 Path of the Damned
(You approach the altar and say a little prayer in your head. Coincidentally, the words of the prayer ended up rhyming. Life is full of surprises.)
Erebyss, Goddess of Darkness:
Well met, [Player]. I am Erebyss, the Goddess of Darkness.
ErebyssI Goddess of Darkness:
I am surprised to see your kind here. The Path of the Damned is a dangerous place for a human, after all. I can only assume that you've come here with an urgent purpose... perhaps you seek the Death Orb?
ErebyssI Goddess of Darkness:
In truth, I do not fault you for desiring such a powerful relic.
ErebyssI Goddess of Darkness:
The Death Orb is located in a much deeper part of this realm. It is guarded by a powerful Banshee named Vlora. Seek her out and destroy her in order to claim the Death Orb.
Erebyss, Goddess of Darkness:
Go now, [Player]. I will watch over you from afar.
(You approach the Banshee who must be Vlora. She is sobbing quietly to herself. Though she clearly notices your approach, she pays you no heed.)
Oh, hello there. I'm sorry. I just can't stop crying. My parents, you see... they were killed right before my very eyes. And that same murderer took my own life soon after.
(You approach Vlora and offer a comforting hand. She's a Banshee, though, so your hand falls right through her shoulder.)
(Never one to be deterred, you sit down next to her and offer to talk to her about what happened.)
(Immediately, Vlora stops crying, assumes a corporeal form and sinks her teeth into your shoulder. You manage to tear yourself away from her and run toward your creatures for help.)
Ha! I can't believe you actually fell for it, you cabbage-brained imp philanderer! Time to die!
(As Vlora draws her final breath, her body dissipates into the air. In its place, a large, glowing orb appears.)
(This must be the Death Orb.)
(You can feel the power coursing through it, enveloping your senses.)
Erebyss, Goddess of Darkness:
I am pleased to see that your mission here was a success.
ErebyssI Goddess of Darkness:
If ever you require my help, you need only ask. Take care, [Player]!
[Player]! Are you alright? What happened to your neck?
(You nearly forgot that Vlora bit a massive chunk out of the side of your neck. Luckily, she didn't manage to sever an artery. You know this because you're alive right now.)
(You explain to Everett what happened, and thent pull the Death Orb out of your robes, pockets, or wherever it is you managed to stuff such a massive relic.)
Magnificent! I've never seent anything like it in all my life. This is great progress, [Player]. Great progress, indeed.
Though, I find it difficult to celebrate under such dire circumstances. Four more Nether Orbs yet remain to be found, and we still haven't heard from Hebron and Damaos.
I do not mean to undermine your accomplishments, of course. Please, take as much time as you need to rest and recover. Then, make your way to The Swamplands and begin your search for the Nature Orb.
Meraxis is the god who rules over The Swamplands. He is a fair and just god, best known for his love of humans. I suspect that the will be glad to aid you on your quest.
Oh, and [Player]... this is a bit awkward for me to talk about, but...
It's just that our castle feels a little... cramped, if you will. And, while you were away, I, ah... I devised a new Project that will allow us to greatly expand the size of Siralim. Check it out if you're interested!
Realm Depth16~18 The Swamplands
(You approach the altar. Meraxis's trunk dangles near the base of the altar, and you suddenly have a strange urge to touch it.)
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Oh ho! Don't event think about it, little one.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
I am Meraxis, the God of Bliss. What brings you to The Swamplands on this fine day?
(You ask Meraxis if the knows where the Nature Orb is located.)
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Oh ho, why yes, of course I know where it is. In fact, I have it in my very own possession right now!
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
But, I'm afraid that I will not hand it over so easily. No, instead, you must first pass a test! Prove to me that you are strong enough to protect the Nature Orb and keep it safe from the clutches of those who would use it for ill purposes.
(You, fight a god? Impossible!)
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Oh ho, of course not. I would one-shot your entire party with ease. No, you will face a very different type of challenge - one that I shall reveal to you soon. For now, make your way deeper into The Swamplands. Consider this the first part of your test.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Oh ho, not bad! Not bad at all. Continue deeper yet into The Swamplands - your true test awaits just a bit further.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
I am impressed to see that you've made it this far! Most people would have died by now. You're no ordinary Cleric, that's for certain. Now, for your true test...
(As you draw closer to the creatures, you can sense a strange magic emanating from them.)
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
These are not real creatures. They are a product of my own magic - conjurations that will test your resolve, once and for all.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Do not worry, for they will not strike out at you - though these illusions are mere extensions of my power, they would still be too strong for you to handle.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
That does not make them any less dangerous, however...
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Good luck, [Player]. Defeat my conjurations, and the Nature Orb will be yours!
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Good! Very good, indeed.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
You have provent yourself worthy of protecting the Nature Orb. Take care of it, [Player] - its power can do a lot of good for this world, but can also wreak havoc upon it.
Meraxis, God of Bliss:
Good luck on your quest, brave [Specialization].
Fantastic! I see that you've secured the Nature Orb. Was Meraxis not a gracious host? In truth, the is my favorite of the gods.
You've beent acquiring these Nether Orbs faster than I ever thought possible, [Player]. Similarly, your own power is growing at such a rapid pace that I can scarcely recognize you from only a few days ago.
With that said, perhaps it's time for you to explore other mediums of power. Have you ever considered changing your specialization? Well, now you can! I've added several new Projects to the list so that you can choose a new one any time you want.
You must next travel to the Refuge of the Magi. Zonte, the God of Wisdom, will surely be happy to assist you. Much like Meraxis, the takes great interest in humans, and I have no doubt that the will aid our efforts to claim the Sorcery Orb.
―――Refuge of the Magiへと赴く―――
Realm Depth19~21 Refuge of the Magi
(As you reach out to touch the altar, you feel a peculiar sensation emanating all around you. It feels like... frustration. Perhaps a struggle?)
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
You... just in time...
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
S-s-soulflayer... can't... resist...
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
Find it... kill it... hurry!
(It sounds like Zonte is locked in a struggle against some sort of creature. But how could a mere creature manage to overcome a god?)
(Regardless, you decide to do as Zonte bids and find this so-called Soulflayer.)
ZonteI God of Wisdom:
Quickly... running out of... time...
(This is most certainly the Soulflayer who is attacking Zonte. It holds what appears to be the Sorcery Orb - what a happy coincidence that is - and is channeling its dark magic into it. It must be using the Sorcery Orb to control Zonte!)
Welcome, pest. I foresaw your attempt to interrupt my plans the moment you entered this realm. Unfortunately for you, I also foresee your imminent demise.
Give up now. The Sorcery Orb is mine. The Refuge of the Magi is mine. Zonte, the God of Wisdom, is mine.
And soon, I will have my very own [Specialization] to act as my pawn. Fear not - I will make this quick.
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
Under normal circumstances, a mere creature would stand no chance at overcoming a god like me. I did not realize that Soulflayers were capable of manipulating the Nether Orbs in such a way. Xyrxzys attempted to break my will using the Sorcery Orb. Had you not intervened, I fear that my mind would have beent forever lost.
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
I know already that you have come to the Refuge of the Magi to claim the Sorcery Orb for your own. By freeing me from this disaster, it is clear that you will handle such a valuable relic responsibly.
ZonteI God of Wisdom:
Take it. The Sorcery Orb is yours now.
(Did Zonte learn nothing from this encounter? He should be finding somewhere to hide this thing, not giving it away to someone the met only a few moments ago.)
(Not that you're complaining, of course.)
Zonte, God of Wisdom:
Thank you again for your help, [Player]. If ever you need anything from me, you must only ask.
And yet another orb is ours! Well done, [Player]!
...what's that? You say a creature was using the Sorcery Orb to control Zonte? I did not know the Nether Orbs possessed such power. I thought Caliban said that they were merely used to grant us passage to Eternity's End. If a Nether Orb can be used to control a god, what makes them any different from the Ultimate Nether Orb?
I know this goes without saying, [Player], but you must protect the Nether Orbs at all costs. If they were to fall into the wrong hands, there's no telling what could happent - especially since we don't know what these orbs are capable of, exactly.
Anyway, your next destination is the Great Pandemonium, which is ruled by Vulcanar, the God of Fire.
Personally, I don't care much for Vulcanar. His arrogance rubs me the wrong way, I suppose. Take care, [Player].
===ヘルプ「Nether Realmsとは」===
Realmを旅しているとNether Realmと呼ばれるランダムな場所に連れて行ってくれるポータルに遭遇することがあります。
Nether Realmでは、あらゆる驚きが待ち受けており、通常は追加の宝物を入手する機会が含まれます。
―――Great Pandemoniumへと赴く―――
Realm Depth22~24 Great Pandemonium
(You approach the altar and extend your palm outward to do that weird thing you do every time you visit a realm for the first time.)
(Suddenly, a hand appears out of nowhere and gives you a high-five with such impact that your entire body shudders and convulses.)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
(Vulcanar points at you.)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
Wooo, yeah! I'm Vulcanar! What's up, champ?
(He's... still pointing at you. You're so takent aback by such obnoxious behavior that you're unable to speak.)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
Ha! C'mon boss, don't leave me hangin'. Hey, so, how about this: the other day there was this girl wandering through my realm and she seemed lost. So I said, ya know, hey girl, can I help you find something you're looking for? And she was like yeah, I need to find a way back home. So I helped her find the Telly Shrine and she was soooo thankful. I'm like well yeah, that's what I do, I help people. Just another day in my life, ya k2023-12-11 (月) 08:51:38
(You figure that this is a good time to ask about the Chaos Orb.)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
Oh, yeah, the Chaos Orb? Sure thing, bud. I happent to know this nerd who's beent studying the thing lately. His name's... kee hee, oh man, his name's so funny...
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
His name is... tee hee! Oh bro, oh man, wait for it...
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
His name's SPOONOR! Like what!? Who the what? Who the hey calls themselves that, right? Right?
(It's actually not that funny of a name.)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
But dude, seriously, this guy's such a nerd. I say you go and beat his ass and take the Chaos Orb for yourself. I'd rather a bro like you carry the thing around than stupid Spoonor, of all people. Ha!
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
So yeah, you go and find Spoonor, and I'm gonna go tanning. Peace out!
(...what just happened?)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
There the is! That's the guy you need to take out. Go get 'em!
Mmmmmmmmm, yes, hello! The name's Spoonor.
Mmmmm, what is it you're doing here?
(You politely ask Spoonor to hand over the Chaos Orb, and explain that it will be used for a good cause.)
Ooooh no, no, no. It's mine. All mine!
(You politely inform Spoonor that he's five minutes away from getting fed to your creatures for dinner unless the forfeits the orb.)
No, no, no. It's mine, and you can't have it! Mmmm, away with you!
(Unwilling to waste any more time, you order your creatures to attack!)
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
Good, good! Wasn't that easy?
Vulcanar, God of Fire:
Anyway, here's the Chaos Orb for you. It's yours for the taking. Don't do anything I wouldn't do with it!
(With yet another Nether Orb in your possession, it's time to head back to see Everett.)
Ah, [Player], you're back!
Is that the Chaos Orb? Fantastic! That means there's only one Nether Orb left to find, [Player]. After that, you can finally go to Eternity's End and take back the Ultimate Nether Orb from the King of Nex!
I believe the final Nether Orb will also be the most pleasant to procure. Your final stop will be the Azure Dream, ruled by Surathli, the Goddess of Light. She is an even-handed goddess who is usually willing to aid humans in their time of need. I suspect that she will be happy to point you toward the location of the Life Orb.
Farewell, [Player]! Your journey is finally near its end, and thent we can go back to our normal lives once more.
Oh, and just in case you're interested, I'd like to mention that you can now take on a new Project that will allow you to take on not one, not two, but THREE different Projects at a time! Isn't that great?
(Not really, no. It only sounds like more work for you.)
Good luck on your journey, [Player]!
―――Azure Dreamへと赴く―――
Realm Depth25~27 Azure Dream
(You reach out to touch the altar, and a suddent wave of relief washes over you for the simple fact that you're not about to talk to Vulcanar.)
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
Welcome to the Azure Dream, my child. I hope you've found my realm to your liking thus far. What brings you here on this beautiful day?
(Though polite, Surathli sounds like a boring prude. Nonetheless, you explain to her that you seek the Life Orb in order to travel to Eternity's End.)
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
I see. Well, my child, you are in luck. I have the Life Orb here in my possession, and I am inclined to give it up willingly.
(...really? That was easy!)
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
But first, you must overcome my trial.
(Or not.)
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
Before I can bequeath the Life Orb to you, you must prove that you are pure of heart.
(Do these gods not communicate with each other? How many more times do you need to pretend - erm, prove - that you're pure of heart?)
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
Seek out Qila, my guardian, deeper within the Azure Dream. I will allow her to judge whether or not you should be entrusted with the Life Orb.
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
I wish you luck, my child.
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
I have informed Qila of your imminent arrival and she is eager to make your acquaintance. You will find her deeper within the Azure Dream.
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
You have arrived in Qila's domain. I will leave the rest of your trial up to her. Good luck, [Player].
Welcome, hero. I am Qila, Guardian of the Azure Dream. Surathli has informed me of your situation, and I am honored to partake in this trial with you.
If you manage to defeat me, I will bestow the Life Orb to you. I am impervious to pain, so do not hold back - show me the depths of your power so that I know you are capable of protecting the Life Orb in my stead.
Now, let your trial begin!
Well done, child of Surathli! You are truly a force to be reckoned with. I am confident that you will keep the Life Orb safe from those who would abuse its powers.
Here it is, [Player]. Keep it safe.
Surathli, Goddess of Light:
Well done, my child. You have provent yourself in my realm. If ever you require my help, you need only ask. Farewell!
[Player], you've done it! You've finally managed to acquire all five of the Lesser Nether Orbs!
There is but one thing left to do before we can use them to travel to Eternity's End: you must activate the orbs so their power can be condensed into our Teleportation Shrine.
To do so, you must seek out Aurum, God of Vanity, and ask him for his aid. He is the only god in existence who is attuned to all five of the orbs' elements, and for that reason, the is the only one who can help us with this task.
While you are away, I will prepare our Teleportation Shrine so that it can accept the activated Nether Orbs. Good luck, [Player]!
―――Temple of Liesへと赴く―――
Realm Depth28~30 Temple of Lies
(You reach out to touch the altar, and blah, blah, blah. You know the drill by now.)
Aurum, God of Vanity:
Well, well, well! What is it that I sense upon your person? Could it be... the five Lesser Nether Orbs?
(Considering your creatures are holding the orbs in plain view, you find Aurum's guess significantly less impressive than the probably hoped.)
Aurum, God of Vanity:
I know not how you managed to claim these powerful relics, but there is no doubt that it was a strenuous endeavor for a mere mortal. I applaud your achievement.
Aurum, God of Vanity:
I suspect that you've come here to ask for my aid in activating these orbs. Is that not true?
Aurum, God of Vanity:
It would be my honor to help you with this task.
Aurum, God of Vanity:
Let us begin immediately. Deep within the Temple of Lies is a Carbuncle called Vitja. Vitja is a powerful, sorcerous beast who turns Spell Gems into living creatures with her magic. These creatures are known as Gemlings, and it is with their hearts that we may activate the five Nether Orbs.
Aurum, God of Vanity:
Seek out Vitja, and destroy her Gemlings. I will take care of the rest.
(This must be Vitja. True to Aurum's word, the gorgeous beast is surrounded by what appear to be animated Spell Gems - Gemlings, as the called them.)
(It doesn't appear that Vitja is interested in letting you go anywhere near her Gemling army.)
(Your [Creature] attempts to communicate with Vitja to explain your need for her Gemlings' hearts. For obvious reasons, the conversation doesn't go very well.)
(With a snarl, Vitja lunges at your [Creature] and thrashes at it with her claws.)
(You and your other creatures rush to your [Creature]'s aid, while Vitja's Gemlings assemble before her.)
(Vitja is all who stands betweent you and Eternity's End. It is time to put an end to her life.)
(The corpses of the Gemlings dissipate into a strange, lingering mist.)
Aurum, God of Vanity:
Well done. It is a pity that the majestic Vitja is no more, but such is the price of vainglory.
Aurum, God of Vanity:
As promised, I will use the remnants of these Gemlings to activate your Lesser Nether Orbs.
Aurum, God of Vanity:
It is done. I have awakened the dormant powers of the orbs. Use them well.
(At long last, you can use the Lesser Nether Orbs to travel to Eternity's End. You should return to Everett and prepare for what is likely to be your final battle.)
Excellent! Now that the Lesser Nether Orbs are finally active, you can travel to Eternity's End.
There's only one problem... I'm not sure how to use the orbs to upgrade our Teleportation Shrine. Any ideas?
(You shrug your shoulders. Frankly, you're a bit frustrated at the fact that Everett didn't think about this issue the whole time you were working to procure the orbs.)
Oh - I have an idea! Why don't you take a nap and see if Caliban will appear in your dreams again? He will most certainly know what to do. You deserve some rest after all you've done, anyway.
(That's actually a pretty good idea. Strange, but effective.)
It's settled, then! Pleasant dreams, [Player].
(You walk to the corner of the room and curl up like a cat, because despite this being your own castle, you don't have a bed.)
(You close your eyes, and within a few moments, you drift off into a deep slumber.)
Greetings, [Player]! I see that you managed to obtain the five Lesser Nether Orbs. Well done.
Don‘t worry about your Teleportation Shrine - I'll handle the upgrade while you sleep.
Whent you arrive at Eternity‘s End, seek out Vertraag, the God of Time. I am certain that the will be willing to help you find the King of Nex.
Good luck, [Player]. Your journey is almost at an end, and with it, you will restore peace to all of Rodia.
That was quite a long nap, [Player]! You slept through the whole night. I suppose you were exhausted from your long journey.
But enough about that - take a look at our Teleportation Shrine! It seems that Caliban was busy while you were asleep.
I will calibrate the Teleportation Shrine to send you to Eternity's End. Make your final preparations and ensure that you bring along your strongest creatures - I fear that Lucius won't give up the Ultimate Nether Orb without a fight.
I know that you will succeed on this final part of your quest. Good luck, [Player].
―――Eternity's Endへと赴く―――